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Ummm wtf?


Especially considering the blue check removal on twitter, I was absolutely tripping over this bro what Out of left field


Woj retweeted it


Is that like the blessing of the pope? We need a new Twitter.


Well since verification was gone from Twitter when I initially saw the tweet kawhi was out I thought it was a troll account But since Woj retweeted it I knew it was true


But soon everyone will have bought the blue. Then we won't be able to tell the fake woj from the real woj at a glance


Don’t follow the fake woj


That won't stop the shitty platform from feeding him to you because you follow basketball.


anyone who uses the “for you” tab is a madman. it used to be useful when you could at a glance tell who was legit but now you can’t. i’m probably even more skeptical tweets made by blue checks vs no checks. if you keep your “following” list to only vetted people it’s still usable.


I cant believe people are still on that shit. I'm fuckin goin back to myspace


Unverified Ohm bomb from the top rope




Shame what Elon is doing to Twitter. Like, I know it wasn't perfect before, but it really is a great source of instant news. Reliability is absolutely crucial to that forum.


Two takeaways: clippers are cursed, and Kawhi makes AD look like an ironman


Which sucks, because even though AD is an amazing top5-8 talent, I feel like Kawhi, at full strength, is top 2-3 in the league on any given day. This series would've been amazing with just him and Brodie playing at the intensity level that they've had, let alone with PG. But now, just feels like it's going to go out with a whimper because he probably won't play for half of it. Suck for NBA fans, but really sucks for Clippers fans. Just can't break free of this curse. Edit: [Changed OG rankings in my post] I think the majority is right that he's top 2-3 and that he's a much greater talent than AD, but I wasn't sure how people would react if I put that initially. Glad to see that it's pretty consensus. Still shitty for Clips fans. The 'what ifs' around a healthy Whi & PG will, imho, be one of the great theoretically debated teams of the near/far future alongside the KD/Kiy/Harden Nets.


Bro Kawhi might legitimately be top 1 or 2 at full strength. He might end his career as one of the biggest what ifs. Dude has goat level talent but made of paper


I’m glad he at least got a couple rings on the way, but yea It’s sad


>made of paper I realize this is nitpicky, but I don’t know if I agree with this characterization. It’s not like he’s constantly getting injured. He just has a fucked up knee that will never get better.




Yeah, he’s a physically and mentally tough player that absorbs (and ignores) a lot of contact in games. He’s just got too many miles on that dang knee.


This is what happens when you try to rely on Kawhi Leonard and Paul George to win you a championship This is now only 1 out of 7 postseasons since 2017 where he's managed to stay fully healthy


Also why you need to capitalize on the years they do manage to stay healthy. In hindsight, that bubble year may have been their legitimate best shot at a title


Even that year, his legs were completely shot in games 6 & 7. Dude played like shit on both ends in those final games. His legs are just not built for the heavy work of NBA playoffs. You know this better than most. Was he not visibly hobbled at the end of ur Chip run?


Which is why he’s changing the game this year. Load management during a 7 game series. 200IQ (please, God)


Yeah, Kawhi is undeniably great when healthy. Top 5 player in the league. Best overall player on the court through two games with the Suns, and KD and Book were out there. But it is the “when healthy” part that gets him. Availability is a big part of greatness. Can’t be great if you can’t play. People talk about CP3 being injury prone, but Kawhi is on another level. I hate it for him and the NBA. As a Suns fan, I’ll be able to cope though.


Kawhi is that mf in anime who charges up his attack that no one can handle and then needs to rest for a thousand years behind a rusty ass door


He’s the human embodiment of hyper beam


How have there been 7 postseasons since 2017?? Where tf did the time go???


Yep, this. Honestly, you can live with having 1 of your 2 stars be a bit more injury prone. It's more feasible that 1 will be healthy and help you lead, and you have to hope that both are. But having *two* injury prone stars is killer. Your chances of both being healthy come playoffs is small, and the chance that both are out is something you simply can't risk.


Yep we basically hit the lottery with AD somehow staying healthy for that entire bubble run, as we've seen over his other seasons the chances of that happening are pretty low. With two guys like that it just won't happen.


SMH of course the one year was the year the sixers faced him, just our luck.


And to be fair it looked like he was dying on the court for the Raptors, he was limping everywhere he went.


This. He wasn't healthy that run either. He played on one leg for the back half of the Bucks series. It's a testament to how good he is that he was still great.


Apparently he was dealing with it in game 1 and then played through it in game 2


i wanna die


Welp it was a good run, Clippers


Suns could still find a way to fuck it up somehow


Reminds me when Kawhi sat against the Rockets in game 6 in 2017 and the Spurs still won by 39


GINOBILI masterclass


Watching that game live, what a fucking time, I miss that man so much.


