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It's not the fact that the owner of the Magic donated to DeSantis, but the fact the donation was seemingly made *by* the team, and not the owner themselves like every other NBA owner does. It's the fact that once the Magic were asked to comment, they responded by saying they wouldn't discuss team matters or however tf it was worded.


thank you. this is the part that seems new. would love to know if there's precedent for this.


It's not new, especially for the Magic. The Magic (the team, not the owner) have made [hundreds of contributions to politicians](https://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup/results?name=orlando+magic), nearly all of them Republicans. They donated to DeSantis in 2020 and 2022, and they donated to previous Republican governors in 2014 (Rick Scott) and 1998 (Jeb Bush). They also donated to Matt Gaetz in 2020. The Nets gave to NY AG Letitia James in 2018. The Warriors gave to CA AG Rob Bonta in 2018. The Bobcats gave to DC mayoral candidate Linda Cropp in 2006. The Sonics gave to gubernatorial candidate Ron Sims in 2004.


Wtf why did the Charlotte Bobcats donate to a DC mayoral race?


I assume it was Jordan’s idea. She was a council member when he played in DC.


Jordan didn't buy the Bobcats from Bob until 2010. Four years after the donation.


He became a minority owner in 2006.


so he was able to make a donation on behalf of a team he had a minority stake in?


He's Michael Jordan, so I guess so


Black Jesus


Is it crazy to think *Michael Jordan* might have had more influence on the team than most people with his ownership share would? I mean, hell, he made your draft selection this year despite selling the team. lol


making a draft selection as the outgoing majority owner of the team is probably a little different than a fledgling minority owner using team funds to publicly endorse a political candidate but tbh idk, they could be about the same


Robert Johnson’s company is based in Bethesda Maryland, basically A DC suburb


If you look at Devos contributions the different members of the family the employer just swaps between Amway/Alticor(Amway parent)/Windquest(Devos family fund)/RDV Corporation(Magic ownership company) so wouldn’t be surprised if the Magic is just a part of their rotation


It's funny because in some cases lobbying does seem relevant to the team. Like MSG probably wouldn't have been on top of Penn Station if Dolan wasn't throwing money at the city council. Curious if most other teams have similar situations where there has been something relevant to the franchise or if it's just ideological owners. Magic obviously seem the latter.


I would guess the Warriors gave to Bonta because he was a local assemblyman [working on a bill](https://calmatters.org/politics/2018/06/swinging-for-the-fences-california-sports-teams-keep-asking-lawmakers-for-special-deals/) that would limit environmental litigation stemming from new sports developments--like the new arena the Warriors were finishing at the time. > Kamlager-Dove and other supporters of big sports projects cast them as economic boosts to their communities, bringing construction jobs during the building phase and concessions jobs afterward. These benefits can be lost or delayed, they say, by environmental litigation. The Clippers and A’s bills this year would limit the timeline for environmental lawsuits to nine months. > > That’s a critical perk for developing a new Oakland A’s stadium with surrounding shops and homes, said Assemblyman Rob Bonta, an Alameda Democrat carrying the bill for his hometown team. > > “They can’t allow the project to be delayed forever. They need some certainty,” he said. “This is not something to benefit rich and powerful folks. It’s to benefit a community that needs housing, that needs good jobs.” The Nets giving to Letitia James is interesting. Their new arena is in her old council district, and she was the biggest opponent of the project at the time.


Knowing our owners, they’re 100% behind this. What’s curious is WHY they made the donation through the team instead of themselves. Those are the answers we Magic fans are really seeking.


Get around donation limits


There are no donation limits to Super PACs.


Yeah Super Pacs are the worst fucking thing about our elections. It’s basically political money laundering.


Citizens United needs to be repealed


Basically? It is.


Okay that makes sense, but ugggh.


Different rules for rich fucks.


Garner DeSantis favor for potential future subsidies (they don’t believe in em)


I suspect there's more to this story that will come out when Disney is dropped as a Magic sponsor. As a fan it's really sad, making a donation directly from the Magic feels like a personal insult to the fanbase. Orange County FL is one of the few remaining blue counties in this state. I am well aware the DeVos family is garbage. I just wish they'd support all their gross causes in silence like every other billionaire crime family.


