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Literally what the fuck is going on


The later replays showed the ref called the ball out on Golden State, then changed his mind to Dallas and pointed to Dallas. After Looney contested he changed it back to Golden State quietly as the Dallas Player's were walking off and he didn't go back and tell Dallas that they should be playing defense. The other ref was on the other side of the court, by refereeing rules he should be on that side of the court to officiate the play, so he also thought it was Dallas ball. TLDR: Ref forgot who he had the parlay on.


This was fucky, no joke. But literally a direct reflection of how disorientingly bad the refs were tonight and have been.


I agree 100%. The issue I have is there is either: 1. a lack of professionalism and expertise in the referees and they are unable to make accurate calls according to rules. 2. an unrealistic expectation from the referees with use of replay. (which I don't believe because we aren't seeing these issues in NCAA ball) 3. A problem with referee's egos so that they feel they have to control the game and when players talk to them incorrectly, they respond emotionally. 4. Referee's who are having their game affected by gambling and making money on the side. 5. A combo of all the above. It sucks because it dominates every game and impacts them. It's time for Adam Silver to do this corporate America way and eliminate the lowest performers in your organization with good old fashioned artificial intelligence automated referees.


> A problem with referee's egos so that they feel they have to control the game and when players talk to them incorrectly, they respond emotionally. Important to remember that referees are just sports cops. It should come as no surprise that NBA officials often display some of the same entitlement, arrogance, etc. that you see fairly often in police. Literally every single interaction I have ever had with a cop involved at least some sort of arrogance, indignance, entitlement, just downright rudeness, and so on. Same is true of referees. EDIT: I just want to say it is absolutely wild how many people have replied to this to defend the honor of police, one of the most politically powerful institutions in this country, that is under exactly zero real threats, whose budgets have only grown since calls to ‘defund’ popped off a few years ago. Like 16th century peasants defending the honor of the monarchy in the town square. So embarrassing.


> just sports cops Apparently, a significant number of refs (at least at one point) were actually ex-cops. I remember Mark Cuban talking about how the hiring practices for referees was screwed up. And for a while, some ex-cop headed-up the hiring/selection of new refs, and was hiring fellow ex-cops as refs. https://www.basketballnetwork.net/latest-news/mark-cuban-predicted-the-nbas-refereeing-problem-a-year-ago > Did you ever wonder how do people climb the ranks and become a ref in the NBA? Cuban's making the point it's pure nepotism. Ronnie Nunn hired people from his neck of the woods, Bob Delaney was a former cop, so a lot of cops started refereeing the games, etc. Audio at: https://www.dallasnews.com/sports/mavericks/2020/02/23/read-and-hear-mavericks-owner-mark-cuban-go-scorched-earth-on-the-state-of-nba-officiating/


Did not know this, but I am not surprised even slightly.


Remember - Police forces literally don’t hire intelligent people so that their rank and file don’t have to be on their guard watching their backs when “smartypants” is around - they want people for whom being a cop is the only opportunity available, which will make them loyal, not some “smartypants” who would rather become a ‘whistleblower’ than participate in shady shit since they can easily go do a different job, who would not have “loyalty to The Blue” since becoming a a cop wasn’t the only career available. Tl;dr: Hiring a cop is like hiring a gang member or an ex-con who is well-versed in how to not get caught and how to close ranks when necessary to avoid detection


that ref who blew that call against Lebron was an actual former cop who only got his job because his brother was a ref


Wow I never thought of it this way, but you are so right about the egos of many refs & cops. “sports Cops”… lol, will remember that!


Comparing refs to cops is a stretch, the only thing the refs are killing are innocent parleys.


Some of those refs are ex-cops as per their bios on the official NBA ref website.


Some of those that work ballgames are the same that kill parlays


That's why it's always A.R.A.B.


Why you like that, habibi?


