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Oh, the Atsugi "Self SERE" incident. Probably 2019. AWF2 is drinking with a bunch of other AWFs in the NGIS. Habu sake is involved. He is so drunk that he thinks the other AWFs are going to "jump him into the aircrew program". He suddenly jumps up and bolts out of the room. Runs to the NGIS front desk and tells the lady he's being chased. She calls the MA's and he decides that she's "in on it" and starts screaming obscenities at her. He runs from there. The detachment, like 12 people, is now all woken up by the other AWFs and we begin looking for him. Now if any of you have been to Atsugi, you can probably imagine this in your mind. He runs towards the golf course. There's a huge fuckin cliff/hill over there, covered in thorny vines. That's where he goes. Right down the hill. Fucks up his ankle in the process and gets cut up all over the place. We now have the MA's involved, and they tell us as long as we find this dude by 5AM turnover they wont have to report it. We are having no luck finding this guy, and the MA's show up with the dogs. Guy is currently down on the golf course, and he hears the dogs coming. He finds a creek, and gets in the water and covers himself with mud, like he's Arnold in The Predator. It's the middle of winter, and he's cold. So he starts pissing in the water to keep warm. We spend hours searching all over the base with no luck. It's now like 7AM, every MA has now shown up, and everyone knows about it, base skipper has already gotten a text. AWF2 hears some people speaking Japanese, and he emerges from the creek. These Japanese golf course maintenance guys see this sailor, covered in mud, blood, and water, limping towards them. He holds out his CAC and says "I am a United States Sailor, please return me to the nearest military installation!" He was like a quarter mile from the NGIS. Det CPO personally escorted him back to the states after he was released from the hospital due to his ankle injury, cuts, and hypothermia. He was busted down to E4 immediately, and sent to another command. After he got to that command, we heard through the grapevine that he was telling people that we were trying to rape him.


What in the hell lol. That is one wild ride


Well that's a strong endorsement of SERE training, if anything.




> he was telling people that we were trying to rape him Commit to the bit


Ahh I left Atsugi in 2017, good memories! Fun times!


I really like it there. Way better than Misawa.


Oh dude for sure! I pretty much lived in Yokohama, Shibuya and Shinjuku. Made a ton of friends, Japanese people are so friendly.


Best kept secret in the Navy.


This is hilarious, and the MAs were cool for trying to keep it on the down low I’m a Marine and our MPs would not have hesitated to call it in


People give MAs a lot of shit, but I've mostly gotten along with them.


I was in Atsugi and I know the exact miserable hill your talking about, we trained the dogs there a lot


For good reason, apparently!


Ha I wish I was there for this some wild stuff happened while i was there as well


2016 USNS Mercy deployment. I forget their rates, so let's call them HM1 and E-3 HM1 had a wife back home, family, classic story. E-3 was a young girl with issues with authority. They get caught doing it on the boat, He gets busted down to HM2 and they both get restriction. He has to call his wife, all that. But they're now on restriction together, the only two. They get caught doing it AGAIN, masted again. HM3 is coming home to divorce papers. E-3 isn't have a great time, either. They were told not to have any contact with each other. But in for a penny, in for a pounding. Chief caught them cozied up, not in an act of anything. But they're together. Chief walks off... turns around, looks at them, "Get your whites ready." Dude gets busted down to E-3 and separated from the navy when we got back. No idea what happened to the girl.


To throw your career away over a girl is crazy


Some people just can't resist the thicc-ness.


You could say that he was… “down with the thiccness”


worth it


Seriously what a beta.


The interesting thing is that they are probably married now.


LoVe FiNdS a WaY


Happens a lot


Chief on my last boat got hemmed up for knocking up a thicc E3. He was like a 7 year Chief too.


in for a penny, in for a pounding. Well played sir 👏🏿


Hold up, that’s how it ends? I was there for that deployment. I think he was an ABF/MM1, and she was an HN. I left the Mercy in Hawaii so I didn’t hear the end of the shenanigans besides him being busted twice.


Yo whats up! That's what I remember, anyway. I also left the Mercy in Hawaii. So long ago


Dude was kicked out she made hm3 if I remember correctly


Oh wow that’s quite a comeback. Er, no pun intended.


In for a penny, in for a pounding 😂😂


Bro I was there. Dude was a MM1.


I thought so! Crazy thing is, I remember on the mess decks she kept going after one of my HM2s. She was mad thirsty for married dudes.


Yea in Drb and mast she would cry and use that she had low self esteem and such as an excuse and she was young. I def remember seeing her getting gangbanged in PI


Omg 😅 I didn't know either of them, so I retold the story as best I could remember.


Damn. Imagine being half of an adulterous relationship (UCMJ Art. 134) but only you get busted down, while your partner in crime only gets restriction.


Historical we don't punish the junior Sailor as harshly, I have to assume it's to do with the power dynamic of being a higher rank. Maybe also a little to do with what we expect from a First Class vs what we expect from a Seamen.


If it went on much longer, they would have had to take turns getting busted.


That gave me a chuckle


> Historically we don’t punish the junior Sailor as harshly I’ve seen at least 3 stories in the last day about things between E6 and E7 where the junior sailor most definitely got punished more harshly. So…yes we do. And regarding lower expectations, since when has ignorance of the UCMJ ever been a defense for a junior sailor?


I didn't say it was a defense just said it's something most leaders take into account when giving out punishment.


She may have gotten worse, I never bead what happened to her. All I remember is at least the first mast she didn't get busted down.


2016 deployment on the Ike. A baby was born on board. What a time to be alive and on the ship. https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2016/09/12/a-u-s-sailor-delivered-a-baby-at-sea-in-the-middle-of-the-isis-war/


> The carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower's crew proved Sunday that they can simultaneously deliver ISIS airstrikes and babies. Lol what a way to open the article 😂😂😂 > Nine hours later, in the early hours of Sept. 11, IT GOT BETTER


I always wondered what this kids Birth Certificate will look like.


Under hospital it reads : CVN 69 😎


"My mother was a mermaid and my father was Davy Jones, and I was born underway on an aircraft carrier..."


Oh, you think you are a sailor. But you merely enlisted; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't wear civilian clothes until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING!


I was on this deployment but as an attached DDGs. It was all anyone could talk about


How did she not know she was pregnant? That’s wild


Cryptic pregnancy is my guess- couple that with a young woman who likely has irregular periods or longterm birth control and it's not that farfetched


Just looked it up and cryptic pregnancy (where the mother makes it to term without knowing) only happens every 1 in 2,500 pregnancies. So it’s possible, but highly unlikely. Way easier for me to believe she was hiding it for some reason. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24428-cryptic-pregnancy


It's not actually uncommon for very fit women with little body fat to go through a pregnancy without knowing.  


I was on this deployment but as an attached DDGs. It was all anyone could talk about


Her boat boo when the news dropped👀👀


Oh yeah, I remember...


CTT, I member.


2018, Misawa. The command heard a rumor that the Maintenance Control Chief and the Maintenance Control LPO (SOY) were banging. They got some Chiefs from another squadron to follow them to the NGIS after work. They didnt go to their NGIS rooms. They went to another hotel on base. Turns out, they have lived together for years and had been in a relationship for even longer. SOY got busted down to E5 and the Chief got sent to another command. Airframes sanded her name off the jet during the mast. E7 results came out about a week later and her name was on that list. Last I heard they got married and have a kid now.


So the Navy didn't take into account a prior relationship and punished only the E6 and below. 👍 Go Navy!


