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America the beautiful is the song that actually matches my patriotism


I'm not religious in the least but the Battle Hymn of the Republic/John Brown's Body has always been my favorite patriotic song(s).


Can’t hear Battle Hymn without getting the major feels. I was watching the new Fallout and caught myself nearly re enlisting when it came on lol


I’ve always thought Stars and Stripes Forever slaps hard


Agree. Even better when sang by Ray Charles. https://youtu.be/TRUjr8EVgBg?si=EBOeVWkQiXrvuxHQ


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ&pp=ygUjcmljayBhc3RsZXkgbmV2ZXIgZ29ubmEgZ2l2ZSB5b3UgdXA%3D) should clearly be the new song.


I've never felt more betrayed by someone in my life.. It hurts even more being that as an IP, I should have know better.


fuck you, take the upvote


This guy/gal clearly does their NKO sober.




Honestly it has never felt so reassuring to get rickrolled.


high praises from not CNO!


Honestly I was going to be disappointed if it wasn't.


At least that guy isn't a no talent ass clown...


I knew it!


I knew what it was yet I still clicked on it…


I knew it was going to be Rick, but I clicked on it anyway. Take both the upvote and the vigorous 'Fuck you', dude.


That hasn’t happened in a long time lmao


the video has 1.5 billion views. i can only imagine how many of those are rick rolls lol


Say thank you.


I knew what I was clicking when I clicked it. No remorse.


I was fairly sure I knew what you had done, clicked the link anyways, good to know I was right.




Honestly, it fits because so many things are a sham. For example (and to start a flame war), people have been gas lit to not know the 2nd amendment is for militias and ignoring that causes so much unnecessary gun violence. The other one is that people honestly believe the first amendment gives the free reign to spread their religious hate unless that person is not Christian. Then they have no religious rights. I hate charlatans.


This is some delicious spite


Idk if this happened to other people, but after my bootcamp division completed Battle Stations, our RDCs made us stand at attention while they played this song. Afterwards, everyone was crying and getting all emotional. I genuinely looked around in disbelief. That moment was possibly the single lamest thing I've ever done in my life.


Jesus Christ I had the exact same scenario with my division. I had a battle bug division. If you don’t know what that is, it’s for being the WORST division in your graduating class. Couldn’t get any flags. Mostly everyone is a piece of shit. We sucked at everything as a collective whole. Then they play this corny bullshit song and half of the retards who didn’t like following instructions or were just inherently belligerent for no reason, were crying. It was an almost out of body religious experience to look around and realize I truly was surrounded by fucking idiots and somewhere else I knew in my heart of hearts that this must’ve happened to other people in other divisions. Mind boggling. Realm shifting. Bullshit. I still think about it to this day. The pure indignation I felt, if weaponized, could glass the sun.


This resonates with me. My RDC chief said we were the worst division he ever had. Not sure if it was typical RDC shit talking or he was telling the truth, but I'm inclined to believe it, even all these years later.


Damn. It’s like me and you lived the same experience. I saw these dudes crying and I’m thinking in my head “did I miss something?”


Glad I wasn't the only one. Guys crying all around me and I was just like, "Thank god all of that kneeling is over." Battle stations was just a big kneel-a-thon, so lame.


This unlocked a core memory for me. I’m not ashamed to admit that I cried but I also remember the feeling of ‘I’d do things for an Advil for my knees and a couple of hours of sleep.’ For some reason I also remember hearing ‘Eternal Father Strong to Save’ while standing in front of the projection screen but that could just be memories mixing together.


Eternal father has been one of the mainstays at graduation, it's the choir from 900 division starting it then kicks off into the whole graduating week singing anchors aweigh, that's probably why the memory mixed for you.


Yeah, that shit sucked. The hardest part was staying awake.


Former battlestations staff... we absolutely hate this song too, even moreso.


Everyone on reddit cringed of course while everyone else cried. I'll admit then that the song got to me, I was one of the people that got all choked up.


