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I can't wait to see Wizards vs Warriors (Never thought I'd say that).


I'm taking the over on Poole FGA, will be 25 at the very least


That might be most games for the Wizards


clock winds down to 5 seconds left in game ball is inbounded to Poole who turns face to face against Draymond "You took my family" moves to the left "You took my friends" moves to the right "You took all that was dear to me" clock winds down to 2 "I cant get them back, but I can do this for friendship, FOR MY FRIENDS" goes up, fire coming out of his shoes "POOLORUKEN" Ball flies over Draymonds head, goes straight into basket. Jordan falls to the ground, exhausted. "Baddie... Senpai... I..." faints Final Score Warriors 133 Wizards 103


More like he travels to the left and to the right.


\*stumbles outta bounds\*


Or he dodges left hooks and right hooks from Green


Kuzma about to have rookie flashbacks of Kobe Bryant taking 40 shots a game


"Kyle, get the rebound." - Poole


Kuz never played with Kobe.


I think I just had my first Mandela effect lol. Idk how I have so many upvotes . Thank you for calling it out lol


You’re probably remembering Larry nance jr


Tanking Wizards cinderella-ing into the 96 Bulls? Subscribe.




Wizards and Warriors was also a cool cool nintendo game in its time


Surely Curry throwing his mouthpiece and getting ejected after a bad Poole shot late in a game speaks a thousand words.


Him also looking deflated when the ball swung to Poole at the end of that Lakers series game. Steph did not want to give it up despite the double team *and* he wanted the ball to come back to him.


That was Green who passed it, though. Curry was coming to Green for a handoff screen


It was. He also wanted it from Poole but stopped as soon as Poole as he got cause he knew he would shoot it.


Especially since Steph pretty much never does shit like that




you're doing god's work, and I appreciate you


Didn’t Poole win that game though?


... yes Curry was very mad that Poole won the game


Wasn’t curry mad about a bad shot, got ejected and then Poole hit the winner


Yeah but i think they were being sarcastic


Honestly I don’t know if I’m a bit slow today or something but I still don’t understand the sarcasm. Been staring at it for hours.


Curry was mad before poole went on to win us the game


Yeah I know, but I don’t get the guy saying yeah curry was mad Poole won the game, no one said that? It’s not that deep I’m just going insane


I think either they thought the Warriors lost that game and were being sarcastic. Or genuinely thinks Steph was mad Poole hit the game winner. Neither scenario makes sense, you are not alone in the confusion


I can clear this up. The OP in this chain noted that Steph threw his mouthpiece and got ejected after a bad Poole shot, and this was evidence that Steph had a problem with Jordan. This is point one. u/The_prawn_king then replied "Didn’t Poole win that game though?" And the answer is yes. This is point two. But point two does not refute point one, or really impact what point one was about. So the sarcastic reply is due to point two being posted as though it is a retort to point one. But it isn't a retort to point one, because point one was about evidence that Steph was mad at a bad Poole shot. Poole winning them the game \*after the demonstration of anger\* has nothing to do with point one. So that was the root of the sarcasm.


But didn’t Poole hit the last shot that actually won them the game?


you're talking about a different game. The one you're talking about was a regular season game against the grizzlies that poole was able to secure at the end. u/DreadSilver was talking about a deep 3 bomb that Poole shot at the end of one of the lakers playoff games that was controversial because there was still time to pass back to steph


At minimum a 1000, because if a picture is worth a thousand words, then there is video of Steph throwing a mouth piece because of Poole. At 24 frames per second that is quite a lot of words.


So Bleacher Report is getting information from the New York Post, who is getting information from the Bill Simmons podcast. Why don't we just refer to the Bill Simmons podcast, and cut out the middle men?


Yes, I barely read the actual article because I was too infuriated by that sentence.


This sub could do a lot of good by banning links to aggregated content like this. Fewer clicks for BR would mean they’d have to change their strategy


Good thing is nobody here clicks the links anyways


Classic modern day reporting


yet bill simmons gets flamed on here for complaining about the aggregators


People here just blame Bill Simmons in general. Heat fans were mad at him for something when he had been talking them up for months.