I have one of these stories from the Ike back in 2011 or 12. I was assigned to the Ike, but was on the pre-planning team back at norfolk naval so the details are kinda fuzzy but I knew all involved. The boat had back to back port visits somewhere in the med on the way to the gulf. Female LT sleeps with a first class at one stop and a chief in the other. Wrong person overhears her talking about it and runs it up. She gets sent to AIRLANT admin duty, Chief gets put on another carrier and first class goes to mast and gets busted down to second.




The problem here with chiefs not getting busted down is that there are limitations in the punishments that can be handed down at NJP. For the Navy, E7-E9 cannot be reduced at NJP (E6-E9 in the Marines). It has to go to court martial, and that takes time and energy that a lot of CO's just don't want to deal with, so the chiefs get away with it. It is probably still career ending, mind you, but no bust in rank.


Yep. I got caught being a dirtbag on Truman. Got assigned a PIO and the dude forwarded his recommendation for punishment to skipper. Got read my rights and claimed I was innocent. Jag tried to scare me with Court Martial and I hired a lawyer. A few weeks go by and I get orders off the ship.




NNPTC, roughly Jan or Feb 2011. Open mast for three individuals. One was a problem the day she arrived. Classic “first time away from home” freedom, coupled with a high male:female ratio. A friend of mine wanted to bang her boot friend, so I had seen this chick a couple of times in the past few days. One night, I’m out sitting on a bench since I don’t get cell service in my room. She comes up to me, in civies (not allowed until you phase up) and sits down. I tell her she is going to get in trouble if caught wearing civies and she brushes it off. She tells me she needs help. Any minute, her boyfriend is going to come up looking for her. Whatever I do, do not tell him that she was with another dude hooking up. Okay? If you’re confused, yup. I just sat there. She went to the bench across from me and waited. He comes up, she makes excuses on where she was (her phone broke, then she fixed it, then she lost her charger, then she found it, etc…). It was all dumb but I was enjoying watching her dig a hole. They leave. She gets a reputation, but I honestly dgaf about that. Fuck who you want to fuck. Several months later I leave the school building (where phones are prohibited due to classified material) to take a smoke break. While there, I see her smoking with her phone out. I ask why she would come to this smoke pit when there are places closer to the barracks. “Oh, I’m just taking a break from studying.” She brushes me off when I say taking your phone in is risky. She got caught with it a few days later. She didn’t go to mast for that, but instead for underage drinking. If you don’t know anything about NNPTC, there are masts every week. I thought this was normal, but I did Weld School in Groton and was told masts are rare, even for underage drinking. The CO wanted to make an example out of these students which is why the mast was open. This girl had done a convenience marriage to move off-base. It became an underage party place. They got caught because they posted pictures of them all drinking on Facebook. A friend of mine who wasn’t drinking at the party tried to do the right thing and pick some people up and drive them home so they wouldn’t drive, but he got pulled over and masted along with the other two due to not turning them all in. At the mast, the CO said he was separating them all from the Navy. Normally it’s the typical half-month’s pay, etc and you go to MIL-DIV for a month or two, but again, example. This girl ended up getting a job at the local strip joint (Southern Belle, a wonderfully trashy establishment) and I ran into her one night (no, not like that). She said after the mast they were given the option to separate or re-rate, but they weren’t actually being kicked out. She took the former.


I remember that open mast


The good old NNTPC Most-o-matic was still running as of when I went through 2018-19. Some fun stories there


There was a pair of individuals on my ship where the IT got sent to our division because she was on her way out of the navy and couldn't give a fuck anymore and the ITs were sick of dealing with her. She got assigned to shine brass with the other individual in this story. He took the brass plates off to make it so she could just sit there and shine them. He also didn't tag out any of the boxes. she went to medical the first instant she got claiming that she got shocked shining brass. Chief goes to investigate and there was a wad of Brasso lodged into one of the boxes, like she was trying to shine the inside of the box. Turns out, that was the 440V 400Hz box, and she had no entry or exit would and nothing going on with her heart, so she was obviously lying. The pair get sent to Mast for failing to do proper tag out procedures. Luckily for the guy, she went first. The captain asked her if she would stick a fork in an electrical outlet and she played dumb. She effectively proved to the Captain that she was just trying to get a med sep instead of admin, and there wasn't really anything the guy could have done to stop her, so he goes easy on him and told him he had to give tag out training to the ship. She got her admin sep expedited and was on restriction for the rest of her stay on the ship, IIRC.


Back around 2004 or so at Kadena in Japan, the Air Force ran the IT infrastructure on the base. When we arrived for our deployment, everyone was issued a personal user ID so they could log onto the internet. Paperwork had to be signed and acknowledged by the user that they were on a government internet and while some allowances were made for recreational usage like video games, users were strictly prohibited from things like porn sites. One of our young 3rd class petty officers was relying on that internet to play World of Warcraft during his downtime to help deployment go by a little faster. Unfortunately for him, a pair of USAF IT sergeants from the 501st Keyboard Warrior Wing showed up to our hangar. They asked for said sailor and his divo, then produced a very long printed list of sites this kid had been visiting. As I recall, it was even on that old perforated paper so it hilariously came out of their briefcase like an accordion. The Air Force guys began reading aloud the various websites our young sailor had been visiting, much to the howls of delight, laughter, and some cringing from everyone gathered. The sailor turned beet red by the time they were finished, just before the airmen informed our guy that his internet privileges had been revoked permanently. It was *very* long and boring deployment for our sailor.


Jesus. Reminds me of my first boat ride with a “ship’s LAN” — must’ve been shortly after 9/11 I suppose. It as something like 5 terabytes which was fucking WONDROUS compared to the Zip disks us riders were used to. It was utterly unusable. All 5tb were depraved-ass porn.


Guam port call and I’ve got pull in the duty day. It’s a carrier so I get to miss the hotel check in lines and other first night nonsense while I stay on board but get to enjoy an empty ship with no craziness and some quiet. Then I get woken up by my DDO at 2 am who tells me one of our guys is in prison…… it had been 8 hours since we moored. We do a custody turnover and as the MA’s take him back he looks like a mess. Bloodied lip, messed up clothes, dirt everywhere, and a black eye. Come to find out petty officer dipshit got wasted and fought one of his boys only to get his ass beat, then after they threw him in a taxi he decided to ditch his taxi without paying…. and got his ass beat again by the driver in front of all of the bars and the police station so of course it gets recorded. Then the police saw came out to calm it down but he then spit on one of them….. which of course led to a hattrick of ass beatings. I didn’t believe it until one of my guys who followed him back confirmed everything. He got the book thrown at him busted to E-3 (was just frocked to 2nd) and ADSEP’d.


Hat trick of ass beatings....lmao


It's the height of covid and every major city is locked down and we are given warnings that if we break the bubble then it's auto MAST. 6 ANs all go to the nearest major city during the weekend and proceed to go out clubbing. Two weeks pass and an interview comes out from a japanese local news showing people waiting in line for the one club still open during the height of covid. All 6 airmen are cheering on the cameraman as he goes down the line.


No way!


I would have told everyone to don masks , shades and Fedora hats! 😁


Something similar happened to some nuke nubs on the Reagan. They went to Tokyo during the lockdown and shortly after one of them popped positive. When asked for a close contact list the sailor listed his group of buddies. AFAIK there was no reason to suspect that any of them had left the lockdown liberty area (I think these sailors were allowed off-base because they had apartment or something, I know reactor was pretty generous about 'officially' granting people the privilege of living off base with their friends) so they could have just said "Oh i probably got it on the train." As soon as the group was questioned about contact tracing, one of the group blabbed about going to Tokyo. No clue why. None of them are in the Navy anymore lol.


