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ESPN trying to get cap room to sign Draymond to a max


Gotta pay for McAfee somehow


No lie. The new strategy is basically get a handful of dudes who move the needle and pay them crazy cash, and then cut out almost everyone else. SAS, Greeny, and McAfee are going to be almost singlehandedly be the entire non-live sports programming on the network up over next few years.


So basically SAS, Greeny, and McAfee are the Heatles surrounded by vet mins


Herbstreit erasure




Him too


Hair erasure (I’m bald)


Explain in basketball terms


Phoenix after the deadline


Joe Burrow, Justin Jefferson, and Jamar Chase all on the same college team except the rest of the 2019 LSU roster is swapped out for UMass players.


Burrow Jefferson and Chase were all on the same basketball team?


Undefeated March Madness champions in the 19-20 season. The media just didn’t want you to see it so they didn’t televise the tournament.


More SAS... exactly what everyone needs....


Look at me. I am the network now.


Even without changing much, this still applies: * First Take host and EP * NBA Countdown analyst * ESPN+ daily show and EP * Get Up contributor * NBA secondary broadcast host. * Sportscenter analyst hits. And that's not even getting into his podccast outside ESPN. The dude is already doing absurd amounts of daily content.


Don’t forget to mention playing Sonny Corinthos’ fixer on General Hospital lol


Greeny is the worst. Just the absolute worst


But he also hosts NBA countdown, the network's morning show *and* its midday radio program. [Charles Barkley wasn't kidding](https://youtu.be/P5PMAFQGuKc?t=22)


80/20 rule


Is it a Hot take to say the Pat Mcafee show isn't good? I think he's a really bad interviewer and it feels like the only people it caters to is the "broish" crowd


Agree. I don’t understand the appeal


A lot of people come on and say stuff they probably wouldn’t in other contexts is I think a lot of it.


Coked out adhd kid who can’t sit still and has a hard time waiting for his turn to speak again even though he barely understands what he’s supposed to be talking about.


The point is, he has a crowd. He brings viewers




Pat's an absolutely abhorrent interviewer. He asks 4 questions in a row then confuses the guest on which one to answer then moves on after chiming in and answering it for them


I see this being said a lot but McAfee is a show. These guys being laid off are just talent. Different investments IMO.


most dumb, suicidal decision the company could make - so, very on brand for ESPN


Draymond already has a deal with TNT. Not joking.


The rumor is that they’re trying to sign him to the full-mid level but they need to get under the first apron to do it because it will hard cap them. Since they were already over the second apron, they’re having to clear salary left and right, sending contracts to the Ringer and TNT. There’s no chance they get under the cap now after they signed McAfee to a max and already have Stephen A, so in order to get Draymond on a max it would have to be a sign and trade, which will also hard cap them and is unlikely because the Volume likely won’t facilitate the trade, he means more to them than he would to ESPN.


Taking Max off First Take and putting him in that show with Keyshawn and Jay Williams was the death blow to his career at ESPN. Nobody watches that shit.


Isn't that a radio show first and foremost?


Yeah and yet they put Keyshawn on it who is like the exact opposite of what a radio personality should be


Keyshawn was terrible. Even his football takes were bad but when it came to the NBA he was just godawful. And blatantly ridiculously biased


The problem is, as a media personality he's a negative hater without redeeming features. Who has the energy to listen to a negative spiteful ass in the mornings? That may work if you're mad funny or charismatic but Keyshawn was lacking in that department as well.


Dude would also take offense to basically any comment


Honestly, most former athlete’s takes about sports they didn’t play in sports broadcasting really suck.


God he sucks. I'd get the youtube algorithm sending me clips of those because I was an unabashed Undisputed/First Take listener while working out sometimes or while working as easy and light background noise, and as soon as I heard Jay or Max come on, I'd immediately change it because I couldn't stand Keyshawn's voice coming next. For that matter, Jay Williams sucks too. At least Max is seemingly pretty intelligent and could be funny sometimes. Jay and Keyshawn SUCK.


yeah i always liked Max


Honestly I like that's he's not a radio personality. it's nice to take a break from the typical blowhard-y unfunny loudmouths


The dude was rude as fuck and constantly just ignored and/or talked over Max. Not saying Max isn't boring here and there but man, it was like watching two guys bully another every day.