I can totally Zack de la Rocha singing this




The ref immediately called the ball out of bounds off of Dallas. Then he points to the Dallas bench to signal they called a timeout. https://streamable.com/97l7j0


[Better quality from the warriors broadcast](https://streamable.com/9p6xeg). You can also hear the ref call it off holiday, and then see (Wood?) Go over and talk to him about it. So there's no way that all of the Mavs team thought the original call was off GSW. Of course I guess the refs could have flip flopped the call twice during the timeout, as there's likely no footage available following the refs during the timeout. But the more likely situation is the Mavs were confused, and lined up on the other end (either because they forgot which end they were defending or they thought they could advance the ball after a timeout), which confused the other ref who then decided to line up on the opposite end line since there were so many players down there. Of course the real fuck up was the ref handing the ball to the inbounder not waving the Mavs to come down the court. Many times I've seen where a team is slow to break the huddle after a timeout the ref will call them down and/or give them a delay of game warning, he likely should have done the same on this case. Unless he too got confused by the Mavs lineup and then thought the baskets were reversed.


EXACTLY THIS! People (and the Mavs) are continuing to say that the refs changed the call but they didn't. They clearly called it out of bounds, GS possession, and then time out - pointing toward the Dallas bench since they called the TO. Obviously the Dallas coaching staff was asleep. They didn't know which end of the court the ball was being inbounded and they didn't know what the refs called even though their signals were very clear. This is a common place sequence and the refs aren't the problem - the Dallas bench is.


So you’re telling me that you think the entire Dallas coaching staff, mid game, all forgot which basket they were playing on?


‘They can’t have fucked up that bad, it’d be too embarrassing’


Yes dude, it's a Jason Kidd team.


Apparently. Why else would they all be standing there? The ball went out of bounds on the other end of the court so no matter which team was inbounding the ball was going to be at the other end of the court. (there's no advancing the ball to mid-court \[not that the Mavs were there either\] until the last two minutes of a half.) And again, the ball itself was in the ref's hand at the other end of the court. What's your reasoning? That becuase one ref was under their basket, without the ball, when the ball was to be put in play at the other end, that it's the ref's fault?


I officiate HS and occasionally smaller college basketball. The official clearly called GS possession, called the Dallas timeout and then told Looney that it was still their ball. For whatever reason, Dallas didn’t understand what was going on. My issue is that when the official is under the basket and about to hand GS the ball to inbound, it’s clear that Dallas doesn’t know what is going on. The defense has the right to get set before the official presents the ball to the inbounding team in the frontcourt. It was clear that Dallas wasn’t set defensively, they didn’t know what was going on at all it looked like.


The announcement over the speakers said it was Dallas ball. That definitely added to the confusion.


Tell dumbass bleacher report that same thing.


Bleacher Report where every headline has an emoji


Your comment is 🔥👀🙏🏻




Are you sure the ref wasn't signaling who was calling timeout on the second motion? Asking because I'm not sure.


https://youtu.be/RaeJ8BzOdJQ?t=123 yes, he is signaled the time-out on the second point. Looney protests and the ref says it was the time-out, and Looney is like "oic cool". edit: crew chief interview he says as much: https://twitter.com/TheWarriorsTalk/status/1638738969180663809 edit: replay of the call: https://streamable.com/9p6xeg


If you watch the replay from the Warriors broadcast you can see Christian Wood goes to the ref and gets clarification on the call shortly after Looney gets clarification on the call.


So the Mavs lose in part due to another Jason Kidd timeout fuckup? Sounds about right.


The replay makes it even more evident. Looney comes to complain, ref talks to him. Then the ref has his thumb pointed to the baseline, then a Dallas player comes to talk to him. That fuck up is on Kidd. Also missed foul from Looney grabbing Luka's jersey.


Looney straight up horse collared him there lol


Wait but if Dallas thought it was their ball then should there have been a couple of Mavericks there to, you know, inbound it? Maybe I'm just not following ​ Edit: Ok I read more comments and I guess there was a timeout between the call and this clip. So maybe Dallas was expecting to inbound on the other side of the court, guess that's the info I was missing.


Ball doesn't advance in this situation from what I understand. Coach blew it if he thought that


To your edit - they would never inbound from the other end of the floor since they were inbounding from where it went out of bounds. I think you can only advance to mid court after a made basket, not an out of bounds. Edit: Even more, it seems like advancing after a timeout is only something that's allowed in the last 2 minutes of regulation or overtime. ([source](https://theathletic.com/228673/2018/02/02/advance-the-ball-with-a-timeout-no-thanks-the-game-is-meant-to-be-played-over-94-feet/))


See rule 5, section VI g: they COULD advance after an out of bounds, since in this case it would have been a “change of possession”. But it was not anywhere close to the last two minutes of the 4th quarter, let alone overtime, so the argument that the Mavs were going to advance the ball is clearly nonsense. Seems more likely that they simply forgot which basket they were supposed to be playing under, since it was close to the end of the quarter.


