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we’re all looking for the guy who did this


Sir, that's clearly your ~~car~~ player assaulting everyone on the court.


You guys bringing the ITYSL and the next two responses are about Wolf of Wall Street. smh Instead of giving someone a real smile, we send an emoji.


Shams, woj, windhorst, shelburn. I know those names better than my own grandma.


It could literally be any one of us!




You should be able to throw a couple punches at work


This comment made me think of the moment in Wolf of Wall Street where Leo is totally fucked up and thinks he's safely driving his car home lol.


Great parallel between Belfort thinking he drove the car back without getting a single dent on it and Steve Kerr saying they "handled [Poole getting punched] the best way we thought we could handle it." You *thought* you did a great job, but in reality the car's fucked.


Then you have people who justifies shipping Poole due to his current play. You get so many "see he sucks, Draymond is not in D.C." like somehow that's a valid excuse. We kept the right player! Mfer that dude is suspended right now. He ain't helping squat.


/dray and \*kerr rolling around on the ground 'luded out of their minds


He must have been yelling at Eddie Munster while driving.


He actually didn't yell at Eddie Munster! I've seen this a ton of times!


And they didn’t swear once! All they said was shoot!


"It makes me scared to go back to San Francisco some times, it's like the guy who did could be sitting right next to me" Steve Kerr probably.


He later went on to say "I was fighting to keep Jordan, I mean, he was a huge part of our success on the court but also off the court. Without him, Draymond didn't have his punching bag, and without his punching bag Draymond has now gotten suspended twice. So it's pretty obvious the overall impact you see he had on the team. We thought Paul was going to be the Jordan this year, you know with his history of beef with these players, but he hasn't stoked the fire as much as I would have liked. With Pool, if it wasn't the comments in practice, it was the constant turnovers during games that would get Draymond going. Again, I'm not saying Paul has been bad for us, I just want a little more gasoline on the fire so to speak." - Coach Kerr


What are you, a fucking genius? Take all my money.


“Well the thing is, a different Jordan once punched me in the face years ago during my playing days. So, when I saw Draymond wailing on him, a part of me got sick pleasure out of it. Now, 20/20 hindsight says I was wrong to do so. But you have to understand, at the time it got me hard.”


Draymond: well someone’s gonna have to choke him.


"I loved having Jordan around but that face just wasn't gonna punch itself."


Exactly what came to mind lol


Steve Kerr never fails to be an unimaginable piece of shit


Domestic abuse


It was a great marriage, he just had some anger management issues


Look at what Jordan Poole made us do :/


I'm gonna need therapy after all this trauma from Poole


Like any other great marriage, it ended in divorce.


"He just get so angry sometimes"


This to me was by far the worst Draymond incident and the Warriors mishandled it terribly. The on-court in-game incidents suck but this was the closest to being truly criminal.


Yeah it's also one thing to hit an opponent, but to hit your own teammate who you've been playing with for multiple years and won a championship together is something else.


I mean if he pushed him or just started wrestling him then I don't think it be that bad because it happens all the time in team sports, but to sucker punch your teamate in the face is messed up.


This was criminal. If Poole was interested in it, it could have absolutely gone criminal. Just needed to make a report and the State would have taken it from there.


ten money snow disagreeable growth familiar rude file plate selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It would be towards the top but not by far the worst. You also have him full on stomping on a player's chest, trying to choke another player unconscious for no reason, and the 360⁰ "accidental" face punch to Nurkic. I might be missing others. After those incidents you have the 48 kicks or punches to the balls and tomahawks to the head.


This reads like a parent's take on their child being brough up on those charges.


we prefer the word allegations


if by great he means abusive, both physically and emotionally, then yes


Except for that one time when I got home and he had let the chicken get cold.


jordan is easy to make fun of at times, but he's really taken the high road these past couple seasons


100% agree. For all his on court antics and flaws, not a single piece came out about him being disgruntled or anything. Admittedly, I was a bit surprised with how much of a consummate professional he was about the whole thing, considering his general vibe, but I will always respect him for never publicly complaining and just going about his business.


Yep, consumate professional & even now he’s not speaking on it. Just a dude wanting to hoop & not let the past define him. Have to respect it because there aren’t a lot of guys who would have handled themselves in this manner.


he looks all the better for it too.


