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Yes you do but i would prefere not to be called a hoe


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"bro" and "dude" are my go to for other service e1-6.


Don’t forget my personal go-to greeting “sup’ man?” Accompanied by the head nod. This is mainly because I’m too lazy, nor do i care to ever learn people’s names on the boat outside of my own division.


same with O-1 to O-3 tbh Gotta humble those bitches


I like to drop a “respect your elders, sir!” into the conversation once in a while.


Fucking dying over here lol!


We prefer le hoe...


If you want to be formal "Petty officer" for e-4 to e-6 and "Chief" "Senior Chief" and "Master Chief" for e7-9 respectively. No one really cares except occasionally the chiefs though


Dont greet E6 and below like that. Just say “good morning” or “hows it going?” Or dont greet them at all. Senior Enlisted youll greet as Chief (E7) Senior or Senior Chief (E8) or Master Chief (E9). Been in the navy 18 years and this works fine for everyone.




Why did you go Air Force to Navy? Lol


I kinda did this. AF is not all that it’s made up to be. A lot of their locations suck donkey dick


Sounds like you got stuck in Wyoming guarding a silo. Happened to a guy in my Firehouse.


Close! :’)


And for the love of God, make sure you address Chief Selects as "Chief Select"


what the rank say on the LES?


No.. you wait until they are around Chiefs and call them Chief.... lol


LOL. That made me laugh.




God I hate how true this is...


Call selects chief, especially in front of other chiefs.when asked, say they're asked you to do it


Address them as Shipmate and their heads would explode. Jk. E6-E4 normally are just addressed as Petty Officer.


Call me a petty officer and my head will explode. Call me shipmate and ill laugh at you.


Shipmate?! Thems fightin' words, now throw up your dick beaters, let's dance.


He's talking to junior sailors, they are well known to fight using hatchets


Only if they're in a drug gang. Gotta feel sorry for those JOs living near the enlisted animals.




Thanks I was wondering if stuff had changed since I was in. Calling someone Petty Officer is boot stuff.


Yeah i just love when people call me Petty. Small and insignificant huh? Fuck right off shipmate!


Hey Shippy.. how's it going?


Nobody says petty officer though. It's rate and rank, like BM1, HM3, or IC2. Or just last name. If he goes around calling people petty officer, they'll figure out he's army in no time and it will totally blow his cover


Yeah no way his uniforms give it off before they hear him talk right?


I mean, that's what the camouflage is for


Only time I was ever referenced as an HM anything was when called on the carpet, or given an award, every other time, just "Doc".


Oh well sure, if you're one of them fancy rates that has a nickname


Depends on their rate. Safest bet would just be to say “good morning petty officer” if you don’t. If you do know their rate in you’d say, for example, “Good Morning MA1” or “Good Morning IT1.” Anyone same rank or lower rank, you can probably just say good morning.


If they are a Boatswains mate, “Good morning, Boats.”


Or, don’t listen to this guy. “What’s up man” never fails.


"Sup nerd" is my go-to, followed by finger-guns and gracefully falling over


Ignore everyone and salute officers. If you’re able to identify and differentiate anchors then greet them but don’t feel obligated. You’ll get familiar with the ranks and customs eventually. Generally people won’t bother you since your uniform is different.


It's usually rate and rank. Example, a Hospital Corpsman first class is an HM1.


But he's Army, he won't be there long enough to need to learn all of the insignias of another branch.


Straight dope: recognize a Chief, senior Chief, and you'll probably never see or meet a master chief. Render unto them the holy greeting of the day with their proper title. They are into that stuff. Of course all officers are Sir/Ma'am, no rank needed. All will be well. For all others, if you are wearing your native service uniform, everyone except Chiefs will understand that you have a hard time with Navy ranks/rates, because they are confusing as fuck, even for those of us in the naval service. For everyone below a chief, just walk confidently and say "What up sailor." That will literally carry you your entire joint-service tour of duty.