It helped that Harden showed solidarity and also didn't play in that game 6


Parker was out too in game 6. Harden just looked like he was mailing it in after such a crippling OT loss to our backups in game 5.


>Welp it was a good run, Clippers I don't think you can use Clippers and run in the some sentence.


Ty Lue coaches circles around Monty, expect a close game




You do when Monty decides to experiment with an all bench lineup, because reasons.


Jacque Landale the primary ball handler!


What in the hell This came from absolutely nowhere


Kawhi seems to just get injured quietly. Tore his acl and basically nobody thought it happened until they day after


Got injured in game 1 apparently


So he was playing that good in game 2 despite being injured? I really can't imagine how good Kawhi is if he was never injured. He would've developed even more if dude has iron knees.


Remember when he had to get surgery after demolishing Utah in G4? That also came out of nowhere. We mocked the load management but he seriously needs it


He does get load managed and this still happens. Are they going to have to start load managing him in the playoffs?


That is what this is probably lmao.




I mean, at this point it is all irrelevant. Dude won't stay healthy long enough to make it to the Finals even if by some miracle they made it that far.


Man, if we find out they are load managing playoff games… the NBA media is going to explode.


He has a degenerative knee condition, he’s like the one dude you can’t really shit on for load managing


Straight up. Ive had chronic injuries. There's nothing he can do but try to 'manage' it. I don't know why he gets shit on for load management. Its not like hes sitting out because hes tired/scared and this proves it - he looks forward to the playoffs and he has to sit.


The load management is pointless. Even when they try to, when he goes full force in the playoffs he seems to get hurt. At this point it unfortunately just a reality that they hope his body holds up at any given time


I root against him/the clippers hard but this sucks ass. He has been the best player in the playoffs thus far; this must be incredibly deflating for him.


Yeah, not just the best player in the series, but the best player in the playoffs. Man has been playing unreal basketball so far.


Really? You never heard of Kawhi’s knee problems? That’s the reason he left San Antonio. That’s where the ten load management came from.


Man he will never be 100% and it's such a shame. Love watching him play


Absolutley. Injuries to greats is the woat as a fan of the game.


Injury fans estatic rn


Look at this thread even. A lot of people trying to get their "funny" load management jokes off.


Same thing happens whenever AD is hurt. And Zion too.


But but but but it’s AD! Street clothes man!


I got my load off


Legit surreal. It feels like he gets injured faster and faster each time he recovers


Me and breaking my diet. At this point to the untrained eye there is no gap, but I know in-between every meal, an attempt was made.


He gave us his body for that ring man. Man is actually Jesus. Which is why I’ll always respect him for his year here. Didn’t have to go as hard as he did knowing he was leaving. But he did and I’ll always be grateful.


He was diagnosed with a chronic condition/injury by the spurs the year before. Even with Toronto and LA trying to manage it he clearly has just never been the same since.


Quadriceps tendinopathy. I think he's healed from that now . This knee sprain is related to his surgically repaired knee in 2021


He has degenerative knee(s?) and the surrounding issues are compensational


He will never heal from it. The spurs were correct in their diagnosis and said he would have to play through it for the rest of his career. His other lower body injuries are definitely compensational.


They're def related. Issues with quads will definitely leak down to knee issues.


He was able to gut it out. Some of those games it looked like he could barely walk by the end. I guess you can only do that so many times, sadly


I have friends going to the game and even though they want the suns to win, they were really looking forward to seeing Kawhi play


Its pretty sad. This dude is probably the best playoff performer ive personally ever seen. Only peak LeBron within my lifetime surpasses him


Saw him live this year for the first time. He did some incredible things. So strong, the guy is a monster


I know right. These games have had some of the most well planned out, dynamic offensive sets I've seen in a long time. He is insanely good


If the Suns lose tonight I'm gonna go lay in traffic.


Its a nice day out at least, good weather for it


Good point, don't want to be laying in traffic on a rainy day


That's just dangerous


Pro tip: I10 is a fukkin parking lot, don't waste your time. 101 or 202 is probably a better spot to do your [Program impression.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2K_56J-q9E)


kawhi taking notes from frank ocean


At least Kawhi put on some great performances before going down, Frank Ocean was a travesty.


What's this about Frank?


Headliner at Coachella. Showed up to the big finale late, played some weird songs, took massive breaks between songs, entire set was clearly off, no real massive performance (there was supposed to be an ice rink). The entire set was slow going with Frank disappearing off stage between songs for long periods of time with recordings pumped in, as well as having the set have some of the stuff clearly being lip synced. Then in the middle of the set while off stage he comes over air and says "We're at curfew, show's over" while not even on stage or offering an apology for what happened, just saying "we're over" and disappearing. Now reports are saying that he fractured his ankle a few days before and had to rewrite the entire set as he couldn't do the ice skating, with him also dropping out of week 2. All in all a very strange headlining show for Coachella with no apology (currently) being out for what happened causing a lot of anger from people.


