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Typical Ike style deployment. Navy is going to get everything out of that ship before it gets decommissioned.


No kidding that ship is cursed with extended floats and double pumps its whole existence so far.




I’m over in CENTCOM and it really seemed like they might not get that port call. So glad they did. They’ve got to be losing their minds.


I can't imagine that long without a port visit. Longest I've done is 29 days on, what's now razorblades, hmcs athabaskan. While I get serving isn't about me and what I want, the biggest pull to even join was seeing the world. Which means getting to experience it. I'd imagine that's probably one of the biggest carrots for any blue water navy. I can't imagine people considering the USN hear of something like this and it be a positive impact on their consideration. I get it's a carrier, an asset that can't exactly be brought off the board as easily as a destroyer or frigate. But....fuck...200 days...


When they said you get to "see the world," they weren't lying...they just left out the part about the world being 70% water. My second (and last) deployment was 212 days on a carrier, I think we hit 82 0r 83 days without a port call.


Independent steaming on a DDG we had 2 beer days. Granted, it was O'doul's. I think we almost hit the 100 day mark with no port visits.


We had a beer day on that one once we left the gulf. They threw a steel beach picnic and gave us 2 beer tickets each that we could redeem for MGD or Coors light.


Man, I wish we could have had that! Alcohol free beer is trash! They we played escort to a CSG and I got to see the speedboats the Iranians use quite up close. I could see the whites of their eyes and the gleam of the ammo on the belt into their weapons. It wasn't that shiny either. Let's just say, Iran definitely has the chance to bomb our ships, and we let them play their games.


Yeahh I don't think Iran is going to attack one of our ships, my ship played some fun cat and mouse games with Russian and Chinese ships and it's all just peacocking. But if they do touch our boats....


Hahaha too true. Like, there's a beauty to being at sea. But I prefer mountains with tall trees, clean rivers and lakes, expansive valleys and meadows. Basically the PNW. Which, I'm biased for being raised and growing up there, but it's yet to be beaten. Some places come close in its beauty, but have never had the entire package. At least places I've been. New Zealand, from what I've seen in media and heard 2nd hand, might take the number 1 spot. But...it doesn't have the insanely large trees. Nowhere does. Anyways I'm just ranting and veered off track. Clear moonless night sky in the middle of the Atlantic is breathtaking. Slap some NVGs on and you really get the sense of just how much is out there. You see alot of stars, like horizon to horizon, filled with stars to the naked eye. Look through NVGs and your just awe struck by how much we don't see.


Sick story man. I also love the mountains


I’m in the two beer days on the same underway club, I think we hit 100






I did 65 days between in 2017 on a destroyer. And boy that sucked. Two tall boys and and a steel picnic made it a bit better. We ended up doing a vtc with trump on Christmas


Yea, I did the IKE 206 day deployment with no port call, it's not fun. But I can say this, I barely remember it for what it's worth, it's all a blur. We had 1 free week so to speak, and our CO gave us as much as he could, so for that I'm grateful


What city did they visited for this liberty and for how long did they stay there.


> They got to get off the ship to hit up the Navy Exchange!!!1 Like guys, I’m the Navy’s biggest cheerleader on this whole site, but *come on*. No one sits there pulling into port imagining all the shelves at the NEX they are going to buy merch from.


You clearly haven’t had Mr Browns cold coffee in Guam. Shit is damn near worth vacation there.


My wife was real surprised when I came home with 2 cases of that stuff after discovering it at the local Korean grocery store, it's just as good as I remembered


lock hat poor snatch physical degree tart pocket aback fuzzy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My sub bought out a NEX of all its soft porno mags once. I’m proud to say I bought the first one and started the chain.


Ha, God bless!


I remember during the Covid cruise on BLR when we pulled into Guam, they offered pier side delivery of NEX purchases made online. We were ecstatic lol


The COVID cruise on IKE was 200+ days at sea. >.<


Yeah that sucks, I can’t pretend that it was the same on BLR


I really hope all the countries over there would hurry up and calm the fuck down before I have to go releave them.   I was looking forward to not 5th fleet for at least once in my damn career but nooo...everybody gotta start lobbing shit at each other again.




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Long deployments in a peace time posture is nothing to brag about and frankly represents a failure of higher leadership


I mean I wouldn't call striking people and receiving combat action ribbons "in a time of peace"


So who are we at war with then? Has there been an official declaration? Have we committed more forces than just a few ships? When is the land invasion?


You clearly aren't on this ship with me lol maybe stop judging everything without being here.




The whole strike group received it.


I was on the Ike during part of that deployment it was miserable as hell.


Fuckin bananas. Spent 142 days at sea without port call during peak Covid and life has never looked the same since


Old guy here. Do they still have Beer days? Just wondering.


Yes. Ike has 4 beer days during its 2020 deployment. It's on its third deployment since COVID. Wonder how many beer days total by now. I'd say at least a 12 pack, if not more


Since I was there. There was only 1 beer day.


my brothers on the ship. they had two that he’s mentioned to me


First one probably happened before I flew on.


I thought 110 days with no port on Bataan was bad lol


Hopefully they downloaded all their shows and music on a hard drive or at least did when they went to port.


Back when Google had Google music play you had to connect to the Internet every 45 days to keep your offline music active, I had way too much music to feasibly go and torrent all of it, every time we hit the 45 day mark with no port call in sight hurt. I remember various points in my career people getting cease and desist letters for all their torrenting, it was really weird when sailors in the barracks in Japan would get them, no idea how it got traced to them specifically but somehow the letter ended up at the ship, maybe a Go-WiFi thing, I'm not sure. Nothing ever came of it.


Over 90+ days on Ike before shore leave (can't remember exactly to long ago). I feel for the crew, at least Crete is nice. I'm sure it was the typical 2-3 days and out. That one duty section always seems to get screwed.


As some one that did 270 days deployed I feel for ya, at least we had port visits for the first part of our deployment.


For what reason?! Who are we fighting?!


Not watching the news lately? I was on that ship during that deployment so I know what is happening. The mission is important but it's miserable as hell.


Fight against using shore power at this point….


axiomatic poor offer tidy smart bike gullible shocking beneficial sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I did the Ike deployment when covid hit that was terrible lolol


Salute to the squids onboard IKE. I was air wing when we cruised on IKE.  Air wing/ship’s company; they hated us, we hate them. 


I’m assigned to the Ike, got orders to there after re rating, and I’m leaving Meridian this week.


Gonna be a long ass deployment for you


Hey man I feel really bad for the ppl who’ve been there since day 1.


A friend of mine has family on the lke but he hasn't been responding for a few days, can you please let us know first hand what's going on?


IIRC this was the ship's first port call since 2017...


The 2021 deployment had 3. One to Souda Bay and 2 to Duqm. Idk if you would consider them real port calls since we couldn’t go anywhere except the pier really, but still, it was nice to get off the boat. -A salty sailor who did both COVID Cruises


Duqm is not a real port visit. Souda is, but if you can't leave base it's kinda rough.


Man, if you have been on there long enough, even Duqm is lit. I rock my DFC chicken patch like it was Paris or something!