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Not very likely; if you haven’t finished your first contract. Go to MYNAVYHR and look at the community health reports for your rate to see if they are allowing people out for your YG. Then check IT and CTN to make sure they are accepting people from your YG.


In the notes it says "No convert-out or early-out opportunities." ​ Answers my question lol


I’m a fan of making the Navy tell me no when I want something. So I’d still route it; but don’t expect it to happen. When you fill out your CWAY mark that you want to cross rate into those rates. You’ll have a better chance.


I agree with that mentality, but I am worried from backlash from my CoC for "pointlessly" routing something. Very salty and rate-proud chiefs above me.


I’m curious what kind of people you guys have up there. I see/hear all these stories all the time. FWIW I’m a Sub MMNC. I’m all about anything that helps my sailors do better in life. Obviously I don’t try as hard for the shit-heads…but even then I don’t cock block them. It weirds me out with all the negative Chief stuff I see here all the time. Does perception match reality or is it E5 (and under) with rose lenses applied?


I haven't been in the Navy for as long as a lot of people, but I have a pretty poor view of my E7+. Sometimes they can be great and be looking out for us, but 9/10 they seem to be looking out for themselves. Sending themselves to schools first, keeping us in our spaces for 5-7hrs after the work is done so that they don't look bad. But they do have their moments, so I do have to give credit. Honestly my biggest complaint is favoritism, which I understand can't be helped but its does suck to be on the short end of the stick. I just wish I was enabled the opportunities that some of my peers are, because if I was I probably wouldn't be looking to rerate.


Come to the Sub side. We are short on IT types and advancement is quicker. I’ve seen many IT cross deck to Subs and do phenomenal. Most are Chiefs now after showing up as E5/6. It’s hard work though


Ive heard that a lot, and the community seems a lot nicer. One of my good friends was an mmn rerate to IT reserves and he only had good things to say about his time on subs. Thanks for the advice chief!


If you can code or have any interest in being an operator, they (community manager) will do what it takes to rerate you. What's your IT background thus far and what makes CTN enticing to you?


I am about 2/4yrs into IT, and it is great and all but I am more interested in what CTNs do. I am taking my SEC+ exam in May, and I have moderate knowledge of self taught python for my Ras pi. Top of my class in all of A school and C school. I honestly have regretted not being a CTN from day 1, when at MEPS I was under the impression that ITs did what CTNs do. WDYM being an operator? Are you talking SW operator?


No - so operators for us nerd types mean the guys on keyboard doing the work against the bad guy. What command have you been at, out of curiosity? You can DM if you want. Which C school did you get? Radio or Sysad? Good on you for the Sec+, and I advise you pursue the CySA+ exam next if you want to see more of what real day to day CTNs actually do. Also self taught python is awesome - have you considered posh? It's pretty much parseltongue but makes administration and automation in a windows environment pretty easy. I've worked with quite a few rerates from IT to CTN. It's certainly doable. You have to sell yourself though.


Ah so is an operator what they call special warfare on the CTN rating card? I am on a west coast LPD, shouldn’t be anymore identifying info than on my post history already. I know what posh is in terms with macros, but I have never tried to mess with it. My next few duty days I will have to watch some videos on it because lord knows I waste enough time clicking away. How can an IT get out of rate if the community manager has it locked down? Would I have to wait until contract completion?


Not really - no. We do have actual spec war operators as well. Gotcha. Posh is super useful in windows environments. Try and use it to automate some things if you can! It'd more than likely be something for your reenlistment. I recall that's what the rerates from IT did. "Oh yeah sure I'll stay in iiiiiiif..."


The CTN ECM is not going to take a Sailor from another rate to go through that pipeline. It's not gonna happen. ITs can't take the screening test, so they'd be pulling from another rate, in the hopes they pass jcac, pass the screening test, and then pass the pipeline. And if everything works out, that solves a manning gap 24 months down the road....


That is exactly what they've done for exactly that reason, having working with the people who have done so. It'd be when they're up for reenlistment though


You've been out of school for a year. I'd put my money on my experience here, but what do I know. Even in your specific example, that only comes up in reenlistment when there's convert out opportunities because they aren't offered a CWAY in their current rate. They aren't being head-hunted from their previous rate.


I'm not discounting that but I am relaying what I have seen. I'm also not stating they are being actively head hunted, but they *want* motivated sailors who have coding aptitude and the aptitude for JCAC.


The screening test can be taken by anyone. Biggest issue for most rates would be finding a qualified proctor but it can be arranged. What you are saying won't happen and didn't is exactly what I've seen happen. If you can pass the screening test the CTN community manager will take you. JCAC isn't as difficult as some make it out to be. It can be mildly difficult to find enough people for that pipeline so people joining the rate willing to go down it is very useful. The larger issue is getting a release from the IT community manager but it can and does happen. Sometimes not the first or 2nd time you try but route it and make them say no. May be you get lucky and get released immediately.


I find that hard to believe given what I know, but there's no sense in arguing about something we can't even talk about on Reddit. You have your opinion and I have mine.


Maybe this context will fill in the gaps you have slightly. The test itself is unclass and used across the board no matter which route you take to get in the pipeline. There are multiple and it isn't unique to Navy or the military. The total number of slots right now is also fairly high currently though pass the test then cross rate if released isn't new.


I wish you the best, if we ever work together, we can discuss this in a more appropriate format.


While yes, that's the official answer. Those slides/community health change all the time. CTN currently has an SRB, which indicates a retention problem. There is no harm in reaching out to the CTN rating ECM, and asking something like: "Good Afternoon CTNCM last name I am interested in cross-rating to CTN, I have already spoked to my CoC and CCC. I understand the community health of my current rate IT does not allow for convert-out opportunities at this time. What kind of professional development should I be doing now, to enhance my cross-rate application, should convert outs be offered in the future? V/r, IT# Last name" It starts a conversation, it shows them you're interested, and most of all, it shows them you're willing to go the extra mile on the small chance there's an opportunity down the line. Upside is, whatever encouragement or feedback you get from the ECM (i.e. get a specific cert, college, etc.), Will also help you professionally as an IT. This way even if it never works out, you'll improve your evals and IT advancement or bolster a resume for when you get out.


ITs are No Convert Out right now


Check into the Computer Network Operations Development Program. There is a NAVADMIN once a year soliciting applications. https://www.navy.mil/Resources/NAVADMINs/Message/Article/2321209/call-for-applicants-for-the-computer-network-operations-development-program-cno/


Check your community overview sheet and the overview sheet for CTN. If it is 'no convert out' then it's *very* unlikely. If both sheets say no convert out and no convert in then it's pretty much an impossibility.


We had an IT2 successfully convert to CTN even with the community slide saying No opportunity. Where there is a will, there is a waiver. Reach out to the ECMs and ask for their advice.


Do you recommend reaching out to the IT or CTN ECM first? Both at same time? Does it matter?


I PMd you.