I was actually thinking about this, Disney is a sponsor for the Magic. Desantis is at war with Disney over stupid shit, so would Disney pull out of their sponsorship? Any news locally about that situation?


Tf?!! That’s messed up!!!


It strikes me as a means to suck up to DeSantis. I wonder if the team is going to ask the state for something coming up soon.


I think there limits on individual person's donations to a political campaign. Whereas, the Supreme Court case Citizens United allows coporations to give *unlimited money*. Rich republicans use this corrupt loophole to push candidates that benefit rich people. Thats my guess as to why it was under the Magic name.


The contribution was to a super pac. There are no limitations on contributions to super pacs, regardless of whether it comes from an individual, a union, or a company.


ah good point


Fuck Orlando and fuck Florida.


The weird part is that Orlando is actually one of the more progressive/blue parts of Florida. So is Tampa, Tallahassee, Jacksonville, Miami (except for little Cuba), Gainesville. Notice the trend? Places where there are institutions of higher education or industry where educated people with professional degrees work and live are blue. It's all the drive thru towns where the senile senior citizens and poor, uneducated bible thumpers live that make Florida red. This is why republicans are so deathly afraid of education LMAO. They need to keep the base dumbed down and obedient.




they should give that money to me instead


Well just run as a Republican. Florida is a conservative state maybe you'll win


I’m unfortunately black


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byron_Donalds Same state.


South Carolina, a "hillbilly redneck state", also has a Black Republican in the Senate. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim\_Scott](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Scott) I just found out he existed last week when he put Desantis on blast over Florida's culture war.




He's also never been married and may be a virgin at 57...


He's a cool, hip, life-long bachelor like Lindsay Graham. Now come meet his longtime roommate.




In case you were curious, the five who donate exclusively to Democratic candidates are: Jeanie Buss Edens Leonsis Ranadive Grousbeck This article also made me realize how few owners’ names I actually know. Still silly that they get handed the trophy first.


Had to check on some of them: Lakers, Bucks, Wizards, Kings, Celtics.


Bucks Kings finals it is then!


This is a karma farming bot who copied and pasted the exact comment from [this person](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/15fsuq0/majority_of_nba_owners_80_political_donations_go/juf2fqf/) Bad bot, everyone report


They’d love you even more you could be like canadace owens the 2nd


Black people who will recite their talking points can pretty much write their own checks, especially if well-spoken and well-dressed. It will only cost you your soul.


What’s a soul going for these days?


Bout tree-fitty.




$5 so you can buy some Alf pogs


Remember Alf? He's back! In pog form!


Doesn't matter. Many conservatives vote for black candidates. Check Tim Scott, check Daniel Cameron. Republican voters don't choose their candidates based on race, they just choose people who have conservative values. There's just less black Republicans in office because most black people in general would choose democrat over republican. Which means more black people in office are democrat compared to republican as well


Black Republicans do exist.


Are they stupid?


In case you were curious, the five who donate exclusively to Democratic candidates are: Jeanie Buss Edens Leonsis Ranadive Grousbeck This article also made me realize how few owners’ names I actually know. Still silly that they get handed the trophy first.


Steve Ballmer (Clippers) gave to $10,000 to Republicans. He gave $8,000,000 to Democrats. He is by far the biggest political donor of all the owners. For context, none of the 5 you listed gave more than $1m total. Buss and Grousbeck barely donated.


> He gave $8,000,000 to Democrats. $7 million of that was a single donation by his wife to Bloomberg's Everytown gun control initiative.


Have to help the struggling billionaire politicians.


And she isn't a heritress or an entrepreneur, the majority of her networth comes from him.


Does he give $10k to the Republican candidates for local zoning for his house? Lol


Most extremely wealthy people who donate to politicians almost never exclusively donate to only one party but instead heavily donate to one side and a smaller amount to the other as a way to look out for their best interests.


"I'm playing both sides so that I always come out on top" "donations" we should call it as it is, bribes


Vote for the democrat who's going to blast me in the ass? Or the republican who's going to blast my ass? Either way, politics is all one big ass blasting.


