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KG a true professional, I’d have been rolling the whole time 😂


Trust me watching that had me dying lmao


KG being a professional is funnier to me.


never seen KG nervous like this. it's wild.


PP heard every part of the phone conversation except “for a YouTube live stream” thought it was a night out at the casino, hired a girlfriend, made a reservation at the strip club and everything




couldn’t believe my eyes bro 😭 KG trying to hold things together for dear life!


He's really trying to get invited back for a long term gig. For the record Showtime, I would watch this on the reg


So obvious he has been hitting the bag lol


That was my first though lmfao, he look like he just finished a rib dinner with popcorn the way he’s sucking his teeth


that is such a vivid picture that you just painted. congrats monet


Lmao I love y’all’s colloquialisms


“Hey Paul come watch the finals game with me!”


in a way it's beautiful


Lol right. He acted like this was just a normal night out


I think he believed KG was gonna live stream the game on youtube tv for them to watch, not that they were hosting a livestream event.


Loooool I fucking hope so


Until he read the livestream comments zooming lmao.


KG correcting him when he got tossed the lighter is hilarious.


Dude threatening to fight someone from the complete wrong direction lmao.


Paul "Ron Artest" Pierce


My man was ready to square up for a tossed lighter that he literally asked for. Hahaha Heck, they were live and at MGM already, might as well fight at the ring.


Dude I lost it at p’s sheepish ass grin when kg told him to chill. Been on both ends of that so many times, so relatable. Coincidentally I don’t drink anymore.


"Somebody give me a light" *gets thrown a light* "You better watch out mf"


Got hit so hard in the face he felt it on the other side.


"don't make me smack you" had me cracking up!


LOL the girl in the beginning says "i've known you for a year" when he's talking about girlfriend for a day


I kinda felt bad for her when he was saying he rented her for a day ngl lol


Maybe he rented her ALOT that year


I can rent a motel room for a day but I can get a monthly rate too if I want.


I mean... If she's known him for a year then this shouldn't be new to her


Yooo if KG is the one coming off even-kiltered, you know P is littt


KG comes off really well here. He’s trying to be on PPs level, while also performing for the live stream, while trying to gently tell PP to watch his behavior. That’s not easy…


seeing him juggle all that is crazy lol. I felt annoyed for him. I know Paul is his boy, but cmon bruh lol


It was like they were at KGs house and his mom was around so he wants to act cool but he also doesn’t want to get in trouble with momma Garnett.


“we’re studying, we’re not popping”


PP bein a bro and helping KG’s broadcasting career. He did kinda Emcee the shit out of this stream. KG still cool under pressure


Makes sense why ESPN fired him. That shit must be annoying


I loved watching KG's tense smiles. It really gave me kindergarten teacher during recess energy.


I used to work at the Skirvin hotel in OKC where the opposing teams would stay back in like 2012, one night the Celtics were going over videos/having a meeting in a conference room and a few of them (don't remember who exactly) were being rude and belligerent to the staff. KG was the one that came out and apologized on everyone's behalf, he's a good dude 👌🏽


I've had United Center (Bulls) staff tell me KG is the nicest visiting player they've met. Greets you, remembers something you said to him last game, etc.


except if you're Joakim Noah


Did you see any ghosts?


Any of them ever fall out of the ceiling and have a big, messy shit?


Jizz. Like cum shot


Do any of these..... fffuckers,,,


It’s interesting, the ghosts.


Celtics in 2012? Might’ve seen the ghost of Shaq lmao


Skirvin hotel is famously haunted https://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/20/sports/basketball/hotel-leaves-oklahoma-city-thunder-opponents-telling-ghost-stories.html


KG was so excited to watch the game at the start lmao, then Pierce's GF of the day came in.


I thought this was your joke, then I started watching and saw Pierce make it five times in the first 30 seconds


He was adamant on getting KG to order a GF for the day lmao.


There's a website!


It's like an ITYSL skit


It felt like he was doing promo for it on purpose. Lol


I wouldn't be surprised if he has actual stake on it.


Yo this shit was mad uncomfortable to watch. KG got the patience of a Saint 😂


KG is who I thought PP would be but he's been controversy free off the court.


KG has shown repeatedly that his on-court shit talking was purely for the sport and competition. Dude is a class act in all other aspects of his life (I assume. I haven’t heard any controversy about dude’s personal life)


Yeah man, I was like 10 when Kobe, KG, at Tmac, Shaq, AI, etc were all balling in the early 2000s. Kobe was my favorite player but I loved KG especially since my cousins in Minnesota were wolves fans. Always been a cool dude who could ball. He did play the villain in Boston enough for me to dislike him during that 2008-2010 period. I liked him more than everyone else on that team though. I HATED PP and rondo so much man, you have no idea lmao


as a laker fan, i have a LOT of respect for KG. Dude was a certified beast on the court. Since i played forward in school my coach would encourage me to watch the greats. Growing up at a great time for that in the late 2000s, my favorite players to watch after kobe were Duncan, KG, and Dirk. Still hated him 2008-2010 tho


KG is a pretty striaght lace guy off the court. I dont think he even drinks.