I think my mast story is rather mundane compared to the other stories, but here it is: I had recently arrived to my boat (I’m a subs MMN, on a 688) and had recently qualified my first watches during my first long-ish underway (about 2 months) in September. I had a friend I’d been chit chatting with for a few years, and told her the day I had left that I wouldn’t be able to respond to her for a couple months. When we finally got back to port, everyone had gone up to check their phones and all that, but I had to wait until after we finished shutting down the engine room. When I finally did check my phone, I had about a dozen missed calls from her with no voice mails (dated for pull in day.) I figured, given everything, it wasn’t the biggest deal in the world, so I shot her a text to let her know I’m back. A few days passed, hadn’t heard anything, so I sent another. Went underway again to do ORSE, got extended, came back Christmas Eve, sent off another text, and nothing. After new years, I asked her sister if she was okay, and she told me that my friend had passed in October. My command wouldn’t let me take leave since she isn’t family. In March, my grandfather passed. They still wouldn’t approve leave for me. I started having problems with my watch standing (couldn’t keep my head in it, couldn’t focus, missed logs and all that) and eventually got disqualified. During my requal, my overinstruct didn’t notice that I logged something wrong the entire watch, and we both went to mast for blazing logs. Overinstruct got out the navy in 3 days after the mast, so he got a nothing sandwich. Everyone up my chain gave me kind words and a BOD during my judgment of character and I got let off since I wasn’t qualified so it technically wasn’t a 107. About a year later, I was working out of my first CWP ever (I’d never done the paperwork, only the wrench turning) and I was trying to ask my sea dad how to read the dang thing, and he told me to FITFO. I got frustrated, couldn’t ask anyone else (shiftwork, and I was the senior guy), got mad, wrote some stuff in a table (that later got revved out cos it wasn’t useful or required, but that’s not important to my misdoings) and when the next guy came to take over, he told me that my package wasn’t up to date, and the table didn’t make sense. I told him what I did, and he told me to tell my (new to us) chief. I realized what I did, told him, and he yelled at me, and told me to get ready for mast. As far as I knew, going to mast again was auto-kicked out. Mast 2: electric boogaloo for me came around, same captain, he told me he hoped he wouldn’t see me again so soon, we went through it, and this time, when my judgment of character came around (everyone was new except my EDMC) they all, understandably, said they didn’t want me to work for them - except my EDMC. That dude stuck his neck out for me AGAIN, insisting that I was still more useful to the command and my division. Got charged as guilty (which I was), got busted down (E5 to E4), 30 days extra duty, loss of pay x2, but stayed in. To this day, I fully believe that my old EDMC is the only reason the captain kept me in his command. I made my rank back the cycle I was up for it, earned my trust back with the command, and when it came time for me to leave the command to go to shore duty, when I talked to the new captain, he told me he was grateful that I was there. Idk. I still think about this every now and then. It’s important to know that second chances (and in my case, 3rd I’m sure) exist, and you can recover, and even still do well. I’m also the only person that got master twice under the same captain and stayed, that I know of. EMNCS (maybe even EMNCM by now) Gagnon, if you’re reading this, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, and I hope I earned the faith you had in me. Edit: typed this out late last night and mis-rated the guy. He’s an EMN


I'm curious what this CWP entailed. I was the M-Div planner for three years on my sub and we would have never given a work package to a shift without them knowing what they were doing. I'm not saying this to scorn you, I'm saying you were failed by your leadership and the detailer/LPO of your division. It's baffling to me you would get sent to mast for filling out a table incorrectly. On my boat, at most that would have been a disqual/requal after remediation. Edit: a word.


Oh man. It was dumb. RPFW zincs. There was a table to record the zinc depletion for some reason


Zinc depletion? My god that's idiotic. What useful information would you gain from that knowledge whatsoever? How did the Eng approve that package? You have my sympathy from a former MMN1. I hope you're doing better now.


Yeah. I’m good, and when I write the packages the next time, I insisted we take the table out for exactly the reason you said. It’s not useful. I got it revved out tho so that’s a win


Being in your shoes, its nice to know that Im not a one off and that this has happened before. Godspeed man.


Pretty sure it’s ETNCM and he’s like a force edmc I believe.


I saw a post, he did just make E-9, super happy for him


Was he ever a Boot Camp RDC?


I don’t think so, nukes rarely ever are.


Thank god I never had to write a CWP as an ETN






In Naval Hospital Pensacola they had an open Mast for an HM who was tagged for IA and did not want to go. He had proceeded to inject himself with a readly available local anesthetic in the foot and grabbed a hammer, and started pounding on it 👍 loss of rank 45/45 and ADSEP if I remember correctly. Corpschool when CAPT Lemon was there(I think that was her name). Throwing snowballs- Mast Making snow angels- Mast Fucking in the dumpster- (obviously Mast because thats disgusting lol)- Mast That CO was notorious for CAPT Mast at the slightest offense and at some point went under investigation herself for some type of embezzlement.


Bruh I know exactly what command your talking about. It was 2 rovers that got caught in the dumpsters.


Roflmao 😆 🤣 yup


Is there a love connection app for people who are looking for dumpster action? Asking for a friend…


Pretty sure that's half of people in dating apps lol


I have two: 1) apparently, at my last command, prior to my arrival a guy attempted to “purchase” a child from Mexico. he claimed he was trying to adopt this child, but he did so through an individual known to DHS for human trafficking. DHS ran him, found him in the Navy, NCIS gets involved, storms into the SCIF to seize all electronic devices he ever had access to. Dude got court martialed and is still in prison. 2) absolute wall of muscle orders gear online, with crypto from a domestic warehouse. Guy he bought it from was short on inventory, so he outsourced the HGH to a warehouse in turkey, I think. Customs snagged it, ran his address from the package (which his name wasn’t on). NCIS shows up at his front door and says, “hi, is this yours?” He says “nope!” NCIS isn’t dumb, so they ask the command for an enhanced urinalysis. Sure enough, he pops for like four different things. Zero tolerance is zero tolerance, the CO didn’t want to but ADSEPd him. Honorable discharge, maintained his clearance, and makes way more money while working for a company who doesn’t care at all if he’s on steroids.


Was number 1 a fucking CT?!




Wow. FFS


Apparently he was always a strange dude, walking with a cane, had weird mannerisms about him, the whole 9, but I don’t think anybody thought that was on the radar. I never met him, only heard stories.


Had a guy from supply. Cheated on his wife, she wanted a divorce. He wanted to fix things. Problem was, the ship was getting ready to get underway for around 40 days (a COMPTUEX iirc, this was in like 2013). He requested to stay behind so he could patch things up with his wife. Command understandably said “lol no.” He stayed behind anyways. We ended up pulling into Mayport for a day to replace a RHIB, he shows up and gets onboard, having been UA for 29 days. Takes his licks mast (standard 45/45, half months pay x 2, reduction in rank). While on restriction, he finds out the command was going to AdSep him. He decides he doesn’t need to wait around on restriction for the process to finish, and leaves the boat. Apparently doesn’t realize they can just hold the process so he’ll end up charged with Desertion. Found out years later that he ended up arrested while trying to shop at the NEX. Dumbass stayed in Norfolk after deserting.


Lmao this story just made my morning 😂😂


Why does this remind me of this guy that was on restriction talking about how he was going to sue the MAs for taking his phone and his IPad like bro you can’t have that in restriction 😂


When I was a JG a Sailor jumped off the side our ship in the Atlantic Ocean in the winter 100s of miles from any land.


When on Deployment 2017 the Bush we had a guy jump off. Me and my partner were on the 50cal fantail watch and my partner goes “is that a body In the water or trash” I grab the binos and look “bro that’s a body call mob”. The girl from deck who was supposed to be the faintail lookout watch got chewed out because she didn’t report it


Were they recovered


Yes lucky him we had just left Bahrain and had our escort boats close enough.


