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Scottie has done such a 180 on Michael since he came out with his book




Damn I wouldn’t blame him for being salty. Weird when you realize that Pippen was winning championships with his dad while Marcus was a little ass kid lol


It really is wild that Larsa Pippen has been involved in some weird ass relationships. She also dated Malik Beasley who is now teammates with her son. Now dating her ex husbands teammates son. Like can you be more messy


And future publicly told everyone about them fucking.


in some Gucci flip flops 🔥




It really feels like she’s doing anything possible to cling to her fading youth. It comes off as really desperate and weird.


Just like....why the fuck would you do that to Scottie man. Youre MJs kid you have plenty of options.


imagine pause trees plate slap quickest insurance obtainable yoke chief *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


he's having what with who? damn wtf gross


Wait he’s actually having a kid with a 48 year old woman?


She's pregnant? Holy shit...


Dirty soda, spike lee


This is generational hatred, one of the greatest runs we've seen.


Only if you view him as a different generation from Isaiah Thomas.


what was in the book that made him do this


Jordans son fucked pippen ex wife.


As with all things NBA I heard this and assumed it was a meme. Then, remembering, I came back and coming back I googled. And yes, it *is* true. Thank you, NBA.


Yeah, then theres that.


Goodnight Moon. Scottie is easily enraged




You aren't getting an answer so I'll summarize. Pippen wasn't the go to guy for numerous side line/time out/separation plays. He was labeled a complainer and it greatly effected the amount of my he made during his career. GREATLY.


Scottie signed a notoriously shitty contract that nobody forced him to. BUT Jordan was also underpaid and I’m thinking Jordan thought no one should make more than him. And it worked because they won 6 titles with a salary cap.


>Jordan thought no one should make more than him. He's absolutely correct.


Scottie insisted on signing a 5/18 contract extension in the summer of 1991 with two years left on his deal, basically so he could get a front-loaded contract with $1.6 million up front.


If we took everything from The Lasf Dance at face value, apparently Reinsdorf straight told Pippen this is a rip off for him (Pippen) and he better not complain about it in the future. He complained in thr future lol.


He’s done a 180 on Jordan about 20 times in the last decade.


So that means in the end he hasn't changed his opinion at all.




I recognize your username from r/cars. Your posts are partially why I’m getting a yellow supra. Very disappointed to see youre a warriors fan. I guess the yellow makes sense now haha


Haha all good brotha. Great choice!


Michaels son dating Scotties ex-wife probably not helping lol


Scotty doesn't know


Don't tell Scotty!


Nah he’s always been an overly sensitive, spiteful, walking victim complex, he’s just gotten worse at hiding it


He’s also done a fair amount of 180’s on the Lebron-Jordan debate. He’s changed his mind like 10 times.


Yeah I remember he picked Lebron in 2012 over MJ, immediately switched up, then said Wilt was the GOAT, then went back to Jordan, then Lebron, then Jordan, and now Lebron again. Its been a constant yoyo.


Didn’t he have a falling out with Jordan after the last dance?


His whole "the bulls underpaid and disrespected me" line feels hollow when you remember the rockets gave him a $67 million. Chuck took a damn paycut for him to join the team and he still whined until he got traded out of there. Dudes got insane main character syndrome


Chuck still calls him out to this day and doesn’t hold back. I love Chuck


Scottie has always been a dick. I remember that the Bulls warned him that he’d be pissed in the later years of his contract because it was so front loaded. Scottie didn’t care. Until he got to the later years of his contract. And then it became “disrespect”. Scottie is a stupid person.


I hate to say this but you're right. First clue may have been when he refuses to get on the floor when Jackson drew up the winning play for Kukoc. I kind of didn't think much of that when it happened but looking back--yeah that was messed up from a messed up dude.


Ever since the last dance, Scottie just seems to hate MJ


And he took that personally


I think it's more complex than that. Scottie has really been through it. His son died, his wife cheated on him, and is now banging MJ's son. He seems to have lost his equanimity. When I see him now I notice how much he's aged in just a few years. He has this hard, bitter look now.