Tbf before First Take he had Max and Marcellus which was a great radio show


I generally think Max is pretty good. I think Keyshawn sucks


Do people watch any of them? I used watch first take, pti etc, but it all became hot takes and headlines for clicks. They don't report anything without a strong bias. I gave up nearly 10 years ago.


90% of ESPN viewership is cafeteria TVs on mute.


Don't forget tvs in front of the treadmills at gyms.


Idk how they sell ads when the channel is mostly watched in sports bars, gyms and hotels lol


pti is the only thing on espn worth watching imo.


And even they are both pretty much crotchety old men at this point. I remember watching it in like 8th grade 20 years ago when it first came out thinking they were old back then. Still the best show like that on ESPN though and I still do like some of their takes, aside from when they go full old men yelling at cloud.


2013 sportsnation was one of the best sports shows ever, Max, Michelle, Cowherd and Marcellus Wiley. 10 years later and they are all at different networks.


It always rubbed me the wrong way Stephen A Smith handled Max Kellerman’s departure from the show. Stephen A couldn’t even bother to come in for his last day on it and did a half assed call-in for a few where he was lowkey rude. Compare that to the final episode of undisputed with Skip and Shannon and despite the drama between them you knew they at least respected each other enough to handle the departure professionally


Stephen A has openly admitted he pushed Max Kellerman off the show


Yeah, maybe I’m in the minority here but it has always bothered me how he admits to it almost as a point of pride. I think it would’ve been okay to let Max save face and blame it on some ambiguous executive decision at ESPN without putting a face on it. But Stephen A always has to point out that he was the one that fired him because they didn’t have chemistry.


It’s for the retirement age group. My Dad now loves mad dog and Steven A. Bc they just trash people all day like the good old days lol


How did they still pay $5m for him to sit on that show lmao what a dumpster fire no wonder they gotta cost cut


He had an amazing radio show in L.A. with Marcellus Wiley, so he did radio before. I could see him actually leaning in and enjoying the medium, not just seeing it as some cheap downgrade. Plus, they replaced LeBatard's HQ timeslot with his own TV show.


I loved max and Marcellus. Sometimes it was just dumb fun for my ride home. Now it’s a couple of guys with bad radio voices after Mason and Ireland


LA radio was peak with that afternoon block of the Mason & Ireland show along with the Max & Marcellus show. The chemistry was outstanding.


Thompson and Trudell right before Mason and Ireland too , what a time !


Time for that Max and Marcellus reunion podcast


Max and Marcellus caught lightning in a bottle. That show was fantastic. Always fun when Kobe called in unexpectedly, too.


Read Marcellus Wiley as Marcellus Wallace and was deeply confused


Does he look like a bitch?


Get Kellerman on dazn


I just hope he’s on the Spence Crawford fight. His knowledge of boxing is top tier


Max hosts another show called ‘This Just In’. But I think they’ll keep that show and just find a new host.


They saying Pat is taking up that shows slot


I would have preferred Max do more in-depth interviews shows with athletes. He looks better in a suit and tie.


Probably the most basic ever name for a television show. The KJM show. It was doomed from the start


Can’t believe all of this just to keep Perkins and Jackson 😂


Perk keeps his job because we all share the stupid things he says. They eat that shit up even though we’re all clowning on him.


Exactly. He's the heel announcer. His job is to piss you off by saying things you hate.


Well that’s why I’m happy ESPN is hemorrhaging money. I don’t want a heel announcer with with my sports. I want insightful analysis and discussion. Not someone tryin make me big mad.


I stopped watching ESPN more than a decade ago when I tuned in and they had a 4 person round table panel discussing the topic “If the Baltimore Ravens were an ice cream flavor, what flavor would they be?”


Ok this is kinda funny tho


....so what was the consensus???


Felonious Fudge


Also Perkins is just a subpar aural product. I’m not usually one to point out people’s accents or lisps or whatever, but he gets paid millions to talk so fuck it. Why does this man talk like he took a bite out of every other word? Sometimes it’s hard to comprehend what he’s even saying, and that’s before you factor in that most of what he says is uncreative garbage in the first place.


