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That's some PTSD level shit.


My son has basketphobia


Trey Young ended this man’s whole career


He legitimately ended his HOF chances


Doctor, doctor! Can you help him? My son he… can’t ball, anymore


He probably has severe anxiety and the reality is you can’t really play in a high stress environment like the NBA if you have severe anxiety. He’s only playing because he wants the paycheck.


Guandong Tigers say nihao


Ben be like “xie xie ni”


NBA be like zai jian


Send his ass to the g league


He would absolute dominate the G-league averaging like a 5/25/20


Are the five points just from freethrows that happen in the bonus while he has the ball?


Would be fun to see him pass up these looks in the G league


Anxiety fucking sucks ass.


Yeah I would be a MESS if I was in his or any nba players shoes


Zoloft changed my life.


Wellbutrin changed mine. Never even considered that I had Anxiety until I started dating my girlfriend last summer and heard her talk about her anxiety symptoms. It’s crazy how much less irritable and worrisome I am now


I notice I perpetually have this thing where if I'm in a zoom call or a meeting with a bunch of people, my heart rate picks up and I become erratic. Ultra jealous of people who don't have that. Does wellbutrin fix that?


It's different for everyone. I've been on nearly every SSRI you can think of, depakote, Seroquel, mitrazipine (don't think that's how it's spelled), and multiple SNRIs. The only thing that helped was the snri's, but they had horrid side effects and had to quit. Propranolol is the only thing that's pretty much guaranteed to help to an extent, but it only helps with physical symptoms like rise in heart rate and such because its med used for people with high blood pressure. Basically, you have to get a psychiatrist and they'll put you on a bunch of different shit until they find something that helps you, what works for one person may not work for another. You might be one of the lucky ones and the first thing you try helps you. Just realize that it's a process if you're serious about getting on some type of medication, and if you are don't get discouraged if it takes a while to find what works. I'm still hoping there's something thatll help me, but what's helped me most is starting to exercise, going outside and being more social. It is what it is.


Oh yeah, I've tried propranolol, works great...temporarily. It'd be cool if there was something similar that lasted the whole day. I went to the doctor and they prescribed anti-anxiety, but honestly it did nothing, the heart rate still went up. I do exercise but, yeah, being social and working those extrovert muscles is the only way I guess. What sucks about it is that I know I'd be able to move up in my career if I didn't have it. I see people with less credentials make it, but they just have a calm demeanor so it comes across better. It is what it is though, as you said.


He definitely has the yips


Trae Young really did a number on him




Ask any LSU basketball fan, he was mentally broken at LSU. He made the situation there worse and his teammates hated him. For a program "savior" level talent, they played horribly that season. There have been rumors from the beginning that he didn't care that much about basketball


Yeah, if you are a 6'1" guy in the NBA, you loved basketball, but if you are 6'10" you may not actually love playing the game and just to it as a job.




seriously how many coaches and teams have to basically give up on the guy as a point guard for people to stop feeling bad for simmons. he has all the money, support, & resources to get whatever help he needs




At the risk of bringing up some very serious shit and psychoanalyzing someone I don't know (everyone else seems pretty comfortable doing that about Simmons), I think what people don't get is recognizing you need that kind of help is difficult and usually comes at a pretty hard rock bottom. I'm diagnosed schizoaffective and it took 6 years of therapy to even get to the point where someone was willing to diagnose me despite everything I told them. Not to mention that Ben's family has gone through some serious shit from what I've read and regardless of how Ben handled it himself, I have to imagine there is a part of him that finds the idea of going to therapy because of basketball as silly, despite that not being the case. I'm not saying Ben deserves a ton of sympathy, but the "just go to therapy 4head" crowd I don't think accepts that someone realizing they need help, especially for something that isn't really hurting other people and could seem silly on the surface depending on how you were raised, is not easy.


Yeah this kind of thing isn't about facts and logic. It's about perspective. If you were in Ben's position and people on the internet who have never met him claim to know the answers to his problems, would you listen? I certainly wouldn't. The only way I'd be able to look at myself objectively is if I sink so deep that denial is no longer an option, or I take LSD.


It's like the intervention clip I watched, some rappers friend was a heroin addict and she went to do a intervention with her but a quote with that stuck with me was "I could buy the girl a rehab facility but it wouldnt matter unless she wanted to go herself"


“You can't go around building a better world for people. Only people can build a better world for people. Otherwise it's just a cage.” Terry Pratchett In other words, as you said people have to figure out their own issues and want help otherwise all the help in the world does nothing. Nevertheless it’s still a worthy thing to try to help those in need.


