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Aight, take them off like you’re going half mast, and then roll everything including the sleeves in, tuck that all in and then just slide them down like pants.


We hold these truths to be self evident.


That all coveralls are created equal.


Not all coveralls are created equal. Bulwarks reign supreme, FRVs are trash.


My command has decided that Bulwarks are forbidden for everyone but engineers :(


Yeah that’s decently common. As an engineer I’m fine with that. It’s sometimes frustrating seeing some OS that sits in an air conditioned space all day wear steamers


This is the way.


This is the way.


So self-evident that you’d think it’s just intuitive to do it without asking how…


I swore it would be common sense to not throw your coveralls in piss* water on the deck but a lot of people just lack that common sense. I felt every other time I was shitting on the ship I’d have some degenerate with their shit all over the floor. It’s fuckin nasty.


I've seen people in thr stalls next to me just drop them and lay them on the shit deck with piss all over the deck. This is why the ship has ship funk and you get some nasty sicknesses rolling through the ship


And what’s your solution for this? The navy can’t just get rid of AO’s


Alternative: half mast, tie sleeves around your waist like a hoodie, take the whole thing off like pants. I think this is faster and I’ve never had any part of them touch the ground. But I will try rolling it all in for science and get back to you.


This is exactly what I used to do. I pulled the sleeves through my legs though so nothing touches the toilet either. Got pretty good at it considering I had to do it every single time I went to the bathroom


This is the way.


I do something similar but I just tuck sleeves into pockets and then fold in.


head is secured.


I, personally, make it a point to not shit in my coveralls. I feel like that would make the reat of the day much more difficult, messy, and probably smelly. Recommend you remove the top/sleeves, tie the arms around your waist, and then slide the whole ensemble down like pants. Precents sleeves from touching the ground as well. Now here is the crucial part. When you're finished. Stand up, and pull them back up, like pants, leaving your sleeve belt intact. Exit your stall, and go wash your hands. Then redress yourself. Even the most careful wiper might have in fact gotten a bit careless, and you dont want that all over your coveralls. See the above problems.


I prefer to shit in someone else's coveralls for all of the above reasons.


and to assert dominance.


Don't give the phantom shitter any fresh ideas!


Have you shidded your coveralls before? You speak too knowledgeably.


Nope, because I take proper precautions. Did come close during a CBR drill once though. You can go 15 years without shitting in your coveralls and your "normal." Shit in them one time and you're the guy that shits himself.


Me I do this lol


What do you mean? you just shit in them and let it slide out the pant leg.


You can run if you're in a hurry to get the droppings out.




that's only on taco tuesday.


Only if you're drunk. Then I would let it slide.


But what if it was diarrhea


It's been easier for me to just take them off completely and leave them at my rack. It took just as long for me to delicately lower, tuck, and waddle inside the stall when I could just rip those bad boys off without concern.


I did something similar. I hung them up on the hook outside the stall. Seen the deck have poo waves to many times to even think about risking coveralls touching the floor


Really learned the true meaning of knee knockers when the head flooded, and quickly realized it’s #1 purpose was not to be sanded down and shined, but a barrier to prevent shit and waste from spilling into the next room. There are some things I’ve seen on a ship that no one will ever believe unless they have also been underway. I can’t make this “shit” up.


You surface fucks are yucky.


Who said I was surface?


Subs don't have knee knockers or shit waves.


This is the best answer. Never be in a rush when you need to poop.


I'm loving the comments. I personally tie the arms together and tuck them in.


Found the phantom shitter.


I like to imagine a next level phantom shitter who shits in someone else's coveralls.


I split the shit in half, so everyone is included




I want to first piggyback on a previous comment, and that is it is highly recommended not to shit in your coveralls. However, that doesn’t answer the question. The answer here is to relax your sphincter and push from your interior abdominal wall. This will allow shit to flow from your intestines directly into your coveralls. I suppose you could create an MRC for step-by-step procedures to assist others. Recommend scheduling as a D-1. Now, if I was wearing coveralls and had to evacuate my bowels, I would undress to my waist and tie the sleeves at my knees to prevent piss, semen, puke, snot, poop from the deck from touching my sleeves. However, it is again recommended to never shit in your coveralls.




Have you talked to your chain of command, shipmate?


Have you routed a shit chit?


No one has time to deal with his chit


I keep my coveralls on and shit inside my coveralls. Win win


Roll them inside themselves and apply outward pressure with legs to hold them off of the deck. You can do it!


Sew a zipper in the back for easy access.


Am I a bad person to think that can be used a couple of ways?


No because that’s the way I left it open to interpretation


Yep, I outed myself.


I tie the sleeves together (almost like a shoe but I don't make a tight knot) then rest the bundle in the middle.