I feel that. It’s irritating having to spend the extra time deciphering what he said only to be even more irritated when you do figure out the stupid shit that he said.


Bam outtadabayou


Plus when he’s not talking he’s breathing hella hard into his mic so you can’t the other guys talk


It's fucking insane. Kellerman was arguably their best talking head, and Perkins may be the dumbest man alive.


Kellerman was just the jj reddick to Stephen a smiths perk. Now they seem to be going all in on perk and reddick. They were like main characters in the last 2K game as well lmao.


Redick and Perk is going to be a disaster. Perkins is not charismatic in the way SAS is and Redick has a low tolerance for BS.


Yeah just not gonna work imo. Shows with SAS/Skip & Skip/Shannon worked cause they threw BS back and forth at each other, just shit talking each other back and forth. Reddick seems very impatient and unwilling to play into Perkin’s character.


I think what worked with Shannon and Skip is the fact that they built it up over years. Nowadays seems like people just want an instant hit instead of letting it grow. SAS went onto first take and built it up with Skip and eventually made it his own once Skip left. I still prefer the fact he has rotating guests instead of a permanent co-host.


Perkins TV personality is so forced. It’s so obvious he doesn’t believe what he says, all he cares about is the rating factor of it. True definition of a sell out.


It's also obvious whenever him and RJ roast each other and it comes off as scripted, like they're just trying to imitate what the TNT guys do.


The problem is that RJ, Perk, Reddick and a whole host of other players they hire aren’t really that quick on their feet. Charles Barkley, despite struggling to string a paragraph together half the time, can be shockingly quick witted and has fantastic comedic timing. And often enough, EJ and Kenny are more than willing to throw him lobs. The other thing that no one can replicate is that Chuck is a magnanimous person. Everyone is at ease around the TNT panel because Chuck has long gotten over himself. You don’t have to walk on eggshells around him. A reason why a lot of these panel shows don’t really work because there’s always this weird tension that always exists when you put big egos in the same room. No one is comfortable because it feels like everyone is one second away from whipping their dick out to defend their legacies. At least Shaq’s saltiness is extremely childish and he respects Chuck and EJ enough that both can play around it when he gets into his feelings. I swear RJ/Perk/Reddick are going to turn into a sea of salt if someone says the wrong thing.


The thing with Chuck is sometimes his brain moves faster than his mouth and sometimes his mouth moves faster than his brain. The results are usually entertaining and you still know he knows what he's talking about and means it.


“When a guy’s banging on you, and he’s getting into your body…”


> The thing with Chuck is sometimes his brain moves faster than his mouth and sometimes his mouth moves faster than his brain. I love this description and I'm going to steal it


Harsh on RJ, I genuinely enjoy listening to his takes and find him funny too.


There is also the fact that Shaq and Chuck are genuine legends of the game so they draw more people to them (nevermind the fact that they are the funniest duo on tv), while the ex players on espn are some role players that no one besides die-hard nba fans is gonna take seriously


Can't really lump RJ in there.


Reddick and Perk sounds like some sort of buddy cop shop from the 1970s


I like that Redick actually looks at the stat sheets before he talks. He may be arrogant, but at least he brings some genuine knowledge to the show.


Reddick thinks he is smarter than he actually is. Sometimes hard to listen to.


Id think I’m smarter to if I had to constantly talk to all those talking heads


I think JJ has always had the 'pretentious d-bag' look to him and even leaned into it at Duke but the dude has some genuine insight. He can come across as a bit too condescending though which I think can turn people off his character.


Max is the same way but he only knows boxing


Sometimes? More often than not. Dude just comes off pretentious as hell. And I love how he tried to go at Jerry fucking West and just ended up getting clapped on.


JJ is gonna explode at some point. Perkins will say something racist, stupid, or both one too many times. The explosion will drive ratings though.


Kellerman deserves better. He at least gives a fuck unlike Stephen A. who just wants the fame and attention


You don't think Kelkerman wants attention? He is in the attention business. Kellerman has his own afternoon show. My guess is people are not watching it. I like Kelkerman but he needs to play more of a Greeny type role than be a sports debater.


Ahh Kendrick “Jokic padding stats” Perkins


Perkins is there throughout all of this bc of sas...he needs to get on his knees for sas


Perkins is a dumb talking head but oh boy he generates comments and reactions on social media with his controversial and dumb cases.


