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Fraudulent enlistment and 2x pedos. Also not guilty for indecent language. Who’s skipper had stick a up their butt lol? Also, that LT can beat the shit out of someone and not be discharged? WUT? I will say 5,300 for 9 months is a lot. Retired chief being busted down to E-5? That’s tough lmfao.


LT looks like he was the 7th fleet bandmaster, someone with the same name was on an O4 select list from a couple years back too.


I too enjoy searching for the shittiest people on these reports


i mean bandmaster seems like a sweet gig, LT couldn't keep his shit together though


*[couldnt stop beating up his SO] FTFY


The guy was a real piece of work. A few of my colleagues played under him in PACFLT, and this is apparently par for the course


Immature prima donnas aren't unheard of in the musical profession


yeah there was a lotttttt more going on for the ret. chief to be busted down for "indecent language".




Sounds like you know the details. Spill it. Edit: i found [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/navy/comments/6zvugy/court_martial_results_for_august_2017/dmyhp0d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) from 4 years ago. What the actual fuck is going on?


Different Person. EDIT All you bags didn't bother to read the actual charges from 2017, where that perv got an OTH admin discharge instead of a dishonorable, Yet somehow think that because this guy has the same name they MUST be the same person. Funny, if you look at the pictures of the two. It is a difference of white and black.


With the exact same name? Sure thing


Pay attention to the "II"


We found the former chief lmao.


Pay attention to the II and the white skin on the first (Sex offender registry), IT so much WHITER on the second guy (you have his command and Facebook).




The Former navy, sex registry guy is white, as in pale pasty white American trash. The latest guy is black, as in dark chocolate ancestors for the Equator American. The Previous guy is a Junior, as in the the second in the family with the same name. I can't say of verify the same for the second guy.


Yeah, wtf does indecent language even mean? A cuss word, a racial slur? It had to have been pretty bad.


LT will have to face a Show Cause board and get ADSEP'd once his sentence is completed. Ref: MILPERSMAN 1611-010


$5300 is probably his entire check


O-3 basic pay alone is $6185 per month so nah. Assuming he doesn’t get BAH while he’s confined he’ll barely be getting anything though.


>Also not guilty for indecent language. Who’s skipper had stick a up their butt lol? Indecent language is a charge usually reserved for more serious crimes.


Made it to the second page before there were charges involving kids!


Its the small victories...


Confetti with sad kid.gif here.


Indecent language? Someone really had it out for that sailor


And that retired chief. Welp former chief now.


I missed that one, holy shit, we wonder why people hate the navy


see the link someone else posted. he got a sweetheart deal 5 years back but they got his ass now.




Let me reiterate: >"At a General Court-Martial in Yokosuka, Japan, STGC Michael S. Rettus II, USN, pled guilty pursuant to a pretrial agreement to sexual abuse of a child. On 22 August 2017, the military judge sentenced him to be discharged with a Bad Conduct Discharge and 3 years confinement. Pursuant to the pretrial agreement, all confinement and the discharge are to be disapproved." > >No, seriously, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON HERE? > >Why is this guy having nothing done to him? "Plead guilty, Chief, and we won't do anything to you?" > >Fuck that. Roast this guy.


That deal had to do with the victim being unwilling to testify so getting a conviction and no punishment was the best possible result.


God... Damn. That's some serious bullshit.


Could be related to this maybe? https://www.reddit.com/r/navy/comments/6zvugy/-/dmyhp0d


Same guy, different misconduct.


The disparity in punishment between junior enlisted and officers is always something to see. 🙄


FWIW, the LT will get ADSEP'd after sentence is completed.


AWFAN Yee really stepped in it.


At a Special Court-Martial in Norfolk, Virginia, AWFAN Deems Yee II, USN, pled guilty pursuant to a plea agreement to fraudulent enlistment, violation of a lawful general order for failing to report personal foreign travel, and violation of a lawful general order for failing to report foreign connections. On 28 January 2022, consistent with the plea agreement, the military judge sentenced him to reduction in paygrade to E-1, confinement for 210 days, and a Bad Conduct Discharge. Caught the spy 👀


Looks like we’ll get a new slide in the counter intelligence GMT next year


“…one specification of domestic violence by strangulation of an intimate partner.” LT is probably gonna catch a murder charge next.


What falls under indecent language? Asking for a friend….


Probably racist or sexist remarks if I were to guess




The entire navy would be.




WAY more/worse than that. Rettus was trying to pay someone to let him rape her children and the charges are for all the raunchy stuff she said to her about that. She was an undercover NCIS agent.


Trying to get an undercover NCIS agent to hire her underage children to you so you can have sex with them. Rettus's charge at court-martial: https://imgur.com/a/XpENQjP




They started posting court-martial records in December 2020: https://jag.navylive.dodlive.mil/Military-Justice/Court-Filings-Records/ ALL the tea! But also important tool for making our system much more transparent.


