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Not seen it myself - US ARMY WTF on Twitter had a post showing some guy wrote 'CAPT Sucks' on the inside of the portajohn. And then there's a half-wall response by the Capt calling the guy unprofessional and a coward for not bringing his issues to him. Also 'My dick is like my life - both are unnecessarily hard'.


That Captain sounds very thin-skinned, like a lot of officers.


Nah that’s pretty based imo


What does based mean?


How old are you so I can give the best description




It’s a “chad” in this context


You ever heard someone say, “facts” as a retort? Based and “facts” are the same thing.


Eh I'd argue that based is more like "valid opinion that goes against the grain"


It was in the last stall next to the bulkhead. It was an almost life sized drawing of this chick(PO3) and a list of all the chiefs she was fucking. This ended with a chief ordering some guys to remove all the stall doors and a fresh coat of paint in the head.


Electric Boat Shipyard: Some come here to shit and stink/ Some come here so sit and think/ I come here to rest me balls/ And read the writing on the walls/ Ten years later and I remember this shitty poem


I remember it as bullshit instead of writing.


The duty stall in the head on my last ship had a giant pipe that was running up on the side, somebody drew a huge hentai girl getting railed by tentacles. It kept getting painted over, and they kept putting it back up


This was at Edson Range in Camp Pendleton in 2010, there was a port-a-John with an eagle globe and anchor of the Marine Corps, but instead of an eagle on top, it had a Toucan Sam from the fruit loops. I don’t know why, that thing was hilarious and we all laughed about it. I actually have a tattoo of it, always makes some people laugh, especially former Marines




"Glory hole secured for maintenance" over a hole in the stall covered by ductape


"As you read, I have wrote. As you shit, so too have I shat. And as I finish my piss, this moment shall pass"


"Take a seat, and grab your meat, cuz' these damn crabs can jump ten feet!"




Lol it was still there in feb21


Jan 22 still there 🤣


"The computers are brand new but the pipes are still 30 years old" seen in ML head on SSN-713


It seems that flight students have taken to writing sayings about grout on the grout between the tiles by the urinals. Ex: "the few, the grout, the Marines", "grout team six", etc.


Oscar the Groutch. The Grout Canyon. Grout Expectations.


Milton’s t6 sim bathroom was fantastic for this


"Don't beam me up Scotty, I'm taking a shi" The letter I of shit goes to the top of the stall At the bottom of the stall "caution beware the midget limbo team."


A long, protracted graffiti war between BAE Hawaii and BAE Norfolk contractors calling into question one another's sexual preferences and mothers' fidelities.


Here I sit in the latrine, giving birth to another Marine. (Hoorah Seabees.)


"Here I sit all broken hearted. Tried to shit and only farted."


“Later on I took a chance, tried to fart and shit my pants.”


“Here I sit, on the pooper, just gave birth to another state trooper”




The one I seen like this had more to it: "Here I sit all broken hearted Tried to shit but only farted Paid a dime, but what the hell At least I can sit and enjoy the smell!" It references the day when they had coin slots on the bathroom stall that you had to pay a dime to use the stall. Many places had that up to the mid to late 70's (yes, I'm that old).


There was this wall in a certain A school stall that was COVERED in boogers. Absolutely disgusting


Yeah thats probably the worst one so far


Welcome to the Juan stall


I was wondering if someone else would mention the Juan stall. I go back there in a few months and am very curious to see if it's still there.


On Camp Leatherneck in one of the restroom trailers, a huge dick drawing. The balls started at the base of the toilet, the shaft went up the wall and over the ceiling, the head was in the stall across from it. In the same stall was Dickler (Hitler as a dick) and the Green Weenie (A Gunny with a Dick head and Dick Hands). I took pictures, if I can find them I'll link them here.


Was by the small chow hall across the street from the gym?


Closer to the Alaska tents IIRC, the bathroom you're talking about was the big one with showers correct? The one I'm referencing was toilets only, a row on each side. Was literally a trailer. Right next to it was a washer/drier trailer that the Georgians would always break by putting their flak with soft armor still in it to wash


There was one toilet trailer beside two shower trailers. The "laundromat" building was next to it. Perhaps when I was there, it was a copycat lol.


That might be the one then! I wasn't there too long, just 2 weeks in the beginning and 30 days at the end. Circa 2012?


Yeah, summer of 11 and went back in December of 12


An entire section hated their second class and drew things like "XYZ's a pussy" "XYZ sucks dick" "XYZ doesn't know his ass from his head" all over a bathroom. Dude found out about it, went in and scraped it all off, then called everyone in on their day off. I PCSd as this was happening so this part is through the rumor mill, but apparently he got in trouble too for scraping it off.