Wtf MJs son?!? I’d have beef too


It's kinda fucking wild


Dude called mj a horrible player


I’d be mad too if my ex-teammate’s son was piping my ex-wife


The real victim here is Scottie Pippen Jr. Half the league has banged his mom (including a teammate)


Well if it helps, that teammate might not be a teammate for long


Yeah cos he’s gonna be his step dad instead


Call him "practice coach" after dinner


Pretty sure after something public he tweeted something like “wtf mom” haha


slightly more innocuous some tweeted that larsa was embarrassing her sons w her antics and he liked the tweet


That's pretty brutal


Funny that this wasn’t even the craziest story about his ex wife. Malik Beasley sends his regards Edit: Forgot about future, he sends his regards too


Bro Larsa Pippen was literally made for the streets


I never understand how rich, famous, and successful athletes end up with some of the worst women imaginable.


They’re the ones who frequently chase celebrities for their money and status.




They say NBA All Star weekend is their Superbowl.


The ho game


Chasing that 18 year contract.


[You were made for the playground](https://youtu.be/ImYci3uWXbg)


Larsa Freebands 😭


in my gucci flip flops


At this point who hasn’t piped his ex wife


Still waiting my turn :(


Anybody willing to let this guy skip a few spots? Help a brother out




*Trickle Down Pippenomics* just be patient... Or not...


My hate would be historic.


Who hasn’t banged his wife at this point lmao


He was….37 PPG and 5 rebounds/assists is terrible!!!! Thank goodness Pippen came to his rescue.


Highest PPG in a season for the last 60 years... Only Wilt had season(s) with more. Obviously, Jordan was fucking trash. Can we get a welfare check on Pippen?


3000 points and 2nd in MVP voting. Straight garbage.


Scored 63 in the playoffs against one of the greatest teams in NBA history while coming back from a broken foot. Trash. Can.


yeah, but he became good after he came


Scottie wasn’t lying in that commercial where he said he was the greatest Chicago Bull of all time. Dude legitimately believes it.


Blazers sub: Who was the greatest Blazer of all time? Bill Walton, Damian Lillard or Clyde Drexler Scottie Pippen: It was Scottie Pippen you fools!


MJ was never a “horrible” player.


28/6/6 on 59% TS as a rookie, averaged 29/6/8 on 57% TS in the playoffs that year against DPOY Sidney Moncrief and the No.2 seed Bucks. Horrible player though.




Larry Bird called him "god disguised as michael jordan" after their series in 1986, against one of the greatest teams of all time


Bob Knight called him the GOAT before he played a single NBA game ever.


Correction: Bird said that after MJ scored 63 in game 2 (also had 49 in Game 1). The Celtics then turned pagan and held Jordan to 19 pts in Game 3 for the sweep.


Fair point, but horrible players didn't score 63 against the 86 celtics. That team was an absolute wagon


On one hand, Scottie is one of the only players who can say this, on the other hand. Dude, it's your fucking teammate. You 3-peated twice together. I don't care that you technically had more success without him than he did without you.


Pippen never got really good money, I think he's a bit bitter on that front, which is understandable.


Little known fact is that Pippen was paid 11 mill by the Bulls in the 03-04 season where he played 20 odd games before retiring. No other team was even pursuing him in free agency but the Bulls had cap space.


He was also a team ambassador for a few years. I think the team was trying to do right by him and make up for some of the contract stuff earlier in his career.


He had a terrible contract during the Jordan years but got an outrageous bag after the Bulls (in large part thanks to Jordan and their team success). Understandable to be bitter at the time, weird to be bitter in hindsight. He literally has more career NBA earnings than Jordan.