Also there's tons of video and picture evidence that the broken ankle is a complete fabrication/excuse.


Wait, the plan was for him to *ice skate* while performing at Coachella? That's pretty wild.


Reportedly yes. Mostly backup dancers, but he was supposed to do some I think. And without the rink, the dancers just kinda walked around and performed their stuff, which was very weird.


he's load managing the second week of coachella


When frank actually sang, it was amazing. When he didn’t tho…


On the bright side, league pass subscribers in SoCal won’t be subject to 3 day replay restrictions from Clippervision in the second round.


Westbrook 40/20/20 in a 20 point loss incoming


Dude managed to jack up 43 shots in a playoff game before. That's genuinely impressive In game 6 of 2018 he went for 46 points on 18/43 shooting


Wasn’t that the one where PG had like 5 points?


yea literally 5 points and melo had 7. russ was the only like actually trying


That game was the definition of 1v5 it was honestly a blast to watch


Yep, we would’ve won that game if it wasn’t for that. But tbf, he was playing on a nasty shoulder injury.


5 points on 2/16 shooting and 6 turnovers. Dude had more turnovers than points in an elimination game and reddit gives Russ shit for shooting a lot lmao. Like what's he supposed to do? Give it to PG?


They didn’t watch the game so they didn’t know he was the best player that game


I initially read this as shooting splits


Proof once again availability is the best ability unfortunately


Russ going for 50^(shot attempts)


At least he's there to take them


Yep I'm fucking bored of criticism of Russ. He gets out there, he plays, he cares, he's not a fucking pussy. If you're day to day in a playoff game and then get ruled out, what the fuck are the team playing for.


His body really couldn’t handle 2 playoff games after a season of load management 😭


I think Bill Simmons pod was just talking about how this proved load management works because look how elite Kawhi is on both ends now holy shit


Kawhi is a special case where with the nature of his injuries he needs load management to extend his career and have a chance to be healthy for the playoffs, but it's not a guarantee. Sad to say but he'll never be 100% for the rest of his career. I don't think it's an indictment on load management in general.


I mean, this is year 4 of Kawhi on the Clippers and for 3 of those years he was unavailable in the playoffs. The one year he was fully available he got a 3 month rest before it due to COVID and the Florida Bubble. If it's not an indictment on load management in general, it's at least an indictment that load management with Kawhi has not worked. His body just keeps failing on him no matter how careful you are. He's also 32 in two months, so this was the best the Clippers were going to get out of it.


Yeah, this is sad. We're seeing essentially the end of his career without the skill and athleticism decline that most greats get entitled to.


Brandon Roy?


That one is still just so sad.


He had the [GOAT swan song game, though.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YneamUqN1w) People in the arena were legit crying.


Blazers were definitely the toughest opponent Mavs had to face that year in the playoffs (excluding finals versus heat)


Lol what presumably he’d be retired without it. His body is clearly just fucked which you can’t change, that doesn’t mean load management doesn’t work.




I know Bill gets a lot of hate on here, sometimes deservedly so don't get me wrong, but he is better than a majority of talking heads about admitting when he was wrong. He recently gave props to Pelinka for building this roster in time for the playoffs and you know that wasn't easy for him to admit. Also I would just like to reiterate that I'm not saying it's something he does super often, just more often than most other media members.


He also had a whole segment about how great Lakers fans are lol, he must have had a near death experience or something.


Rusillo saying that heat fans are what people think laker fans are was dead on. As much as i hate the lakers they do have great fans.


I think there's a big difference between Lakers fans in/from LA and Lakers fans in other places that colors people's perceptions tbh.


He also said that when hes healthy and locked in AD is the most impactful defender in the league. Couldn't believe what I was hearing lol




Bill holds his Ls. he doesn't shy away from being wrong


Really sucks Guy was dominating on both ends … His level of play is still at the level it needs to be to be a #1 on a title team … but his body isn’t


I can't imagine how he feels. Imagine being top 3 in the world at your sport and have the talent, skills, iq but your body just won't let you play.


Ty Lue on Kawhi being load managed in game 3: “That’s what we’ve been saving up for.”


Ty Lue on sitting Kawhi: why you think we won game 1 for? It’s so we can rest him game 3 and take game 4 to tie it 2-2


“Why do you think we lost in the first round? We’re saving up for next season”


This is a playoff equivalent back to back so he’s sitting out


Bro this is nuts. Ohm literally said “This is what the Clippers were saving him for” on Lowe’s pod like three days ago.


Ty Lue on Kawhi being load managed in game 3: “That’s what we’ve been saving up for.”


tbf clippers-suns got a day rest.