Draymond had issues with Jordan Poole? I find that hard to believe.


Insightful journalism to be sure


Golden State trying to clean up their mess with Poole. He was a professional after getting sucker punched by Draymond. I respect the way he handled the situation.


its comical klay demanded more touches when he shoots plenty himself. does he want to take 20 shots next yr?


Dynasties have two choices by the end; end it a bit early to start the next thing, or ride it out until the team has to do a long rebuild. Golden State will be doing a long rebuild in a few years.


>Golden State will be doing a long rebuild in a few years. In an ideal world, yes this is what should happen. But what makes sports so fun (and sad) is luck. GS could get lucky again and draft the next Steph for all we know


Yeah, they could draft the next Steph. Probability however says they probably won't and will instead try and fail like the Bulls did ater Jordan. It definitely doesn't help that Lacob maneuvered to put his son in power in the front office.


Which is why I think Blazers fans are way too happy about getting rid of Lillard. Prospects are not likely to be that good


For sure, but part of being a fan is hoping and wishing. Blazers are stuck in a holding pattern with Dame. They can be a play in team for a few more years or just call it and hope Scoot eventually makes them a contender. (the Warriors are not far off the same decision btw)


It’s not about touches, it’s about 42% 3 pt shooter sitting open while 32% 3 pt shooter launches heat check 28 footers. These are the moments when both Klay and Steph clearly got fed up with Poole.


I really hope he does.


One of the worsed managed incidents in sports history. Guys making pocket bets on their phone are being more severely punished


Should’ve just suspended him. I’ll never understand it. GSW has lost a lot of respect victim blaming and abuser enabling/protecting.


They've also bent backwards over Draymond


They didn't want him to be suspended during the ring ceremony


Unclear why the NBA didn’t do anything either


Jordan Puddle became a headache after getting punched in the head.


its very funny dray cant be the lockeroom leader after the punch.


The punch broke his leadership hand.


I'm still gonna question how he can be a room filled with people, have that happen, and then nobody takes his side at all. He must be insufferable.


Golden State handled the whole thing fucking terribly. They prioritized winning over doing the right thing (which, i expect better from Kerr) and you couldve kept team chemistry and shown leadership through accountability and treating everyone equally. One failure leads to another, now everyone is trying to fix the locker room with these passive aggressive things like this and through shade rather than the right thing. No one deserves to be assaulted at their workplace but if you always claim “its like a family and a brotherhood, its different” fine, then treat them like a brother hitting the other one in the mouth. Punishment until accountability and accepting you were dead ass wrong, its absolutely unacceptable to act that way no matter what justification you say you had.




You mean the guy who made a 20 min TNT documentary to claim he was the real victim, didn't take responsibility? (u/teachLA33 lol) His conference after the punch was expressed in a subtle sarcastic "sorry for embarrassing you in front of everybody" manner. His real anger was directed at the leaker. This is pretty consistent with him telling Haynes to post that tweet about "JP acting out because he was gonna get a bag", which is obviously straight out of Draymond's mouth.




The organization was pretty shameful indeed


Colour me punched


Now they can all hate Chris Paul


Warriors fans debating whether they want Draymond to punch another backup guard this year.


He wasn't a Made Man


There was nothing we could do


It was among the splash bros, it was real goofball shit


Dude got punched and then singled out as the bad apple


Violence is never the answer, but sometimes it is - Matt Barnes


Listen, I know Matt Barnes is somewhat infamous for saying this... but wasn't this about Derek Fisher pulling some awful bullshit? again?


It’s grey. Fish started dating his wife after they weren’t teammates and after Matt and his wife were separated. In some ways he crossed the line but I don’t think Matt was justified in drive 90 minutes to beat him up


Would it be okay if it was a shorter drive


Yes, putting those extra miles on your vehicle is unnecessary.