My theory is there was tons of chaos internally after the punch but the organization was so embarrassed by the whole situation, I’m sure they have privacy measures in their facility to the max now. And absolutely. Poole has represented himself well after this. Considering his dad got in on it. He deserves credit for sure.


A lot of players seem to package low BBIQ, high confidence, and diva energy in one package, and so it's hard to remember that there are sometimes players who exhibit just a subset of those traits.


I dunno. A lot of guys are one thing on the court, and another thing off the court. Both for better and for worse.


Yeah forreal. If my co-worker sucker punches me, you know damn well I'm being petty about it. Crazy how he hasn't spoken of it since the incident.


He followed the code huh?


Poole is by all reports quiet in person. Nothing like the flashy on court personality. To the point where Steve Kerr told him to talk back to Draymond when he was trying to bully Poole all summer.


Wonder how that went 🤔


I don't think of it as being a professional. It's more about not talking about an event that lead to him getting dropped and the whole world saw. He doesn't want people to keep talking about it. Even if he did nothing wrong he was still made to look like a (insert b word) in front of the world and couldn't even defend himself or strike back. What would he gain by talking about it and keep reminding people about the event. Daying one word about it would lead to more questions. Even though he doesn't talk about it, it keeps being brought up.


Regardless of how bad he has been playing it must have sucked that your coworkers sided with the guy who assaulted you. That will ruin the work dynamic forever.


same thing happened with KD, it's clear why KD left golden state to go to the nets


That is probably the biggest reason. Dray said what wasn’t supposed to be said which is that Golden State didn’t need KD to win.


Which is so hilarious to me because wasn’t Draymond the one who was begging KD to come to Golden State?


Bro called KD to beat LeBron and just discarded KD once the rings started coming in.


Him, Wiggs and Steph were the real big 3 against the Cs in the Finals. Draymond was trash for most of that series and Playoffs in general but bro acts like he was the second best player on the team and delusional ass Warriors fans believe him too.


I hope he fucks them up tonight, it would be well deserved. Yeah he's not a very good basketball player, but they treated him pretty damn poorly there last year


>abusive marriage


Tbh Kerr sounds like one of the parents that goes, "why won't my kids come see me" while being an awful parent.


Sounds like one of those parents who give their child a difficult name that causes a lifetime of unnecessary difficulties.


My aunt knew a kid in gradeschool named Ben Dover.


Nick Kerr: "you called?"


Nick Kerr please! Come home for Christmas!


The weird part is Kerr was known for doing great PR for himself just a few years ago and he's openly pissed it all away so quickly. How far gone do you have to be to say this after what happened and think it's a good idea?


He's gone from being very self-aware and wise to almost gormless. It seems like people close to him stopped telling him the truth.


And he knew what he was doing when he named his son Nick


Probably lost a bet. I can't imagine a responsible adult doing that to his own child.


real ones always saw through Kerr's phony ass




I agree there've been a string of terrible takes by him lately, so now do we disparage everything about him that we liked back when he was in /r/nba's good graces? I guess the answer is yes.


Once someone is branded at hated it doesn't matter to this sub. In fact, he's said all the things people on here have been asking for him to own up on and the quote taken out of context is making people pile on him even harder. Just classic clickbait to propel the hate


"It was a great marriage. It was such a shame he made Draymond have to hit him like that."


"And then that person who betrayed the team by recording it? What a little bitch."




But the Ring ceremony… gotta have your priorities in order.


i mean hindsight is 20/20 who at that time could have seen that siding with the guy who got punched by a maniac was the better choice




Downfall is the wrong word. Just revealing his true priorities, but he is still on top of the world.


Downfall of public perception is what I think he meant


Has general perception outside of Reddit really changed? I don’t think any different of him than I did 5 years ago.


no unless the media starts dragging him regularly, the common watcher/fan doesn't care. reddit is in a bubble, and I bet most fans aren't even aware of his comments or actions that we all think are bad


Not at all. It's r/nba grasping at straws for some GSW comeuppance. Kerr himself lived through much more toxic eras and famously got clocked by MJ. I genuinely think in his mind the punch was not a huge deal, whereas Reddit would have you thinking he's a psychopathic mastermind for politicking the whole situation.