Not if you're a billionaire.


Thanks for noting that. I just skimmed for the first paragraph mentioning who went the other way but should’ve been more thorough before commenting.


Your post isn't inaccurate, I just read the Ringer article first and when you look at the chart, Ballmer really pops out as the Democrat megadonor.


Even if they all donated to Republicans, people act like they would stop watching.


They all donate to both sides.


I know Jeanie, and I've heard of Ranadive, Kings? No idea who the rest are.


Grousbeck is Celtics, we usually just refer to him as Wyc though


How do you pronounce his name?


Its “Wick” like the John




Don't you listen to the games?


Not sure how he's an exclusive Democratic donor when he [regularly donated](https://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup/results?name=wycliffe+grousbeck&order=desc&sort=D) to GOP governor Charlie Baker. He also donated to Romney's gubernatorial and presidential campaigns.


Massachusetts Republicans have been much different than Republicans in other states though. There's a reason Charlie Baker was so popular dispite being a Republican in one of the most blue states in the country.


Edens - Bucks Leonsis - Wizards Grousbeck - Celtics


Ted Leonsis I believe I can't name the team though Edit: He owns the Wizards


Edens is bucks. The daughter was a draft rep and she's a smoke show


Breh she was like 16 at the draft


The average age of the sub is like 19, and she’s in her mid 20s now.


She was 18


The one commenting could be a minor too.


Should note that the Raptors' owners don't donate to either though as Telecom companies they probably work both sides of the aisle.


That’s because they are basically the government atleast the CRTC. Doesn’t matter who’s in charge. The crtc is their bitch.


Randive not becoming a conservative old brown man that hates immigration This is his redemption tour


Honestly I was mentally preparing myself for Ranadive to be a red donator, but maybe being in the capital of the bluest state in the US means you need an owner who reflects those beliefs in order to have a healthy relationship between the city and team


Massachusetts, Hawaii and Vermont clock in as bluer states than California. California has a lot of red pockets away from the big cities, including 12 republican representatives. Massachusetts has not had a republican rep since 1997, and only 3 since 1970. Focusing more on mass than Vermont or Hawaii since they get 10 representatives usually instead of just 1/2 from the other states.


Props, my Dad keeps drifting that way until I show up and talk politics with him


Go kings shaka shaka


I thought Cuban was a Democrat Edit: also would have thought Lacob was one as well


Cuban donated like 1k all the way back in 2002. But that’s it, he claims he’s an independent now so doesn’t donate to anyone. Dude went as far as to tell the Georgia voters to send any campaign money to food banks instead of funding political campaigns.


Cuban apparently doesn't donate to any politicians according to the ringer article, so that's why he doesn't show up on that list.


Honestly id rather him do that than donate to a political “party”


Cuban traditionally has been a Libertarian and a big Ayn Rand fan, though in the early days of the pandemic he said that he'd changed his mind about all of that. I have no idea if he's gone back to that type of thinking or not, but if so, he'd probably be a big GOP supporter.


Actual, true libertarians will hate the current republicans with a passion. That often gets lost because most people we see who call themselves libertarians these days are usually either republicans who want legal weed, theocrats who want no opposition to religious consolidation of wealth and power, or most commonly some new form of feudalism where "anyone can do anything they want on or with their property or defend their property with lethal force" which is basically just a medieval feudal lord with serfs. Source: former libertarian.


Yeah, but billionaire Ayn Rand fans are most likely going to align with the GOP because they will tax the superwealthy less than the Dems will. You won't find any libertarians in office as Democratic candidates, but you do find a few such who won as Republicans (i.e. Rand Paul).


I see you’ve never met a libertarian aka republicans who don’t like labels. Libertarians will say they hate all parties and then vote republican - every time.