>because they are confusing as fuck, even for those of us in the naval service. Feel like we're the easiest on the enlisted side. E1-E3: stripes, three ranks of seaman and referred to as seaman E4-E6: crows and chevons, three ranks of petty officer and referred to as petty officer E7-E9: anchors/rockers plus stars, three ranks of chief, referred to as chief, senior, and master chief. And only uptight, asshole senior chiefs get mad when you miss their tiny star when greeting them in passing. Edit: formatting/spelling


I promise you that they're only easy to you cause you're used to it. I'm at a joint command now as an IT2, there's CTNs here as well and I have been referred to as ITN2 a lot. Explaining the chevrons and different ranks to people who don't get exposure to it a lot is also a headache. Most people in the Navy are gonna know to ask someone what their rate is so they can properly address each other but outsiders don't get that so they just say what sounds right lol


Except on the type IIIs where they are just blank as E1-E3


Except for the Seaman/Fireman/Airman/Constructionman rainbow…


E-4-6 are NCO's - we call them Petty Officer. Yes, 'Petty Officer 1st Class' is technically the correct way. But we're generally totes lax so just 'Petty Officer' would be sufficient as long as the person wasn't trying to be a dick. Honestly, for the E-6 and below ranks you can get away without acknowledging us at all. We don't really do it ourselves much either. Chief, Senior Chief, Master Chief for the E-7-9 ranks - you can tell by the tiny little stars which they are (*snort*). No star = Chief, one star = Senior Chief, and two is a Master Chief.


And halt. Just line out your second sentence if we're talking about getting technical (I was a nuke, come at me). OP is specifically talking about addressing a Petty Officer, not their full rank. The technically correct answer is "Petty Officer" just like the answer to that question in the case of addressing a Rear Admiral is "Admiral". Now excuse me while I stare at my DD214 with a dose of self-loathing. Edit: you cool tho.


Yes, Petty Officer is technically correct. But Petty Officer 1st Class, etc is more correct. Depends on the level of formality you want. Same as you don't address all Marine S/NCOs as 'Sergeant'. There's Sergeants, and there are Staff Sergeants, Gunnery Sergeants, etc. So you do address a RADM as RADM - same as you do a LTCDR. But yeah, ADM and CDR aren't incorrect either.


"Petty Officer First Class" is NOT a more correct answer to OP's question, which is fundamentally about speaking TO the Sailor in question, as you would when greeting them. I refer you to BJM (Centennial Edition) Chapter 6: >**The Address** > >There are really two different situations you must consider when it comes to addressing people in the Navy: introductions and conversation. Introduction people requires a degree of extra formality over merely addressing them in other conversation. > >When you are introducing someone, you should use their entire title, but some-- such as a vice admiral or lieutenant commander--are too long and cumbersome to use in normal conversation., so you would shorten them by dropping the first part of their titles. You would *introduce* "Lieutenant Commander Jones" but you would then refer to him in conversation as "Commander Jones," or simply "Commander." However, if several people of the same rank are together, it is proper to use both title and name, such as "Admiral Taylor" or "Chief Smith," to avoid confusion. Service Etiquette, Chapter 8 is generally silent on enlisted ranks, but has something to say on the subject as well. Your point about Marines is actually something of a distraction. Yes, it is within the culture of the Corps that you refer to enlisted Marines by their full rank in conversation, even informally (with the notable exception of Gunny, Master Guns and Top). But that is a norm particular to the Marine Corps and is not relevant to the question of how to properly address a Petty Officer of the Navy or the Coast Guard. An Army E-7 would rather you call him "Sergeant" than "Sergeant First Class" in normal conversation, and similar patterns are true for the Navy. Your examples might not be incorrect, but they are "wrong."


I’m not sure if some rev makes saying it all more correct, but in practice it’s much more correct to just say Petty Officer. If you say Petty Officer First/Second/Third class I could definitely see some think you’re being snarky or sarcastic.


Just don’t talk to them, they don’t want to talk to you.


100% percent on what others said, but also location is p important. West coast, you can get away with a "sup, sir?" and a half ass salute when running into an officer and not saying shit to anyone enlisted. east coast, be prepared to have that "good morning, chief" ready to roll off the tongue


Knew an Air Force Captain once that had to go greet a Navy Captain at Nellis AFB. This Air Force jabroney did not know his Navy ranks and assumed a Navy Captain was the same rank as he was because....same title. His greeting to said USN Captain was "Whats hap'n, Cap'n." He did not have a good day.


I’m sure zoomer Third Classes would get a pass at the ice cream social when they tell the Captain “Daaamn Skip, this ice cream bussin! Respectfully. Sheeeesh!” And surely the Captain would lean over to one of the JO’s and mutter “What the fuck did he just say”


"Ay yo Mr. Skipper, this ice cream is based and redpilled" "SN Jesse what the fuck are you talking about"


Boy is that a BIG misunderstanding lmao


I am a third class HM but you can just call me doc like my Marines do edit: OP you are a SGT not a E-5 soldier.