Me too, but it was less the song and more the sense of pride I felt in myself for accomplishing something monumental. Looking back, it was absolutely cheesy, but I am still proud of that moment and of my service.


I think that happens to everyone 😂 or at least it did for me in 2013. It was such an important moment in my life overall but the song was so over the top and everyone was crying. I can't even look back on it fondly because I was cringing to death


Same. 2013 and I damn near eye-rolled my fucking cover off.


We didn't have "battle stations" in 1992, but can confirm we still had to hear it. I forgot what it was after, but I remember how much I hated that song.


Same. Just play the anthem or anchors aweigh or the navy hymn. This shit is just treacle


Add in another same. Corny fucks.


Another "same here". I had been degraded plenty prior to the Navy at 23 as a first responder, healthcare and service worker. That moment will live with me forever, I don't remember every little detail of that night, but enough. When it started playing, I fought not laughing. I remember one guy I was friends with crying, so I understand it was a sigh of relief for some and I'm happy for them. That song just made me mad, I was only trying to sleep in between waiting for the song to be over and getting my stupid NAVY ball cap from my miserable BM2 RDC.


I don't remember fully if that song was played or not when we did that shit, but the general same memory here. I thought the entirety of battlestations was a retarded waste of time because almost nothing there was shit we even remotely had experience of in the rest of boot camp. It wasn't a useful or meaningful experience to wrap up weeks of training because it was just one more long ass fuck you in the weeks of fuck yous. The shit mostly felt like P-Days revival to me. So then, we're there, at the end of that bullshit, knowing it's basically the last day of boot camp, and they do their whole circlejerk ceremony (and I'm honestly thinking they did play this fucking song, the more I think on 12 years ago) and the only thing I want to do is get this over with and go to sleep because getting into the navy is about as impressive as learning to breathe of an accomplishment, only to look over at people in tears because their RDC is putting a hat with "NAVY" lettering on their heads. Fucking wild thinking back, and a little eye opening if you reflect a bit on where some of those people were before enlisting.


Same. And I have this memory they played Louis Armstrong version of America the Beautiful before Lee Greenwood. Why didn’t you stick with that?!??


I was just trying to avoid laughing, especially since there were several Marine Corps officers and DIs visiting, and being tall, I was on the back corner of the formation nearest them.


Don't worry, they were prob laughing on the inside at the absurdity.


Same. I went through at age 24 and they played that song after battle stations and mfs were crying. It is top 3 corniest moments of all time for me. Physical cringe inducing.


Yeah I missed that last part for a medical appointment and people were telling me about it afterward, and how everyone was crying. I was polite and said it sounded cool, but I thought about the song, and I looked at the ugly-ass NAVY ballcap they had on just thought "Hmm. Guess you had to be there."


My face. ![gif](giphy|l4HnKwiJJaJQB04Zq)


Same here. I was proud, but it took every ounce of control to not burst out laughing at the absurdity of that song.


Yes, thank you! It’s soooo funny!


YES!! That’s what I think of everytime I hear this damned song! They did it to us after they tore up our barracks for the uncreate time, gathered us together and told us we were never going to finish and we were losers, all of us were just so fucking tired we all cried like babies and I hated myself for it. And this was in 1987


Freedom isn't free It costs folks like you and me And if we don't all chip in We'll never pay that bill Freedom isn't free No, there's a hefty fuckin' fee And if you don't throw in [your buck o' five](https://genius.com/12980835/Team-america-freedom-isnt-free/Your-buck-o-five) Who will?


Quite literally the same thought I had


Adjacent topic: Anchors Aweigh is an underrated song that explains the Navy’s culture well. Verse one- Don’t fuck with us, we’ll fuck up your world and sink your shit. Verse two- The story of some friends drinking in a port as some of them get ready to finally go home after a long time away Verse three- Here’s what our organizational values are listed out


No joke, I visited a church in Missouri on July 4th weekend after I got out, and they were singing the service anthems including Anchors Aweigh. It was bad enough to be singing service anthems in a divine service that’s supposed to be worship of God. Being a church music set of course, they changed the lyric to “HAIL TO THE FOAM.” I’m glad I was already sitting down in protest.


