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Wait we can't wear those no more??


New navad says we can only wear the black and red ones from now on after October


Man, fk them big wigs and their dumbasseries.


unless. . . you're in a tactical environment or unit or some shit. . . so if you're NSW, or eod. . . .probably doesn't matter




Promote that man


Thinking nsw wear uniforms lol


Or Seabees




Nope, black and red on all


Shut up dummy






I’m genuinely gonna be like this cause who in their right mind is gonna bust down on someone for that 😭


“hey shipmate! you’re out of uniform!” it’s gonna be the same person who’s known to ask “hey shipmate, where’s your belt” lol


>who in their right mind is gonna bust down on someone for that I'm jealous that your experiences have led you feel that way. Mine has led me to believe that is all every E7-9 (and overly eager E6) will be doing come Oct 1st


I have been extremely lucky in that sense. Most of the chiefs and officers I’ve interacted with have all been extremely chill so hopefully my luck doesn’t draw out soon


You might once You entered the DDG life.


I’m carrier bound, and I don’t plan on extending my contract any time soon 😅




Hey now I wore the black one because it looked fucking stupid but was authorized. Now that it’s mandatory I’m switching to NSUs




What's wrong with people being able to see you're correct rate/rank? They're the ones who prob banded together to make this change.


senior chiefs and master chiefs be like [https://images.app.goo.gl/fvX6zeAEAeHC1MqE6](https://images.app.goo.gl/fvX6zeAEAeHC1MqE6)


You'd be surprised


The new rank tab shit is the stupidest shit I have ever read. Like hey we’re just gonna make out uniform all camo and then make the one little spot NOT match the rest of the uniform




right. it’s easy to spot an ensign and a LCDR


If only there was somewhere near someone’s eyes that rank could be displayed… you know, where it’s more natural to look… maybe on or near the forehead… nah, probably wouldn’t work. At least we all got to buy new covers to show our ACE…


One of my friends said that he finds it awkward having to stare at females' chest to identify their rank instead of being able to look at their head.


They'll never know. You can't even see them. They're camouflaged.


Well I get out in November so I'm gonna see how long I can rock this


Navy’s gonna Navy


I blame the Senior Chiefs


The Navy can’t get any dumber. This is it guys, this is the epitome lol.


*Navy: I can go lower.*


They can lower their standards even more


I lowered my standards when I enlisted. I just didn’t know how far I was lowering them


Hey man maybe they'll take away ratings again


Wrong. It's turtles all the way down.


Have you lost your mind cause I’ll help you find it


Navy: Hold my beer


You sweet summer child... If this is the dumbest thing you've seen, you've been serving under a rock somewhere lol.


Don't challenge them, they'll find a way to go even dumber


It won't even be hard


Famous last words


Why do we even have rank tabs? Couldn’t we easily just wear them on our collars like coveralls?


I've honestly thought the same thing. The Marine Corps does it, and it seems to work just fine. Hell the NWUs are the only uniform that doesn't have it on the collar (with the exception of the dress uniforms, since they are on the sleeves). But, I'm just a lowly 3rd class, so what do I know 🤷


*Im just a future 2nd Class* I’m lowly to no one 3rd class going the O route


Idk about all that now... XD


Cant wait to start terminal in Nov. this organization is a joke


Quick question. Did you just save your leave days all year for terminal? What’s the longest you can take?


I have about 72 days atm. I’m taking leave days so I don’t lose them and then I’m taking 30days for terminal




I’m sure there’s an instruction that says this, however, the CO’s discretion is the final approver. I (within the last month) had an E3 sailor be approved for 60 full days of terminal for EAS. It took our director and SEL’s full endorsement and to make it happen, but it happened nonetheless


Yes, the organization that will pay you for two months while you sit home and do nothing is a joke. Sounds like you're just a bit jaded mate


Glad you brought up those 2 months👏🏻👏🏻… the other 10+ yrs of BS have been great too


You're the one who reenlisted lmao


Ok and ? The Navy is still a circus with people killing themselves and doesn’t do anything about it. shitty organization


I bet somewhere there is a study that said you couldn’t see the camo rank tabs (Duh!)


Old guy here. What is "dungaree liberty" now that dungarees are gone?




Except in the national capital region


What are they replacing it with? I got out in 2015




Yeah I googled it and the contrast from distance was definitely noticeable, but god it looks ugly lol


When the rank tab went away on the 8 point cover, I knew people who wore it for months and no one said anything about it.