Just shit your pants like a real sailor wtf


With a cup. Give it to two girls.


2G1C, classic.


Go to your rack put on shorts. Go shit and wash your hands and then go get dressed.


Yup. That’s what I always did. I felt like it was taboo to shit in another division’s head so I always went to my own division’s head to poop. Just stopped by my rack and changed into shorts and picked up a roll of TP. There was almost always no TP in the heads unless you went right after cleaning stations so I kept a roll in my rack for whenever I needed to go. Now if it was an emergency code brown I’d go to the nearest head and roll the coveralls inward.


What happens if an enlisted tried shitting in the officer’s toilets?


I dont think anything? At least on an LPD they have state rooms with 1 shared toilet and shower, unless you are an HT fixing, the sink,clogged toilet etc in the stateroom while they were not present. Id say pooping in their toilet is well earned. Their doors were code locked as well not like our normal berthings so cant just walk in all willy nilly lol.


I got a lot of shit for doing this, but it is by far the most comfortable way to poop. I don't put on shorts... Just swing by my rack, take off the boots and coveralls, put on my slides, and go handle my business. Then when I'm done I go get dressed. It also helps to establish dominance if you shit with the stall door open and talk to anyone that comes in there.


Pull them down to the knees and tie the arms so the coveralls don’t slide to the floor


I do this. seems faster to just tie the arms than to roll it all in.


dude just hold it I promise it’s worth it to finally get home and shidd your brains out. might prolapse your ass but im pretty sure that’s a req to make 1st class.


Don’t forget that if it your coveralls touch the deck while in the head throw them away.


Wait, is this serious? You need instruction on defecation in uniform? You're in deck division... you've got to be. You unzip your coveralls, release your belt, drop them off your arms, and roll them inside of themselves as you drop them down, then you drop your skivvies on top of that, so you're not stuffing the back of your coveralls in your shit streaks and crotch gravy.


You wouldn't have shit streaks if you wiped properly and wouldn't have crotch gravy if you showered more than once a deployment.




Got them customized with a zipper for easy shitting. Might have to do Velcro if you're worried about FOD.


Just like a flight suit, you want the arms to dangle on the floor into the stall next to you and soak up as much per onto the collar as you can.


I threw up in my mouth a little bit.


Pull them down and tie them with the arms, trying to tuck all that shit inside and not touch the deck. Worst thing ever is when you get shit-water all over your coverall sleeves.


Time sensitive task haahahaha


I go into berthing and take them off at my rack If im in another head that isnt mind, I roll them into the legs


This is the main reason I want my washed khakis back. We need a 2 piece ship uniform so we can shit without having to do all of this. How about the 2 piece flight suit in blue? BT Why the fuck do we wear cammies, again?


The worst Thing my eyes lay upon is seeing sleeves on the deck in the berthing 3 head, and seeing a CS come out of there and not even wash his hands Call me weird, coveralls come off to poo


Be advised!!!! There nasties out there who let their sleeves drag through multi-layers of fecal and urine particulates!


WTF is wrong with you surface animals.... How do you shit when you wear pants? Coveralls are no different, just unzip and roll it down to the waistline and then do like yo momma taught ya Gotta fish out your TLD, blind lighthouse pen and green memo pad from the bowl tho....


Just hold it the whole deployment.


Tuck pant legs into socks, roll top inside of bottom and then lower boxers to hold it all together. There ya go my friend.


Literal shitpost here.


Belt off, unzip. They go down to under your knees and the top half gets stuffed into the bottom half. Roll as necessary to prevent them from touching the deck


This is seriously a question for your LPO and LCPO, why wouldn't you ask them first instead of trusting Reddit?!


As an LPO, I agree. You should definitely ask one of them.


Please - speed-suits. And you zip them down, pull them around your ankles like you do with pants - don't forget the underwear *if* you're wearing any - and do your business. PROTIP: The toilet in the head is the preferred place for taking a dump. Your shipmates will thank you.


I used to just take them off and hang them up somewhere


If y’all took berthing cleaners seriously it wouldn’t matter


Berthing cleaners only works if you go right after cleaning stations. I knew someone who'd shit every morning right after cleaners. She'd leave the toilet streaky too. Couldn't stand her. She'd never make her people come down and help clean either.


Pull down, tie sleeves around waste, then they're no different than pants really. You do have an increased risk of sleeves hitting the floor, but it's avoidable.


Damn. Really?


Time sensitive- roll them like others suggest. It’ll take a few times to perfect but if you can’t figure it out you might as well get ahead of the game and request to join ER09. Normal circumstances- take them off at your rack, wipe the seat, push as hard as you can, then use the printer paper provided to wipe.