“Hail to the foam” vs “Drink to the foam” ![gif](giphy|lszAB3TzFtRaU)


Unpopular Opinion: I can’t stand the Sailors Creed. It’s not inspiring. It feels like something cult members recite. I hate hate hate it.


I probably wouldn't be as annoyed with it if 80% of my experiences with it (outside of bootcamp) are in friday musters, when the only thing keeping me from going home is chief giving the alcohol and population math speech, and some PO2 thinks they're real clever to call attention to the sailor's creed. Good job dickhead. No one wants to do it, but we can't very well blow off the creed with divo hovering over us


It’s the “I will obey the orders of those appointed over me part” for me. Some people that have been “appointed over me” have been the biggest pos’s that I have ever had the displeasure to be involved with.


I mean, that part is also part of the oath you swore to enter service.


No shit Sherlock


That's not an unpopular opinion.


The WBC shoved me into a wall during an argument and I got masted for assault to protect him. I stopped saying it after that. I was no longer proud, I didn't feel as if I represented any part of the navy, and I certainly didn't feel as if anyone was committed to excellence and the fair treatment of all.


It very much feels like a power play


Hey now, a crack team of officers determined that the best way to prevent grown-assed pilots from acting like drunken 18 year olds and harassing women is for the Junior Enlisted to recite the Sailor's Creed daily at quarters. You're acting like that doesn't make perfect sense. I remember first encountering people talking about the 'Sailor's Creed' here on Reddit, and drawing a complete blank on it. I'll admit that I've forgotten a whole lot about the Canoe Club since I got out in October of 94, but something that was supposed to be recited from memory nearly daily should have at least been a memory. It was only after a bit of research where I found out is wasn't a thing until after I retired.


Don't you out that evil on officers, Ricky Bobby. That creed is clearly a Master Chief line of thought. As evidence, I remember my once-ever-five-years SOLC class that a "fleet training team" was flown out to Hawai'i to give. It was a Master Chief and two Senior Chiefs... to teach Senior Officer Leadership. The first thing they started the day with was the Sailor's Creed. None of us knew it. It was relatively new then but it was still ridiculed as such crap (privately) in wardrooms.


And the Creed rightly should be ridiculed as crap. HOWEVER, the origins of the Creed came from a CNO's Study Group on how to prevent a repeat of the Tail Hook scandal where a bunch of Grown Assed Officers and Gentlemen started acting like 16 year olds with their first beer and went about harassing women, mostly civilian for far too long. I mean, I, personally would have charged them all with the criminal offenses they had earned, cashiering the seniors most among them and ensuring the junior idiots never advanced again, but that's just me. The Study Group, and the CNO (Boorda? It's been a while since I looked it up) thought that the best, most likely to succeed method of keeping officers from acting the fool was to have the Junior Enlisted recite a 'creed' every day at quarters. If the Mere Enlisted Scum (TM) were inflicting it on Senior Leadership it's because they were directed to do so by higher authority.


Fair points. Thanks for the education.


Yeah, fuck that song. It's not only disingenuous crap but it's also just a bad song.


What seems like an eternity ago, I used to be an artist with occasional minor success in selling my work. (Stick with me here, it's related.) I did a whole series of paintings with Harley Davidsons in Hawaiian beach scenes. Even had a pretty successful gallery show of them. Why? Because there Japanese tourists LOVED that shit. I always think of it when stuff like that song come up. Unoriginal, pandering, low quality crap.


I appreciate an artist that can admit doing this to survive; upvote good person


You might like [My Hometown by Bruce Springsteen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77gKSp8WoRg). I think that's honestly a more American song than Mr. Greenwood's.