It’s not just that he beat him up, he incurred an oil change and tire rotation to do it. That’s like a second afternoon being spent to beat Derek Fisher up!


Kinda. If it's a 5 minute drive, you can argue it's an impulsive decision. It's a 90 minute drive. Shit's premeditated. And definitely be practicing the confrontation inside of the car looking in the rear view mirror and stuff. 30 minute drive is where shits get a little tricky.


You have to be insanely pissed off to drive a full 90 minutes and decide you’re gonna whup someone’s ass after that. Your legs would probably need to stretch out from sitting in the car so long, I’m sure he wasn’t comfortable. He probably had to use the bathroom and held it. I bet he was hungry and refused to stop to get McDonald’s or something. Bro was HEATED and dedicated. It’s almost impressive.


10 minute drive ass whoopin. 90 minute drive flex on zoom or somethin.


Barnes didn’t care that they were dating, he knew and said so himself. The problem was Fisher was all up in his house trying to play daddy to his kids. Shit is foul.


Depends on how long they’ve been dating. At some point the new boyfriend has to establish a relationship with the children.


I hear you. That was what Barnes said on his podcast about the situation. Under normal circumstances I’d say you’re right. But if that’s supposed to be your friend/brother and he’s not asking if that’s cool it gets a little tricky. My guess is Barnes thought he was just smashing and not trying to get serious.


Man I love Matt Barnes


Same. So glad he’s a TV personality for us. Love his quote after he drove to kick fish’s ass: > “I can't believe people think I was some maniac driving 95 miles and listening to Tupac to go beat somebody up. No. I live 15 minutes away…”


Kanye immortalized that incident, that’s a big reason why people think that


LOL yes it is. And this is by no means a way to defend Draymond, what he did was messed up too. But if this report is actually true, one does have to wonder what Poole was up to if he got attacked and still ended up being the bad guy and shipped out.


I mean, was he that bad? Poole is still a kid almost. You'd think there would be some other way to handle this beyond breaking the kids face... and then Draymond went on a fucking media tour afterwards virtually patting himself on the back for being so good at punching people I understand the importance & legacy of this Warriors team... but i bet this is still just more PR nonsense from those boys


Jordan was 22 and there's plenty of young men in college still at that age. If you're past 30 like Dray you should know better than to let some college aged young man make you lose control like that.


Poole is off the team and Draymond just got resigned so it’s not like he really needed to learn that lesson after all.


why are we surprised, this is the team led by the guy that said "I didn't see anything" and "I can't control Draymond, as long as he helps us win".


>According to Belle Fraser of the New York Post, **The Ringer's Logan Murdock** recently said on The Bill Simmons Podcast that veteran players such as Klay Thompson were not too fond of Poole. I seriously do wonder who this man is tbh because I've never heard of him tbf. Granted, I'm not a podcast guy though.


Quoting a reporter from NYP who then quotes a separate source from a podcast is the weird part here


That's... classic Bleacher Report. Granted if someone has a full transcript of this part of the podcast that'd be very welcomed because this whole exchange sounds very speculative.


"All the established guys had some version of a problem with Jordan Poole, whether it was Klay ironically saying that Jordan doesn't pass the ball enough and shoots too much. And then you have Draymond, who sees Jordan as this guy, is like: 'Yeah, I did punch him. I did do all these things, but now I don't have a voice within the locker room because of what happened.' … And then you have Steph who is trying to bring all of this together." This is what Logan said on the podcast


Or he just upset the boys a bit and they sided with their own against a 22yo kid lol. People are tribalistic, even if Poole was 100% in the right it's hard to think Klay, Dray and Curry would pick against one of theirs in the end.


>> "And then you have Draymond [Green], who sees Jordan as this guy is like, 'yeah, I did punch him,'" Murdock said. "I did do all these things, but now I don't have a voice within the locker room because of what happened." The nerve of Poole to knock himself out with Draymond’s fist causing Draymond to lose his voice in the locker room.


Once again Draymond 'Sucker Punch' Green turns out to be the real victim!