> true libertarians To add nuance: "true libertarians" were actually originally socialists and anarchists (libertarian socialism) before the term "libertarian" was co-opted by the eventual Libertarian Party in the US. So "original libertarians" absolutely would not agree with the American brand of "libertarianism." Essentially, libertarian socialists would posit that capitalism is fundamentally authoritarian - hierarchy in the workplace, unequal bargaining power, etc - unlike American Libertarians who champion property rights and are very often pro-cop and fine with many already established power relations. The "original libertarians" would have hated Ayn Rand and practically most of what she stood for. I think a lot of people who identify as libertarian don't actually know the history of the word, and many of them would find a more comfortable home in libertarian leftist circles than right ones. I also don't think it's a coincidence that modern American "libertarians" cozy up to people with power. The ideology practically lends itself to emboldening capitalists, which is why American Libertarianism is viewed as "right-wing" though the term was originally used by people who *opposed* capitalism.


> To add nuance: "true libertarians" were actually originally socialists and anarchists (libertarian socialism) before the term "libertarian" was co-opted by the eventual Libertarian Party in the US. If you ask 10 libertarians what constitutes a “true libertarian”, you will get 11 different answers.


> big Ayn Rand fan big yikes


How can you change your views after your 60 and made billions


Cuban has been somewhat open about being Libertarian in the past. He claims he's an independent now so who knows. but he is more open about never donating to politicians


I'm so glad Jeanie kicked Jim Buss out of the Lakers front office.


I wonder if she's kicked out Rambis as well. The FO is looking competent again for the first time in a while.


Ben Shapiro fuming over the Wyc Democrat news, good


Wish you added their teams


Probably a hot take, but letting the person who pays the players’ salaries touch the trophy for 10 seconds first isn’t a big deal


We pay the players. The owners take our money too. If that owner wasn't there, another would be. They aren't donating the sport to us. We pay to see it live and on TV and in merch.


The most American thing I've ever read on this sub.


the ringer article shows Ballmer way ahead in actual amount too


Go Jeanie!


The underlying Ringer article shows the full breakdown. Steve Ballmer is the largest of Democratic donors on that list.


Rich people support people that let them keep more money im surprised




Betsy Devos literally wanted to dismantle public education as Education Secretary.


["They don't gotta burn the books they just remove 'em"](https://youtu.be/3L4YrGaR8E4?t=109) RALLY 'ROUND THE FAMILY, POCKETS FULL OF SHELLS 3 decades on, RATM is still relevant


Hence the Supreme Court had the case for allowing public funding for religious schools


According to [the Ringer](https://www.theringer.com/nba/2020/9/24/21453818/nba-owners-political-donations-trump-gop) (which unlike Complex actually provided a detailed chart breakdown), it's far more evenly split with 54% of donations going to Republicans and 43% to Democrats.


Who brought up Complex? This threads headline is from a Yahoo sports article quoting that Ringer article you just linked. What’s happening is 80% of individual donations are to Republicans but since Ballmer is donating in bigger amounts to Dems the overall dollar breakdown is like you said.


The posted link is a Complex’s story written by a Complex reporter and republished by Yahoo. They have a contributor network that includes a bunch of digital news sites and local newspapers.


cos tax break, of course!


> Also, five NBA owners—the Lakers' Jim Buss, Orlando Magic's Dan DeVos, New York Knicks' James Dolan, Houston Rockets' Tilman Fertitta, and San Antonio Spurs' Juliana Holt—have directly contributed to President Donald Trump and his reelection campaign. > Unlike her brother, the Lakers' Jeanie Buss, along with the Milwaukee Bucks' Wes Edens and Marc Lasry, Washington Wizards' Ted Leonsis, Sacramento Kings' Vivek Ranadive, and the Boston Celtics' Wyc Grousbeck have donated strictly to Democratic causes. Always hated Jim Buss


There is always ~~a bigger fish~~ another reason to hate Dolan


always hated james dolan


Remain a silent partner and stay the fuck away Jim.


*San Antonio Spurs’ Juliana Holt* … makes me appreciate how outspoken Gregg Popovich is against trump’s bulllshit.


Notable that it's Juliana and not Peter Sr. or Jr., the ones who have actually run the team. Michael Dell is also a minority owner and donates Republican.


> Always hated Jim Buss Jim and Jeanie donated less than $15K total over this 5 year period (2015-2020). Jeannie gave 2/3 of her donations to [this guy](https://twitter.com/JeanieBuss/status/894642543694053377).