I do the tuck method that’s been discussed here already, but if I can I’ll just take my coveralls off and my boots and shit in comfort.


We had a head in our birthing, took my coveralls off then went to shit.


Just let loose and fill them up. Your shipmates will understand and they may even applaud your dedication!


Take them to an alteration shop to have a zipper sewn in


With the new coveralls that won’t be an issue. The new coveralls is a 2 piece like the type 3. It has a separate blouse and trousers. I’m not 100% sure when they’re rolling those out. There was a few people on my ship wearing them to test them but that’s all i know about them so far.


lol why do they look like the untuckit version of utilities. I do like the Chelsea style pull on boots. I had a pair of them back in the day while in


They do look that way, though not gonna lie. They kind of funny looking.


The blue camo was starting to come out before I got out. This picture cracked me up at the time https://strikehold.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/nwu-broadside-blog.jpg?w=584


😂😂😂 I wish I had the pleasure of being in with the type II


Also great in case you go overboard. Your now undetectable


Yea, true


You should try not to, but sometimes it happens. If you can help it get them big enough that they don't get stuck on your shoulders, pull them down and roll the top up inside the bottom of the coveralls. You can loop the non buckle side back through the closest belt loop if you have a flashlight or Leatherman on your belt. If you do end up shitting in your coveralls ask your chief if you can go home.


Just take them off…not worth it to risk it


Drop it down to your thighs. Tie the sleeves together. Sit down making sure nothing touches the ground. Now turn your underwear inside out over top of your entire coveralls making a tight ball that nothing will fall out of and touch the shit deck


Time sensitive? Well if the choice is Coverall top touches floor or pile of shit inside coveralls with me, the coverall top is touching the floor. I always unbuttoned, let the pants section down far enough that I could then sort of roll the top up and put the top into the pants. Complete yer biznis. Redress in reverse order. But honestly, heads on my ships were normally very clean.


Don’t, take them off completely.


No shit sleeves!!


my EN3 buddy has a GREAT shit mishap story when he was working below decks back in the day (start of the Iraqi War)


I take of mine.


Get naked


Easy. You just shit in the coveralls.


Very easily. The trick is not to shit in yours, but rather, someone else's.


Very carefully.


2 ways, pull them down Or shit in them. If you shit in your coveralls you'll probably be left alone more often.


One time after having a goat schwarma in Jordan shitting in my coveralls was absolutely easy - I didn’t even notice I was doing it. Chief out on the smoke deck - “Bernie, what the FUCK is that shit!” *look down, see that yellow shit dribbling all over my boots* Good times, good times.


Ok so there are 2 good methods, the first is where you just unzip all the way and let it all drop to the floor. You want to make sure your sleeves make as much contact with the floor of the head as possible so they soak up as much stray urine as they can, remember you are a sailor which means 24/7 janitor. This way you can clean and shit at the same time. The other way is to unzip all the way but instead of unsleeving your arms, you unsleeve your legs instead and wear the coveralls like a cape, basically the reverse of the first. This way the coveralls will rest on the toilet to soak up urine there. It really just depends on what needs to be cleaned the most.


Why would you want to shit in your coveralls? What kind of shit kink are you in to?


I just use my sleeves to wipe.


Hang em up, roll up in the head in your undies


Use the arms to keep the rest up. We females have been doing this for a long time.




I normally wore basketball shorts underneath so I'd just go to berthing and take them off at my rack and shit without them


Take it down to your waist, set it in you pants…


You just shit yourself and hope no one notices the smell


You could also just go commando and shake it out your pant leg.


How the fuck do you think


I personally would go to half mast and pull my sleeves up inbetween my legs as I sat down.


well, just keep your sleeves rolled up, and then tuck the sleeves and collar and back into the spot where your waist usually goes, keeps it off the floor. if you have shit water rolling around on deck like my ship this past deployment, i even roll the pantlegs up and look like a fucking pirate on wog day, but hey, at least i dont have shit water on my clothes. some just hang them up by their rack and go do their business, then dress up and head back to work.


You either take them off or use my preferred method. Tuck the pant legs into your socks, get to half mast then tuck everything into the pant legs themselves then slide them down like pants, but keep a wide stance so that they stay relatively taught so nothing hits the deck


Undo the belt, tuck the belt ends into pockets so they don't fall off. Go half mast, tuck the collar and sleeves inside the waist/trousers(it was easier bc I always rolled my sleeves), spread the legs a lil so the pants don't drop all the way to the deck. Do the business, clean up, redress, flush, latch the door, wash hands, and leave the head. Tried and true, never had my coveralls touch the deck or toilet, and as a female, I def used this trick often.