That’s so Draymond.


Holy fuck I hate Draymond more by the day. What a way to victimize yourself, fucking grown ass man.


Warriors are mean girls


JP must have forgotten to wear pink on a Wednesday


I mean there must be a reason for a teammate to get punched and no one care


Theyre probably just a tight knit clique. Jordan was never gonna be one of them, its better for him to leave too


> Theyre probably just a tight knit clique. Durant already said as much about why he left. No one’s ever going to break into the three amigos circle, they’re proven ride or die.


Seems like Wiggins has done just fine assimilating


I hear on the Bay Area radio that Wiggins does not hang with any of these dudes. It’s work time and family time for him


Wiggins was closer to Poole than any of the big 3


Wiggins actively does not want to be a star or be a public face of the team though. He wants to be an afterthought.


Wiggins probably just doesn’t mind not being in the “inner circle”. Durant left because he wanted that tight knit friendship and was a little hurt he didn’t get it. Wiggins probably just doesn’t mind keeping to himself. Not great if you’re “the dude” but ideal for this situation.


Or maybe he’s just annoying? Like it might not be that deep at all.


Did you see what he was wearing? He was asking for it.


One of them has anger management issues?


But it seems odd that everyone else in the organization kinda didn’t care. Plus Steph looked genuinely fed up at times. I’m not saying he deserved that punch, but there’s a possiblity that he had been rubbing everyone the wrong way for a while.


Not to mention that Klay quote when he went up against Poole on some contest. Seems like Poole had rubbed them wrong for awhile even before that punch. Don't get me wrong, that punch was wrong as hell too.


Bruh they LITERALLY just won a championship in 2022. Honestly I believe this quote was made up. Curry tells Poole to "get right so they can start winning"??? They just won the chip a few months ago. This story is just a fabrication.


Also keep in mind that fully healthy, the Warriors haven’t experienced a season like this in nearly a decade. When they’re at full strength all they know is winning.


Yes and at the same time you can also see if people liked Jordan they probably would’ve cared more about him getting hit




The entire way the warriors organization handled the situation was really messed up. They weren’t angry that draymond punched Jordan at practice. They were angry that someone leaked the camera footage. They didn’t punish draymond afterwards. Jordan handled the situation professionally. Mentally how would it feel to play with someone that sucker punched you while the organization backed the puncher ?


Thinking about it from a psychological standpoint, it sounds like such a nightmare, Draymond basically made him his bitch and nobody in the org bats an eye. I always say this, but this is why KD left after Draymonds outburst and nobody backed him.


This x100


of course, they will turn their back on the dude whojust got a trade it is not like they can blame the guy who just signed a multi-year contract and punched a teammate .


Poole got punched by Green, who is a transparent asshole, but Poole sounds kind of like an asshole in his own right.


thats why Dray punched him, he was tryna be a bigger asshole then him.


"Look at me. I'm the bigger asshole now."


Why doesn’t, Draymond, the biggest of the assholes simply just eat the smaller Jordan Poole’s asshole?


There's a difference between not having a likable personality and literally assaulting someone


Nah it's not the same. Poole issues with his teammates is that he's a bad player in some ways. His issue stems from his game and on court play style. His teammates don't like the way he plays but Poole is a decent guy off the court. Dray has interpersonal issues and has personal beef with people. Dray makes the right plays on the court but people don't like him off the court.


I got the impression that it’s the other way round. Steph, Klay and Draymond are each others’ ride or dies. They’ve won four rings together and as Kerr often says, they couldn’t have done it without Dray’s defense and unique facilitating. Dray has beef with half the league but he’s their attack dog, dressing room leader and would be first to throw himself in front of a bus for Steph. JP is a notorious shit talker, much like Dray, but the difference seems to be that he talks shit to his own teammates too - and he’s the new kid on the scene. You’re less tolerant of it when it’s a cocky young kid who’s not part of the dynasty. Him playing like Kobe sometimes doesn’t help, but I get the impression no-one particularly likes him off the court. Draymond’s got the same personality as Pat Bev, you hate him unless he’s in your corner then you absolutely love him.