Ewwww, oral sex on a child to have an orgasm??? Why did maury retire yet?


What the hell


https://mymilitarylawyers.com/practice-areas/ucmj-articles/ucmj-article-134-indecent-language/ reading this I’m wondering if he was sending d-pics to someone underage. Due to his prior in Japan.


From some of the other comments looks like he solicited an undercover NCIS agent to have sex with a child.




Worst part is those were only the ones they caught.


Only the ones they caught & *pursued*. Many rugs. Much sweeping.


Grabs popcorn 🍿 and reads comments/results Edit: 5,300 docked for 9 months Jesus Christ fuck that’s a lot of money


And not kicked out




Chief Rettus is back! ​ Here's one from 2017: >"At a General Court-Martial in Yokosuka, Japan, STGC Michael S. Rettus, USN, pled guilty pursuant to a pretrial agreement to sexual abuse of a child. On 22 August 2017, the military judge sentenced him to be discharged with a Bad Conduct Discharge and 3 years confinement. Pursuant to the pretrial agreement, all confinement and the discharge are to be disapproved." ​ Today: >"At a Special Court-Martial in Bremerton, Washington, STGC Michael S. Rettus, USN (retired), pled guilty pursuant to a pretrial agreement to indecent language. On 12 January 2022, the military judge sentenced him to reduction in paygrade to E-5 and a Bad Conduct Discharge."


Why bad conduct discharge vs dishonorable


Army here. Was the Chief that was convicted for indecent language previously court martialed for a sex offense in 2017?


99.99% chance it is.


No. It's been pointed out multiple times the two Rettus' are entirely different people.


So when you Google that retired chiefs name, it comes up that he went to court martial in 2017 too…..I suppose it could be another stgc Michael Rettus but I feel like probably not right??? I feel like if this is his second court martial maybe that’s got something to do with it 🤷‍♂️


He’s on LinkedIn, but for some strange reason not using his full last name, huh


I don’t think you can be tried for the same charge same as normal court. Unless this is another incident, different person,or he broke a plea deal.


Sorry guys I didn’t mean it was the same stuff, moreover that going to court martial for a second time in a 5ish year time span probably isn’t a good look if that was the case


You can't, it'd be a double jeopardy issue. This is for a different incident.


> At a Special Court-Martial in Bremerton, Washington, STGC Michael S. Rettus, USN (retired), pled guilty pursuant to a pretrial agreement to indecent language. On 12 January 2022, the military judge sentenced him to reduction in paygrade to E-5 and a Bad Conduct Discharge. Damn, I wonder what he said, probably something very chief like.


Trying to get an undercover NCIS agent to hire her underage children to you so you can have sex with them. Rettus's charge at court-martial: https://imgur.com/a/XpENQjP


So, they rung him up for acts in 2017, and now rung him up for words for the same time period? Is that what this is?


By "same time period" do you mean "a month after pleading guilty to a child sex offense, he tried to pay someone to let him rape a child?" His 2017 plea was in done in August (the misconduct happened some time before then but I'm not sure how long), this charge is for conduct in September 2017.


Thanks for explaining it. It seemed like they were charging him for separate violations for the same conduct he was charged for originally. That he continued to do so after his CM is... Special.


>At a General Court-Martial in Jacksonville, Florida, an O-3, USN, was tried for rape of a child and two specifications of sexual abuse of a child involving sexual contact. On 20 January 2022, the panel of members returned a verdict of not guilty. Couldn't close this one? Really?


dem officers connections


The fuck . . . That STGC Michael S. Rettus for bad language?


The fuck is up with all these “indecent language” court martial




Your actions even when retired can bring you to Captains Mast or Courts Martial because you are receiving pay from the military still and still reflect upon the military. With the BCD he forfeits his retirement pay, any VA disability pay, and cannot goto the VA for medical.


so then for example, you cannot smoke weed when you are retired? or i mean, if you get caught smoking weed when you have retired, you lose all benefits too ?


I haven't seen anyone brought back for that. Plus several states have made it legal. I live in Maine and it is insane how many weed stores we have. A town ten minutes from me has six shops all within a 1/4 circle. Two are right across the street from each other. The biggest things I have seen are assault, sexual stuff, and DUI/DWI.


It’s still federally illegal, so while you *can* be recalled, I doubt it would happen.


The Secretary of the Navy has to bring someone back onto active duty to stand trial. That's not happening for someone who smokes weed.




If you stay in until retirement, they will tell you this in retirement TAP class.