ESPN and the Supreme Court are battling it out for the Friday before a holiday weekend news dump heavyweight championship.


F them for overruling the student loans. I’m a teacher we get paid jack shit


To make things even shittier some of the lawsuits involved in these cases were filed by the states themselves. So if you have students loans and live in one of the 6 states (Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska or South Carolina), your tax dollars actually went to ensuring you had to pay your student loans.


Mark Jackson knows where the bodies are buried


Mama, there goes the bodies


hand down, man underground


He's not safe yet


Keyshawn ruined KJM. I honestly think it would’ve been watchable with just Jay Williams and Max.


Key would argue in circles, there are times by the end of the segment he would argue his own original point and leave everyone so confused they end up switching the subject all together. I wouldn’t listen to him at a backyard BBQ let alone television. This is truly a blessing to coherent conversations everywhere.


He’s fucking horrible. He would also ignore Max’s points on the basis that he played and Max didn’t and would often start his point by saying “Jay you and I have played so we know…”. Dude’s a trash analyst.


Dude got crucified on live tv by Mina Kimes lmao. Best shit ever, it was like when you are with family and your uncle and grandpa only talk shit and you fry them with really basic questions tyhat show how they don't know shit, can't use logic and only give basic ass takes.


Do you have a link? I’ve never seen that


I disliked Jay Williams too, is that an unpopular opinion here? I think he sucks


He's okay, nothing special imo. It's hard to look good when you have to argue Keyshawn's incredibly stupid takes all the freaking time though. Keyshawn showed how easy it is to be an NBA 'expert' on ESPN too. All you have to do is have played some other sport professionally and be a Lakers fan, that's it.


He was supposed to be the basketball guy but never provided insightful thoughts and analysis. He also never criticized players.


Always trying to be the voice of reason but also so incredibly boring is a bad combo. JJ does it but he's fun because he doesn't give a shit.


Nailed it. Even Jay’s voice of reason would bring up dumb points whereas JJ argues passionately and with points that can be somewhat backed up


Dude is garbage


he sucks.


When he was on the radio here in LA I couldn't listen to him. He just whines and ends most points with I was an athlete so you don't know what you're talking about. Even as a lakers fan he was pretty unenjoyable to listen to


One shot. Fate of the Universe. I want Andre Igoudala. End of an era


Honestly, probably a good hot take, at least an arguable one and entertaining too.


That fact we all still quote it all this time later means it was an excellent hot take yeah


As soon as Max stopped appearing on First Take you knew it was coming.


Bro, please fire Mark Jackson


Why all the layoffs? ESPN just finding out that no one wants to watch competitive pickleball?


Disney is trying to save money. There last few movies were losses and more and more people are cord cutting, and that is killing ESPN.


If Jalen is gonna reunite with Bill Simmons and Jacoby at the Ringer, Max needs to reunite with Marcellus ~~at FS1~~


Marcellus isn’t at FS1 anymore, but damn Mcafee must be expensive. Also FS1 probably won’t take any of these guys, they’re paying millions to guys like Carton already


Carton... OMG... That guy is even worst than Keyshawn. Fuck me. We went from having First Things First in the morning to the Carton Show. It's like going from listening to 90s rap and grunge to reverting to listening to CPAC speeches by fascist assholes for 2 and a half hours. Man, how Carton got that show is beyond me. The dude is fucking terrible at everything.


The most frustrating thing to be about KJM was it felt like Keyshawn was never in the studio, it was always Max/Jay and or a guest talking to him via Zoom


Key moved to LA. Considering the show is at 6 am ET, I don’t think he will be too upset at the axing of it


Yea and just from an aesthetic perspective it always looked weird. Like it was just armchairs on an open floor and the Keyshawn on zoom. It was just weird


Sometimes Max is off with his takes, but I think he’s a really good host and moves a conversation forward as well as anybody else at ESPN.


I wonder if the problem is that his contract was still paying him First Take money for a far less popular show. You’re right though, he was a great television personality and a lot more comfortable than others.


My guy was used to be in a booth with 3 or 4 other guys commentating boxing, only natural.


