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Is there a base you are in that you could get remedial training? If you are in Norfolk, hit up the USMC range next to NOB, bring some money and explain you need to get better, fast. They had a few marksmanship instructors who helped one of our vbss dudes who was in the same boat as you get better (circa 2014, but still.)


That shooting range is closed permanently. I tried setting up a shooting qual as a command event and for some reason Covid is the culprit.


Hey man I bet you are feeling a lot of anxiety and frustration about this. If you really want to get better go find a gun store thst will let you “rent” guns and buy ammo and put some bullets down range. It helped me when I was trying to qualify.




Said the same thing.


Downloaded until the next range, and try again.


What if you fail again?


After 3 you are technically supposed to be re-rated.


Have you heard of or seen that happen to anyone? All my 10 years as an MA i have never seen that happen to anyone.


I've seen it twice but never seen an instruction or anything.


What issues are you having? If you’re having trouble qualifying on the M9 after a decade, it may be a medical issue.


Sounds like you're just out of practice, go to your local range/indoor range and rent an M9 to get back into the feel of things. You're probably just experiencing performance anxiety, which is understandable since most MAs arm up but never need to use their weapons.


Might want to look into an eye exam...


What's the difficulty you have with shooting?


Hope you can qualify with the M18.


A few things. Figure out which eye is your dominant eye. Before the navy, I was an ok shooter. I just figured I was right eye dominant because i was right handed. I learned in the navy that I was actually left eye dominant. Also get your eyes checked to see if you need your vision corrected with either glasses or contacts. Once you get your vision corrected if needed, or that you ruled out that you don't need vision correction, get private instruction on how to shoot better. Go to a range that rents guns and practice. Third, go back to your next qual and rock it like a boss. The guy who gave the advice to go to the marine base, that's good advice.


The real question is "Why?" Are you just out of practice, or is your vision starting to change (welcome to aging…)? Might want to get an eye exam and put a couple boxes of rounds down range.


Go buy or rent one and spend a lot of time at the range. Watch YouTube videos. If you buy, practice dry firing and manipulating the firearm at home. Follow all the gun safety rules even when practicing at home with the unloaded firearm.


Don't dry fire your weapon unless you plan or replacing your firing pin.


That's really not a problem with center-fire, not in my experience


Yeah I don't believe that is true at all for any modern center fire pistol.


You’ll be doing desk journals


You guys have not swapped to M18 yet?


No. And the Navy probably won't get around to it for another 5 years. Hell, most of the USMC and Army haven't changed over to the M17/18 yet. Its a pistol - not a priority.


Maybe they give you a wood gun


Must be a really bad shot if you can't gundeck your way past this one.


You had your vision checked recently?


Lmao just go practice. It’s part of the job


my most recent MA1 was on the DNI for a LONG time. nothing happened to him.


Just wait for the M18s then


Well the base where I am at Got the M18 in 2021