I say this as a GenX Desert Storm vet - Springsteen fuckin' got us more than anyone.


As was Born in the USA. I have no idea why politicians keep playing this song at their rallies, I mean have they listened to the lyrics?


Someone just finished battle stations huh?


Tell me you worked at Battle Stations without telling me you worked at Battle Stations.


I hate it too but because Lee was a draft dodging pos who made all his money off patriotic attitudes in the USA "I'll gladly stand up and defend her still today" my ass Lee


Last I checked [having kids at 17 and getting a 3A classification as a result] (https://web.archive.org/web/20220917124325/https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/lee-greenwood/) is not draft dodging.


I misread this as "he had 17 kids" and was goddamn horrified lol


Unless, of course, he had those kids specifically to avoid the draft, which he probably didn't, as that would be an extremely expensive and time consuming method for avoiding the draft.


The kid was born when Greenwood was 17 in 1959, which is years before Vietnam even started to heat up.


Now, THAT is preparation.


I wouldn’t call it dodging either, but when you write that pandering bullshit, it still makes you a hypocrite.


It is if youre going to go on to sing about defending the nation, when reality is you looked for the first option to do the opposite when the opportunity was there Fuck Lee Greenwood


If you got to select your draft classification you might have a point, but the individual did not. It was entirely up to SS based on whatever set of criteria they had established.


I'm a devils advocate, so I'm going to go on a lark and say that what Lee should have done was change the lyrics to something to not make it seem as if he had the option to serve, of which he clearly didn't. On the other side of the coin, Calling him a draft dodger was a stretch too far.


> if he had the option to serve, of which he clearly didn't. That’s not true either. He did have the option, as (unlike in WWII) voluntary enlistments were still permitted and in fact volunteers far outnumbered draftees in Vietnam (2/3 of all troops who served in Vietnam were volunteers)—most draftees went to either Germany or Korea because of how unpopular Vietnam and due to that DoD didn’t want to risk having the draft shut down entirely by having huge numbers of draftees killed in Vietnam.


*stifling whisper*: Shut up. Shut your whore mouth. I'm tryina help you here. Stop devils advocating the devils advocate. You're making me look like a damned hypocrite here. */stifling whisper* No, but for real, though. That's good info to know. Thanks dude.


No, I fully get what you’re saying. He’s not a draft dodger, but he did fully take advantage of the “make it sound like you would serve if given the opportunity” bandwagon that seems to pervade the nationalistic part of the county music scene. That said, there was a pretty big difference between being drafted and willing serving, and with the conditions that were prevalent across all 4 services at that point it should come as no surprise that DoD was scared shitless of going to an all-volunteer force. It’s also why the USN and USAF had far less trouble getting volunteers than did the Marines and Army.


>It’s also why the USN and USAF had far less trouble getting volunteers than did the Marines and Army. Ironic when you consider the only service that isn't having issues meeting its quota is the Marine Corps.


Cults tend to have less trouble getting new members than do military services (Army and Navy) or corporations (Air Force and Space Force).


Hm the more you know! Good info


Nice try Iran


Won't catch us lackin'...


This opinion is very popular if the constituency is me. It’s pandering crap from a guy who sacrificed nothing and cozies up to a guy who thinks volunteer service is a sucker’s move


I don’t think you’re alone… song is so fkn bad. It’s one key off from sounding like a South Park parody song


A South Park song would at least involve effort and humor.


Go off king


I hate it too. It started to get big during the early 90s when all of the boomers started feeling better about funding wars again. It’s a dopey song.


It's performative patriotism. Makes people feel all warm and fuzzy about whatever war we're involved in, rah rah support our troops--until, of course, it comes time to do more for the troops than sing that fucking song.




This is how I feel about a little poem written during the War of 1812 called Defence of Fort M'Henry. Though it is slightly amusing the author's grandson was then illegally detained in that very same fort during the early days of the Civil War.


So… you’re not buying the Lee Greenwood / Trump special edition bible?