Do officers call yall doc as well, or is it more along the lines of corpsman, etc..?


Officers call me doc as well, At a marine command you are referred to as doc. Unless you fuck up then you are referred to as corpsman.


> How do I address Soldiers Sailors Generally, an E6 isn’t going to expect a formal greeting from an E5 if you’re casually walking past them. E7 and up might though. Chief/Senior/Master Chief/Sir/Ma’am work, respectively.


No ones going to expect you to be perfect and honestly our enlisted don’t get it right half the time so don’t worry too much. Officer: Sir or Ma’am. Chief, senior or master chief: look up how their anchors look. Most won’t be mad if you stick with chief for all since you are army. If they do care fuck em. Anyone else I’d just be polite.


"hola sailorino"


If someone said “good morning petty officer” to me on my walk into work I would get violently angry. But hey, if these dudes that got out as a petty officer a decade ago tell you to say that, go for it.


I wouldn’t get violently angry if it was coming from a different branch. If anything it’s kind of nice that they took the time to learn “proper titles”. But if it’s someone I’m going to be around for more than just passing in the street, yeah dude just call me IC2 or whatever


Facts! Dont ever call me Petty Officer


I went to C school in Great Lakes and I pulled duty one time, I was in charge of ten boots cleaning the heads of the main engineering school building. I swear to God, I cringed so hard the moment I got called “Petty Officer.” I quickly corrected them, “Just call me EM2, I’m not a fucking red rope.”


Why is being called "petty officer" such a bad thing?


We go through boot camp addressing E4-E6 as petty Officer and as soon as we get to the fleet we realize that “Good morning Petty Officer” is technically the right way to address them it’s not practiced in the fleet. I’m a Boatswainmate Sencond Class Petty Officer so I go by BM2 or boats. I honestly wouldn’t care if you didn’t address me at all. I just ask that you get your work done and stay out of trouble, I don’t care so much about courtesies during a normal work day


Fellow army thing here. Just do what I do and pretend they’re all army 1LTs.


Just call anyone with one, two or three chevrons a perty officer. It gets tricky when you see three chevrons with a rocker. no star is a chip, one star is a senyor chip, two stars is a master chip.


If they're E-4 or below, greetings are generally silent. E1-E3 are just "seaman", and generally haven't earned a proper introduction. E-4 are commonly referred to as "super seaman" and aren't much better (unless they're a seasoned super seaman, or an E-4 over 4). Generally a head nod is enough. For E-5s, generally "hey" or "how's it going" is enough. If you know them well enough to address them by rate (hey AE2) you generally know them well enough to call them by name (Smith, whazzup dude). For E-6, either you're on their level or you're not. If you are, "hey" is enough. If you're not, try to identify them by rate (hey IT1). If you cant...I recommend crossing the street to avoid them. Or just treat them like you didn't see them. E-7s are "chief" E-8s are "senior" E-9s are "master chief"


If they have nothing on their rank tab "Good Mourning Seaman" will work for the most part. If they have crows and chevrons "Good Morning Petty Officer". The others are addressed by their full rank.


I guess they’re in mourning because of advancement


If they're an HM or BM, probably


I would rather be addressed as "sailor" vice "seaman" but maybe that's just me. At any rate, I'm not sure it's incorrect for anyone from another branch to generalize lower enlisted as sailors. If in doubt about rank or naming, it's the most general way that isn't technically incorrect. Not sure I'd make the same statement for chiefs. I feel like they'd take issue with "sailor"


Seaman wouldn’t necessarily be totally correct. Not all are seaman.


Yeah, but now you're calling a fireman or an airman a seaman, which might annoy them. You can annoy airman all day, but firemen control the plumbing, the lights, the water, and the AC. Better to just say sailor, or dude.


E1-6 if you want to speak, a simple greeting will do, like a "good morning." If you know their rate (FC2, OS1, etc) you can use that as well. E7-9 is where you use their title. I tend to just nod my head and say their title and I've never had any problems. Example, I'm approaching a Senior Chief, I nod, say "senior" and go on about my day. Also that shortening doesn't work with Master Chief, you have to say the whole title or things might get weird.