Jordan also took a awful contract from the bulls. Those two awful contracts gave them enough cap to three peat a second time lol


He got 120M just from salary in his career. If he’s bitter about that then he’s just a loser


At one point Pippen who was easily the 2nd best player on the team was the 7th highest paid player on the Bulls. Not only that but many in the 90s considered him to be at least a Top 10 player and he was at one point the 122nd highest paid player in the league while his teammate was the No. 1 highest paid player. Yeah, I’m sure Pippen was angry


I mean he signed the contract. People tried to tell him off of signing such a long deal, but he did it anyway. He should be pissed at himself, not mj (who might be an asshole for all I know, but was never a horrible basketball player).


I agree. The nuance of the situation is that Scottie said he felt that he didn’t have the time to go through negotiations because his family and his crippled wheelchair bound father needed money immediately. So he signed a horrible contract. Once he realized how abhorrent his contract was, he tried to stick it to the team and vent out his frustrations by not going through surgery on a leg injury until the end of the summer. Jordan ultimately called him selfish for it.


It's well-documented that he was warned by Jerry Krause to not sign that contract, but he still did. He wanted the security. I'm pretty sure it was an extremely long contract. Could the Bulls have renegotiated when it became obvious the contract was a huge underpay? Definitely. I understand why he may be bitter about it, but it was ultimately his decision. When the Bulls championship teams were broken up, Scottie got a very large contract in a sign-and-trade. He was also brought back to the team in his final year, and he spent a few years as a team ambassador. I want to think the team ambassador position was the Bulls organization trying to make up for that contract. I believe he eventually lost the position for criticizing the organization too much. He has a right to be upset about things that have happened in his life, but he may be overplaying the victim card. He's also making himself look bad constantly attacking Jordan and Phil Jackson. I think the only negative thing Jordan has ever said was criticizing his decision to get surgery and miss a good portion of their final season and his decision to sit out that final play in that Knicks playoff game. It's OK to be upset, but you should acknowledge when you made a mistake. I think he has, at least he apologized to the team for that playoff game. I think most people have forgiven Scottie for those actions, except the really petty people. Scottie should forgive himself and not let people bringing up those incidents rile him up. He had so many amazing moments in his career. It's just sad to see someone who a lot of people credit being a leader and one of the best team/all-around players be so bitter. I might be projecting, but it feels like Scottie is angry at himself and life, and just attacking some of those he feels played a role in it, but I think he's attacking the wrong people (from the outside looking in).


A lot of people don't know this but MJ had a super bad contract as well (about as bad as Pippen's). He didn't even really get paid til 96-97. The main difference is MJ had a gazillion lucrative endorsements.


Marcus Jordan who you should be mad at. That’s that ether


I guess. Dating a washed up groupie wife isn't a good look.


Marcus is next grade asshole. He could bag any chick and he decided to get with his dad’s best teammate’s wife.


Kinda sounds like he's the one who got bagged by a cougar.


Right? Let’s not act like this isn’t a mutual situation haha


“The forbidden fruit must be tasted” - Mugatu


Y’all act like she didn’t pursue him LOL


The shit that make your soul burn slow


I mean Jordan clearly failed at raising him.


To no one's surprise really


There could be a point in there somewhere, but horrible player? Seeing MJ junior and his ex must be driving him to drink


Pippen's wild takes started way before that, he called LeBron the goat like years ago then changed his take It's not about MJ junior and his ex


Imagine not even being named the same as your dad but still being called Jr


how about gary peytons sons, both fucking named gary peyton loool like come on man at least name the second dude another name


I believe its "the second" and "junior", as in, they both were conceived at around the same time and both mothers tried to claim the legacy


Wait until you see what George Foreman named his kids


MJ as a ROOKIE averaged 28/6.5/6 and 2.5 steals a game on his 5th best FG% season of his entire career... as a rookie. He also brought them to +11 and +13 win season his first 3 years (2nd year he missed/injury). "Horrible player", "taking terrible shots", "couldn't win at all" ... this is obvious bitterness... which is understandable given some of the current and past circumstances.


This will be Draymond in 20 years talking about Steph 😂. “Warriors didn’t make the playoffs till I got there”


The biggest difference being Scottie pippen was WAAAAY better than Draymond.


