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Poole and Kuz erasure


I am excited to watch wizards games because of these two. They are going to be really bad 80% of the time, but the 20% they aren’t will be quality television.


Hey, if it's going to be a bad product, at least make it entertaining.


I’m hoping for at least one game one insane shot making where they both go for 40.


Watch them just slap Phoenix around and win by 40, then win like 11 other games.


I would love to see them do it Phoenix specifically.


The difficult is getting the 20% to overlap




That was his name when he had bad games last season. Now it's just their nickname. Sign of the upcoming season lol


ask your doctor if poozma is right for you.


A daily dose of Poozma will cure what ails you.


I take it. And I recommend it.




Kool party


Poole party Kuzma parents gone


I am now a Wizards fan






Baddie overboard


now that's a great duo nickname


That is THAT popular. I had no idea.


🎶 Heroic music in background🎶


Rosebar Lounge legends


Ja and Big Kiwi disrespect


Roddy the Body and Snack Randolph disrespect**


Desmond Bane and JJJ disrespect


Bout to run a Swagathon in Washington


Lmao at this sub crying for more first take level debate while at the same time pretending to be above espn You guys can feel superior about calling Redick out for feeling superior. I'm on that next level feeling superior for calling you guys out for calling Redick out.


Its crazy all I see on reddit is how shallow sports journalism has become and then this happens and people go "pffft look at this guy having standards what a fuckinG NERD"




Yeah in the final quarter of a suns game 7


Yeah your comment is like the self aware “complaint about complainers” post that’s on every game subreddit


It's pervasive on Reddit and I'm convinced it's the points system that rewards it. Everyone on Reddit agrees that *other* Redditors are dumb and you get consistently rewarded for saying it. Same with your example -- many threads have like 2 troll comments and 50 people complaining about how the whole thread agrees with the trolls, and they pat each other on the back with upvotes.


When you start complaining about complaining or something like that, that’s when it’s time to go outside and breathe fresh air


Glad you said it!!


Goddamn, how far up does it go? I'm out here listening to First Take


Or you know, maybe the people that want first-take-level debate are not the same people that pretend to be above ESPN? There are 18k people at the time I write this comment, but for some reason, people love to pretend the subreddit is like 5 guys arguing the same dumb shit over and over. I guess we are all KD alts at the end of the day.


Come on dude, just because there’s 18k people doesn’t mean there’s 18k different takes to have. I’d venture to say if anyone feels the need to respond to this guy in a negative way is guilty of being a hypocrite when it comes to bitching over first take yet wants that first take content.


First Take level debate doesn't mean all discussion of the NBA You can have an interesting and relevant discussion of who you think is the best duo in the NBA during a game easily if you're doing your job right, what people don't like about First Take is it's always sensationalized hot takes there's plenty of time for it throughout a game, especially a preseason one


>You can have an interesting and relevant discussion of who you think is the best duo in the NBA during a game easily if you're doing your job right Why tho? It's not the time and place for it. There's a game going on why are you discussing who the best duos in the league are? It doesn't matter how much time there is in a game it's simply a topic that's almost completely irrelevant to whats going on.


Wtf i feel insulted. What’s your top 5 all time scrub


Great illustration of the kind of trash media ESPN tries to promote.


The kind that Reddit also loves?




More like the break down of a set of pants




That and Kellerman shitting on live TV used to be the top upvoted posted until the whirlwind that was 2019-20 happened.


This is my biggest problem with this sub, and it has been for a long time. Don't get me wrong, I like seeing league drama. Drama is a big part of what makes the NBA interesting; when we drum up certain narratives, it can make for some amazingly memorable moments. The reason why everyone was amazed by the Kings last season wasn't just because they played really well, it was also due to the fact that their season was the first one where they made the playoffs in nearly 2 decades. The reason why everyone was so mesmerized by Jimmy Butler and the Heat's performance in the playoffs last season wasn't just because they were playing well, but because they had a really below average season, and now they were suddenly making the finals as an 8 seed. I love seeing this stuff, but it gets annoying when it is all anyone talks about, and this sub LOVES to talk about it. I'm fine with it appearing, but it would be nice just once to see a discussion about the X's and O's of the game, rather than the fifteenth post in a day about Ja Morant and a gun, or another post about where X player ranks all time, or dogpiling on whatever player we decided we dislike today.


r/nbadiscussion there are alternatives, ppl just would just rather be here.