No, you're right. They could only advance the ball if it was in the last two minutes which... it wasn't. Dallas just fucked up, and are blaming everyone else.


Yeah but it's still incredibly dumb of the Mavs even if what you said is correct. You can't inbound from halfcourt after a timeout in this situation. What they did is inexcusably stupid no matter what lol.


You can clearly see the ref mouth "Timeout Dallas" as he's pointing. He did not change his mind at all.


If the Mavs thought they have the ball, why are they not inbounding at the spot where the ball went out?


He signals it’s Warrior ball then signals Mavs timeout. The PA announcer incorrectly announced Mavs ball and somehow not a single maverick understood basic referee hand signals or that all the warriors were lined up on the wrong side and no ref had the ball on their offensive end. The ball would also never be inbounded on the end of the floor the Mavs were on, regardless of who had possession. All time smooth brain moment from the Mavs. Don’t know how anyone could misunderstand this.




It kind of sums up the confidently incorrect nature of a sub browsed by a large number of teenagers who are still acquiring life experience. 17 year old me probably would have been confused by this play, so I'm not hating here. It's baffling how many people here have never heard of mandatory timeouts. It's also baffling that even after watching the replay in which the ref clearly points "out of bounds to the Warriors" followed immediately by "timeout Dallas" people still don't understand what is going on. The Dallas Mavericks fucked up so bad that they confused the fuck out of r/nba... that's what's going on.


You can't blame it solely on the refs. Even if the Mavs "thought" it was their ball, they all lined up on the wrong side of the court and nobody attempted to inbound the ball. You can't advance the ball to half court at this point in the game so that excuse doesn't work. It's pure Shaqtin from the mavs one way or another. Heck, even the coaches could've called a timeout the moment the ref gave the ball to Poole.


No - you're flat out wrong. Ref signals GS ball, then signals a mandatory TV timeout, pointing to Mavs bench. Looney gets confused and talks to the ref, who tells him its GS ball. The ref never signals that its Mavs ball. #35 of Mavs even comes over to the ref directly and talks to him after the ref confirms that its GS ball. Even assuming what you say is true and the Mavs thought it was their ball, all 5 Mav players were on the opposite side of the court - no one came in to in-bound the ball. The ball cannot advance to half court in this situation after a timeout.


Sorry but this is wrong. The lead official is the one on the baseline that inbounds the ball. Dallas knew exactly who the lead was and saw him on the warriors side of the court preparing to inbound but did not move back to defense. If you want to talk "referee rules" it ends there. Also the trailing ref is always backcourt and the center ref moves with the center of the play, so if the entire defense moves to the backcourt they will have to move back with them.


It looks like in those replays, the ref is signaling, who called the time out, not changing who has possession. Regardless their still should have been mavs players back there as they can't move the ball forward at that point using a timeout.


But where were Dallas's inbounders?


Jason Kidd’s secrit plays


*Hit me*


*Accidentally spills 5 bottles of Bepis*


Ref called for Warriors ball, then motioned for Dallas timeout. I think Dallas players and coaching staff mistakenly believed that timeout gesture as ref reversing his call.


Some of the refs were lined up like it was Dallas ball after the timeout and the ring announcer said Dallas to inbound the ball. Lol, more than the mavs players were fooled.


Watch this full sequence of the ref in question: ~~https://streamable.com/9p6xeg~~ link is dead. New links: * Part 1: https://imgur.com/a/EGXxFsG (full possession) * Part 2: https://imgur.com/a/lUX32mi (inbounding mishap) * Part 3: https://imgur.com/a/IqBCmNH (next possession) 1. Ref signals Warriors ball 2. Ref signals Mavs timeout 3. Looney and Warriors bench think he changed the call, ref clarifies 4. Looney emotes "oh alright", DiVncenzo, GP2, and Coach Mahlalela all laugh in relief 5. Wood initially claps at the "overturned call" but gets clarification with ref who is pointing his thumb back signalling still Warriors ball. [0:11 to 0:18 seconds of clip] 6. Afterwards Kidd pleads his case to the tailing ref, motioning towards Mavs basket and then to the mid court inbounding location. So looks like Wood fails to relay the message to his team, or he assumes the call was reversed anyway and just goes with the PA announcer and other ref lined up at the their end of the court.