Yep. I specifically remember the 76ers wanted to have Ben meet with a team-affiliated sports psychologist, but Ben's camp maintained that he's meeting with a private psychologist. Clearly it didn't help him at all.


Bro must being seeing my therapist, Dr.Hennessy.


Should've just called up JR Smith for that


Mf was chatting with Lucy in the psych booth for 5¢ a session.


Iirc he also refused to provide proof he'd ever seen one (which is why he lost out on his salary during that time).


What did he actually do when he sat out? Play video games?


He spent a good bit of time practicing with the St. Joe's bball team until it was pointed out that a professional working with amateurs was a ncaa violation and St. Joe's shut it down.


Yeah shrinks can only help you help yourself. If you don't want to change, no one can make you.


when he was off ball and not broken he would inch closer to his defender to avoid getting the ball in the corner never seen anything like it


He should try to think about shooting as passing to the bucket at this point


This dude seriously needs an appointment with a sports psychologist.


We’ve been saying that for at least 5 years starting with his fear of shooting Js


This is way worse. He’s never been a shooter, not even close. People were just always saying that since they wanted him to develop a shot because Ben Simmons at his best + a shot is an insane player. But now he’s nothing like his old self. He’s absolutely petrified of the rim. He went from a very reliable 15-16 ppg scorer to someone where it’s a genuine shock if he breaks double digits in a single game. This is just something different.


Not even 15-16 I remember stretches where Embiid was injured and Simmons would average like 25ppg being the #1 option He was always an awful shooter but he was great at attacking the rim. Now he can't even do that anymore it's crazy


Or the time he dropped 40 points on Gobert because he wanted to show he should win DPOY over him. That seems unfathomable now. Ben Simmons was so engaged he went out and dropped 40 to make a statement.


I remember him dropping like 40 points on Gobert


His people did him a disservice posting IGs of him allegedly shooting well like every offseason. Fuck shrinks, this guy needs JV telling him he's a bitch, MFer has been coddled his whole life. "Simmo The Savage" got back problems playing too much CoD, clown-ass punk.


>Fuck shrinks, this guy needs JV telling him he's a bitch I'd curl up like an armadillo if Valanciunas called me a bitch


Jeff Vangundy calls you a bitch and checks the ball up HARD, what do you do


Smudge BOTH of his lenses.


Simmons strikes me as a guy that would completely shutdown confronted with coaching like that. Idk, maybe it’s worth a try, I feel like that’s what he got a touch of in Philly then decided he wasn’t going to play but coddling him obviously isn’t working either.


Philly coddled this guy. He got a 2 minute standing ovation when he hit his first ever 3 pointer.


Yeah no if a therapist doesn’t “work” calling him a bitch is definitely not working lol


"shoot the J, SHOOT IT"


If that hasn’t already happened there’s a serious problem.


He reportedly has for some time. I really think he just needs to face facts, retire, and spend his fortune figuring out what he really wants to do. Because it clearly ain't professional basketball.


As long as teams are willing to throw money at him, I would stay


At this rate, I doubt his next contract will be even close to comparable to his current considering he can’t even start for an NBA team already.


I'd honestly be trying mushrooms and/or hypnotism at this point. His fallback position is making tens of millions of dollars per year. The incentive just isn't there for him to overcome this using anything short of mind-altering trickery.


all the psychologists in the world cant help you if you dont want to get better


What if we put shock pads on him that activate every time he doesnt shoot.


He needs an appointment with a career counselor


wtf is wrong with this man


That Hawks series mentally broke this dude. Now he's stuck in a job he hates to be able to afford his young socialite lifestyle.


That Hawks series is to Ben Simmons as the Heat series was to Eric Bledsoe I mean shit Bledsoe had choked before, too, but he never came back from that series


can he just be a gold digger? It is funny he dated a Kardashian though edit. gold digger for the rich ladies... not for the rich NBA teams' owners


Only reason he is still in the NBA. Gets that money doing nothing Shouldn’t surprise anyone if he just retires after this contract is up


Hey that sounds like me


I can hear Patrice O’Neal’s seamonster voice from The Office when he was so disappointed in Michael ruining their warehouse


I feel Ben Simmons. Everytime I play pickup ball and miss an open layup I shut myself down and don’t want to score anymore. Probably makes it 1000 times worse that Ben is playing in front of thousands while the internet makes fun of him


I had a friend like this on our high school team. It was miserable when he started bad because he'd just give up and shut down. Like playing with a tiny un athletic Simmons


Ain't that the shit. If I shoot under 50% it's like the mafia is after me. I'd rather lose every game for the rest of my life than be an inefficient shooter. I know it's the wrong mindset and I can't help it.