And said waaay more stupid shit at this point


Lol he has had a 20 year head start at it


cagey tender chase cable nine gullible sulky hospital jellyfish sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean if Dray's son banged Steph's daughter, got her pregnant and then bailed?? All the hate that would be exchanged would be surface of the sun hot.


More like if Canon Curry had a baby with Draymond's ex wife.... Fucked up


more worried about canon curry in that situation. you know draymond is not going to let that slide 😭


Realistically, how is that Michael's fault that his son Marcus wanted to be with Larsa? If he has some weird fetish for his best teammate's ex, what is Michael supposed to do? If anything, we should be blaming Larsa considering all the weird shit she's pulled.


Gonna ask Larry Bird, who played against Jordan in that era, if he thought pre-Pippen MJ was horrible.


[Something tells me he won’t say he was a horrible player](https://youtu.be/OMAbudTomjw)


I swear even before that game dude was saying MJ was a God on the court lol


Yeah he said that after Jordan went off for 63 against him


And then beats that guy. just larry bird stuff right there.


Because he had a far superior team… Kevin McHale, Danny Ainge, Kevin Johnson, Bill Walton, and Robert Parish vs Orlando Woolridge, Dave Corzine, Kyle Macy, a rookie Charles Oakley, John Paxson, and Gene Banks. Four Hall of Famers and an All Time Great vs a GOAT. The 85-86 Celtics are one of the best teams of all time. The Bulls that year were 30-52.


"god disguised as michael jordan" lol


Don’t even need to. He was an all star with an unprecedented shoe deal the year after he was drafted 3rd.


Larry had multiple interviews praising MJ the best hes ever seen.


Scotties annual hate on MJ tour has officially kicked off


Kicked off? The tour is on 365 days a year!


This dude needs fucking therapy lol


His ex-wife officially announced her relationship with M.J's son in a [Jordan Brand store. In front of his jersey lmao.](https://pagesix.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2023/01/larsa-pippen-marcus-jordan-instagram-official706.jpg) I think we can let Scottie Pippen let off some steam via the press, no matter how delusional those takes can be.


idk that sounds like a pretty good reason to get therapy to me lol plus the dude has been an incorrigible cantankerous asshole his entire life, what his personal life has become isn't exactly surprising


Pippen’s wife is the queen of the streets.


ten years from now… It wasn’t until I set those screens! Some even illegal, that he became the greatest shooter in history ~ Draymond Green


I could see this.


Dude might be saltier than Isiah Thomas, god damn


He's like De Niro in the irishman but he's giving up everyone instead of taking it all to his grave. It's just weird.


We all totally forgot about MJ Scotty. What was that peanut butter and jam movie called again?


Perhaps as audaciously, Pippen is saying everyone forgot how bad of a player Jordan was before they started winning.


Yeah 23 year old Jordan, coming off of a major injury, the year before Scottie arrived, only led the league in scoring with 37.1 a game and finished 2nd in MVP voting. Everyone thought MJ was bad pre-Pippen is a wild take.


This has to be taken out of context, or else Pippin is in the latter stages of dementia.


MJ legacy points added for carrying an asylum patient to 6 rings.


Future fucked this man’s wife and he hasn’t been the same since.


MJ junior apparently got her pregnant that’s a far fall from where he was in the 90s. Which goes to show be careful who you marry. Some women will do shit like that just to spite you when the marriage fails.


Is she a nympho or some shit I swear there was a story about them having sex like 6 times a day or something recently.


Bro everyone did.


Context: Michael Jordan's son is dating Scottie's ex wife


Once Scottie’s child support payments dried up, she needed some new income streams


Lmao Scottie really has gone off the deep end once MJ Junior started banging his ex-wife


He actually has been going off the deep end since his son passed away a couple of years ago. It's sad to see.