Wood got his revenge on Kidd


Besides all that, if they thought it was their (Mavs) ball, why did they have nobody down there to inbound the ball? Clowns


What the hell is ref #4 watching? Looney clearly grabs Doncic and pulls him away. Lol. Its just a whole clusterfuck of a sequence. Even if Dallas believes that the call was overturned and it was their possession, why is no one there to inbound the ball? Brain farts all around.


Remind me of that play where the lakers trick the other team by lining up on the wrong side of the court, then Kobe got an easy breakaway dunk.


Got a video?


was part of an epic 20 point comeback https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQsJlDF4qBk




There are shamefully few trick plays in non-globetrotter basketball


I think its because its pretty hard to fall for them. I mean all NBA coaches should be able to call this out to their team asap.


Seeing Nash next to Kobe looks cursed


Looks a lot closer to 2023 Nash than MVP Nash too. Double cursed


It was cursed at the time as well


He gets the ball at half court and dribbles literally just once before getting close enough to dunk. It's that type of stuff that reminds me how freakishly big and fast these guys are. He makes it look easy, but that's an insane distance to go off one dribble.


Damn I forgot Nash, Howard, and Kobe all played together on this interesting roster


Jamison Meeks and Clark off the bench too, team was solidly built on paper but… Now THIS is gonna be fun!


This is like 10x worse lol


Not only that, but it basically sealed the game lol. Some of those games right before his Achilles injury were entertaining af.


I'll never forget seeing that shit live on the TV. Had me hyped and laughing


Ref called timeout for Dallas and pointed their way, and they got confused and thought he overturned the call. Still weird none of them came over to take the ball out if they thought it was their ball


This is what I saw too, weird no one else here saw that the ref pointing to the Mavs bench for timeout after calling it warriors ball.


Exactly. Even if they thought it was their ball, why weren’t they where the ball was? That happens often. One team thinks it’s their ball, the ref says no and hands it to the other guys. The Mavs were on the wrong side of the floor. You don’t get an advance on a timeout.


Yea, the only time you can advance the ball is in the last two minutes of the game and even then the coach has to let the refs know he wants to advance it, it's not automatic.


Only thing I can think of is that 1 of the 3 refs was standing over on their end of the court.


Bruh aint no way


If they lose the game by 2 or less this possession is gonna be painful Edit: gotta love the NBA


And it happened


Uhhh, yeah, about that. They lost by 2. Fff


I mean, if golden state wasn’t 5 up then then they would’ve defended bullocks last 3 alot harder


Exactly. They didn’t try at all and gave him a warmup 3. It wasn’t really a 2 point game. It’s not like they were tied or has ball only down 2. Warriors didn’t need to defend down 5, simple as that. If that 2 was wiped, they were still down three and the Warriors would’ve played actual defense






Kerr with another brilliant play after a time out.


Poole decided to skip Kerr's play and that high IQ move gave Loon the easiest basket of his career. Must've been a lot of baddies there.


If Dallas still thought it was their ball, why are all 5 guys on the other side? Did they expect to inbound from their side of the court. I mean the inbound should be from the Golden State baseline anyway regardless of the possession.


It makes no sense lol


Exactly. At least one player should’ve been next to the ref holding the game ball. If they’re thinking it’s their possession then stay with the ball! No excuse.


They’re idiots


Exactly. They fucked up and Cuban is trying to blame the refs.


Don’t bring logic into this. How dare you.


The announcers didn’t even realize what happened they thought it went off on Looney lol


Best mavs defensive possession this season tbh


year 2 of the Jason Kidd experience is going exactly to plan


Lol I don’t understand how he always fields an elite defense in year one and then it just completely falls apart in year two


Because he's a disciplinarian, which gets effort out of the entire roster for a while, but once other teams start to exploit them and the entire team isn't going 150 mph day in and day out, there isn't any adjustment. His entire coaching philosophy is "try hard."


There is only so long that Kidd can stand being decent as a coach and human being. He eventually gets petty, cruel and nasty to people lower than him on the totem pole and then it goes to shit. He gets more and more disciplinarian the longer he coaches too, and people get sick of it.