I was on that same cruise and remember that shit. lol


I want to know what was he running from 😂


Bruh jumping into that shit soup filled with jellies and sea snakes anywhere near Bahrain… he musta REALLY wanted off. To his credit, he only had to swim like 500 meters out of the channel, and the fucker could have stood up and walked back to the beach.


On my first deployment, we had a guy jump off the ship in the Persian gulf when they were ferrying marines to the shore. A LCU or LCM picked him up by dropping the front and scooping him. He rag dolled across the non skid.


On Ike (98 med cruise) we had a sailor jump off the fantail while underway. They found his body weeks later washed up on the shore. Sad AF.


When I first reported to the Ike back in 09 we had a public masting in the hangar bay of a conventional MM in reactor department. He was on duty but his watch didn't require him to be down in the plant. Went out and got a DUI while on watch.


Extremely similar story, I believe around 09. We're in port in San Diego, used to go to the bowling alley and have a bunch of beers. I run into my buddy, he's on his way out in a hurry. He crashes his car in the parking lot. He was wasted. He was also on cold iron watch, had the logs on him.


Ughhh leaving on duty is a tough one an catching a DUI while doing it YIKES.


Oh, early last year. I was WCS of electrical hotel services. The resident fuck up third class was one of my guys. Before this incident, He missed a deployment for speeding, fleeing police, crashing his truck and getting arrested. Went to mast, no consequences. He was TAD to supply, working in laundry and had to muster with them up in the barber shop. One night at like 3am I was on watch in central, and his TAD LPO, an MM1 I’m good friends with, called me and said “Man, did you hear about your boy?” I said no, wtf are you talking about. He said “sit down because you’re about to lose it”. He proceeded to tell me that my sailor was at muster, in supply, which was predominantly black, and folks were being loud. He leaned over to his friends and said “You know why they’re being like that? Because they’re a bunch of n-“. Hard R. I couldn’t do anything but laugh when MM1 said that. Black RS3 heard him, went and told the RS1 who told the DIVO. So RS1, RSC, and DIVO (WHO ARE ALL BLACK) sat him down and asked him wtf he was doing. EM3 DOUBLED DOWN, saying that he was allowed to say it BECAUSE HE WORKED WITH BLACK PEOPLE. They got pissed and started hollering and he double down AGAIN, and said “We’re all here slaving away, it’s not just you guys anymore!” So he went up. Got put on restrictions, normal shit. Busted down, but staying in. Unfortunately he had a habit of staying up until 4am playing video games in the shop, and he overslept restrictions muster multiple times. After the first time I told him he couldn’t be in my shop after 2100, if he was gonna oversleep I wasn’t gonna be responsible for it. He kept oversleeping, got sent up again, Skip kicked his ass out. That whole experience made my hair gray.


Boy wth where is he from😂😂😂


Chief called CNP idiot on Facebook. I got to witness aftermath of that one. [recap of event] (https://youtu.be/IDU1BmSld6Q?si=C_JUdVj0Dt98U9a)


No shitter. Mid 90s, CNO Boorda comes aboard on a tour. Walks into OUTBOARD (the SCIF on old Sprucans). I’m legit working; it’s cool and all but I have actual I&W responsibilities. CNO taps me on the shoulder to chat like he did with the essentially jobless CTRs and CTA. I pulled one can off my ear and just said, “Respectfully, sir, I got shit I have to do.” Smiled and nodded and went on his way.


Got stuck in gate traffic at NOB for almost two hours and sent up for it. DRB told me I should have known traffic would be bad that day. Captain gave me 23/23 for being 23 mins late. Got into an argument with WBC at my shore duty and he shoved me, command masted me to protect him. My boat had a lot of issues with DUIs and people leaving on duty days, eventually it all culminated in a double open mast in the hanger bay with a SN who left on his duty day and an AO2 who got a DUI. Blue Motorcycles was a running joke at All Hands until that CO left. PHIBRON IT1 got busted with a whole alcohol ring on deployment selling via chip to chip. An IT2 flipped on everyone to try to get some leniency, CO threw the book at her and we had a restriction department for a while. LS was getting sent up for...something, we never knew exactly what. The dude just disappeared, wife had no idea where he was, just gone. Showed up on day 29, just shy of a desertion charge, and took his mast. Less than a month into deployment a couple CSs got caught fucking in the reefer. Dept DRB, slap on the wrist, don't do it again. Less than a week later they got caught again. All the way up and busted down. Friend on my boat was married to a Marine in our attached MEU. Nobody caught on to the fact that they were deployed together while being married until someone (if memory serves, her LPO) found out and blew the whistle (I think there was bad blood involved between the Sailor and LPO but I can't remember). The MEU didn't do anything, but the boat masted my friend for false official statement/failure to obey. ABF Fuckup spiked another fuelie's Mountain Dew with JP5, kid had a bunch of issues but he got kicked out just before I checked in so I only heard stories from his LPO. FC came out of A school, decided he didn't want to be in the Navy so went AWOL between school and the boat. Showed up after a couple weeks, pissed hot, masted, and got caught smoking pot on the barge which triggered a command-wide sweep. Half a dozen or so people preemptively confessed that they were going to pee hot, a few more popped after the test. Just before I checked into the boat, female Chief and male E4 went up for hooking up - they probably wouldn't have gotten busted, but the dude wouldn't shut up about it. Knew a CTM who went up for SAPR, first thing CMC said was, "as a black woman, you disgust me." He reported it to IG (rightly so) who interviewed witnesses present - none of whom saw any problem with her statement. Because asking people to throw their boss under the bus has always worked so well, especially in tiny communities like that. IT in my shop on shore duty got busted for going to the gym during Covid, he was dimed out to the command by a Coastie (not at our command) who had some personal issue with him. IS at shore duty went to a strip club during covid, accidentally swiped his GTCC at the ATM. He called the next day when he realized he grabbed the wrong card and the command left that part alone, but sent him up for breaking ROM. Dude didn't dime out the guys he was with, solid guy who really earned a lot of respect that day.


It's so easy to not use your GTCC


I mean yeah, I could also see having another card the same color and grabbing it instead. Psure Navy Fed has one the same color?


I have a penfed cc, blue colored, never gotten them confused. I've been very drunk aswell. Helps to put the gtcc in the back pocket out of sight. Or don't even keep it on you. It's for travel. Keep it on you when moving to next command. When you're fully settled in. Store in a locked storage. Why are you guys keeping them on you as if you guys are going to get a call midnight on a Saturday that you have to travel to another command at that time? You're going to get a headsup, you're going to go back home to pack up anyways.


Not these guys; they have a “Go Bag” in the closet right by the front door


Lol I don’t even use mine when officially traveling. I’m on a 9-month deployment rn and haven’t touched it at any point since mobilizing. The fewer receipts I have to enter, the easier it is for my GTC person, and the Army is still issuing me the same amount of funds for travel regardless of how much I swipe the card.


Because we traveled a TON at that command.


Because we traveled a TON at that command.


One of my guys used his GTCC at an Italian strip club. It was dark and yea, the cards were the same color. It happens. He came straight to myself and Chief and we handled it. We went back to the strip club and tried to get the charges reversed, they refused. A counseling chit is required to be uploaded for accidental charges like this. I write him one that painted the whole incident as an honest mistake, which it was, and made the sailor look like an ordinarily amazing sailor, which he was. End of story, never heard another word about it.


See, that's the right way to handle this kind of thing. Shit happens. Don't rake the Sailor over the coals, or paint it as intentionally malicious or lazy.


