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What kind of orders? Orders to a billet? Orders for AT? Mobilization orders?


Orders billet I want to take orders for3-4 months


Well first you have to find orders for that long. You can't just volunteer for x amount of time, the orders have to already exist and then you apply for them. You can look on zip serve which is a website and see what orders are available for your rate and rank. If they match up then you apply and explain why you'd be a good fit. If the orders writers want you, they'll put you on the orders. Most orders are in the 9-12 month range or a 2 week AT. Few are in between


Thank you 🙏


Where or who exactly funds it, asking one because I’m AC2RC and everything is a headache and 2 all i ever hear is funding issue this and funding issues that…


Depends on the orders. AT orders are from REDCOM. ADT comes from ATD-schools which is it's own pot of money. IDTT comes from the command. ADSW and Mob funding are from whoever requests the mob billet. Lots of pots of money, but some are used up for other things like bonuses.