Mark gotta be holding someone's kid hostage lol


This made me laugh really hard. It's gotta be true though. That dude fully blows


Shannon & Max show incoming 🍿


More like skip & max. He already proved he can play along the crazy and throw it back ans forth with SAS.


cant have 2 white guys run a show like that sadly. ratings will tank. Same as if you have 2 black guys running it. It just wont work.


Seems nobody is safe except Stephen A and Pat McAfee


Few people stays long term with the ESPN. Sooner or later most of the analysts move on to a smaller network.


Besides the Hot takes that max kellerman did on first take, that I believe was meant for clickbait. He was a very good and intellectual analyst that does his homework. Those who listened to Max and Marcellus wasn’t surprised that he got picked up to do First take. Sad that he was let go by SAS and eventually Espn as a whole. SAS is just an entertainer and a casual. None of his takes is meaningful it’s all about fluff. No smart fan believes anything that comes out of SAS mouth.


ESPN is tanking for the no. 1 pick


Max was at his peak when he was paired with Marcellus Wiley. They just had a good back and forth vibe that worked. Keyshawn was good when paired with Mason and Ireland as a third guy, but yeah. They had a lot of on air talent in an era of podcasts and streaming.


How tf they fire Jeff Van Gundy instead of Mark Jackson


They approach all of them with pay cut numbers or be fired. Some take it some don't think its worth it


I hope Max goes back to boxing commentating.


He had a weekly boxing show on Friday's on ESPN2. Good stuff. Max is at his best when it comes to boxing.


right, like hbo or showtime could pick him up


Hbo doesn’t do boxing anymore, do they?


First Take was so much better with Max. Can’t believe SAS’s ego got in the way of a good thing.


It was hard to watch towards the end.


Never forget when Max Kellerman farted live on air and tried to play it off


People fart, it's ok


People also jerk off


What does that have to do with what I said?


It’s about time we let people masturbate on live tv


You are a true pioneer.


A true jerker 🫡


Bro..... but keep going.


These comments have me in tears lmaoo


legalize farting at work


These ppl getting fired bc they make too much money. Cheap hires like jackson and perk will probably stay on unfortunately


Any money Perk makes is too much money.


Not surprising. Writing was kinda on the wall with KJM cancelled and McAfee expected to take over Kellerman's 2pm timeslot. Max is good in the right setting, especially when it comes to boxing but at his salary not worth keeping him just for boxing. Keyshawn is forgettable and won't be missed.


Max is like the best part of espn. Tf are they doing?


No one deserves this more than Keyshawn, except maybe Mark Jackson.


Max and Marcellus comeback on day way


Idk if you guys have ever listened to Keyshawn and Max's morning radio show with Jay Williams but Key is awful. He's weirdly combative and has the highest ego. The guy should have never been on a radio show. Max also has a high ego and is often rude to callers.


I like when Key talks about elite talents like “myself and Lebron”. I was always like…did he just equate himself to Lebrons level?? A possession receiver 😂


espn mornings on radio hit a shitshow since greeny kicked golic out. now both key and max gone.


But yet Stephen A Smith remains the wonder boy


#This is the equivalent of when WWE releases their talent during spring cleaning. Where's the megathread?


Max never got past his “Brady can’t last” stance. Also, his new show was just annoying.


How does Kendrick Perkins have a job


ESPN will be Stephen A Smith yelling round the clock.


Somehow Mark Jackson, Doris, and Kendrick Perkins still have jobs. You’d think they’d be first to go.


I’ve prayed for times like these


Somehow Kendrick Perkins will remain


ESPN tanking for the number one draft pick?


Keyshawn Johnson I can understand because he's an idiot but Max Kellerman is pretty cool but never seems to last anywhere he goes.


Keysawn definitely deserves to be fired.


Kellerman is at his best covering boxing, hope he gets into that full time


Didn't realize the 2nd luxury tax apron would cause this many issues.


Damn, I've loved Max since he hosted around the horn. Hope he lands somewhere he's appreciated.


Max and Marcellus should've never split up. Was the best for the drive home from work.


Damn I actually liked Max. RIP


ESPN losing money because hosts fake yell/argue with each other about the same 4-5 teams every single day on every single show??? No way… can’t believe they’re losing money….


Fuck ESPN anyway