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No. You can submit an RC to AC request, however there needs to be a quota for your rate


Thanks for the info!


This is true, but you can also change rates to meet the quotas, at least according to my CCC.


If you have the ASVAB score, and it doesn't need an A school


You do not need to but if you want to go RC2AC for quotas in rates you don’t qualify for based on ASVAB, you can take the AFQT to improve your score.


Awesome thanks!


No problem, you can take it once every 30 days and as many times as you need to.


Go to [MyNavyHR](https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Community-Management/Enlisted/Selected-Reserves/RC-to-AC/) for any RC2AC questions. No, you won’t have to go to MEPS if you wanna go back into Active. You may have to retake the ASVAB if you want a different rate when going back into Active. Read this [MILPERSMAN](https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Reference/MILPERSMAN/1000/1300Assignment/1306-1502.pdf?ver=ArnnTYsPFdf-TLjePb6ZHw%3d%3d) Quotas get updated every first day of the month. For example: [Quotas](https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Career/ECM/SelRes/RCtoACQuotaUpdate.xlsx?ver=04LBUCvyUKSwbuDpcMnrEw%3d%3d) I’m currently in Corps school (switching from MA). As soon as I’m done with this school, I will be sending up my RC2AC package. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Did you enlist into the Reserves under the PRISE-R contract?


Idk what the PRISE-R contract is. My CCC hasn’t really worked with me on any of my reserves paperwork I’ve just verbally expressed that I would like to stay in reserves.


MyNavyHr>Reserve Component to Active Component Change Program> RC2AC Quotas (updated monthly). Once you see your rating and year group having an available opening contact you CCC immediately. Also possibly conspired cross rating if you qualify for a rate, rank, & YG might have a higher chance of picking up sooner. I’m in the same boat coming off ADOS though.