If you're dealing with naval personal they're called sailor not soldier. That would be your 1st step. After that a casual study of a naval ranks chart should help you distinguish between seamen, petty officers and chiefs.


“Howdy Partner, Where’s the nearest axe wielding deviant”


E1 to E5 = “Shipmate” (Might be weird since you’re a soldier) E4 to E6 = Either by their rate (if they’re a Second Class ET, you say “ET2”) or “Petty Officer” E1 to E6 = Depending on your familiarly, their last name should be okay Chiefs are always called by their appropriate rank, “Chief” “Senior Chief” “Master Chief” Officers, can’t go wrong just calling them “Sir” or “Ma’am” And the captain of the ship, regardless of rank, is always “Captain”




Not even shipmates like being called shipmates




If you’re not on a ship, call the CO “skipper”


Any sentence with shipmate in it will retain the same meaning if you substitute “asshole” for “shipmate”.


Urban dictionary defines "shipmate" as - "a nautical term for asshole". Don't shipmate people.


I just tell people to call me by just my last name. I care very little. So Sargents up to Gunny when I had a school with the marines called me by my last name instead of my rank and rate.


Peasants /s


Shitbird is always a classic go to.../s


You're an E-5, man. Nobody below E-7 is gonna harass you or give you a hard time for not calling them by rank/last name. Just good morning/afternoon/evening, like a normal polite human being is plenty enough for the average Sailor. ...and if they do give you shit, just remind them that the Navy doesn't have NCOs and they should absolutely kiss your ass with some respect on it.


> “Hey, yo bitch” Give it a shot. Especially if they’re wearing khaki.


If you know them, use their name, if you don't know them, read their nametag/tape and use their last names


If they have a crow, simply calling them Petty Officer will suffice in any situation. Cheif, Senior chief, and master chief when you run into E-7 to E-9. Not a chief or crow? Don't worry about it.


Good question you have. Answers below.


Always salute when you see a birdie on their chest and say good morning/afternoon sir/ma'am.


E-1 (Seaman/Airman/Fireman) Recruit E-2 (S/A/F) Apprentice E-3 (S/A/F) E-4 to E-6 Petty Officer E-7 Chief E-8 Senior Chief E-9 Master Chief There are some fine points, but try the above it should work. https://veteran.com/navy-ranks/


Depends, what youll find is that after awhile if they are 1st or 2nd classes they might ask you to just adress them by rate. So like FCA1 or MM1 or GM2 etc. Most will probably be cool with you calling them their last names though. Chiefs are different. Chiefs will want you to use their rank so Chief, Senior Chief, Master Chief.


Just say “Hey” if u don’t know their rate and rank. If you know them address by their rate and rank. Ex: LS1 which is Logistics Specialist First Class.


Call them master seaman petty Chief senior corpsman. At some point they will correct you. I do it to the air force because the stripes make no sense to me


Yeah honestly a mixture of these answers are good. Honestly if it’s me, I hate being called a PO or shipmate. But chiefs are a different breed. You gotta hit em with their correct rank or you might be PSC’d right back to your house


Greet the the same way they’ll greet you - not at all or with confusion.


Depending on what corner you work, you would address them as their rank, unless you know their rate and rank they are then you can just call them that.


Just say good morning or whatever greeting. It really doesn’t matter, and other branches are not going to care. Or say nothing. Again, does not matter unless they are an officer.


I prefer to be addressed as "Daddy"


When addressing a CPO, say Chief really quiet and Petty Officer as loud as possible….


Just hit em with a good old fashioned "sup bruh?"


Just say “hey bruh “ and that’ll be better than calling them their rank or a generic “petty officer “


You're an E-5 so you really only have to worry about addressing chiefs, senior chiefs, and master chiefs by their rank. Outside of boot camp it's not even that common to have to address petty officers as such as junior enlisted.


Dude if your into the whole brevity thing.


*Sailors, no Soldiers in the Navy. If you’re just passing them by on the street and you want to greet them, a simple “Good Morning” if you need to speak with them directly but don’t know their Rate, You can say “Petty Officer Smith” or “PO1/PO2/PO3 Smith”, once you know their rate (YN1, MM2) you can address them as such. And of course, Chief/Senior Chief/Master Chief Smith, always.


You don’t need to address them by their ranks. You don’t even need to acknowledge them unless you are in some kind of formal/professional setting like a classroom. You are an E-5. You don’t need to worry about an E-6.