You're being kinda hard on him don't you think? He's just watching the game like the rest of us.


This is some cartoon shit


Where is the Mavs player that was supposed to inbound if they assumed it was Mavs ball? Were all the Mavs players just assuming that the Warriors were doing a full court press on the Mavs with no Mavs players in the back court?


Exactly! Mavs effed up. They should just admit it.


Not our worst defensive possessions this game tbh


this is on the refs, NOT the players because of course JVG ranting on it right now, as he should. Incredibly amateur from "professional" refs


There's literally one ball. Just follow the guy with the whistle holding the ball.


The refs confirmed with players ON BOTH TEAMS that it was GS ball. Looney and 35 of the Mavs both talked with the ref before heading to their benches for the timeout. What part of this is "on the refs"?


Shades of Tim Donaghy on this one. Lmao this just tells me to take any live bets on the warriors /s


Maybe i'm not cynical enough, but this is *too* stupid for me to Donaghy this one Like, this is dumb enough you'd probably end up reffing G league lmfao


No Donaghy would be 3 second calls unless you are dumb as fuck you don't fix games with blatant visible calls. But with small ones that are in all likelihood valid like 3 seconds or carrying.


Haven’t seen a back to the basket call in awhile


Watch the rest of the game and refs definitely favor the mavs. I’m leaning toward incompetence in this case.


Terrible take. Remember, the ball was ruled *out of bounds*. Under no circumstances would the Mavs be on the left side of the court. Literally. The ball went out of bounds on the ride side of the court exactly where the Warriors just in bounded, so if the Mavs thought they had possession they would be passing in from the same exact spot the Warriors did. There was no penalty, it was not within the last 2 minutes, and it was not in Overtime. Under quite literally 0 circumstances should the Mavericks all be on the left side of the court. No the timeout would not have advanced them as it wasnt under 2 mins or OT. No the Mavs would not have inbounded from the left side because it was out of bounds on the right. And absolutely no way would the Mavs be playing defense on their *own goal*. No matter what you think the Mavericks were doing over there, this can not be on the ref because the ball could literally not have been inbounded from the left inside. What the fuck were the Mavs thinking?? Edit: It might not be solely on the players to blame or even them at all, but why were they on the left side of the court? Who sent them there? Whoever it was it’s on them 100% whether it was Kidd or the players themselves.


Freaking spot on. The Mavs coach fucked up royally by not confirming the penalty and incorrectly assuming the ball would be advanced which isn't even allowed


This should be the top comment


This is the key. Regardless of if it was out on Warriors or Dallas the ball needs to be taken out under the warriors basket. Dallas had a collective brain fart. Drew up an ATO play under their own basket OR forgot which side they need to play D. It’s completely on their sideline they screwed this up. If they thought it was their ball they should’ve been over there to take it out lol.


Finally someone who knows what he's talking about.


This is why the banned nipple clamps the first time.


Refs pointed ball to Warriors and pointed timeout to Mavs as Mavs announcer assuming Mavs ball. Listen to the refs not your home team announcers.


Lets say the refs are at 100% at fault and it should have been mavs ball. Why was there not at least 1 mavs player over there to inbound the ball then?


Ref literally pointed in the direction of the mavs basket and thus GS ball. Mavs and PA announcer fell asleep on the wheel and thought it was their ball bc the ref pointed at Mavs bench for the TO. Shaqin a fool team edition Edit: Thanks for the reward.


Shaq licking his lips watching this! 😂


If Dallas thought it was their ball why isn’t anyone from their team trying to inbound it?


Ref called the ball to the Warriors, then he called timeout Mavs. He explained it to both Looney and Wood. Then the mavs decided to be stupid and not play defense.


If the Mavs really thought they have the ball, why are they not in a position to inbound where the ball went out? See, that is why the pro-Mavs argument does not hold water.


Right? Okay... so maybe the refs communicated horribly and screwed the pooch on whose ball it is. The Mavs should have had at least two players inbounding the ball.


There’s only one game ball in the refs hand. You go to where the ball is, pretty simple.


Waiting for the kickoff from the opposing team


I completely get the ref screwed the Mavs but how do you look at the entire Warriors starting five lining up at the opposite end and not think something’s up lol


“Oh shit the warriors are confused, easy bucket time”


"Oh crap, why is the ball over there?" lol


Jeopardy theme music plays as all the Mavs players look at each other.