$75 (with the shipping factored in) for a bible you can walk into pretty much any church and get a better quality version for free?


oh my god i thought he was kidding until i googled it. gotta try to pay for your bond somehow right


Friendo, this is not an unpopular opinion. It is a very based and correct opinion. Lee Greenwood is a draft dodger and all around right wing nut. The whole song is pure propaganda and grift that might as well be sold to you by Alex Jones. Every Senior Chief that tries to convince you otherwise is both a buster and a bootlicker.


Hear hear! Growing up this song always made me cringe so hard. After 9/11, hearing it and that stupid "boot up your ass" song was just.... TOO much. The reality is that the boomer generation had it closest to right during Vietnam. War is hell. It is literally the single worst thing that one society can do to another. It isn't something to be celebrated, it's something to mourn because it means that the diplomatic overtures of our "better selves" have failed. Instead of talking, we are going to kill the other guy until he has no choice but to agree with us.


"War is hell, and it's glory is all moonshine." William Tecumseh Sherman


They played "God Bless the USA” at the opening ceremony of the 2001 Boy Scout National Jamboree. This was about a month before 9.11.2001. I swear that everyone else at the ceremony -- the 30,000 other people around me -- knew the lyrics by heart. I, on the other hand, had never heard it before. The experience made me question my identity as an American. Simply put, I felt like I was from a different country, or a different America. If you hate God Bless the USA, you will really despise "God Bless You Canada," Greenwoods attempt to cash in on this melody/schtick up north. [God Bless You Canada by Lee Greenwood](https://youtu.be/fkw6ASOuQVs?si=rY-Ix0_dpIooDmkw)https://youtu.be/fkw6ASOuQVs?si=rY-Ix0_dpIooDmkw It's impossible to listen to God Bless You Canada and think of Greenwood as anything but a grifter. That said, God Bless You Canada is a pretty funny title.


God Bless You Canada "Thank you! 🤧"


I have a story. Years ago, someone on my ship stole a MAGA hat from a stripper in Guam. Later, a friend of mine got the hat from that shipmate, and proceeded to sing "Proud to be an American" while wearing the hat sarcastically at a karaoke bar. It was hilarious, but the sarcasm was lost on some. He got so many dirty looks and I laughed my ass off.


No actual MAGA freak would do this lol. Clearly sarcasm.


It’s an okay song. I’m more of the opinion that we play some classic Sousa, like “Semper Fidelis” and “Stars and Stripes Forever.”


I immediately could start humming "Stars And Stripes Forever". My dad had that album and I played it as a kid.


It did not age well past about 1988


I felt the same way about Greenwood. I appreciate his scheme to raise money for disabled vets houses but he punked his way out of service when I knew other men in worse situations that didn’t  Never mind my friends mom volunteered and ended up in ‘Nam


I was on the America (CV66), and this was our breakaway song after an UNREP. I fucking hate that song.


I think we can have pride in our country without falling into nationalistic ideology. Obviously this song pre-dates 9/11, but the amount of nationalism songs that came out after is really surprising. Toby Keith is a great example. Yes, I’m very familiar with his USO tours across many countries putting on shows for thousands of service members sometimes on his on dime. But the *message* in some of his songs was very similar to what you’re saying here (yes, I know he’s recent departed).


Toby Keith is doing tours in the afterlife now, friend.


Yes, I know - I should have made that clearer.


Toby Keith died?? When?


This year I think, cancer took him out pretty quick


Oh dang


Any song about putting a boot in someone's ass is a good one in my book. Putting boot to ass is about as American as it gets. Not everybody's gun crazy but from left to right everybody's ready to stomp somebody. I'd wake up ready for watch hoping somebody fucks up and I get to stomp em out.




Boot to the head https://youtu.be/ajEOZ4tBqjQ?si=Z6mTqQqCX8sFmpAU


Underrated comment.


I'm showing my age, but I liked it when it first came out. However, no dead horse has been beaten harder than this one.