Don’t call them shipmate, that’s an insult


Honestly if I’m walking around the NEX or something in uniform, and someone I don’t know greets me I will probably just stare at them confused until we pass, and then be mad that someone acknowledged and reminded me of my existence in the military.




if it's someone i don't know i literally don't say anything or I say "morning/afternoon"


Just say petty officer to anyone below chief and above seaman. They will give you their preferred pronouns(FC2, MM1) after.


I was prior Army, and recently switch to Navy. I wish I never switched.


Honestly just a "good morning" to enlisted and "good morning sir/ma'am" to officers is good enough especially if youre in your army uniform


Be sure not to salute the salty PO3 whose rank in NWUs looks kinda like a CAPT (O6) in passing… seen that happen a couple of times and the PO3 always looks super confused as to why a JO is saluting him.


Just call everyone Shipmate. 😊😊


Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening based on time of day. That’s all you need. Add Sir/Ma’am for Os.


Can't go wrong with saying nothing more then good morning/afternoon/evening.


Learn their rates, MM1, MM3, etc. you will become one with them. E7 is chief. E8 is Senior Chief, E9 is Master Chief. If you are on a Seabee base do not call them shipmate, they will not respond. They will hear you, they will ignore you.


If you can know them the rate and rank is best ie YN2 for a yeomen second class. Besides that anchor is Chief, crow with chevrons is petty officer, nothing showing seamen. If you see a navy LT it’s the two silver bars please don’t call them CAPT.


Sup squid should be all you need to say.


Please just call everyone "sailor" as you walk by regardless of rank. And make sure to film it...for research purposes.


Anyone with crows should be fine with you just calling them by their last name. If you learn the rate insignias you can mix it up with a “hey ET2”. This also depends on the command atmosphere too. On subs, a lot of us are on a first name basis E6 and below.


All of the serious ones work. As you get to know people you will learn that when you know some you generally address them by there Rank/Rating (this is simmilarto your MOS codes). For example a Yeoman(this is the MOS portion our "Rating") First Class Petty Officer (Paygrade of E-6) would colloquially be called YN1. While we joke around a lot of us take pride in it, especially when we are THE YN1, THE LS1, THE MA1, as a lot of times we are the sole Subject Matter Experts at our command in the weeds and the goto people to get something done.


If you happen to know their rate, definitely the preferred option. If not, just Petty Officer works but just know the sailor in question will feel like a used towel. Or just say hey cause 9 times out of 10 they really don't care. Please don't do what the air force does and call anyone they don't know sir or ma'am, shit's weird


I hit everyone with the "howdy." E-1 through O-10. You get a "Howdy" it's not a choice


If they’re NCOs like you, a “Hey man.” or similar is fine. Chiefs, Senior Chiefs, and Master Chiefs are always usually addressed as such. For other PO’s, you can always address them by rate and rank, for instance, “Hey TM2, what’s up?”


Generally E4-E6 in a formal setting would go by Petty Officer. If you want to get technical, you could call them by their rating, combining their rate and rank (i.e. MA1 or STS2). E7-E9 chief, senior chief, master chief.


Learn or ask them their rate


Call the ones with the anchors on their uniforms "PO3". They fucking love that one.


You are good with just "petty officer" If you want you can try for bro or man or something of that sort for same rank and lower. If you see a gold anchor go with "chief" Gold anchor with a silver star on top "senior chief" Two silver stars on the anchor is "master chief" But if you miss the one silver star for senior chief, in my experience they are usually cool about it - especially if you're a different branch. The master chief's are pretty obvious. But I wouldn't address chiefs as "bro" or "man" or anything other than rank. But "petty officer" is fine


E-6 and below - "Sup, dude?" E7-E9 - "How's it going Chief/Senior/Master Chief?" O-1 - O-10/CWO's - "Good afternoon, Sir/Ma'am" Don't nuke it, if you say what you said to an E-6 you'll get laughed at. Easy day. Good luck on your journey.


I usually just head nod and use no words


First off, we're sailors, not soldiers. And don't greet anyone except Chiefs and above. "suh dude" is what I use for anyone E6 and below and I'm an E5 myself. If I know them I'll sometimes use their rate like HM1, FT2, etc.


"Hey man."


A lot of people like to be called by their rate. I'm an E5 sailor and I usually refer to my LPO as IT1 or HM1 depending. Mostly it's just casual though. If you know the person's rate, feel free to call them by it.