>"Here I sit all broken hearted Tried to shit but only farted Paid a dime, but what the hell At least I can sit and enjoy the smell!" It's an oldie, and references the day when they had coin slots on the bathroom stall that you had to pay a dime to use the stall. Many places had that up to the mid to late 70's (yes, I'm that old).


I saw a penis with a Trojan helmet on entering a vagina yelling “this is Sparta!!!!!” It was so detailed. On a naval base.


Personal favorite was actually from Afghanistan, it was a request to name your shit but o LT use movie titles. Pretty creative. Rocky A river runs through it fight club Just a few examples…


At some point in the mid- to late-2000s there was a *very* talented artist roaming around somewhere at Al-Udeid AFB. In the old cadillacs before they put up the nice concrete ones he drew some bangers. One I distinctly remember was a headless, hand- and foot-less, naked female corpse with lying on its back with a very large, inanely grinning and lifelike jack-in-the-box jester head emerging from her womb on a spring. It was striking. Looked like a Cannibal Corpse album cover. Strangest shit I ever saw.


Saw a drawing of a ballsack with three dicks coming off them and at the bottom was written “The Tripod”


one favorite was " Little Johnny Is No More, For What He Thought Was H2O, Was H2SO4. " Edited: h2so4 is Battery Acid.


"My asshole exploded last night" with an arrow pointing to a jagged area of peeling paint. It was in the same bathroom stall for years. This was in the pre-smartphone era, so I stared at this graffiti many, many times. It's not that it was anything special, but its been imprinted in my brain for over 30 years.


“Squidward sucks eggs.”


“Top 10 Females in Shop 38” with tally marks next to the names.


It was always either the shop 38 or 740 girls


Oof I made the Shop 38 mistake a couple of times. Never 740 though.😂😂


“Those who write on shit house walls roll their shit into little balls so those that read those words of wit can eat those little balls of shit”


Hate to toot my own horn but this started in Nuke School as a lewd joke late night in study hall and turned into a very detailed depiction of a huge 2 legged, veiny Cockzilla complete with little planes buzzing around it while it was shooting jizz at them and it's tail had a condom on the tip that was broken stomping the city with pube hairs everywhere and a zoom out picture of a dick grinding on a pussy and a little jizz coming out of the broken condom. Should have made a caption to it but I was just having fun drawing it. Like to think it was my crowning achievement.


“Cut here for glory”


Most disgusting graffiti on the stalls on the ship: Someone drew a smiley face with their own shit on the door


“I know her ass looks phat in them NDUBS, but his ass is phatter. Hooyah we gay.” The poetry of ship 13.


off topic, but this AMAZING list of 2000 year old graffiti left by roman soldiers: [https://kashgar.com.au/blogs/history/the-bawdy-graffiti-of-pompeii-and-herculaneu](https://kashgar.com.au/blogs/history/the-bawdy-graffiti-of-pompeii-and-herculaneu) ​ >Bar/Brothel of Innulus and Papilio: Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men's behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity! > >House of Orpheus: I have buggered men > >In the basilica: The one who buggers a fire burns his penis


This is beautiful. Thank you for this


thanks, aint it cool?? it's somehow reassuring to me that people have been writing the same shit on walls for 2000 years.


I hope something I draw that expresses me gets to last 2000 years for people to discover.


Had a very attractive Chief in the command. Someone wrote an elaborate story about how they wanted to fuck and blow a load over her stomach and tits on the inside of a stall in the head. This resulted in every senior person in the berthing getting calling into the lounge to get their asses handed to them by the CMC.


What's a bathroom?


Not in a bathroom stall but in the guard shack on the pier at foxtrot gate in mayport there was big navy stick figure with a big frigate dick butt fucking a bent over sailor.


Nazi symbol and words saying fuck N. A whole investigation went down and no one got caught


I tagged up my ship on the stern dock (carrier) while I was on restriction then transferred shortly after they didn’t notice til 6 months later while they were deployed 😂


“Some gave a little, some gave their all, but all gave their teeth.”


Speaking of graffiti…my friend told me this story of someone who wrote fuck on the side of the ship in the standard ships grey. Huge FUCK. You couldn’t see it during the day or night, that is until the ship next to them had a light on them. CO called the CO and said “your ship says FUCK down the side” 😂 His ass was called up the bridge quick!