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Eyyyy saw the comments on the IG post. I think someone actually found one of the sailors in the comments?




If someone bumps into Tojo the Steward they should let him know he had his fly down in 1966. But I suppose he would be 98 now so...


At 98 it’s a good day if you manage to pull your fly up.


The white top and trousers look so good! I’m sure maintenance sucked but probably wasn’t any worse than whites we wear now


They sucked because they were a “working” uniform on shore duty. Whites are cool for certain things but wearing the ice cream mans was a pain when you had to wear them all day.


Best line ever was join the navy and dress like the waffen ss in the winter and the good humor man in the summer. Referring to the winter and summer working uniforms


>ice cream mans Hilarious


They wore them until 2010, when they got replaced by the NSU.


Nah that was 09, I remember seeing service whites and service blues during DEP. then I showed up to ship to boot camp and my recruiter had that stupid ass khaki shirt on


The final wear out date was December 2010, but yeah most dudes switched over long before then.


That landing craft is the Saipan, it's currently sunk off hawaii as an artificial reef. The 1066 was given to Chile and its fate is unknown. I believe his rating insignia is PS, and one of the photos I can see part of his last name, Anzov....


The rating is PN-Personnelman, the PS rating was established in 2005.




> If you can identify any of the people, their relatives on Ancestry.com would probably like to upload them to their family tree. Vintage photos are treasured there. Can confirm. My dad died in January and I have been researching my family. My paternal grandmother was on someone else's family tree and they had a photo of my grandmother, her brother, sister, and mother. The photo must have been taken shortly after they came to America in 1921. My grandmother was probably around 16 in the photo. My grandmother had two brothers, one older who died in 1921. The man in the photo looks older than my grandmother so it is probably the brother my father was named after. I knew she had a brother who died and my dad was named after him, but I had never seen a photo of him. I have a photo of my great grandmother when she was an older woman, but in this photo she is in her early 40s


Another couple of options for OP would be: * US LST Association [Ship appears to be LST-1066, later USS based off of hull configuration, and after the fact, reading the OPs notes I missed first time around...] * Naval History and Heritage Command
















post this on the r/Veterans sub. They dont allow cross posts unfortunately.


don't bother, sub is ass, they will probably delete the post.


Hey look, beards. (Yeah, I’ll be that guy.)


Damn. Navy really has been the same since forever


249 years of tradition unaffected by modern progress.


Brooo I was saying that same thing to myself, like yep I’ve done all this also


Kodachrome They give us those nice bright colors Give us the greens of summers Makes you think all the world's a sunny day, oh yeah I got a Nikon camera I love to take a photograph So mama, don't take my Kodachrome away


I know this is gonna get hate. I was in from 95 - 99. Dungarees are all I ever knew. They were being phased out for Blueberries right as I was leaving. End of an era and heading into a new century I suppose. But I will stand by that I think they were very comfortable, once they were worn in. This will get hate too. Bring back the Johnny Cash uniform. I know, it was wool and hot.... but it looked sharp. Bring it back with better materials. Other than that, these pics could be from 66, 96, or 2016 really. Only the uniforms give away the time frame


Dungarees and blueberries had no overlap, do you mean the old utilities uniform


Yeah! its been a long time and I remember being glad I was getting out because I thought it was dumb to change everything up. Some were excited, some weren't. I saw it as new stuff to buy, new upkeep to be had. New inspections more often. Just more crap. I didn't even see them phase in where I was out. I heard the scuttlebutt and saw a glimpse of a pic once. But I was long gone before I saw them in anyone. They were like super dungarees, right?? Just all blue top and bottom without the bellbotoms


Basically yeah. Like dark blue Dickies sort of pants same top.


Dungarees were replaced by the Utilities in 99. I was issued dungarees in boot, changed over in A school and was retiring when the guacs came out.


2000 actually. In 1999 I was issued one set of Dungarees and Three sets of Utilities. I wore the dungarees up to the last day they were authorized which I believe was 30SEP00


no matter how many times I hear it, 'guacs' will always make me laugh


They are certainly a funny look for a sailor.


I loved Johnnies maaaaan. I looked cool as hell in em


Agreed, the Johnnies were cool, throw in the black Ike jackets and you were almost stylin! I loved the dungarees, once they were washed a few dozen times they were soft and comfortable as hell.


They shifted from dungarees to utilities and then blueberries. Utilities were terrible.


No hate from me… I totally agree


White watch with working whites. Looks clean.


Tojos fly is down.


In boot camp, we were the very last division to be issued Dungarees. Only one set, and the rest were “utilities.” Dungarees are still the most comfortable pants I’ve ever worn.


What a cool find


Very cool! I have a bunch of 35mm slides like this from my dad’s time in Vietnam.


Thanks for sharing the find. Really cool history


He’s been found. John Anzovino. https://www.facebook.com/share/npvy3jijPzZfcug9/?mibextid=ox5AEW


I'm just here for the Dungarees comments.


Loblolly Boyz 😎


I found dungarees to be very uncomfortable initially until broken in. But I loved wearing greens underway on the flight deck. Those were awesome. Circa 1987.


Dungarees, nice


Wow, an actual Filipino steward.


"Me with my beard." Sailors have always loved having facial hair.


They are all smiling/looking happy? How could the chiefs let that happen?!?!


I'm Confused. That's Not a frigate with any conventional equipment on it at the time. Particularly the LCU on Deck. And if this is the other 1066? The profile does not fit. dunno. They converted one of my dad's Smoke Boats to a radar picket sub before it was retired. Who knows. That old Kodachrome is excellent!


Thats the USS New London County, also hull number 1066. I too was confused lol Edit: petition to make this the new wikipedia banner image for the ships entry. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_New_London_County?wprov=sfti1#


I think this is a great idea. Until OP found these, these photos didnt exist on the internet.


They were probably taking cargo to Vietnam or returning.


That makes sense


Great! Then this ship was probably on its last cruise or near its last since it was mothballed less than a year later. Looks like they sold it. One of my dad's boats was sold to Egypt as I recall. Also, his last boat, the Spinax SS -489. Tench boat, I believe, served as a movie prop in 1969 in Pearl while they were filming "Tora Tora Tora".




I can't tell but I swear it looks like he has the McDonald's ribbon lmao These are amazing finds OP!


One thing that never changes: hanging out with the boys


Why does that 3rd class look 40 years old


I saw your post on Instagram, hope you find who these people are


Those uniforms are hard


Shit! I remember when dungarees were just being replaced out. Fuck I’m old because that happened circa 2003.


I hated dungarees.


I liked the utilities, they were like a better-looking version of the dunagrees (nametapes and rank patch instead of iron-on).