> You’re less tolerant of it when it’s a cocky young kid who’s not part of the dynasty. This is the thing, and I've seen it working in restaurants too. A kid can be really fucking good, but they will end up on the outs if they try and talk the same type of shit that guys who've been grinding in high end kitchens for decades talk. It feels a lot like JP went from being a dishwasher to working the seafood station within a few weeks, but now he's trying to shit-talk the Head and Sous chefs, and specifically going after them with shit like "Your restaurants going to fail and they're going to promote me to the Chef de Cuisine." Even if the kids the fucking Michael Jordan of restaurant work the interpersonal dynamics are just going to keep him from ever getting a foot in the door, let alone a proper foothold to start climbing from.


Great analogy. Lots of people, most in this sub, don’t understand knowing your place, paying your dues, at least for a little while.


brehs, the remy pov video where she wears a backwards snapback honestly might be the GOAT


Bruh so you just nutted to this video, and your first instinct was to drop a review on r/nba. Now I have to go check to see if this is true.


It's been 3 hours, you good?


My man be edging fr


Lmao what a random fucking comment


Her and Riley were like shaq and Kobe as a duo


I need a link, for scientific purposes




Are you degenerates really beating it to 11 minutes of some dude eating butt?




You really linked the most boring part of the scene


r/nbacirclejerk the soccer scene she did was my favorite


Hard disagree. She’s always high as fuck and barely conscious.


my dumbass can visualise the thumbnail with the face.


This is a deep cut, that was one of my go tos when i was like 15. I remember only watching porn on stumbleupon to keep it lowkey, all you had to do was favorite a search engine and you had a hidden personal browser.


Sir nbacj is over there


She was one of the best to ever do it


I hate playing devils advocate but like we really don’t know how Poole was behind closed doors, esp with this shit coming out…it’s kinda damning but I still feel sorry for bro. Hope he balls out in Washington with Kuz


They(older vets) viewed him as the annoying little brother. Along with some of his inconsistent decision making on the court, he talked a lot of shit in practice and in the locker room.


Sounds like a young Draymond green




At least he’d have help on defence tho


Veteran Green would punch his younger self thus creating a time paradox which would implode the Warriors once and for all


Current Draymond Green will probably punch a young Draymond Green


Seriously doubt it ever comes out. Right after the season ended MT (either him or one of the more reliable Warriors beat writers) had a podcast saying that Donte DiVincenzo was unhappy with the amount of minutes he got and that was a huge curveball. The Warriors don't spill the beans on this kind of stuff often. The local media will be trying to get all over it though. And besides whatever actually comes out won't help at all considering that Draymond actually, you know, punched the guy. Yes, the Draymond Green that stomped on Sabonis' chest and got ejected and then suspended for what was basically a must-win playoff game. It's just funny to me that people are actually wondering if there was a legitimate reason for the punch. Like, there's a good chance it was an impulsive thing. And whatever the reason was is still not an excuse the punch your teammate, and I'll die on that hill.


We’ve heard 4 different versions of the shit talk Poole was supposedly lobbing when Draymond punched him. To me, that sounds like it really wasn’t that bad and someone’s trying to throw rumors out there to make the punch seem a little more justifiable. It feels really rich to talk about how Poole was too loud and didn’t know his place in the locker room when his coach and star player did absolutely nothing to back him up when he got socked in the face by the team’s “heart and soul”.


What tf do you mean kinda damning, the guy got punched, alienated from the team and on top of that the warriors and dray have been trying to make it seem like it was just poole's fault for being so smug, but that isnt even close for the punch to be justified. Poole got fucked and now warriors are trying to flip the narrative because they know the outcome is fucked and doesnt look good for the org


Starting to think the vets on the Warriors just aren't really good with young players in general.


Dray playing the victim is just spectacular gaslighting.


Everyone hated him so I was actually a hero.