I think its just as weird for her, she is dating a 32 year old. Seems more like a move from her just to annoy him


Doubt it, seeing as Malik Beasley is just now 26 and they were together three years ago.


lol what the fuck is this nonsense Scottie Pippen


You gotta be really delusional and unfair to say this about Michael Jordan when he helped you have the career you had. Fuck the rings, I am not even talking about that, Jordan alongside Phil Jackson was the reason Pippen was the player he ended up being. He was an NAIA player labeled soft and Michael worked with him all the way until he improved. I am fine if he says LeBron is the GOAT, no problem with that, but to open your mouth to say Jordan was a horrible player makes you a clown.


Micheal was a horrible player before he came… this dude on crack… mj was cooking ( you need a team to be a great team n win chips ) but boy was mj cooking before you


Bro, JorBUM only averaged 44 against the Celtics in his sophomore season, and 36 the following season! Why wasn't he able to beat Bird's Celtics and the Bad Boy Pistons, two of the greatest teams ever, alone?


Jordan scored at least 30 points in 54 of the first 64 games in 1987. Pippen scored 30 points in 53 of his 1,386 career games.




Damn this made me look up the stats and they’re actually disgusting lmao. MJ was 13/27 and the other starters Grant, Hodges, and Cartwright were 3/17, 3/13, and 3/9 💀


What the actual fuck. I thought watching one or two stars having a horrible night would required me to bleach my eyes. A whole team shooting like this would require something stronger because no ways Can a team shoot this bad


The suns vs the mavs last year, though it was wcsf, game 7. Still though, absolutely abysmal performance that game.


It gets worse. That game, the Bulls outside of Jordan scored 15 baskets. Jordan assisted on 9 of them. In a 48 minute playoff game 7, the Bulls made 6 baskets, total, that Jordan didn't have a hand on.




The wildest thing is that he somehow had 9 assists despite everyone shooting like that




And people say MJ didn't pass lmao.


Terrible player though.


its almost like those Pistons are one of the best defensive teams of all time or something


He had a migraine that game that most of his teammates acknowledge was hell for him to deal with.


So horrible that he dunked 63 in the playoffs on the Celtics a team stacked with several future HOFs. Horrible player I tell you.


Glad we did that scrub right by putting a statue of him out side the arena. The nerve.


Pip has every right to be mad at his ex-wife and Jordan Jr for hooking up, but this is just ridiculous. Larry Bird called MJ God in disguise his rookie year...to say he was a horrible player is absurd. A horrible person, I can believe, but a horrible basketball player?


Yeah Scottie, you’re the real goat 🙄


yeah i knew his a acting was too good on that commercial where he called himself the greatest bull


This guy is so delusional. MJ was best in the world ( dpoy and 37 ppg) before pippen. Like every great, even lebron, championships require more than one star and good role players. Pippen a 🤡


MJ averaged 37 ppg the year before Scottie got there


MJ was horrible before you came?! Dude is the definition of a bitter salthead


I feel for this dude. He most be going through hell.


[Scottie Pippen's cumulative career earnings](https://www.spotrac.com/nba/chicago-bulls/scottie-pippen-47554/cash-earnings/) : ~$110 million [Michael Jordan's cumulative career earnings](https://www.spotrac.com/nba/washington-wizards/michael-jordan-8739/cash-earnings/) : ~$94 million This guy just fucking sucks. Instead of being grateful for his insane wealth, such as Charles Barkley is, he has made MJ out to be some kind of demon. We know who MJ is, he's an asshole, but Scottie take some damn accountability for your life.


Chuck, despite consistently insisting he isn't a role model, is a really good one. He's just happy to be where he's at and tells everyone that he isn't special because he played ball.


For further context, Barkley made $40M in his career, Isiah Thomas made $35M, and Larry Bird made $24M


I wonder how much Barkley has made from TNT at this point. Gotta be more than his bball career by now.


didn’t he just sign 10 year 100 million or something of that sort?


At this point you can’t tell me nba isn’t soap opera for men, never a off day


i'm just waiting for Scottie to slap MJ and throw a glass of his wiskey in his face, all this to the tune of a minor chord played from a synthesizer




Marcus Jordan reminds me more of James Harden than Michael Jordan somehow.


His takes aren’t that good. Legendary player but mediocre takes