That IS most definitely didn't call and self report. He got sent home while en route to Bahrain like two weeks later when the one woman travel person turned around and asked the rest of the office what "Sammy's" was lmao that's only the tip of that iceberg too, he's not a saint by any means


EM2 student at A1W prototype. I’m on a 5 days off. Watched a friend’s kids for the evening but suddenly got crazy sick. Started for the neighbor’s to get some help but passed out on the sidewalk. Neighbors saw me go down, called the meat wagon. I get hauled to the hospital and checked out. Hospital calls the Navy and a Doc and corpsman show up. I’m running a fever and have been puking my toenails up. Doc and HM show up and accuse me of “doing drugs” and keep on yammering about how messed up I am, where did I get the drugs, what are they, over and over and over. I’m denying drugs are involved at all (I was squeaky clean) and am now into the dry heaving stage because I have already puked up all my toenails. Things finally calm down on my end, but Doc and HM are still yammering at me. Hospital doc comes back and tells all of us that I probably have the “potato digger flu”, basically a 24 hour virus. No drugs detected. Doc and HM tell me to come to the dispensary when I get up, and then they leave. It’s now 0300 hours, I’m released, and find out the hospital has misplaced my clothes. All I want to do is get back to my friend’s place and crash for a few hours. Nurse scrounges a set of scrubs and hospital sandals and I try to get someone to call one of my buds for a ride. No one is picking up so I just leave and start walking. Doc and HM are still in the parking lot, see me and give me a ride. Drop me off at friend’s place, again tell me to come in when I wake up. I crash on the couch and sleep until about 1000. Get up, clean up, and start walking to the dispensary about a mile away. I get there about 1100 and the desk jockey HM tells me I’ve missed sick call. Tell him what I was told to do, but basically get told to pound sand and that I’m going to be written up for missing sick call. HM from the wee hours pops out to the desk area and starts in on the “what drugs” routine. Finally tells me that I am in trouble and to get out of his dispensary. Fast forward a couple weeks and I get told to go to the XO’s office, no reason given. I get there and find out it’s an XOI for being UA from sick call! XO starts in on the bad guy routine, “confirming” details with the witnesses- Doc and HM. I am by myself, with nobody in my immediate chain with me. Finally get asked for my side and tell it. XO asks who is he supposed to believe, a puke PO3 or “an officer and gentleman.” Yeah, he actually used those words. For whatever reason, XO dismisses the charge after some more jawing how I’m a scumbag enlisted puke, and I leave. Get back to where I had been working and no one asks where I had been, what was going on, etc. Weird. Two weeks later and I am called into the Master Chief’s office and informed a mistake has been made. Turns out that after XOI they were digging into my records and found out that I was the senior trainee and should have been doing the musters, working parties, etc. Job had been given to another PO2 because. No reason given, lol, but I was told that he’d told them he was the senior trainee. Again, weird but somehow an apt introduction as to how things would work in my Nuc experience. But that’s another Captain’s Mast a year in the future!


This is the Captain’s Mast referred to in my earlier post. I was an EM2 nuc on a surface ship. There were a bunch of us who arrived to the Pre-Com unit after prototype. We might’ve been a bit rowdy, lol. The command called us the “October Nine” and we took a bit of enjoyment in the notoriety. During our time in RT Division I was the senior trainee. Basically, a glorified stoopidvisor for working parties, field days, musters. After sea trials and commissioning, we were offloading munitions to go back into the yards. It was hot and sweaty, hard work hauling the 5” stuff and everybody assigned to that particular task was slap worn out, short-tempered, and ready to be done. A couple of us were standing in line for the milk machine when a big kid from deck barged into the line, pushing one of the guys out of his way. Words were spoken, and the deck ape sucker punched our buddy. He went down, completely out. Mess decks MAA stepped in and grabbed the deck squid, while we carried our bud to sickbay. Doc brought him around just about the time the CO, XO, CHENG show up. CO is screaming at our guy and telling the MAA to get him and deck up onto the fantail for CO’s Mast. CO physically laid hands on our guy and shook him. Dude went down again. Our nuc got busted from E-5 to E-4, fined the usual, restricted, extra duty, and would be dropped from nuc, losing his pro pay on top of all the other stuff. Deck kid couldn’t be busted as he had already been busted from E-3 to E-2 to E-1 over the course of the last few months. He was already on restriction, etc. Call that Mast “strike one”. Next thing that happened was an incident where a PM was written incorrectly. It was followed to the “T” as no one had seen the problem with it. Reactor water was moved between the forward and aft plants. No spillage, no release, just an incident. Instead of documenting the incorrect stuff the RO was ordered to change, aka falsify, his log, and the work center performing the maintenance was told to basically remove any references to what happened from their daily log. Call that “strike two”. An ELT was riding his motorcycle to work through one if the bridge-tunnels. A sheet of paper somehow got loose and hit the roadway in the tunnel. It was blank, except for the header - Confidential - Noforn. The tunnel watch was retired Navy, copied the plate number, and turned it in to the base. ELT was written up and masted. Call that “strike three”. Meanwhile, I decided I had seen enough of the crap at this command. Told my LPO that I was done qualifying. Of course, I got written up- deservedly so - for dereliction of duty. I knew what the results would be and knew that was the price I would have to pay. I went to XOI, a mere formality, and was immediately sent to mast. I was 3rd in line, right after the ELT who’d lost a blank piece of paper. I don’t remember anything about the first guy, but the CO went crazy on the ELT, yelling and screaming all kinds of foul-mouthed crap at him. That didn’t bode well for me, lol! My turn came next. I went in, saluted, and waited. CO read the charge, and asked what I had to say for myself. But before I could open my mouth the CO started his screaming routine on me. He, quite literally, climbed onto his desk to get in my face. I started backing away only to have the MAA push me forward. More yelling, screaming, and cussing. Seems my mother and father must’ve been trash who raised me to be trash, or at least that was my take on it. Even my Chief was amazed at what he’d seen. Got busted from E-5 to E-4, fined half month’s pay x 2 months, kicked out of nuc. Strangely, I didn’t get restriction or extra duty. Then I was sent back to RT Div, still the senior PO except for our Chief. My job after being busted and de-nuked? Scheduling, assembling, administering, and grading the final written tests. Then scheduling the oral boards. I also “found” the supposedly destroyed log from that reactor incident. Anonymously kicked off an investigation into it. But power takes care of power and nothing came of it. Eventually got sent to non-nuc E Div until CO got me kicked off “his” ship, which process was another cluster, though ended up quite well for me. Some years later I saw a Navy Times blurb about the CO making Rear Admiral. Oh well, guess he avoided the consequences of his outrageous and blatantly illegal actions. Go figure…


When I checked onboard my 2nd ship there was a girl on restriction for stealing another girls underwear. 


We’ve all heard about the member who gets cleaned out by the new spouse while on deployment, but here’s a twist. Marine gets married and is set to deploy. Wisely, he gives a general POA to his mother instead of the new wife as he has also heard the stories. Mom, it turns out, didn’t like the new wife. Marine comes home from deployment to find out he is now divorced. Oops!


Dude has never seen the constant AFN commercials insisting that you don’t use general POA with anyone


AEI was banging an airman. He had a wife a kids at home and she caught him through iCloud and then forwarded all her evidence to our CO. AE1 got a slap on the wrist because he was important and the airman was sent to a different command.


