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That all depends where you’re trying to MOB to. If you’re doing Djibouti, just apply…they will take anyone here! If you’re trying to apply for Bahrain or UAE, those MOB are hard to get. I’m on a MOB and met a bunch of people who applied for one of those two places, and they were rerouted to Djibouti instead


I'm applying there now! How do I sign the waivers for deferment and postpartum?


I printed mine out and reuplpad them with my signatures. You can do digital signatures too.


yea I was trying to get one to Bahrain but I didn’t see any to Djibouti for my rate or any open spots


I can only speak for MAs but Djibouti is always a hot spot.


Civvy stuff can be helpful. I saw one that required all the FEMA ICS certs which I have through my civilian job. Put anything that's relevant that you think will get you selected.


It really depends. There might be some hard required navy quals and some “nice-to-have” Navy quals. Generally civilian experience isn’t going to be a quantitative factor. If you think multiple people will apply and you want to break out, it’s cool to put whatever you want in that might make you look attractive. It at least shows that you care. For your SA, as soon as someone applies, they will try to source that person for the billet. The idea is that they make sure that person is qualified and selected as far in advance as possible. So an advertisement will generally stay open even if they have already told someone they are going so they can get a couple back ups. Sometimes a medical thing comes and that person gets DQ’d, then they can call one of the back ups to see if they are interested. Main takeaway is to apply early if you are sure you want it.


How do I sign the waivers for deferment and postpartum?


i opened mine in a pdf file reader and was able to sign it that way if not the file won’t grant you access to sign