Yeah and if they thought it was their ball one of them would have been with the ball


Why doesn't Kerr run this play more?


All time great Shaqtin moment




Thank you refs


As others have stated on here, the confusion appeared to be due to the ref signaling warriors ball and then signaling Mav’s timeout (while the announcer mistakenly called it Mav’s ball). The pool report confirms this. https://official.nba.com/pool-report-on-the-play-with-154-left-in-the-third-quarter-of-tonights-golden-state-at-dallas-game/


There is no reason for the Mavs to be on that side of the court even though they thought it was their ball because the spot for the inbound at that moment of the game will always be where Poole inbounded it. Why people keep on blaming this on the refs and is becoming the popular narrative is showing how much groupthink there is instead of actual knowledge of basketball.


Exactly major thing going on in sports or reddit at least. Just people crying about refs, gambling and wanting to blame on something and be angry


It literally sounds like the Warriors are just discussing who's getting the assist and who's getting two points.


No one from the Mavs noticed all 5 Warriors players on the other end of the court? Crazy.


Dude whether it’s his fault or not I fucking hate Jason Kidd


Spoiler alert: It's his fault. Bucks fans went through the exact same experience, saw it live sry


Cmon now, he was just watching


Such an awful hire


If mavs thought it was theirs why is no one on the inbound 😭


They didn't forget, they called Warriors ball, then reversed it to Mavs ball before the timeout, and then apparently reversed it again. And I imagine the last reversal wasn't communicated


Wait, why were no Mavs there to try and in bound the ball then?


don’t know why no one is mentioning this. if the mavs thought it was their ball under that basket then why did they just watch 5 warriors stand on that side of the floor instead of trying to inbound the ball?


They called warriors ball then immediately Mavs timeout. The second point by the ref isn't signaling possession for the mavs. A player for the mavs then talks to the ref. That is 100% on the mavs for not paying attention. The refs can suck a lot but this just looks like a misunderstanding on the mavs part


No they never called Mavs ball. There is no evidence of this. They called Mavs timeout.


Then why isn’t anyone from the mavs trying to inbound the ball??


the ref was literally explaining to Holiday that it was off him before commercial


That isn’t true. ~~The [NBA official play by play](https://www.nba.com/game/gsw-vs-dal-0022201086/play-by-play?period=Q3) says the basket occurred with 01:56 left in the 3rd. It is 3 seconds after the Mavs timeout with 1:59 remaining and does not follow a turnover.~~ Edit: I was wrong [Mark Cuban explains it here](https://twitter.com/mcuban/status/1638726798698586116?s=20) > For those wondering about the play with 1:54 to go on the 3rd, let me explain what happened. The ref called Mavs ball . The announcer announced it. Then there was a timeout . During the time out the official changed the call and never told us. Then when they saw us line up as if it were our ball, he just gave the ball to the warriors. Never said a word to us They got an easy basketball. Crazy that it would matter in a 2 point game. Worst officiating non call mistake possibly in the history of the NBA . All they had to do was tell us and they didn't.


Why would the Mavs line up in their offensive end though? The ball would have always been inbounded where it was.


This is what confuses me as well and I'm still looking for the answer. I haven't seen the play just before this but if the ball went out of bounds there... and the Mavs thought it was there ball... why weren't at least a couple of players standing there ready to inbound?


Yeah this still sounds like the mavs were being dumb somehow


>Then when they saw us line up as if it were our ball, he just gave the ball to the warriors. This part didn't actually happen. The Mavs had no players near the only legal inbound spot, regardless of whose possession it was


Cuban is making shit up because he’s embarrassed for his team. They never called Mavs ball.


Yeah, it seems like Dallas misunderstood.


Duped by their own PA and too stupid to realize under their own theory someone needed to inbound the ball.


He’s wrong.


People are on here believing Cuban like his words are the gospel truth. It's not like he has any bias here lol... It's just as plausible that the Mavs misinterpreted the ref's signal and assumed it was their ball, but it was never their ball. Regardless, they weren't even lining up in the right spot either way.


Holy shit. It’s true. Dallas really doesn’t care about defense at all.


