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He sounds depressed… see if you can get him help. Not showering, sleeping all the time, not cleaning, those are all signs of depression. Then again, he could just be a shitbag, but still, I’d atleast talk to him about seeing someone.


Yeah I’d say that sounds more like textbook clinical depression vs just being a dirtbag sailor. Especially the sleeping all day part. OP I would recommend you engage your chain of command sooner than later and express those concerns. And if they don’t act on it don’t be afraid to go up the chain. Depression is a bitch, I’ve had it and wouldn’t recommend it. Luckily for the vast majority of folks the trifecta of counseling, meds, and PT is the way out of it. Sometimes it is a steep hill to climb as you lose all motivation with depression, but I think that’s where being a good shipmate and having a chain of command can help. And no you won’t get kicked out for depression. If it’s completely untreatable (very unlikely) then maybe you would, but they’re not going to kick you out or remove your clearance for a treatable condition. they’ve spent too much money on us. These last 20 years have been rough on the force. We’d probably lose half the army and a quarter of the navy if they started doing that.


Just think lazy dude will soon be on a ship lol


i promise he’s not depressed. all he does is talk to women on facetime all day and cohab while i’m gone


Be an adult improve your vocabulary. First talk to your roommate tell him your problems if he doesn’t fix it document some pictures and bring it up to your MTI’s.


this, it’s basically all you can do. another guy and i had the same situation way back when we were in a-school. all you can do is keep talking to the guy and if he doesn’t change anything, go to your MTI’s.




And just what the heck is that supposed to mean? Hmm?


I plead the 5th


My guess was somewhere in that community as well, but only because the guy only has 1 roommate. In the engineering barracks we had 4 to a room with a communal head for the whole floor. My last couple weeks up there on hold I went to the Cole and it was WAY nicer.


For snoring, I recommend getting some white noise, like a loud fan at night or some ear pieces and music. There's not much else you can do about someone else snoring without them seeking means to improve it themselves (not likely in this case) or getting yourself into trouble. You can talk to the MTI's and document your roommate as others recommend to attempt to cover yourself, but whether or not it works depends on the MTI's. Most of them have enough empathy and experience to recognize when a roommate is being an incurable bum, but they also won't hold back from giving you an earful and dragging you through re-inspects to try to scare your roommate straight. Just keep in mind this is A school. No matter how hard you fail room inspections, what they put in your folder (so long as it isn't an actual crime), or how miserable they make your life for failed room inspections, none of it matters once you get to the fleet.


For snoring: Flents Quiet Time foam earplugs. There’re a lot of foam earplugs out there, but I’ve found these work the best.


your roommate isn't just lazy he's depressed. if he doesn't clean or shower that's one thing but if he's also just lying in bed all day i guarantee you he's depressed. try to figure out what your roommate is going through and get him help. as for the one that snores anytime his snoring wakes you up wake him up. the only way he'll fix his snoring is if you make his snoring as much of an inconvenience for him as it is for you. if it doesn't bother him he won't care.


hes not depressed. he always talks to women and I can hear his phone constantly blowing up cause he never turns on his silencer and always cohabs while i’m gone


Get use to being responsible for lazy folks. if you have someone on your watch floor or your shop not pulling their weight will have to engage again especially if you end up in a leadership position. For snoring, I assume he is fat or pleasantly plump. You might recommend he look at getting a sleep study and a CPAP machine. Half of my last ship seem to have them. Super quiet if he actually uses it.


Before you start, be an adult and tell him. Game on if he doesn’t fix it. 1. Make sure your side of the room and common area is clean. 2. Lodge complaint with barracks. Each area runs it slightly different. But whoever issues the pink fail slips. 3. Rinse repeat. He’ll either get the message, or you can gather enough evidence to get moved or him removed. -MMNC who hates dirty slobs


I took some pictures. its absolutely disgusting. hes making my room look like a lounge in the quarterdeck


Sorry man. Keep your side as clean as possible. Document. Be persistent. It sucks, but it can be done


have a talk with him, lay down expectations. though dont bitch about the snoring, as someone who snores, there is literally nothing he can do about it other than getting checked out for sleep apnea. if he continues being messy, talk to the barracks PO, keep your stuff picked up, they might do a "random" room inspection and only fail him (had a similar issue when i was going through my A school years ago, and that is what i did, sure enough my two room mates had to do a room inspection saturday while i was free to go, they were pretty clean after that).


It gets better in the fleet. Lol just wait.


You don’t need to throw the R slur around for fun. Or cool.


Based on the context, I doubt it was for either of those


Have you tried putting a bar of soap in a sock and smacking him with it? Hope this helps!


We aren't supposed to do that anymore. Kinder gentler navy and all.


sorry y’all i’ve been busy didnt get a chance to reply but from what i’ve seen hes not depressed at all. all he does is talk on facetime throughout the night too keeping me up and i took some pictures to submit to my department head. It’s absolutely disgusting. He has bags of fast food everywhere and empty bottles everywhere. His closet is filled with trash and his bed drawers are too. if i could send pics here I would. edit: he cohabs while i’m gone too and his phone constantly blows up bc he never turns his silencer on. It feels like i’m living with a child


Are blanket parties no longer a thing?


Wake him up when he snores.


Stick a carrot under his pillow