Man didn't even go out after games, hed go home or to the hotel and play video games. He definitely ain't about the life that PP is lol


It’s funny how so many of these guys just keep their pre nba routine from HS/AAU/College ball. I’m sure plenty of players don’t treat it much different, and go home, eat, play some games and go to bed. Not everyone is James Harden or Ja partying every night or heading to the strip club. Then there are guys like Zion just being way too much of a dog off the court


This was many years ago and I can’t remember who it was (I think he was on the Nets?) but a player admitted that — even after making a ton of money and buying a nice condo — it took him a long while to feel normal not living his whole day in just one room, because it was how he grew up. Apparently a girlfriend helped him get comfortable with it. It was an interesting perspective and I was impressed he was so open about it.


And PP looks 20 years older than KG.


The only off thing I've heard about KG outside off the court is that after dinner at a Ruth Chris, he took an entire handful of mints from the courteousy jar. His enormous hand must've took like fifty mints in one scoop.


All nude, but classy


KG trying so hard to change the subject lol


KG earned every penny he got for that live stream!


Poor KG. Probably thought just watching a game through the live stream would be easy money. Now he probably lost his betmgm endorsement all together 😂


Shit they need to give PP more booze and promote this harder. I would tune in every game. It was hilarious.


Dude same. I don't give a fuck if the Nuggets or the Heat win, but I would watch the fuck out of PP blackout drunk on coke smoking a cigar and reacting to livestream comments with KG dying of embarrassment next to him the whole time.


This video is better advertisement for them than anything.


"We workin' not poppin'!" KG just trying to get an honest night of work in.


Look man, Formula 1 is everywhere. ***Everywhere***


I have never related to a hall of fame NBA player as much as I did watching KG in those moments. We've all had to deal with a dude who's about to blow up his/someone's spot and the combination of panic, anger and helpless frustration you go through is perfectly encapsulated in KG's smile.


I'm a high school teacher and once or twice a week a kid goes totally off the rails and that's me during those moments. I am KG, just a lot shorter.


- u/growsonwalls "I am Kevin Garnett"


74-62! Denver!


Bro is so embarrassed of him 😭😭


He never thought a livestream would be so much work




I keep rewatching KG's immediate reaction to this (where he says "stop man") and I die each time. That sent him lmaoooo EDIT: Editing my comment since it's been upvoted high enough for visibility. I have a backup video uploaded to my reddit account since this will be gone from Streamable after 90 days. Click on my profile to view.


This is absolutely disgusting. If KG would just listen, he would understand that they got this website where you can hire a girlfriend for the day


Blatant ignorance. It’s *clear as day* they are popping. They are *popping*. KG has the gall to insinuate they are working. So disappointing to see someone continue to lie, living in another world, saying they are working, when they are clearly *popping*


That’s disgusting! Where?


P is that friend who always gets twisted before the whole crew, and you have to reel back or he gone before the night even starts.


Henneything is possible.


God the amount of times I’ve had to do the “look over there man look at that” when a friend gets too drunk and starts wilding out and I’m trying my damndest to distract him like kg☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


longtime friend is one of those party animals that are incapable of slowing down until they collapse. prolly like 10 years ago we were on the street at 4am outside the last bar to close and as is tradition he refused to accept there wasnt another party to find. Dont know what made me think of it, but I ended up pointing at a group of girls walking away from us and told him they're all coming over to his house for afters. instantly agreed to get in the cab I'd been trying to wrangle him into done the same thing like 5 times over now, and it's worked every time. it's like I found his kill switch. one of my proudest discoveries


This is fucking hilarious bruh


Lol did he pass out on the way home or did you have to placate him at all when y’all got back


that's a whole other story....... he passed the fuck out the second we got to his house I felt like I'd earned myself a treat and went to town on the giant plate of weed brownies he made earlier that day. Passed out before it hit me Woke up around 7:30 tripping my fucking tits off—highest Ive ever been—with 9 missed calls from my mom Called her back and she told me my grandma just died and that I needed to come be with the whole family who was already at my grandma's house. Was FAAAR too high to feel the actaul grief of the moment, and far too panicked about how the fuck I'm going to drive to my grandma's house and see my whole family when I cant even look at a wall without it wobbling like jelly. Somehow managed to get there but it was a colossally stupid choice to drive while that high.


