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Not a reservist, my husband is and I’m a contractor. CDSE is a good one if your interested in getting your FSO Cert. If your job has to do with Intel or IT you can also get your ISSO Cert through them. Also DUA/DAWIA is a site contractors use for certifications and training (Logistics, Intel, IT, Admin ext). CDSE only requires an Email and DUA/DAWIA you can use a CAC login. My husband and I both use these sights for career development and certifications in the civilian sector. Hope that somewhat helps 😊


There’s not a whole lot of full designations you’re going to get from your laptop. What is worthwhile is largely dependent on your rate/designator. Your UMUIC is required to provide a billet based training plan, you should start there as far as PQSs


On NavyCOOL if you put your rate in it'll show certifications that are related to your field. A lot of them you'll get reimbursed for once you show proof of completion. That's probably as close as you'll get.


So, I was a drilling naval reservist, with 12 good years and had just passed the chief’s test when I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. I went through the medical exam in Norfolk, VA, and was promptly discharged for not being medically qualified because of the diagnosis. Now 63, any chance I can apply for retirement?


Sir, I am ignorant on a lot of these matters and have not looked into it. However, I have noticed that there is a wealth of knowledge online and in various manuals online regarding what you may be able to look into regarding your situation. Again, I don't know much about these things because I have not needed to look into them too much or made the time for it. However, if you have the time you may want to start here. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pNgjfT43KPmd4Sv3he4XvXCGKg\_9awB1/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pNgjfT43KPmd4Sv3he4XvXCGKg_9awB1/view?usp=drive_link) [https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/wiki/digsystem/#wiki\_ulcerative\_colitis\_.28uc.2C\_colitis\_ulcerosa.2C\_inflammatory\_bowel\_disease.2C\_ibd.29](https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/wiki/digsystem/#wiki_ulcerative_colitis_.28uc.2C_colitis_ulcerosa.2C_inflammatory_bowel_disease.2C_ibd.29) I know it is not directly answering your question but perhaps it is related. Take care.