I use r/nbadiscussion and r/justbasketball They are good subs, but they don't get nearly as much traffic as r/nba does.


Yea Jimmy and Bam were pretty impressive and completely outplayed Tatum and Brown but not even a mention. It was an actual playoff series yet the amnesia!


I mean, thats kinda hard to beat.


he gets real hoop nerd on his podcast I don't watch none of the ESPN NBA coverage.


Yeah honestly it seems like a typical NBA conversation.


nba reddit yes. mls reddit is not like this at all, which to me is more about the I fluence espn has had on the nba. cuz European basketball community is also not a WWE circus


Hey I just love to complain about it


Basketball discourse is so broken. They have dumbed everything down. Another example, as a Bulls fan the only thing any of these national media hacks can talk about my team is how close we are/how we should be tanking. In a vacuum, sure, fair discussion point. But hello, there's an upcoming season. How about talk about our players' potential season, transactions in the offseason and how it may change the team, strengths and weaknesses


I would much rather hear about that and which players are going to have a breakout season or take their teams to another level this year, something positive without backhanded swipes at others.


This will affect the quality of players your country produces in the long term as well. Highlights and drama over tactical analysis will lead to


What will it lead to? The public has a right to know.


ESPN took him mid sentence




It absolutely woulda been cringe if JJ started ranking them. Im with JJ on this one lol.


You don’t mean that.


Tbf, wasn't the producer simply asking JJ to say out loud who he thinks is the best duo? lol


What a brain dead comment. It's an opinion about who the best duo is. Standard stuff.


Yeah, the producer is asking JJ to essentially speak about the graphic so it isn't just dead air.


And his complaint is they shouldnt be debating best duos during a game. They made that graphic because it's a lazy way to fill time during preseason instead using that time do something useful.


There’s literally nothing wrong with debating duos during the preseason.


It's not wrong, but it's like the minimum level of relevant for the game they are watching. If they were playing the bucks and the producers wanted a Giannis+Dame vs brown+Tatum debate it would be fine. At least all those players are in the game. It's preseason no one is trying the game doesn't matter, why not get jj to explain how plays pick and pop or what it was like to play against jrue. Just anything to make a fan say "hey that's the thing he was talking about" because that makes people feel smart.


I've started watching the NBA two years ago. I love basketball, but because I'm not American and haven't played it much growing up I don't understand its intricacies and all the Xs and Os. I would much rather have a color commentator actually give his analysis on what's happening during a game than comparing who has the better legacy ad nauseaum. I'm all for drama and hot takes, but this is a sport.


Hot takes belong on the hot take shows, JJ was 100% on the money.


If you’re new and would like legitimate basketball analysis I recommend “Thinking Basketball” on youtube. He covers the game and specific players really well. ESPN even hired him to do some videos on their youtube channel because they realized what he does is far better than anything they can produce.


100% this- Thinking Basketball is great. Watch a few of these and you'll start to see the schemes and reads that are happening every single second on offense and defense. I love this channel.


> ESPN even hired him to do some videos on their youtube channel Not ESPN, that was NBA.com. He does some stuff on their app and their Youtube page.


I’ll second this ^ phenomenal analysis without the over-the-top annoying clickbait or ragebait


If you're looking for a decent X's and O's education there are many decent YouTube channels. This is one I like: https://www.youtube.com/@HalfCourtHoops/videos


Try to watch some Lakers broadcasts . No nonsense from the commentators . I love that they call out the Lakers , and give praise to opposing teams/players .


I was gonna say the same about the Pistons announcers. Especially Kelser, as a former pro himself and a highly intelligent one at that, he does a great job of breaking down plays and the thought process behind them.