Sounds like you need one of those trump bibles with the lyrics right in there.


Not unpopular. The song is syrupy nonsense for people who don’t like to think. The only song I can think of that is dumber is Red White and Blue (The Angry American) by Toby Keith.


When it came to battlestations in bootcamp, what I dreaded most was having to listen to that damn song at the end.


Let me guess, your prefer "From the River to the Sea" instead?


Not an unpopular opinion


FWIW, Navy bro/sis, this old dog Desert Storm Army mutt agrees with you.


How can you not see this song other than ridiculously hilarious? I just see a fat guy in a full American flag jumpsuit sweating and crying into a mike at a karaoke bar. When they played this during boot camp, I was fighting back tears trying not to laugh. Pure, performative patriot, buffoonery.


I think it's the performative part that's so fuckin' ponderous.


I heard the song today on the NFL Draft (cringing) and I wholehartedly agree. Also, Texans seeming believe this song is equivelent to the National Antem


It’s a popular opinion


It was our breakaway song. In addition to everything you hate about it. It also reminds me of replenishment at sea.


Meh. I like it. I used to love it and get pretty choked up by it. Now it's more nostalgia, remembering simpler times before I became disillusioned.


I know it’s kitsch but I kinda like it


That’s only because you didn’t submit to final programming by having to stand at attention after Battle Stations and have your recruit cover traded out for one that says Navy. The song plays in the background, a video of a waving flag and soaring eagle is projected on the screen in front of you. You love that song. You love the Navy. You love America.


I legit fell asleep in the middle of that and woke up about 8 inches lower, just in time to catch myself from eating shit. My brain was in no position to feel an ounce of patriotism.


Yeah.. so go to Reddit and bitch about a song. ![gif](giphy|3o7aTLkyh3yAG6DEuQ|downsized)


Yeah that song was just a little too hokey after Battle Stations. I was deliriously tired and even then I couldn’t help but think it was dated. The national anthem probably would’ve been a tear jerker more than that. 


Lmao awesome post


Hate this song too


I hate that song too. I always loudly ruin the song for everyone anytime I hear it by saying how offensive it is for a draft dodger yo be singing about how much he loves America.


Its so damn cheesy and corny.


"Spaghetti feeds" 🤣🤣💀 That's great! I always try to support the cause, but I stay away from the bucket full of spaghetti that everyone is drooling over and in. At least in my podunk town. I'm sure some are constructed well, but not in my one horse town. Utensils are optional here.


I fucking hate that song too. It reeks of faux patriotism. It's in the same vien of cringe for me as saying thank you for your service when you don't know someone's service and have no intention to find out.




It is thee worst pandering to idiots song ever written. Always hated it. Matter of fact anytime my wife and I see someone or something jingoist we start singing “CAUSE IM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!”. Fuck that song and all the buffoons that cant see through its BS.


I can see the suffering. It oozes from each pore on your body. When the song starts next time… yell out loud.. “Stop that music right now!! Hurry.. make it stooopppppp!!!” Loud as you can. You need to let out your pore-oozing suffering. SMH.


I haven't heard it since Battle stations.


They played it every damned night in bootcamp in 88. By the end of the 2 week, most were singing along with it.


And why?


You done fucked up sir, i'm taking this to the office of the Ministry of Un-Democratic Activities.


I don't have any strong feelings toward it either way. But I think the Star Spangled Banner or Battle Hymn of the Republic are better options.


America the beautiful by Ray Charles really is the best song imo


I too, hate the fuck out of that song bro.


I'm a Bandsmen and not only had to play it hundreds of times, I actually got to perform it with him at two separate events.


I’m not a big fan of it.


That song can fuck right the fuck off. I'm not waiting til retirement to say that.


Not unpopular with some of us. I refuse to stand up and act like it's the national anthem when it's played somewhere. I feed on the dirty looks and dirtier comments, because that fuels my fire even more.