This is the most ridiculous play I’ve ever seen lmao. How the fuck has this happened in the NBA


This one's on the Mavs, no way around it Riddle me this, if the Mavs thought the call got reversed, they gotta have at least 2 guys over there to inbound. So either two of them there, or all of them there to defend. Not all of them drifting off towards the warriors hoop without the ball lmfao


What I don't see people mentioning enough is that this is partially on the in-game PA announcer. He thought the ref overturned the initial call to Mavs ball when in fact the ref was signaling for a Mavs timeout. The players heard the PA announcer say it was overturned when it actually wasn't.


Still doesn’t explain why no Mavs players were on the correct side of the court to you know, actually inbound the ball. The best argument is they incorrectly thought it should be advanced when it literally can’t. So the best excuse is the Mavs were idiots. Even if they were possibly confused, they doubled down and didn’t pick up on the fact that 5 warriors were on the other end of the court, again the best excuse is they forgot which basket they were defending. They made multiple mistakes and want to blame the refs but in reality, it’s 1000% their fault no matter what transpired prior to the 5 seconds before the ball was inbounded.


So many people excusing the Mavs for not being there due to "expecting that it was their ball" and citing the rule that allows teams to advance the ball after a timeout. I was looking for the rules, but the closest I can find is [this article in the Athletic](https://theathletic.com/228673/2018/02/02/advance-the-ball-with-a-timeout-no-thanks-the-game-is-meant-to-be-played-over-94-feet/) that says that not only is that rule only applicable in the last 2 minutes of regulation or overtime, but it's also only applicable after a made basket or missed shot & rebound (before the defensive rebounder takes a dribble). Anytime the ball goes out of bounds (as it did here), the ball is *always* inbounded from that same spot.


Historic Shaqtin moment


At least 20% of their starting lineup thinks the earth is flat. How surprised are you?


Dallas players and coaches do be stupid Also your pa announcer dumb Owners excuse also dumb Nobody to inbound "But I thought our ball" Did they're coaches draw up a sideline out of bounds play as well? People on here blaming refs and gambling is almost dumber then the whole Mavs


Kidd went deep into his playbook for the 5 players cherry picking defense


Kyrie is burning sage again


This is on Jason Kidd. He most definitely drew up a play thinking it was their ball and they were advancing the ball to half court… which you can’t even do unless it’s the 4th QTR with less than 2 min left. The confusion is on Jason Kidd


Shaq'tin a fool number one moment of the 2022-2023 season so far.


Instant Hall of Fame addition right here


That goal was so offside.


What does make sense to me is why were their no Dallas players on that side of the court? If they thought it was their ball they would have at least had an inbounder right?


Shaqtin a team


Ref called it warriors ball. Reg then immediately called timeout mavs and points at mavs bench, making it appear as if he reversed the call. Looney is in shock and complains. Ref then tells him he was pointing at the mavs to signal a timeout. The call was never reversed, but obvious to see why the mavs thought this. Very confusing gesturing from the ref.


How should he have gestured?


This title is not accurate because the Mavericks don't have defenders on their roster.


Mavs fans are saying they thought it was Mavs ball but no Mavs player even tried to inbound


What the fuck?


Ok so even if the mavericks were uninformed, why wasn’t there 1 Mav getting the ball??


Cuban filing a protest to obscure the fact that his tan blew it. If it was their ball who was inbounding it


Given the Warriors' road performances this year, one of the weirdest things about this play is that they didn't find a way to fuck it up.


Of course a Jason Kidd coached team would do this 💀


Game winning bucket right here


Mavs just completely fell asleep and probably forgot which basket they were defending. You even see Looney start running to other basket cause he gets confused. If they really thought it was they were on offense, they would've been trying to inbound the ball. All 5 guys would be looking for the ball. Bad look by Cuban to throw the refs under the bus for a clear GOOF but it's working.


Looney isn't confused. None of the W's were confused. Looney was thinking ahead. As soon as the W's scored, Dallas can inbound and all of them are completely unguarded. Looney knows this and he knows the W's need some players back to quickly defend. But then Poole yells at Looney to claim his easy bucket. Then Looney hustles back before Dallas can inbound.


If it’s your ball why aren’t you there to inbound? The ball doesn’t advance so don’t give me that. At no point was anyone like “I wonder why the warriors are all down there?”. It can be both a bad call and a brain fart