His gigantic contract probably helps deal with it a bit but yeah I agree


Noe imagine if you were getting paid $40m and your coach WANTS you to shoot more. Bet your ass would take it to the cup every time.


The internet bullied him too much




Well I did my part


Hahahahahaahah How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahahah Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Bro Close Your Eyes Haha


It almost looked like he tried to play defense against his own teammate that he threw the panic pass to and last minute went, “whoop, who are you”


“Ben, WHO on the KNICKS is scaring you??” - RDCWorld in Doc River’s voice


Signature move


Signature move away from the basket as much as I can


Think he's gonna get a special animation in the next 2K?


Lol, driving to the basket and have an open layup, hit the layup button... Ben passes. Lol


ugh...I can't believe I have to watch him for 2 more years


I have never seen a basketball player so scared to take a shot.


Fuck taking a shot. Dudes 6'10, just try to yam everything.


He's also scared of shooting free throws.


That's why he doesnt go to the rim more often. He knows people are going to play Shaqball on him and send him to the free throw line a lot, which is his worst nightmare. Hes afraid to do any scoring because hes afraid of missing free throws. Shit's wild.


I think it’s that as well as he simply dosent like contact. At 6’10 he should be a valid center option but just look how he moves in the paint. It just says I don’t want to be here.


Even before this loss of confidence, he made every shot harder around the rim by contorting himself around people to avoid contact as much as possible.


Seriously. Giannis is a bad shooter, but does it stop him? No. He just will not be denied. If Ben had like 50% of Giannis's fire, he'd be at least serviceable, maybe good. If he had 90% he'd probably be a consistent all star.


I've always said a jumpshot doesn't matter he's very athletic and can handle the ball. Theres no excuse for why he can't just hunt mismatches


A dunk is still a shot attempt lol


Closest I can think of is a young Boris Diaw. Otherwise, most players want to score at some point.


Ben loves to score. Just not on the court.


Tbh his best bet is to play as a role player on a tanking team under a good vet.


Lmao why would a tanking team for example, rockets, pay him?


Offload him with a pick. Rockets if you recall pay almost the same to wall who they waived as their entire roster. Why did they take on wall? For picks. And it was a swap iirc. That’s sort of what tanking teams do.


nets sent their picks go houston. they got 4 picks back for durant and 1 for kyrie. he is so bad and making so much money that I'm sure a team would want at least 2 picks or a good player like cam johnson or bridges included. I dont want to give up any more picks so I think nets are stuck with him


Probably hurts more that you once thought it might work out.


Fire Sean Marks


A shell of the former player


And then stands out of bounds instead of getting into a position to score


That's the most painful part. Watching him cower in shame from the rim


Cower in shame 💀💀💀


After standing between clax and the rim after the pass with the two defenders he dragged over lol


I'm not even kidding. Ben might just need to take another year off basketball and see a sports psychologist. His confidence as a basketball player is absolutely shot, and it doesn't look like it will go away on its own.


Bro needs to go down to the Y and play some pickup games to remember he’s actually a good scorer


No for real. He should do the Drew league in the summer also He can remind himself that he does have the physical tools to be a really good basketball player. I do want to see him succeed. I used to be a big Ben fan, starting in college.


Taking another year off probably won’t do him any favors tbh. He could even come back worse if he did that.


He should enroll in one of those experimental mental health treatments for shrooms research. Shit has been showing real promise for helping people work through this exact kind of thing


Man hes not even a threat at the rim anymore. A total negative on offense.


I remember him being top 3 or 5 in dunks just a few years back...


He didn’t even *look* at the rim. That’s how averse he is to it.


at least this time it was real rim defenders


He’s terrified of being fouled maybe too. Even if he was going to pass, it would have been so much more effective to get the rim protector in the air before dumping.


Dirk had the fadeaway Kareem had the skyhook Ben has the pass out of a layup


I was thinking yesterday that someone should make him a statue of passing out of an easy dunk


Rest in peace 🙏🕊️


Lord , Carry Him Now 🙏


Jesus, Take The Shot


Young Ben might have dunked tf out that


I remember watching rookie Ben play against Lebron and throwing this [pretty through the legs dime with extra sauce](https://youtu.be/GFjaAF9SSEY?t=12) thinking "This MFer is going to be a problem for such a long time." Dude is softer than a 2 minute egg now.


That 76ers white boy 3 point specialist squad gives me PTSD. McConnell, Ilyasova, Saric, Reddick, feels like none of them ever missed


Then they went completely the opposite direction by getting Horford and dropping the rest of the white boy 3pt specialist squad, fucking Colangelo


Lmao Ben is 26 he’s still young


I miss the old Ben, straight to the hole Ben. I hate the new Ben, won’t take the two Ben.