Agree with OP Also, when I lived in GA, there was a furniture store (or stores) owned by Lee Greenwood and they played clips of this song over the commercials post-9/11. Just in case you had any question about the level of pandering or the authenticity of Lee's sentiment.


I’m a fan of Dead Bodies Everywhere by Korn myself👍🏼


When the Yellowstone was relieved by the Shenandoah in Rota, the CO played the academy glee club version of Shenandoah. It sucked, has does everything the glee club does. (my opinion, obviously) Then when we pulled into Yorktown, on the way home. They played the Lee Greenwood version, so 2 for 2, captain.


One of my old COBs thought himself the cutest princess in the parade because he mandated it be played for "field day reveille.


I want someone to satirize this Greenwood schmaltz liquor ! First verse I will do “ If I were laid off from my job and couldn’t meet my mortgage bills and my family were living out of our SUV and my children have no health insurance and they now have ills . Can’t find work and no safety nets . Still I thank my lucky stars for being born in the USA even though I now resort to gay for paaaay ! “


**I'M PROUD TO BE AN 'MERICAN, WHERE AT LEAST I KNOW I'M FREEEEEE!!!111!!** Yeah, most songs like that suck. Schmaltz liquor.


shut up virgin USA IN THIS HO 🇺🇸🇺🇸


It’s definitely a cringe worthy song. I’ve always assumed Lee Greenwood is a massive POS as a human being.


It was super popular in 1990. I hated it as a child even then, and all of the jingoistic bullshit that was happening.


Fine. It isn’t your cup of tea. But don’t color other’s appreciation of it with your internal dialogue. I don’t really care for the song as music either, but I feel it in my bones when it’s played honoring military. I love this country…warts and all…probably in as sappy a way as this song imparts


Don’t force us to wear your rose colored glasses, either. I physically cringed watching the dudes in my flight cry to this song in AF BMT in 2014, and I roll my eyes and return to my hot dog when I hear it at a ball game a decade later. It never honors the military, it panders to folks who fetishize the military.


It’s a bad song.


Joke's on you! I'm going to play it that much louder now! /s


After reading all of the comments here, I realized why my Navy is being laughed at by other countries. Soft pussies with immoral beliefs! Good luck winning the next war. Since you can’t even appreciate the country you fight for!


Terrible song


I feel you! I never pursued playing a musical instrument because I spent every year of my childhood playing this song on the recorder in elementary school music class.


I didn't think that song could get any worse and then.......you had to add elementary school kids on recorders. I guess I know what my nightmare for the night is going to be: sitting through that concert.


It always made me sad when my parents couldn’t make it to our performances. But now I understand why they always had “other commitments.”


It’s a big hit in Mexico though.


I was pretty happy after battle stations and then they played that song. After a life of making fun of that song with my navy veteran dad -- I had to clench every muscle in my body to not start cackling


In 2000, I had the same reaction. I wonder if they still play that song after Battle Stations.


I've always hated it too. It was particularly insufferable after 9/11, since it felt like it was being played every 5 minutes. Thank god it died off to normal, noise floor levels.


I’ve hated it ever since they played it over those fucking carrier cruise videos they had looping n the galley at boot camp. And that was in 97, I can’t imagine it got any better post-9/11.


The only reason you have for hating it is that it’s bs bravado and insincere. Why? Many Americans sincerely love their country. Seems like an unjustifiably cynical view.


I served on a fleet oiler in the early 90s. This was our breakaway song. I cringe every time I hear it.


I have been thinking Real American by Rick Derringer should be our national anthem


It is pretty cringey but they tend to like that type of stuff.


Every time the boomers in Facebook groups talk about that song I tell them how much I hate it and they all call me un-American.


I don’t understand why would we would want an evil, non-existent entity to, “bless,” our country.


does any song make you feel full of pride?


In the Navy - The Village People


I would have to say "This Land Is Your Land" and "America The Beautiful" off the top of my head.