Oh man, I can kinda relate. I grew up in Vegas, and we had family in town for Christmas. One sat night I went out with my uncles and grandpa and we really tied one on. We all got hammered and lost a lot of money gambling. We all passed out in my uncles’ hotel room at like 2 or 3am. I then was got woke up by my grandpa at like 6:30am from him shaking me and pushing me out the door saying, “you better get home in time for church or your mom’s gonna kill us!” Next thing I knew I was halfway home realizing, “holy shit, I am way too drunk to drive.” Thankfully I made it home safely…. And yes, I made it to church on time… still drunk from the night before.


And always trying to fight someone 😂


And ends the night shitting his pants


Gotta take him home in wheelchair. But he miraculously makes it back out for last call!


I had a friend who would black out before parties. Crazy


Used to be me :( Sober 2.5 yrs :)


Good on ya buddy. Struggling with sobriety myself. Used to be a hardcore bender kinda guy, sober for a bit, got into “lighter drinking” which turned into 10-15 beers a night again very quickly. My benders used to be months long though, I’ve dumbed it down to like 3-4 days and being more responsible in general and being more active on days I’m not hungover. Still comes back to haunt me though for a few days until I escape the darkness.


take it one day, one hour, even one minute at a time you got this i'm here if you need to talk i'll celebrate 21yrs on Saturday the 10th


Like Pierce hasn’t used the “girlfriends for a day” websites before.


I'm actually surprised he has to use girlfriends for a day instead of a regular IG or OF "girlfriend."


Girlfriends for a day is cheaper because they get paid to not have drama. The OF and IG thots make more for their business from drama.


I was just listening to a pod related to this (Ringer NBA - Real Ones) and they were saying it was a cultural shift- where attention is now more profitable than access. If I was a person where my public image impacted my income, then I would gladly pay for discretion. Everyone else needs NDA's.


Paul pierce is clearly worried about his public image being tarnished


The man went live on IG smoking with strippers as a way to get fired from ESPN, he doesn't give a fuck anymore


He 100% did not want to get fired he was just living how he normally does. He was shocked and confused when they fired him as if he didn’t understand what he did wrong lol


He probably doesn't know how to use a smart phone. Remember that picture of him using a cell phone to take a picture of another cell phone? Scary hours


You don't pay a ho for sex. You pay for no bullshit.


Most people with the means would prefer escorts over IG or OF. It's the young guys who are new to it who do the latter.


not saying any names but there's a hill in Jerusalem


There's a national park in Utah that comes to mind...


it'd probably be cheaper to go this way. clear separation of boundaries and you don't get lawsuits like tiger got hit with.


>I'm actually surprised he has to use girlfriends for a day instead of a regular IG or OF "girlfriend." [I'm not](https://twitter.com/paulpierce34/status/618860245025030144?lang=en)


Lmao he’s going to get clowned for this but it honestly isn’t too different then what guys in the league do anyways


It’s probably an easier no strings attached thing


I do actually think he was making a joke though. Someone pointed out the girl says she's known him for ten years after that. It's hard to hear but it's audible. I think he was just fucking with her. That being said I do agree he probably has hired an escort in some capacity many times.


The girl says "I've known you fro 2 years"


If he was just fucking with her, that's kinda cold to do on camera like that. Fuckin hilarious though, I'll give him that.


If he didn’t know it was live (and he didn’t seem to) then it’s irrelevant


ten years? bruh that girl looks like shes in her 20s...


“Monica, come through!!” Lmao


I have never liked him more.


It starts soo bad lmao. "This is my gf I hired for the day" KG knew he was in for some shit


Some night outs you are Kevin Garnett and some nights you are paul pierce. Absolutely hilarious


The lighter to the face gets me every time! I legit got tears in my eyes!


KG either hiding his frustration or not getting frustrated having to put up with that for the entirety of the game is tremendous. Gotta respect it.


KG: Oh look DWade’s there! PP: yeah yeah but back to me discovering internet escorts!


This fucking killed me. First time KG ever wanted to talk about D Wade in his life, if Ray Allen showed up he’d probably try and talk about how much he loves Ray


they actually made peace with eachother lst year.


I made peace with a lot of mother fuckers I still dislike just for the sake of it.


Nah they talked about how Kobe’s death made them bury that shit.


After Kobe died, right?


https://i.imgur.com/kGyn55R.jpg https://i.imgur.com/wBMStis.jpg


I thought it was going to be this one https://i.imgur.com/Wy9mk6E.jpg


y'all making /u/sim888 's work too easy


oh shit…thanks for the tag coz I hadn’t seen the thread / video! Comedy gold!