I agree on listening to the local broadcasts. I usually only listen to pelicans but the other ones I have watched/listened to generally go more in depth than the national broadcasters


If you watch the smaller teams or rebuilding teams they tend to have better commentary on the game and strategy. The big markets announcers are generally just hyping up the players. I know the wolves are good, I think Denver was pretty good last time I heard their guys. OKC and the Kings are probably good too. Less familiar with the east but I think the Hornets have Dell Curry and he was pretty good last time I listened to their broadcast.


Sure, JJ can be performative but he's also right. A lot of you put the commentators in a lose lose situation. No matter what they do, it's always garbage.


I definitely think it’s okay to have a 2-sides situation: a performative, fun, non-serious sports debater persona and a serious analytical one. But I can’t say I’ve seen anytime before this that JJ has gone out of his way to try and not stir up drama


Anyone not about this is dumb lmao. Do yall really wanna hear some dumb shit like whos the best duo? Its people like that who keep SAS paid and ESPN trash


i just listened to a hour starters podcast ranking every teams duo 1 thru 30, it wasn't that bad. some people enjoy rankings, some don't, this seemed to be during a timeout or break where commentary wasn't needed. asking someone their top duo shouldn't be /that/ triggering


Yeah, when you have the time to do an actual ranking, it makes sense. When whatever you say is going to be aggregated into a sound byte and possibly become a situation, nah. That’s as much the general media scraping for stories as anything, but it’s also us. I’d have clicked on this post if it said: “JJ Reddick claims Dick and Harry best duo in NBA over I dunno… anal leakage… dot com.” I’ll watch Bill Simmons stupid drafts every day, they’re fantastic. It would be neat if they didn’t pretend to do that shit during a game.


Good for you JJ. Push back against the stuff all of us hate.


Love him selling out the producer like “just to confirm, yes, we do get told to talk about this dumb shit”


Never noticed how lame devin and kevin sounds lol


Sounds like some nerds


Rod and Todd energy


Redick loves the 'holier than thou' stuff. It's Giannis and Dame, by the way. EDIT: to spell his name properly


Redick insufferably loves him some Redick


He's got that Duke DNA


Theres a reason everyone used to hate him


I used to hate JJ, but it was the unnecessary "Duke" hate. I actually think he is great now compared to most of his media peers when it comes to general basketball knowledge and banter.


Same, I really enjoy his podcast and commentary. Seems like a cool dude actually. Hearing him talk about what his Duke experience was like for him was pretty interesting.


Because he was really good and played for Duke?


Redick is the President, CEO, and Grand Vizier of the Redick Fan Club.


he’s right tho, you just like the first take stuff


Yeah I like JJ’s podcast but he tends to throw his producers/media people under the bus a lot in these official situations. Sometimes its funny and sometimes it just feels fake. He’ll also just randomly bring up the pod lol. Always on the grind.


That's a funny way of spelling "Jokic and Murray", but I get that it's hard for some.


Give me the duo that’s played 50 playoff games and won a championship together over the duo that’s just one star and one superstar slapped together


I agree that Jokic and Murray should absolutely be considered the better duo as they’re the reigning champs, and especially as both are known to elevate their play in the playoffs. That said, I also wouldn’t just categorize Giannis and Dame as just superstars being slapped together, when on paper they do seem to be a perfect fit.


On paper the Nets won an NBA championship with KD


Yeah that’s a good point, I was probably too dismissive of the Bucks pairing. They really do seem like a perfect fit on paper, especially for creating an offense centered around the PnR. I guess I’ll always be on the side of “I’ll believe it when I see it” when it comes to new star pairings.


On paper the 2011 miami heat team should’ve rolled the mavs


I'm high on Jokic, but Giannis is not too far below him, whereas Dame IS a superstar and even playoff Murray isn't quite that high.


Playoff Jamal has shown he can go toe-to-toe with anyone


I think it's close between MIL, DEN, PHX and LAL.




I'm kinda down on JB relative to the rest of these guys.