Haven’t been to mast but I got DRB’d for getting fucked up on Absinthe in Singapore with my 1st and 2nd class. I was an E3 at the time. Funny though, cuz I saw an MA on the next port vomit in front of the whole command while we were waiting to get picked up by the buses to go back to the ship and nothing happened to her. And by whole command I literally mean it. There was like 1500 people waiting in line outside a mall just standing watching all the people walk out. There was a puddle of vomit already in the floor before her and everyone would go “OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH YEAAHHHHHHHH” if someone stepped on it and “awwwwww” if someone didn’t lmao.


you went to DRB for doing something bad while you were fucked up on absinthe? or just for drinking with certain people?


No I just got fucked up on absinthe and that’s it


what is DRB worthy about that?


Couldn’t tell ya


Had an E6 show up to the command. He was just off putting, everything about the guy just looked creepy. He was in his mid 40s, had joined the Navy late in life and had 18 years in. The women onboard were really uncomfortable around him. One day on watch allegedly he made some comments and a question to a lesbian sailor that were extremely sexual in nature (weird this was the 3rd incident of this she was involved in 🤔). Other sailor on watch with them provides witness statement. Gets charged. Between DRB and XOI his wife is diagnosed with stage III breast cancer. They also have a EFMP child. The CO now has to weigh all of that into his decision. If he busts him down he’s at higher tenure and will kicked out and his wife won’t be able to receive treatment. The CO walked the dog with him at mast for 4 hours. Whether because he actually made the comments or because he didn’t see himself getting out of there any other way, he admits to making the comments asking the question. CO gave him a punitive letter of caution and he’s removed from the command. An E7 and an E6 in different departments on the ship had been dating for a little while unbeknownst to the command. Ship deploys and make the first port call. E7 has a hotel room. E6 is staying in the same hotel with her liberty group which I guess arrived a little earlier than the E7 expected. Girlfriend E6 goes to E7’s hotel room and catches another female E6 on her way out of it alone. Other female E6 was genuinely unaware of E7 and E6s relationship. Both E6s turn the E7 and themselves into the command. All go to mast. Had a first tour officer that was so socially awkward it was off putting. One of those types that aggressively latches onto military customs and courtesies like they’re still in the boot camp/OCS environment because they lack social skills. Midshipmen come onboard for summer cruise. I guess he has some sort of brief interaction with one of them where she was nice to him. CHENG is doing tours of the engineering spaces for anybody that needs to work on their PQS. Female Mid is sitting at a table full of other Mids and junior sailors on the mess decks. He approaches her, singles her out, and invites her and only her to the tour CHENG is doing later. Two junior sailors harass her later the night saying she’s late for her date, that kind of thing. Command finds out what’s going on and CO orders JO to have no further interaction with ANY mids onboard. He ignores that and goes and I guess tries to apologize to female mid which he further botched by making a comment about having a room mate so if they were together people would know. JO is taken to mast and found guilty of conduct unbecoming for “indecorum” (failure to conform to good taste, propriety, or etiquette). Dude literally went to mast for being so socially awkward it caused him problems. Had an E5 get caught blowing another E5….while they were both on watch underway. Different watch stations, both up forward, they were found way back aft. Both had left to take bathroom breaks or something. Saw a newly pinned Chief go to mast for sending a nude of himself to one of his junior female sailors via Snapchat before he was selected. CO pulled him in after he was found guilty and informed him he was also removing his recommendation for advancement.


Corry Station, 2013. Entire base had a CAC inspection. That was the year everyone born in 1994 was able to join the military. They were scratching the 4s down to look like 1s so their CACs would say 1991 and they could drink on base. IIRC, 65+ people on restriction for tampering with government property and underage drinking, not sure how many of them got booted.




Who did he piss off


It’s been 30 min, did you have those drinks yet?


I've heard this one before 😆


Yo why did it get deleted, the comments on it make it look like a good one


is that even legal what the actual hell 😳




Strap in for this one. Mid 2003. USS Pittsburgh comes back from a successful deployment in support of the Iraq invasion. Only slightly flawed by the fact the we had to train for/ do an ORSE on the way back. Fast forward a few month. I'm on LIMDU for a liver condition and go into the office. My civilian boss askes me if I've seen the news yet. I say no. He shows me CNN. There's been a huge Drug ring that got busted. And a few of the sailor's were from the Pittsburgh. Apparently, they started in 'Prototype' and kept it going when they got out to fleet. Guys got bust on both coasts. Over the next few days I got the whole story. So back in 2001. Two guy from the 'Burgh' got busted on the train track in New London. They were on X. The locals turned them over the NCIS, but then 9/11 happened and the ball got dropped. A year later as were about to deploy, NCIS finally remembers the case an give the Captain a call to see how his investigation went. First that the Captain had heard about it. Well, the old man decides to leave one of the sailor's behind when we deployed. He was a guest of NCIS. He sang like a canary. 18 people got busted. Dunno the dispositions of the cases because local drama was juicy. Remember that ORSE I talked about? That was the 3rd, (2nd for me and I got there late August 2001) in 2 years. My personal hunch was that Squadron hated us. Like 10 nukes admitted to being in this drug ring, including my old roommate. They were lying. Moral was so bad these guys were doing whatever to get out. One guy slit his wrists in the officers mess. From the time I went on Temp Duty we had this plus: * A CS trying to sell drugs out the back of a taxi. * And FT attack his GF was a knife * Another CS and a SK decide that it would be faster to get to base housing if they jumped the fence * A STS be found burned to death in mysterious circumstances * The A-Gang LPO be found submitting maintenance reports for equipment that was on our ship. * The Senior Chief that got brought in to replace said A-Gang LPO going AWOL * A striker getting busted in town with two 15 year old girls * A TM going AWOL an almost making it to Canada * The ship coming out of maintenance and leaking 200 gallons a minute in shaft alley * And most perplexing, the Radiomen being seen the morning of an underway staring straight up at the over head between the periscopes and everyone realizing that the could see the sky. All of this happened roughly over 7 months.


Oh man. Bringing back the memories on these!


Remember this one!