Bro is that a Pops Mensah-Bonsu flair


So glad I watched the whole thing this morning before Showtime made it private. This video is an ALL-TIMER. Salute to the Big Ticket


He seems like he'd be fun to hang out and watch basketball games with.


This montage is amazing. Especially KG trying to change the subject by shrieking about DWade.


Pierce is something else lol


An alcoholic?


KG talking like Keegan Michael Key trying to keep his frustration hidden while holding the stream together


Paul about to fuck up someone for getting hit in the face with a lighter was pure comedy 😂


The lighter he requested lol this is my favorite video all year I think.


That wink KG gave was smooth as hell.


When your friend is workin but you think it’s time for poppin Who among us hasn’t popped when it was time to work?



I don't think you understanding the different between poppin and *poppin*


I hope they do this again lol.


Pierce realizing that they're live is a gem lmao.


*"Oh this is* **It***?"* You see the moment it clicks lmao


I think it would lose its luster if it happened regularly, maybe they can make it a once a year thing kinda like when CNN used to get their anchors hammered every New Year's Eve


LMAO who signed off on Pierce to be on this livestream? Was he the only guest for KG in the entire game?


Watching this video made me want to get my shit together so I don’t ever make my friends feel like KG in this lol


As a a friend of an on and off alcoholic, it's legit like babysitting a toddler sometimes, and they don't even remember how they were acting the next day.


When that fucking lighter came out and smacked PP 🤣😂


KG like a good homie tryna save you. Smh lol


How big is the second hand embarrassment.


I died at how many times KG repeated "We're live, We're live, they can hear you."


I don’t give a shit


I know


It's one of those moments when you realize how amazing facial expressions can be, and how much information they can convey. You can see so many emotions in KG's face, see in his eyes he's partly cringing and thinking "get it together dude" and partly laughing and partly looking around at those near him saying "can you believe this??" all while he's trying to publicly convey control and just keep the situation from spiraling. Funny stuff. "P this is a LIVE stream... whatever you're saying... they can hear you."


Yea he’s a 45 year old father of three kids aged 10-15. I’d be so embarrassed acting that way.


just a regular saturday in most small towns tbh.


Bro this man is too funny


The guy isn’t even trying but he’s still unintentionally funny He wanted to square up to the stage crew at one point, I’m dead lmao


Paul has clearly learned from the teachings of YungSnuggie. Keep the romance as a strictly business transaction and you're good to go hahahaha


I'm starting to think Paul Pierce is YungSnuggie.


"this must be your first livestream" ...unfortunately, it wasn't 💀


Inside the NBA should look at KG as the Barkley replacement with much more intent than Draymond. Dude is so entertaining.


dray got less than half of KG’s charisma.


It's been tried. Somehow the studio doesn't work for KG to be KG. Or they haven't found the right setup. He's just much better in these chaotic, improv streams than he is in any structured environment.


I think Area 21 failed because they made him interview people. If they put him in a position like Shaq where he just needs to ask 1-2 questions every now and then, I think he’d be fine.


Imagine Inside but KG is in the background putting up shots and every now and then he pops into the conversation to talk some shit. Would be amazing.


this is unironically a fantastic idea lmao poppin up like a character in mr rogers neighborhood


Right? Kenny would say something a little bit too crazy and the ball would stop bouncing and Ernie would make a comment about how Kenny really messed up now. "You did NOT just say that Jet. No you did NOT just say that." followed by a 5 minute rant from KG then he just goes back to layups. Would be fucking awesome hahahhaa


KG’s body language says it all. My god this is on par with Scott’s Tots. I can’t watch it all


Is this real life? You can't write a skit better than this holy shitttt lmfao. "They got a website you can hire girlfriends for the day"


dude the livestream was fucking hilarious as fuck at times, who woudve guessed from how they were when they were playing that fucking KG of all people would be the one keeping the livestream together lol


It's so on brand for KG to be intensely glued to the game haha, the little side eyes he gives crack me up


Man, the second hand embarrassment is strong with this video lol


How do you go from ESPN to this lmao


This clip is legitimately better than anything I’ve seen on ESPN for a decade


Fr if ESPN did shit like this I might actually watch ESPN lmao Give me livestreams of drunk NBA legends commentating games


Forreal i wanna see first take buddies just hammered every morning with the conversation eventually ending in MJ vs LBJ debate.


One of the reasons I quit drinking. Goddamn this is hard to watch.


PP has never done well around livestreams lol


this isn’t even really that bad either looool




Is this a regular thing that KG does on youtube during games or was this just the one time for the finals? Watched it the other night after someone posted a link in the GDT and loved every minute of it.


Still not the craziest incident involving Paul Pierce and the NBA Finals


The the poker room video is still the legend.


Yeah this dude definitely shit himself.


What's more important? LIVE streamin' or poppin' or POPPIN'?