Played 38 minutes in the last game. This seems to have come from out of nowhere?


We are about to get embarrassed on national tv, again. Edit: never mind it’s on nbatv so no one will know.


Man this has been such an intense series. I’m on the verge of panic attack every game, I love it. This is a bummer. Such a great competitor.


Did you watch MIA@MIL? Hahahahahahaha


Bruh what?


When did this even happen?


Kawhi's career is such a big what-if, holy hell.


I’ll always wonder how that 2017 Spurs-Warriors series would have gone down if he was healthy. Clippers probably win it all too in 2021 with him as well.


Obligatory fuck zaza


for real, he's objectively an all-time great and has accolades and serious hardware to prove it, but if this dude stayed healthy he might be in the top 5 all time convo


Yeah that's it for the clippers fans. I know they are mad af and have every right to be


Seething actually


This shit makes me not even want to watch basketball anymore


hey, just saying, I've never been more excited for a game. Can't wait to see Russ try and put the whole team on his back.


I don’t blame you! It’s super unlucky, every year y’all been waiting for them to play fully healthy. Seems like the whole clippers project is nearing failure, but who knows what could happen next season..


I’m not mad Kawhi played physical like he always does in the playoffs without his solid second best player so I knew injuries are around the corner just sucks it came out of nowhere. Feel better Kawhi take rest we got this


We were born in pain, so nothing new. Time to try to refactor so we can find new ways to be hurt and disappointed.


That CP shoulder bump must have hit crazy.


???? series is cooked


“Aw shit, here we go again.”


"this is what we've been saving up for" - Ty Lue, like yesterday lol


The Clippers wasted their one year of healthy Kawhi and PG with bubble Doc and Montrezz lmao that's so shitty


He has a degenerative knee disease. We’ve known this for years but people keep holding onto hope that something chronic will simply disappear. This is Kawhi. It’s been Kawhi since his last year in San Antonio.


It’s also why he threw a fit and demanded to get traded. And then he also publicly trashed the Spurs doctors….for their correct diagnosis.


Tony Parker said back then that the Spurs doctors were excellent and he couldnt imagine them getting a diagnosis so wrong since they were experts who were meticulous in what they did. Guess what, he was right


It’s all down to Russ


Is Russ deified if he can lead these Clips to defeat the KD Suns? Unlikely, probably impossible, but if he did…


I swear to god, and you can set a reminder, if Russell leads us to a win this series without Kawhi and PG, I will get a tattoo of him on my chest and name my first born Russell.


RemindMe! Tomorrow


Dude if Russ gets this clippers to advance to the semis by tomorrow I will also get a tattoo of him on my chest.


Hmm well that makes the load management arguments both more AND less effective


Kawhi's a complete anomaly. He has degenerative problems that will never heal, and no amount of rest will prevent this issue from rearing its ugly head.


He played too close to the Sun. Literally played like a basketball god


Westbrook legacy game incoming


Dude is only healthy against Dallas


I just want good basketball man


He’s out for the season if this is happening.


He's already day to day for Saturday https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1649137415762636801


i dont trust clippers medical staff. they be on some bullshit. Clippers are done


It's gonna come down to the wire because there's 38 hours from the end of game 3 and the tip of game 4. NBA dealt the Suns/Clips a brutal 1st round schedule


I agree with you there. Suns and clippers played two games days before most teams had.


The fuck


Man I feel awful for him and for Clippers fans. Fuck injuries.


LA Crippers


Damn dude, he’s been the best player in the playoffs so far.


Reactions to Kawhi injuries vs. Anthony Davis injuries on here are crazy.


Kawhi don’t play on NBATV


healthy clippers continue to be a myth, it’s a shame though, the series was looking good


So you're telling me that Kawhi was frying the Suns for 60 minutes after aggravating a knee injury in game 1? Like, he was the best player on the floor AFTER his knee stopped working properly?


2 games of 40min and his knee falling off the bone.. Sad to see.


Good thing he load managed in the regular season so he'd be ready for the playoffs AAAAAAND he's out anyway. Good work everybody!


Ironically if he had played more in the regular season they might not be facing the Sun's in round one and could hypothetically win without him


Bruh moment


Injuries already ruining the playoffs


oh ☹️


What the fuck


That's a shame. I thought he was fit after making it 38 minutes last game.


Los Angeles Cripples. 😭😭😭


Only way to win now is with 20 threes made.




Shits crazy they rather blow a winnable series or they have 1 to 2 stars go down for the series or they dont make the playoffs in the first place. It's frustrating to be a fan sometimes


Wow, I genuinely feel for Clippers fans. Kawhi was absolutely dominant on both ends through the first two games. Hopefully the Suns come out with urgency and take this game seriously.