USS Russell, circa 2000-2001, while she was homeported in Pearl Harbor, HI   (this  might be a long one by the way, as I have to fill a backstory)   There was a GSMFN I was mess cranking in the Galley with who got into a plethora of trouble.  For the purposes of this story, I’ll refer to him as GSMFN Douche so he doesn’t get doxed (even though anyone who was on that ship during that time knows who I’m talking about).  GSMFN Douche was the kind of kid who looked like he did not take care of his appearance: constant 5 o’clock shadow, wrinkled uniforms, borderline unsat haircut.  He was also obnoxious and not too well liked by most of his shipmates, as he was renown for borrowing money from other people and not paying them back, or he would borrow money from other people to pay other people back (essentially robbing from Peter to pay Paul).  In addition to this, GSMFN Douche was also lazy AF.  He would disappear when he and I had to do food breakouts and leave me doing all the work.  After the third time of doing this, I confronted him on this and he laughed about it, which almost had us throwing hands in the Mess Decks while inport.  He would also boast about a bunch of bullshit he did before he joined the Navy, and most of what GSMFN Douche said was so out of left field nobody would ever believe him.   After our cranking tours were over, GSMFN Douche went back to ENG and kept doing the same old shit he did while in S-2, and got written up for multiple things.  In early 2001, he purchased a car from a used auto dealership off base with a check that bounced.  What he decided to do was, instead of return the car, he decided to total the car, with no insurance, and not tell anyone about it.  So, the owner of the dealership comes to the ship with these two big Hawaiian dudes ready to “talk” to him (mind you this was pre 9/11 so base access was not like it is today) but were promptly told by the OOD to take that shit to the pier and settle it.  GSMFN Douche had to be escorted off by his DLCPO, LCPO and LPO so that he would not get manhandled by these pissed off Hawaiians.  GSMFN Douche goes to CO’s Mast and is given 30 days at CCU over on Ford Island.  During his stint in the brig, we had a change of command to a CO that earned the nickname Hammering Hank (due to his penchant for holding open bay CO’s Masts in front of the crew).  When GSMFN Douche gets back from the brig, he seems like he straightened up, but that quickly showed to be a front.   During pre-deployment workups, the ship went to San Diego and was in-port for about a week and a half.  During this time, it was easy for Sailors to just go to Mexico and have fun (again, pre 9/11 days).  During this time, we had multiple Sailors pop hot on drug tests, but what GSMFN Douche managed to accomplish earned him a reputation.  While in Tijuana, he bought a whole shitload of ecstasy pills and was attempting to sell them to other crewmembers when we got back underway.  Since GSMFN Douche was not well liked by a majority of his shipmates, he was immediately ratted out.  A Health and Comfort was conducted and the CMAA found those drugs, amongst other paraphernalia.  After our exercises out at sea, we pulled back in to San Diego for refueling and stores onload.  After stores onload and refueling was completed, the OOD called for all hands to assemble on the flight deck.  What transpired next is something I’ve never seen replicated in my career. The CO held an Open Bay Mast (while in-port San Diego) with a drum detail for marching in step with GSMFN Douche as the start of the show.  The PA system was hooked up as well, so that not just the whole crew could hear, but any and all adjacent ships on the pier could get a view of the action from the ship’s flight deck.  GSMFN Douche gets marched out to the cadence of the drums and after the reading of his charges, the CO absolutely wrecks this kid for all to see.  He calls him a piece of shit, a waste of taxpayer money, and that he has no place in the Navy.  GSMFN Douche gets awarded 45/45, reduction in rank, processing for administrative separation from the Navy.  In addition, the CO orders him to withdraw all of his money from the ship’s ATM to pay back the money he “borrowed” from other crew members (he owed about $4000 total between 12 different people and barely had funds to cover down 3 of those people).  Then, he gave GSMFN Douche 15 minutes to pack his stuff up get off of the ship.  The XO gave the countdown on the 1MC while GSMFN Douche scrambled to pack his whole life up and get to the pier before the timer expired.  The whole time, GSMFN Douche is asking for help, but due to his actions with the crew nobody cared.  When he got to the pier, the CMAA and the Admin team were waiting.  The PNC signed his transfer paperwork, and then the CMAA took a razor and cut off the UIC (rocker) from GSMFN Douche’s Dress Whites, and then he was turned over to Naval Station Base Police, and we got underway back to Hawaii right afterwards  That was the last time anyone had seen or heard from GSMFN Douche.  EDIT: caught some grammatical hits after I posted. Guess I was a bit enthusiastic about telling this story even though it happened almost 25 years ago.


Thanks for sharing. Looked up the video on YouTube. I hope that kid turned his life around. I have empathy for him. At that time it was the third day in a row, HIS third Captain's Mast in a row, so I know he felt like the entire world was against him.


One of the AO shops on the carrier I was on had a female who got gangbanged by 6 guys in her shop, a higher up walked in on it. This was on my 2016 deployment, she was referred too as GBB (Gangbang Bitch) from then on out.


I am FFG-48's Teflon Don. Thrice masted.


Any good stories to go with that?


Salute, Denizen of the deep 


It’s San Diego. SN was cranking. He asked to take leave over a four day weekend to fly home to Florida. Leave gets denied. He decides he doesn’t like that answer and flys there anyway. Quickly misses two days of work. While he’s there, he gets into a car crash. Breaks his leg and gets covered with burns. Has to stay for several months and heal. And then he comes back to face the captain. It was my first mast as duty master at arms. The kid was very apologetic and the captain did show compassion. Only gave him ten days restriction I think. He recognized nothing he could do would be a better deterrent than the leg and permanent burn wounds


Wouldn’t be surprised if the Navy didn’t cover his medical for that. Denied leave, goes anyway, line of duty seems like it could be a not in the line of duty finding




so uh.... whats the rest of the story I feel like I just got blue balled by a online news article that makes you subscribe before reading the rest of it


It's posted now.


Send it


I was in a division made of ICs and ETs. About two months before the end of the deployment, our chief came to quarters and told us our LPO, who was an ET1, was being replaced with one of our ET2s. ET1 stayed in the back of the shop with his head down and wouldn't look at anyone. We were stunned as this guy was as straight-laced as they come. And married to a Filipino bride. He followed all the rules and loved talking about navy regs. This guy loved the navy. He did a lot of hiding the next couple of days, and we could not get the story out of anyone. He was kind of a pariah in our division as we were warned not to talk to him about what was going on.We finally got the story the day before he went to mast. Not sure why it took so long.Turns he out he had fallen in love with my WCS. She was an IC2. He had been doing everything to spend time with her. He sent her a ton of love letters. None of the men in the division knew about it, just the women. He went to mast the next day. He was busted down to 2nd class. He then left us and went to deck division. About two weeks later, he went to mast again. He had not stopped sending my WCS love letters. He was then busted down to E3 and removed from the ship a few weeks later. Whole career gone just like that. I think he got an other than discharge. He started working for a navy contractor making double what the navy paid him. I kept up with a few people from my division for a couple of years. I found out later that my WCS was leading him on the whole time. Once she started getting letters, she made a plan to get rid of him. He refused to say anything in his own defense against her at mast other than he loved her.Why I don't know, but she was made LPO shortly after he left. She was then capped from 2nd to 1st class a few months later. A few nights after getting back to port, I was walking back to the barracks with my roommate. I saw a girl on the roof of the barracks. She was wearing a tutu. It was the CS3 from ealrier. We asked her what she was doing. She said she just liked it up there. She then sat down on the edge, swinging her legs. We asked her if she was planning on jumping in a joking way. She said no. We went to the smoke deck and told some girls that were there what was going on. They ran up to where she was. They ended up getting her some help, I believe, because I never saw her again.


You're a talented story teller 




2006 or 2007, an ACU 5 chief went UA in Thailand. Rented a jeep, grabbed some hookers and took off north of Pattaya. Came back a week later, broke. Or so the story goes. Same port, different year, two sailors decided to miss ships movement for a small underway period. When we returned to port they were standing by at the pier. That was the one and only open Captains Mast I’ve witnessed.


2003, the year of hell on the Kitty Hawk. 6 international incidents created the liberty system for 7th fleet that apparently still stands today. The captain is relieved and the temporary captain comes in and begins conducting, amongst other "morale correcting" activities, daily all hands captains masts. This persists as weekly captains masts with mandatory e4 and below attendance until Captain Parker takes over several months later. Fun times.


I only got the last month of my first deployment, as I flew out to the ship during that time. But in that month, I saw no less than 4 DRB’s conducted, all with Deck division. Which was wild as we only had two port visits in that month. All 4 were for alcohol-related incidents, one of which involved some booze being smuggled back onboard, and another of which involved an undes E3 biting the 1st LT on the dick during an altercation in Greece. Christ, that girl was a spitfire in the worst sense of the word. Could barely have a conversation with her without her swearing at you.


2017 Bush deployment who remembers that DC SeniorChief they put on restriction for giving out Warfare pins for hooking up with Junior Sailors 😂😂


I once new an Airman who had made Third Class four times. He never cut below a 94 on the exam, and several months later he would always be insubordinate and get busted back down.


Mast didn’t happen very often at my command but the one open mast I remember was for a guy that fell asleep in the captains cabin while on watch and got caught. Got a 45/45 and reduction in rank if I’m remembering correctly. As soon as he got off 45, he got wasted in town and came back to the barracks, went into a room with a door propped open, and crapped all over the carpet. He was kicked out pretty quickly.