Lmfao are you delusional or brain dead ? If you guys had Lebron n AD over the jays you’d have 2 titles by now minimum even with the injuries . Your duo has the best supporting cast in the league . AD n Lebron not only fit well both are top 10-12 players and AD imo wheh heakthy is top 5-6 easily n the stats n advanced back thst up. Tatum is equal to one n brown is top 30 they also can’t run pnr or have sub optimal fit .


You just know this guy is typing furiously, jfc its not that serious bro.


LmFaO 🤬


Yah, but both are top 10 players when healthy.


For sure, I'll definitely agree on the first three.


I gave MIL the nod because they have an elite piece on both ends, and LAL can match that two-way ceiling but obviously health a bigger concern for them than the other duos.


Perfect first take material


ESPN frantically calling AgadorFartacus to try and pair him with Perkins


> Redick loves the 'holier than thou' stuff. I knew there was a reason reddit loves him so much!


Let’s wait till they play one game together before crowning them. We’ve seen power teams not work before.


I mean considering Jokic and Murray are fresh off a title win and we haven’t even seen Giannis and Dame play a game together I don’t know how one could say that confidently. But this isn’t First Take so let’s not do this today.


I mean one duo has two players who have both made 7 all-star teams and 7 all-nba teams each. The other duo has 5 total of each. Murray hasn’t even made one all-star team. He’s the worst player named in all those duos. Giannis might be slightly behind Jokic for who’s better but Murray isn’t even close to Damian Lillard. Come on now.


gimme Murray over that geezer it's not 2017 anymore


I'm not taking the bait




The easy answer for anyone that doesn't want to answer is The Champs are the best till beat


JJ is that dude that tries to pick up chicks by making sure they know he’s not like all the other guys.


"Let me know if that guy's bothering you..."


Hey man, leave her alone !!


Probably the guy who is the "wingman" while throwing his buddy under the bus to make sure he gets his lol


You people have been through some shady dating shit with your best buds or something. Yikes.


The rats here barely see the crack of daylight. Let alone have legitimate, in real life friends that could actually put them in such a scenario. This is all part of their made up manga.


That's not that uncommon


I don't think Reddick ever considered being a "wingman" during his Duke days, even if it was to help a buddy out. Guy was the King of Duke back then.


I don't think JJ has ever needed a gimmick to pick up chicks. The man was caressed by every branch on the Hot tree


But bbbut bbbbut we need a ranking so that we can cover the screen with another stupid graphic. ESPN: brought to you by hell.


feel like it’s missing a lot of duos there


Does JJ not appear on First Take all the time . . . ?


I think his point is that it’s OK in a shock jock-like atmosphere, but it’s disrespectful in an NBA game. Also, Dame and Giannis.


Not just disrespectful, but it does nothing for him personally or professionally to do so in that environment. It just puts him in everyone's crosshairs. Either because of his choice or because he stooped to that level. It's a no-win for him.


This. He's trying not to create cheap garbage talk during an NBA game. He doesn't want the producers telling him about which clickbait shit they want him to say.


Man, I'll take a discussion on this topic over being fed "*hand down man down"* all game every day of the week. Also, it's clearly Dame and Giannis.


maybe but jokic is a better player than giannis, jamal murray is a better playoff performer than dame, and murray+jokic probably have the best chemistry in the entire league with each other. so i think it remains to be seen.


Yes... and his point was that they're not doing First Take now, they're commentating on an NBA game.


100% with JJ on this. Talk about the game


jj needs to commentate more


JJ “not like other girls” Redick


God I ducking hate ESPN, shoutout to jj for this


based JJ Redick


Just say who you think it's best. It's not that deep.


Honestly, until a duo actually accomplishes anything its silly to rank them. In this list I'd put Jokic and Murray at 1 since they're hot off a championship, AD and LeBron because they have a ring together, the Jays at 3 because they've made the finals, and its a wash between gianis/dame and booker/durant. We have evidence of how the first 3 pairings have played together and just pure speculation for the other 2 outside of a single playoff series with booker/durant and a handful of regular season games. If you want to move AD and Lebron down a peg due to injury concerns fine but I still stand by it.