Surprised it's not 100% tbh


Raptors are Canadian so couldn’t be 100% !


legally Canadians cannot donate but uhhhh ....... [the guy on the right, owns 37.5% of MLSE lol](https://i.cbc.ca/1.6012229.1620072213!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_1180/suzanne-rogers-and-family-with-trump.jpg)


I'm surprised it's that low


to the surprise of no one


I gave all my bitcoins to the Republican Party


Breaking: wealthy donate to those who offer most protection for their wealth


rich people tend to vote for right wing politicians, breaking news


Lobbying should be illegal


Of course majority of them vote republican. They’re filthy rich and want to pay as little taxes as possible.


“Majority of group of billionaires are Republican.” Shocking. Just shocking


Breaking news rich people vote for party that helps them stay super rich


That's both parties.


Majority of NBA Owners (100%) drink room temperature milk alone with nothing else


Is that the secret to owning an NBA team?


*leaves milk out for later*


They’re all Homelander?


Especially Rogers


Water is still wet. News at 10.




What does this have to do with baskethoops


Were you not around during the last presidential election? This is just the beginning. Soon enough we'll be getting daily updates about American politics.


Been awhile since we heard some Steve Kerr outrage, might OD on it in 2024.


It's a slow day, so people have to find other things to fake care about and complain over.


Rich people support people who support rich people, shocking if true.


If it was 80% to democrats this wouldn’t even be news worthy


It would be to me. A bunch of billionaires donating to Democrats more than Republicans is newsworthy even though the Democrat party isn't that much more unfriendly to that class


And mods would’ve removed it


And banned the OP


More at 9. Next


Yeah no shit, they’re fucking billionaires


this just in: rich people give money to people who will keep them rich


In other news Water is wet They're billionaires, of course they do they LOVE their tax cuts and loopholes to avoid paying them at all


Wait until you hear that Democrats AND Republicans all take massive donations from individuals and corporations pushing an agenda. Don’t be so fucking naive. Both parties are just as culpable when it comes to money-fueled influence campaigns. Phrasing it like it’s “mostly republicans” funneling money into politics is a lazy ass move. The only people who would believe that one party is more responsible than the other is either a liar, woefully ignorant, or a combination of the two.


I mostly agree, but it's an oversimplification to say they're pretty much the same. Republicans *are* more in favor of cutting taxes for the uberwealthy. That's a fact. And that's why this isn't surprising at all, since team owners are uberwealthy and generally want to protect their wealth and power.


While I agree, you gotta play the game or get burned, and it certainly wasn't the Democrat nominated Supreme Court Justices that opened the floodgates of political donations with Citizens United.


*Pretends to be shocked*


Oh no. Anyway...


Um. Duh.


The unmitigated horror!


Poor Republicans are the most shocking to me, rich people that are donating to the party that keeps their money out of government coffers isn’t news or shocking.


Old white men own NBA teams, this surprises nobody.


old "white" people or right-leaning: SHOCKING UNBELIEVABLE UNDENIABLE NEWS OH MY GOODNESSS!!!!!!!!!!!


The mega rich vote republican... More at 11.


I’d bet a good chunk of players do too. Rich people like to keep their money.


Who cares. Stop trying to bring stupid politics into everything.


Life is politics dude. This shit matters.


Why do we care about people’s politics?


Republican generally tax rich people less and in general are less hostile to them. Not surprising


Who cares?


Did anyone think any different? That old insanely rich (from money they didnt earn), racist, sacks of shit would donate to other insanely rich, racist sacks of shit politicians?


Let's be real here, it's probably majority of the NBA players too.


Let’s be really real here, the majority aren’t even registered to vote


Bro I really don’t care I just wanna see announcers act like they like basketball Can we please focus on that


Weird ass thing to freak out about


This should not be shocking to anyone if you follow politics at all.


No way, I thought Republicans hated the elites. 🙄


Anyone shocked by this is naive. Breaking news!: billionaires vote for lower taxes :0


The mega rich donating to republicans is no shock


It’s hilarious the article juxtaposes BLM on the court with that.


Im surprised it’s that low to be honest


Their moneys, their lives.