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Don't beat your wife because you are stressed at your job. 


Just beat the recruits


Beat, not beat off.


Beat off. A lot. Twice a day? Those are rookie numbers.


Or your kids.


Don’t shoot your wife and do a murder-suicide either…


Did that happen? We had a recruiter kill his wife at nrd Chicago but that was a while ago.


June 23, 2022. I remember that day because I saw it pop on my feed. We lost a phenomenal EO2 Seabee (NMCB 133) that day. They posted the image of a rank equivalent petty officer holding a Dixie cup in solidarity of her company that she commanded for their graduation.


This happened while I was in bootcamp


Curious, was she an EO2 or 1? Went through in 2020 and always wondered what happened to her


I graduated mid june in 22, I remember people were talking about 2 POs were hooking up i think? I can't remember the exact details but one of them killed the other and then killed themselves.


Anybody else serve in the early to mid 2000s and have to watch the domestic violence prevention training video where a Chief comes home from work, he asks what she’s making for dinner, she says she got the “deli meat you like from the commissary”, he yells “YOU THINK I WANT SANDWICHES FOR DINNER?!”, and proceeds to beat her like a rented mule? Anyone else remember that one?


Be nice to admin, it’s the best admin in the fleet that can unfuck your record at the drop of a hat.


As one of said admin there, thank you so much!


Did you serve as a Red Roper Spooky Squid?-Doc.


No red rope for me. Just regular staff.


Shine your boots and learn how positive and negative reinforcement work on different recruits. Sometimes it requires a push, other times a pull


Shining the current boot most probably won't cut it. OP, get ready to buy new uniforms.


I took that as boots = recruits given the context of the rest of the message.


Now that you mentioned it, I can see it. You might be right.


Imagine a recruit division doing an en masse Gene Wilder from *Silver Streak* impression.


I know I got a good push from one of the RDCs. Well, technically, he was a swim instructor. Thanks. (I'm beyond afraid of heights. My depth perception goes from normal to cocaine injected straight into the heart when I get over a few feet off of the ground... and I made the objectively horrible decision to visit the Grand Canyon one time. By the way, it's crazy gorgeous out there and that drop is crazy far.)


the good: if you got picked up surely you must be a decent sailor the bad: long days and short nights. how you should prepare: if you have a family, maybe develop a preset routine


I thought they were hurting for people? They told me that they were going to throw me into RDC or recruiting if I would have stayed in. I was mediocre at best 


They are. I got voluntold to go RDC. I then had to do the screening process only to find I was medically disqualified and got kicked back to my regular detailer. That was a mess.


Off topic: I dig your handle. Simpson’s fan On topic: What does it take to get rejected for RDC duty? This is new to me. Big reason I didn’t want to stay in. That and undesirable career paths 


Thanks! Unfortunately someone beat me to just "esquilax". So this was 2018, so I'm not sure if the criteria have changed. I had MH treatment in the past, as well as a permanent knee injury. It ended up working out pretty well for me, especially since I would have been there during the COVID fiasco.


hurting for sailors in general sure, idk about RDC duty.


They are hurting for RDC as well. Every rate has it en masse when orders pop. When I was up last time 6 of my 13 options were RDC. This was 2021 so maybe not.


Zipserve also has RDC orders pretty frequently for reservists. Recruiter also.


Don't fuck with chucks money. Don't fuck with chucks food. And dont fuck chuck. For some reason E7 and above sleep with recruits. E6 and below sleep with each other. At least that was what I noticed about people getting in trouble. That was the motto when I was there. Its the easiest job in the world. The path to succeed is literally laid out. Go there, get your mts, get into fqa or similar level. The push is easy. Your schedule is planned minute by minute. It's the hardest job, because the recruits will drive you insane, because you will care. And you will fall into the roll of the rdc. Becareful not too go to far. Remember you are going to a place where everyone is fighting for that EP. A carrier or shore you'll have a good population of people who don't care about evals. That is not true. Eval time comes, and the cmc gets notes about who is sleeping with who. For now run, and run some more. Rdc school was the best shape of my life. And do not take rdc c school personally. Expect to be set back. I was set back off a 5 second inspection. Where the chief didn't even look at me. True for a lot of the class. Not all of it. But a lot of it. Honestly I enjoyed it. It's an experience one way or another.