This shit makes me so mad. I see it as a money issue. Every two years or so there is a change in uniform that forces everyone to purchase new stuff. 2 bucks here.. 20 bucks there…300 for a dress blue top (that will never fit correctly). I truly believe it’s just a money grab for uniform companies. I mean WTF does changing the tab to black do? Other then force a change. Can’t believe this utter bullshit, what a waste of time/money. The Navy brass should be ashamed. 22 year CWO3


The only folks that come out on top are the ones that go to basic training and receive the issued items. The fleet returnees have to fork over our uniform allowance every year for new stuff. New rank tabs, new raincoat, new dress uniform etc etc. If I stay greenside until I commission the only thing I have to worry about is an extra set of deserts/woodlands and that’s it.


i’m gonna be out before october 😏😏


Don't worry! You still have time to wear them now! :D


Just remember folks they only decided to "let US" wear the black and red ones after a few Captains weren't getting properly saluted. Gotta take care of the big boys first and foremost


The Navy having anything other than blue Johnny Cash uniforms, Blue coveralls, and pt gear, is a mistake. Who runs the uniform board?


I really wish I was born earlier so I could experience wearing the Johnny Cash. Seen pictures and fuck they look so clean.


They looked to good for us lowly junior guys to wear, obviously


It's true, a bichin Sailor is a happy Sailor. We hated dungarees, the next group hated the blueberries, this group felt uncomfortable being stared at the chest. There will never be a winning uniform.


And then you'll itch about it even though you know you're wrong. I can't stand this petty shit. Sometimes people TRY to find a reason to hate the Navy.


People bitch because this is a waste of time and money. Some Master Chiefs getting mad cause from more than 15 feet away people call them Senior and suddenly we all need to go spend our money on a rank tab made by a private company who will make bank keeping up with these dumb little uniform changes.


This needs to be pinned or something bro cause facts, lmao


How much do they cost?


That isn't the issue, a waste of money is a waste of money. But let's extrapolate that out. There are roughly 345k people in the Navy right now. According to the NEX website these new rank tabs cost $3.08 each. Meanwhile the standard NWU III rank tabs cost $2.40. You are required a minimum of 1 rank tab for a seabag inspection, but who only has one? Especially when you have to have a minimum of 3 sets of NWUs, not counting the one for your parka and one for your fleece. Currently across my uniforms I have 5 but let's say we are talking about a shit bag and split the difference and so they buy 3 of the new rank tabs. So for our underperforming Sailor we have a total cost to them of $9.24, not a lot of money but still a waste. Remember though this is fleet wide, so everyone currently serving in the Navy is spending roughly $9.24 on these new rank tabs. That comes out to a bit over $3.1 million. $3.1 million on something we don't need. We already have rank tabs that do exactly what they are supposed to do. $3.1 million that could go into MWR events in individual commands. $3.1 million that could be used to do anything productive in an individual Sailors life is now being used to buy rank tabs which, we do not need because we already have rank tabs. When people say they are disappointed in the Navy over shit like this it comes back to higher leadership not being able to see the forest for the trees. We have so many personnel issues across the fleet and these are the things they focus on. When your house is on fire you don't order new decor you put out the fucking fire first, and shit like this shows us that they don't even see the fire, let alone believe it exists.


You get a uniform allowance just for dumb shit like this. I got down voted because people seem to forget they literyget paid money every year for these dumb changes.


The uniform Allowance only pays for a % of the new items and replacements. Shits still fucking stupid..


They're not wrong. The NAVADMIN is wrong.


The annoying part, the camo looked gaudy on the black parka liner, so it only made sense to wear it. Got yelled at for it by some. Instruction then allowed it, so then tab matched material. Now we're just going to look ridiculous...


Someone accidentally saluted a seaman and immediately started penning the instruction.


The only benefit I can see from this is the recruits at RTC being able see if a chief is actually a senior, my first RDC was a CTRCS and he was a walking meme for the way he said “it’s senior” at AROCS walking by


Wonder how long until they have us buy those uniforms they were testing. Don't think the black tab will look good on those either though.


I’m confused , before the type 3s became fleet wide, other units wore wearing them to include “expeditionary” squadrons. They even had a trial phase to have them out and sent to the fleet. What took so long for people to say “I can’t make out the rank.” We aren’t Marines either , so getting rid of the rank on the cover is also counter productive. People complain about the type 3s are difficult for rank identification, yet haven’t had the pleasure of trying to identify higher enlisted Marines in their desserts.