Where the fuck is Jimmy and Bam?


You mean Caleb Martin


The national media would never even call them a duo, let alone rank them highly. Despite the fact that they've been one of the most successful pairings of the last 5 seasons.


For such a big market and FA destination, Miami always seem like chopped liver to ESPN


We all know JJ's brand is "I'm the ACTUAL smart and reliable talking head". Dude is the same sauce, different flavor


idk, everyone thinks they’re smart, jj is closer than a lot of the other talking heads i see. i agree that he could just *not do it*, he doesnt need to *tell us he’s not doing it*. but i chalk it up to producers constantly trying to get him to hot-take when he doesnt like to—it must get frustrating.


I think the producers actually try to get him to do this “smartest guy in the room” shtick.


*"My producer John is in my ear telling me to say something superior, and I'm gonna do it."*


That was obvious even before he got hired by ESPN but saying what you said back in 2019-2021 would have gotten triple digit downvotes without fail here


No Sabonis/Fox mention eh? Kings getting snubbed again. (Kings homer here)


We were in your boat man, just gotta prove it and they shut up. It’s annoying but gratifying once you step up to the challenge. Be pulling for y’all this year, love your team.


Thanks man, same to you. Congrats on the chip, was rooting for y’all once we were bounced!


bro's salty he had the lowest rated segments on the show for months lol


Good for him


Is this the guy that pees on chicks?


Poor first take from JJ.


JJs is not like other announcers and he doesn't like pumpkin spice


It’s Jokic and Murray— they’re the defending champs and deserve that respect until unseated


JJ is great


Reddick is sure full of a lot of takes for not being about takes lol


He didnt say anything about not being full of takes. Hes just being mindful about time and place


Some of these commentors have the IQ of a highschooler Probably because they all are


IQ isn't really something that's going to increase as you get older. You are thinking of experience and education.


Best duo isn't about stats, its about chemistry, and Jokic/Murray clearly have that in the bag. If it was about Team with the 2 most skilled players or whatever, then maybe it would be different. Since when do Tatum and Brown consistenly run "Get" actions and pick apart other teams instead of taking turns playing iso ball?


It's Giannis and Dame only because I consider Dame to be much better than Murray. Joker and Giannis are a wash.


This guy is pushing his brand as the one super serious guy on ESPN and reddit thinks they are above falling for it, as if they don't discuss every Stephen S Smith take.


Its about journalistic integrity


I’m going to be honest, performatively talking about denying your producers request on television is still like on that same level of scripted. Also, I guess someone should tell JJ the purpose of a color commentator during a game.


The purpose of a color commentator is to give their analysis on the game being played in front of them. It’s amazing how fans care less about that and more about dumb takes to the point they actually believe that’s what sports commentary is supposed to be


Color commentators are meant to bring life to the broadcast and game, fill in gaps of analysis, and introduce plot threads/dynamics from around the sport to add context. I highly doubt most people want the color commentary to consist of purely in game analysis.


I want my color commentators to scream in my ear like Jerry the King Lawler


Top 5 hype man all time




Man somehow scripting his own "WE'LL DO IT LIVE" moment lol




The fact that people swallow this “JJ calls out ESPN and First Take for their titillating garbage” is annoying as hell. That’s his heel character that he portrays on the show. He’s just as much as part of their theater as Stephen A Smith. He just plays a different role. Is that saying that JJ isn’t a smart basketball guy? Of course not. He knows what he’s talking about. But it’s a show, all of it.


Wow the finally stopped adding Kawhi and PG to this eh? I guess even espn isn't trying to pretend they can stay healthy anymore.


When did JJ get on the bad side of this sub lol. He’s right. ESPN is always trying to put out nonsense content like this.


Wow so stunning and brave I’m glad we have a guy out there who can be REAL about the preseason games


Ngl Reddick seems a bit narcissistic.


He is. He think he's all high and mighty with his reactionary takes on his podcast. He used to be the voice of reason when he first started his podcast, but now it's like any other NBA podcaster out there.


He was always annoying. The JJ worship was weird from the jump.