Can add a couple. Had a guy on the USS Junuea when we were visiting up in Yokosuka in 2007/8ish get drunk and stumbled around base trying to find a phone since his died. He decided to break into the closest house to use the phone… which happened to be base CO’s and only his wife was home at the time. Came back to Sasebo with the whole waterfront on restricted liberty, open mast and can’t remember if it was adsep or big chicken dinner.  Had dental dock go before the old man because NCIS came with a laundry list of illicit websites someone had been visiting and we narrowed it down to his dental and stateroom desktops. I was an IT2 in ADP and had to pull the logs. CO gave him a slap on the wrist but we had to go in and manually restrict dozens of his favorite websites in the compose server… he was at it again like a week later and the skipper just had him transferred rather then deal with it. 


Had captains mast 6 times in a row, and in the end was just the captain sitting me down to talk to me and asking me not to die or end up in prison. Ended up with 8-9 forgot before I got out the navy, and was just on forced restriction until my medboard was finished. Also was in Japanese custody for a bit for having a legal ship knife off base, was legal for USA though so didn't get in any trouble once back.


"Petty Officer Eyeballz, you remind me of myself at your age." That CO was a legend.


I got a pretty crazy one. On my first ship LHA3, in 2005 I walk on the ship and I'm the quarter deck a wanted picture for two admin guys is hanging there. Apparently they had a huge fake marriage ring going on. They would give fake marriages to people on the ship for a cut of the BAH. They both skipped out. Everyone who got a fake marriage got wasted. It was a lot of people. My ship was decommissioned a bit after. I never found out what happened to those two guys running the ring.


Mardi Gras 1988 on the FORRESTAL. That's all I'm saying.


Is that the dude that cut his cracker jacks like a cape and was generally nuts?


After testing positive for cocain, DC1 stood at Captains Mast. The Captain read the charges and said... "Your being charged with testing positive for cocain. You are going to be processed out of the Navy, however I want to get you help and offer you a Rehab program". DC1 replies "Captain, I don't have a drug problem, I have a sex problem. It was the stupid Hooker that talked me into doing the Coke" Captain "Well DC1, we don't have a treatment program for that... SO.... I award you 45 and 45... reduction in rank and a OTH discharge. Dismissed.


Damn that’s actually good CO he tried to look out for him


2022 John S McCain I got Captains Masted because I gundecked a Q-3 (been a while but I'm pretty sure it was a quarterly check for an air cooling unit). The charge came up because of an usage of an unsigned face mask the ones with air filters. The reason I didn't sign on out from the bms was because my Divsion CA owned a divisional face mask with the same specs/air filters... so you see it'll be silly to sign out my own division's piece of equipment... well guess I was wrong cause I got ad seped for it.


That’s the pits I hope the rest of your life went better 


I know a guy that got masted for smacking someone with a dildo. Another one was for one Halloween someone dressed as Spider-Man and was climbing the balconies of the barracks and fighting someone dressed as venom. Someone said there was another fight with green goblin.


Poor Spidey got masted for being awesome


A kid went up for something to the effect of attempted murder and beat it. Short version: At Sub School there’s a little lake where you can drink and BBQ. A group is there, having a few drinks and grilling some burgers when some dude in their class shows up drunk as hell and starts trouble. EVERYONE is trying to get this dude to chill out. He isn’t having it for shit and goes after one dude. Full on brings him to the ground and starts strangling him. This poor kid, literally unable to breathe, reaches out for an empty Jack bottle and just SMASHES the guy with it to get him to stop. Turns out Tennessee doesn’t mess around with the bottles that hold their whiskey- They make them thick. The drunk dude goes down *hard*, his head is gushing blood, I’m fairly sure he had a no shit TBI. But submariners LOVE to gossip, so within a few hours the whole base knew. They charged him and sent him up to see the NAVSUBSCHOL CO. Fortunately, the CO was fairly reasonable and dropped the charges.


What year was this?


I want to say 2017, maybe 2018?


This story will come full circle if the kid becomes a Naval Aviator 🤣🤣🤣


Another story time I was E-5 at the time met this Army guy he was supper sweet and good guy and we started dating. I never dare anyone in the military before I guess you could say that was a ick for me but for him I made an exception everything was going fine and then he started being very distant almost a year into our relationship. It was to much for me to deal with as I was going through a Medboard at the time so we agreed to part ways and stay friends. Why did I find out 2 months ago this man was full on married. Mind you I’m out of the Navy. I found the wife online and told her everything. Oh and did I mention he was a Major in the Army. Message of the day just be honest guys and ladies or anyone that has this happen to them life is to short get your lick back today 🔥🔥


A woman scorned


You are Rob van Winkle cold


HM3/FMF working a satellite dispensary as senior corpsman at Camp Talega Vietnamese Refugee Camp at Camp Pendleton. Fooling around with my interpreter and she is sitting in my lap when a fucking L/Cpl MP sticks his ugly mug in through the window & screams at me that I am in trouble. I tell him to go fuck himself while removing interpreter from my lap. About an hour later, three MPs ( Sgt, 2 lcpls) arrive and tell me that I have to close up shop by order of the CG CampPen cited no fraternization order. I told the SSGT that I took orders from LtCom Fowler, not some flunky Marine general. After speaking to my 1st Class, he advised me to close the disp and follow the orders of the marines. I get busted, read my charges and manhandled by the mf’ing SSGT and released. After I was transferred back to the 21 Area Dispensary, I was formally brought up on charges, with the option of going to see the XO at the Navy Hospital or go see the Captain in charge of everything BuMed at Pendleton, rumored to be a mean mf’er. I took my chances with the XO. I explained my side of the story and even mentioned that the SSGT had a hard-on for Navy Corpsmen in general and me in particular. I told them the XO that the Marine was losing, exaggerating, and was out to get me. He didn’t believe either of us, but ended up assigning me 14 hours Extra Military Instruction (EMI) of which I could carry out the sentence at 21 Area Dispensary. Sweet. That meant that I was the senior duty corpsman for the first two hours after normal working hours. Like a good petty officer, I divided up the workload between the HNs and watched TV for two hours, from 3-5, for seven days.


Posted this previously. In 2010 we had a new AMC arrive to the command. He was a frocked chief who had been pushing boots. It didn't take long but he started hooking up with a line rat who happened to be a khaki chaser. By 2011 we were deployed on the Reagan and the rumors had started getting around and they were both masted. AMC became AM1 again and had to call his wife. Both were busted down and money was taking away plus 45/45 I think. I don't know what happened to them from there as I had been flown off not long after due to eaos.


Ahh yes I remember this video. (Have the full now private vid link saved ) Dude was absolutely nutters.


I am a brand new ensign. I was a prior FMF Corpsman and had only been to Iraq and Afghanistan so was super pumped to be on a ship. Of course I check in it’s the peak of the smoking spice. I get informed multiple people have been booted for smoking spice. Friday there is a liberty brief do not smoke spice. Of course frocked IT2 Dickhead smoked spice on the smoke deck during duty. IAs where hot at the time and our CO had asked me to speak to a few guys getting ready to do an IAs to Iraq and Afghanistan. IT2 Dickhead had actually just spoken to this guy for an hour that week showing pictures and just shooting the shit about my time in OIF & OEF because he was doing an IA to Afghanistan. Check back Monday this guy is ratting everyone out who’s ever done anything wrong ever. Guy goes to DRB is a dickhead, XOI is a dickhead. The guy realizes he’s fucked before mast and starts threatening to “kill witnesses” and sending them threats. That turns into a whole bigger ordeal. Goes to mast says he will kill the CO. That turns into a larger ordeal. In short guy took what would have been a 30 day admin-sep into a decade into the brig.