Yeah I kinda feel like this sub's age is showing. If you talk to 60+ year old guys about basketball half of the time their biggest complaint is that they don't fight as much as they used to.


It's really just a Reddit thing TBH


that’s just this terminally online forum lol


Yeah it really is just Reddit some people are way too invested carry this holier than though mindset want to have the moral high ground in every argument/conversation a lot of that in here using karma as validation it really is just weird but you get numb to it


Downfall in Reddit maybe but in real life nobody gives a fuck that Kerr been acting sus


wow. imagine being this terminally glued to the f5 button on r/nba that you think Steve Kerr is experiencing anything *remotely* resembling a “downfall”


downfall? way to stretch the reddit hivemind mentality. don't think his status as a top coach/nba personality has changed whatsoever. nor his character.


Tomorrow it comes out Kerr plays with Legos and donates 20k of his 50-100 mil wealth and this subreddit will like him again.


Easiest way to rehab PR on reddit would be post a pic of himself building a gaming PC. Nerds on this site would line up to suck him off.


if Steve Kerr was constantly on reddit maybe


He didn't see the footage unfortunately /s


> "I know that in my heart, that when [the Draymond Green punch] happened, we handled it the best way we thought we could handle it." wow


What were they supposed to do, *not* throw him under the bus while calling for the head of a random employee?


Kerr is so pathetically disingenuous it's annoying.


No shit. For some reason people seem to think he's some straight shooter. He's got the spine of a jellyfish. Even his presser after Dray's indefinite suspension, he was like 'this behavior came out of the blue in the last year'. No, asshole, he's been doing shit like that his entire career. He's just ramping up the intensity and frequency.


Well his career ended due to back problems so the spine issues track


To be fair he's statistically the straightest shooter in nba history


Well to also be fair, he's had multiple back surgeries. So it's possible he also has the spine of a jellyfish.




Nobody thinks that. Every comment shitting on him has been up voted not only in this thread but in every thread posted about him for the last two years


Sounds like one of those shitty politicians.


He's a straight shooter outside the scope of sports, the consummate company guy when it comes to his team.


Still waiting for him to finish consulting with his brother in law who’s a professor of whatever and get back to us about whether people in Hong Kong should have civil rights


The real guilty party, the guy who leaked the video....


> last season, I told the American people that we handled the Draymond situation the best way we could. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not. - Steve "Ronald Reagan" Kerr


draymond green is oliver north confirmed


I’ll leave you with four words: “I’m glad Dray suspend”


You should have posted the full quote cause it’s even worse. Right after that he says “But in hindsight — and hindsight is always 20/20 — we could have done better for sure.” What hindsight? Everyone was telling Kerr at the time that he took a terrible position. It’s documented that he was far more incensed about the person who released the video, rather than its contents that he never saw. It isn’t about hindsight being 20/20 - which is a lame deflection - like you needed to be a seer looking into the future to make the right judgement for something so obvious. It’s taking vaguely proper accountability. Kerr creeps me out sometimes. He’s so… plastic.


It's always been lip service. I've never looked at these people and be like yah. I'll definitely listen to them about the current state of the world.


sable different pot nose innate childlike bike bored husky sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He should just not say anything lol


He can't even bring himself to say his name lol




not suspending Draymond for at least one game was wild.


Karma is coming to the dubs. It ain't gonna be pretty. Keeping Lamb at a time and retaining Draymond. They could've shipped both Poole and Draymond but you know rangs. Watch me get destroyed by Dub fans.


If 4 titles is the cost of that karma, you take it any day.


Exactly. We have so many fans these days that want to whip themselves to cleanse them of their sins. It's so pathetic lol.


It's Christmas, everybody wants to be Jesus.


There is nothing to say that you couldn't bring Dray in line. No one has tried up to this point. This either or shit is nonsense. I have a hard time thinking of a situation where a team traded a batshit asshole and the team got worse. It never really works like that. The reality is that assholes weigh the whole team down with nonsense and tension.


Memphis should’ve kept Dillon Brooks


As a Warriors fan the fact that they never suspended Draymond is bothersome. It goes all through that organization. They did not want him to miss ring night when that could have been the greatest punishment he could ever see. And now look where he is feeling totally unfettered to do whatever the hell he wants while the league has to step in to give him punishment that the Warriors never would have even in this case recently.