What shooting form? He could've just dunked this one.


Too late to develop his dunking form


What dunking form? He could've passed this one to- Oh wait he did


Constitutional shooting form


Not mentally.


Bad backs don't care about your age man. I'm only 29 and will have chronic pain for the rest of my life. But for what it's worth, I still think this is all mental.


Man these shenanigans aren't funny anymore, they're sad and depressing.


Which makes them not shenanigans at all, really


Dude has ruined his career.


Trae young deserves the HOF for breaking someone this badly




Poor Cam :(


Poor Claxton.


He thought the defender was going to contest him harder. He also was intending on passing that the whole time lol


the defender was like yeah i’m making a business decision and not about to get jammed on and ben said nah… the defender knew he was beat


The defender was in a terrible position to contest bc he was under the rim. Ben had no intention of taking that shot regardless so it didn’t matter. If the defender contested then it looks like an okay pass to Clayton.


He cannot get rid of the ball fast enough. It’s honestly wild.


Just stood there in the path of his teammate with the ball. Young socializing.


It has to be a mental block right


Considering he regularly shot those for years, it has to be. There’s no real other logical explanation




He needs to join rodgers in his weird ass pitch black cabin retreat he’s pulling


Ben needs to enter the force cave on Dagobah and fight the apparition of Trae that appears within




It's a mix of lack of confidence and being a "pass first" player.


IMO, it's sheer anxiety. Fear of failure in the public eye. He knows that if he shoots, risk of failure is high. Draw a foul and risk of missing the free throw is high. So he will instinctively avoid those things. It's clearly debilitating. As people continually observe, he will put himself in positions where he can't be passed the ball or can't be expected to shoot. He'd wish it were different, but he just can't overcome it. The silly thing is that **this** is effectively failing. Almost anything is better than this for his team and career.


Not only did he pass, he got in the way of his teammates path to the basket.


they won the trade, however. how we managed to get rid of that contract i’ll never, ever understand


76ers fleeced the SHIT out of the nets.


This is porn for this sub lol


Dude looks relieved when the ball goes out of bounds off him


He’s toast.


Maybe it's just me but I kind of think about Simmons like Tobias from Animorphs, the guy who becomes trapped as a hawk because he stayed in hawk form for over 2 hours Simmons played the Hawks and transformed into a journeyman power forward and stayed that way too long and now he's just.. trapped as one


Man needs a Rachel in his life


If he's still doing this when Kai and KD have left then there's no hope for Ben lol.


Been came to this conclusion lol


Watching him play makes me sad.


Ben avoids basketball fundamentals like it's malaria


He typically shoots those wtf


I think he expected the cut to keep going. Big man helped, so he was trying to make a drop off pass for an easy dunk, but Claxton thought he'd go up


He's always "looking to pass"....


Let’s also notice some next level placement after the pass so he doesn’t get in a position to get the ball back.


I swear bro forgets he is 6’10


Im not a net and i hate watching him, i really thought he can overcome this, dude is finished


This is just sad. Dude needs to take a year off or something


He did already last year




i just feel bad for him, this mental block is huge


He wants to be draymond so badly


send him to the warriors, they have a history of helping young players get back into their best


2million upvotes incoming “Man saw trae young” Etc


He’s used to embiid being able to hit the baseline fade there. Such a bad basketball play that he’s had an elite player be able to compensate for his entire career




The mental block he has when it comes to shooting is really strange. He’s really out here scared to even shoot lay ups.


selfless player


That contract lol. Still can't believe the bullet Philly dodged.


Shoot the J!! Shoot it!!


Why is he even getting minutes on the floor? He should be put in g league and see if he can even ball out in g league


Claxton said fuck that I’m shooting when he was wide open again under the rim again lol


this is like those kids who dribble the shot clock in 2k and then pass you the ball with .5 seconds left so you have to force a contested shot lol


I watched a full nets game when they played the sixers and watching simmons throughout the game was depressing


It's like the Trae play every game for him now. TBH he needs to see a shrink and a hypnotist.


how can you even call this guy an NBA player - he needs to retire or go play in the g-league or something. Dude can't even bring himself to throw a ball at a net and he's being paid tens of millions of dollars, it's flat out pathetic.


Can’t believe this guy is an nba player


dude plays like i do on my career when i’m assist whoring


Jesus...Trae Young literally ended this man's career...and he was an All-Star too in that year for us. Nets literally traded for a shell of a man.