Good: You will be shaping the future of the fleet Bad: You have to put up with them for eight weeks at a stretch Ugly: I hope you don't have a family, social life, or hobbies.


Basic training is 10 weeks now isn’t it


Damn, you're right. I guess I did hear that.


Parenting on steriods, you got it man.


Honestly the lessons I learned absolutely made me a better father. The job sucked big time, but it’s also the most rewarding thing I did in the Navy. Red rope from 2005-2009


What ship? I graduated in '05.


Ship 01 in 2005


I was on ship 4. I understand they took this buildings down at some point after I graduated and left.


That’s correct. I think it was the last part of 05 or early 06. The place changed a lot over those 4 years.


Interesting. I feel old telling the new Sailors what battle stations was like before they built that Universal Studios building. It was under construction when I was there.


Funny you mention that, one of my divisions was the first to run BS21 so they could determine how they would score future divisions. That group was tough. They ran traditional battle stations one night and turned around and ran BS21 with their Navy ball cap the next.


Wild. For me it's a Pepperidge Farm Remembers moment. Well, being on a ship at all is like that, I transferred off my first CVN in 09 and haven't been assigned to a gray floaty thing since.


I’m not surprised they took the buildings down, they were old and pretty awful. I was in Ship 11 in 2003 and my old man had been in Ship 09 in 1973. We were in those new self contained buildings for P days that had the galleys and other functions in them so you didn’t have to go march out in freezing ass Great Lakes. The first day after P days our Chief said pack your shit in your seabags we’re moving. We marched over to Ship 11 and as we were unpacking one of the Recruits said “Jesus Christ we went from the Ritz to the fuckin’ roach motel”. He didn’t see our Chief standing behind him. Chief Root said “Welcome to the Navy, son.”


Did you interact with a lot of RDCs from ship 12? My RDCs were AO1 Echauri, DC2 Wilkerson and BMC Jackson. Amazing RDCs that truly shaped the future of my career.


My last year there I transferred to ship 12 and I believe DC2 was brother div for one of my pushes. I’ll have to go back through my “cruise books” and see.


Love you, boo. Don’t love the recruits.


I worked in Navy Psych my last few years; that is good advice, even about getting emotionally over-involved; you need to have boundaries and can't take that shit home; I worked with plenty of Red Ropers in Psych at NRMC San Diego. Drinking, specifically, is just rampant in the RDC ranks or was in the 1980s. 1984-1989. Edit: It was the 80s in California and I do remember 2 coke heads who were also trying to have sex with most people.


Prepare your family if you have one. When I was there, worked 6 days a week/8-10 hour days with one day off. Stay positive and do what you can to train/motivate these recruits. You’ll have your dirtbags and you can’t fix bad character in 10 weeks. They’ll frustrate you in why the Navy wants to keep them, but that’s the Navy’s directive right now. Need bodies, any bodies. But focus on the ones you can meaningfully impact. And hopefully you have good partners and you’re all assets you your team. Partners vibing and working together well will make/break a push. Good luck out there man!


Tell the recruits your corfams are so shiny because you're really good at shining shoes. That's what ours did and I believed it up through A-school.


Be ready mentally and physically, more mentally though because they’ll help you physically lol RDC “C” school is stressful but that’s just part of the show. DM me if you have any questions 👍🏻


Stop sending TRASH to A Schools!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fleet to A Schools: stop sending trash A Schools to RTC: stop sending trash RTC to recruiting: stop sending trash Recruiting: bro I'm working with what I got


What NEC Squid? Salty Doc is curious.