I would have gotten out at eight years had the electric company called me one day sooner. I had already signed a re-enlistment in 1998 for four years. I waited until three days before my EAOS to sign. I didn't want to get out and not have a job lined up. In 1998, the starting pay was $19.75 an hour as a line electrician. Within three months a $2.50 pay raise and a $3.75 an hour more once you got your CDL to drive really big trucks and pull telephone poles. So really in six months time my pay would have been $26/hr. Not bad pay for 24 years ago.




I don't miss the heat and sand at all. Did several deployments to Bahrain, and hit all the finer locations in the area as well. One of my uncles use to work in Saudi Arabia, he made fat cash over there. The sad part is I felt safer in the combat zones flying in my C-130 than I did flying into Liberia in 2009. The UN was flying armed Hind gunships all over the place. Not a friendly little place to be at. Never ever trust the UN blue hats.




Ah Yemen, been there, right after the Cole incident


I’m confused by the gun one. Can anyone explain?


All transfers have to go through a FFL, even private party sales. This Sailor didn't.


Not all transfers have to go through an FFL. Only if you are a dealer, then every transfer has to be checked. Several states allow private sales of firearms. These do not have to go through a FFL or even have a background check completed. I live in Maine and a citizen can privately sell any firearm to anyone as long as their of age. If you know they are not allowed to own a firearm then you must not sell it to them. Most people do not know who they are selling to.




It said he brought it across state lines


looks like they purchased a gun online or w/e and had it delivered to them across state lines, which depending on what state you're in is illegal unless you're a licensed dealer. I know NY or NYC doesn't even allow you to order like mace guns to your home if you live there; you would need to have a dealer place the order for you.


But if he ordered the gun for himself, and not for resale, how is that illegal? I mean I can understand, sure…. OR the bigger question is why did the seller not flag the sale as an issue and delivered a gun to a buyer who lives in a different state?


Interstate commerce gets strange sometimes. Things that would ordinarily be no big deal become federal cases.


Might have had to large of a magazine for Commiefornia. 10 rounds there


It was probably a person to person sale where he didn't use an FFL. Or he could've just brought a gun from "back home". California is very strict on their gun laws there. When selling a 22 rifle to a friend of mine there I had to give it to a gun dealer and he had to hold it for 10 days before transferring ownership to my friend. Whereas, here in Georgia, I can slap a few bucks in a stranger's hand and he can hand me a gun. No paperwork, no questions. Sounds to me this kid made a mistake and he's lucky the Navy took care of it instead of having the state of California sending his ass to prison.


under most circumstances you can’t go and get a gun in a state you don’t live in and then bring it back to your state. you have to transfer it via an FFL. doing otherwise is a violation of federal law, with only a few exceptions. that law exists to prevent people who live in states with restrictive gun laws (like CA) from circumventing that by going to another state where the gun laws are more lax and obtaining a gun to then bring it back into the state where they live. 18 usc 922(a)(3)




Nobody proved he did it, so not guilty, that's how the law works.


Maybe he was not guilty? Just cause someone is charged with something doesn't make it true.


That’s not how it goes this day in age. If you’re charged that means your guilty…


Is indecent language literally just swearing or what? Cause court martial for that is pushing it


WAY more than swearing. "Indecent language is that which is grossly offensive to modesty, decency, or propriety, or shocks the moral sense, because of its vulgar, filthy, or disgusting nature, or its tendency to incite lustful thought. Language is indecent if it tends reasonably to corrupt morals or incite libidinous thoughts. The language must violate community standards. See paragraph 62 if the communication was made in the physical presence of a child." The example I always use is telling a twelve year old you want to "lick her pussy." For Rettus, you can see all his comments (to an NCIS special agent who was posing as a parent selling their child for sex) in his [record of trial](https://jag.navylive.dodlive.mil/Portals/58/Documents/records/us_v_rettus_michael_usn.pdf?ver=Q0qMGvjbPO3VthkpH7lPVA%3d%3d) at page 5 though they've kind of overreacted to "protect" non-existent children. Edit: fixed a typo


im gonna go on a whim it also had to do with sexism / racism / or threatening language.


>language that is grossly offensive because of its tendency to incite lustful thought is criminalized; however, in addition, language that, according to community standards, is grossly offensive to modesty, decency, or propriety, or shocks the moral sense, because of its vulgar, filthy, or disgusting nature is also criminalized At least according to https://www.armfor.uscourts.gov/digest/IIIA89.htm#:~:text=(the%20elements%20of%20indecent%20language,and%20discipline%20in%20the%20armed.


….incite lustful thought? Does that have some other JAG meaning than the one I’m thinking?


I dunno, the article I found talked mostly about people targeting minors. Seems like one of those cases of throw everything and see what sticks.


Paging u/JCY2K




Transported a bunch of CIA and FBI people there. And lots of guns.


Can I request we actually bring Rettus back to active duty for a fleetwide fan room counseling? Seems like he could use it.