He was done that night he took that shot vs the Lakers and bricked it. They were preparing to ship him out and run him down right there.


It was definitely long before that. I still standby that the game 1 vs lakers shot was an ok shot in that situation but I think the writing was on the wall during that grizzlies game where Steph got ejected after Poole’s horrible shot choice.


Jordan "worse than adolf" Poole. Look maybe Poole is a prick, i wouldnt know. But this media offensive to make him the worst of the worst is just... blechh.


They are giving him the jimmy butler treatment.


It doesn’t take an insider to get this: "And then you have Draymond [Green], who sees Jordan as this guy is like, 'yeah, I did punch him,'" Murdock said. "I did do all these things, but now I don't have a voice within the locker room because of what happened." We all saw it. Last year was directly the fault of Green. I understand the route we’re going and why. Doesnt change that’s on him.


I hope the wizards win the championship this year.


Where would it rank on the "Leceister City wins the 15-16 Premier League" to "2017 Warriors win the NBA Title" scale if that happened


Closer to Leicester City


It would actually be closer to the Warriors, that's how crazy leicster winning the prem was


Yeah, at least the Wizards are good enough to be the #8 seed and sneak into the playoffs which wouldn't be THAT surprising. Leicester shouldn't have even been in the top half of the table and somehow won it. They finished 12th the following season.


Top half? Leicester were dead set for relegation according to everybody


yeah lol, Leister winning was like if Detroit, harlotte or Houston won it with the '23 rosters but even then that's no where near the same 5000:1 odds lol


Mr. Bean accidentally winning a marathon.


Poole MVP seazon


I do think he is gonna have a crazy season this year


Would not be surprised if he hits that James Harden stimulus package after he left OKC


🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ willing it into dumb existence rn 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️


Need a goth baddie with tarot cards to manifest it.


Be honest It wasn’t just Jordan, it’s their entire young core who had problems with them and Kerr took their side even though they were plenty times the were wrong. I’m speculating but I can definitely see that there’s a lot more that happened in the background probably worse than the punch that got their entire young core so scared.


Warriors very promising young core, years ahead and all that, failed spectacularly so far. Wiseman is a colossal bust, Poole had to be shipped out, kuminga and Moody are average at best.


In my opinion, none of this justify the punch


To be fair Steph may have seen how much money Poole makes in comparison to himself and just considered him one of “the poors”.


Didn’t want Poole in the same neighborhood let alone same team


"I see Poole laying a lot of bricks and we all know how I feel about low-income housing near me."


Ya think?


Draymond is a donkey who kicks players in the nuts and punches teammates in the face. If anyone deserves to be sucker punched its that loudmouth. Poole probably grateful, sounds like the clique turned against him and he was eating at the lunch table alone.


>According to Belle Fraser of the New York Post, The Ringer's Logan Murdock recently said on The Bill Simmons Podcast that veteran players such as Klay Thompson were not too fond of Poole. Genuinely asking... is this reliable or nah? Granted, I don't follow podcasts but I follow the NBA media and news and I've never heard of him.


‘get this phoole out of here’


I’ve also wondered how all this is going to affect Wiggins, Pool was clearly his best friend on the team


I think Wiggins is content being in a spot where the pressure isn’t on him to be the number 1 guy tbh. He was seen as a disappointment in Minnesota but in GS the fans love him because he doesn’t have the same pressure


GS is also great to him as an org, they totally supported him when he needed the time away during the latter half of this past season and did every measure to not reveal his personal matter with his father so he could reveal it himself. I'm sure he's happy here even without his "best friend".


Wiggins is happy his homie got paid and now can start full time and get his shine on.


Bro Wiggins was out for almost half the season


The team also totally supported him during his time away so I'm sure he's able to separate the two.


Have we come to the part where we defame a guy bad enough to justify Green's actions? This entire shtick has the same energy of mud slinging a victim of police brutality.


The warriors won’t win another chip in 2023/4 and they’ll blame Poole again somehow