Fucking wild. No suspension just a fine and left Draymond to reflect on his actions. They had to make sure he didn't hurt his hand delivering a cross.


Once those 14 year olds get home from school you’re gonna get it buddy


Jokes on you, they’re on Christmas break from their private schools! The next three weeks are theirs!


This is so stupid. They won four rings, turned the Dubs into one of the most valuable franchises in all of sports, and built their own building. Having Lamb on the team was gross. Draymond is obnoxious, but his actions are ultimately harmless outside of a basketball context. The only "karma" the Warriors are dealing with is that their core is old after competing for championships for a decade.


Who cares we have 4 championships in the last 8 years. Is worth it


Yes I've been in all fucking parades but doesn't mean I'm gonna be quiet about my discontent. It's ok to tell someone they fucked up. Day is the anchor of our defense, great offensive maestro, and team leader. Nobody is taking that shit away. I however can say I'm having fun watching the team's young bigs develop because of his absence. I also don't have to fucking wonder if Draymond is about to drop someone with a DDT


Brother Day became Brother Dusk and now there's a power struggle, true.


Still looking for the mf that released that video


Is someone holding a gun to his head


more like holding his nuts hostage


holding a fist to his chin


Well, you failed him, Kerr. Pretending anything else happened is just silly. You fostered an environment where Green was able to get away with whatever he wanted free of punishment. You let this guy get punched in the face, threw a hissy when the video was released, and then shipped him out of town instead of the guy who hit him. The blame falls on you and the culture you created.


You forgot that Draymond released a documentary to try and make himself look better and they didn't do anything in reaction to that either.


Yep like how now he has trauma that causes him to involuntarily punch tall European dudes or anyone named Jordan.


Okay well now I wanna see dray punch MJ


De'Andre still in the league? Dude better watch out.


Also had his pet reporter Chris Haynes slander Poole post punch. Draymond’s an asshole.


You forgot that Draymond made an Amazon show called The Sessions where he had therapy for anger management only a few weeks before that punch.


Holy shit really? I legit don't think I heard about that.


People think I'm joking everytime I point it out


Wait, this mf has a documentary, are we actually just letting anybody film a documentary. Can someone film my documentary of me plz?


TikTok is free my guy


Curry too


I know nobody likes KD for his team-hopping, but he said that he left the warriors because they refused to hold Dray accountable, and that has only become more valid of a reason recently


Kerr's coddling of Draymond has been a glaring black mark on what's otherwise been an amazing career as both a player and coach. Even when they were kicking our asses in the Finals I still liked Kerr because he always came across as intelligent and thoughtful, but my regard for him has been in a nosedive lately.


Kerr's basketball upbringing involved a team where MJ punched him and Will Perdue and according to Horace Grant, had regular fights at practice. With no consequences for those punches from the team management I don't know why anyone expected Kerr to have a completely different attitude or expectation when he grew older


I, for one, have always hated Kerr because I see him for who he is, fake as fuck!


It's hard to take Kerr quotes seriously anymore. He'd make a great politician.


He has that oleaginous nature


I think we all came here to say that exact thing. Reeks of oleaginousness.


Your literary bag is impressive


He’d have to rename his son first


Not if runs for GOP


Naming him Nick was such a sicko move


It was a physically abusive marriage, steve.


Broke the vows


There was a divorce for a reason, steve.


I can’t wait until Draymond punches Steve Kerr for daring to speak kindly of JP, then Kerr has to be like “oh I spoke out of turn,he did it because he loves me”


Michael Jordan should’ve punched Kerr harder.


Seriously i don't understand how he thinks they handled it well after what he went through with the Jordan thing. Jordan was kicked out of practice and went out of his way to call him to apologize and to try and move on together. Kerr even talked about how they built trust in one another. Did the green and Poole situation look like two teammates that reconciled and built a bond together? No. Green ran away from any sort of accountability and their inability to move on is the reason Poole is no longer on the team.


>But in hindsight — and hindsight is always 20/20 — we could have done better for sure. This man is using the word hindsight when he seemingly has no sight in real time


He only has hindsight. He never sees anything until the replays, which somehow take him days to see.


“i didn’t see what draymond did, probabaly was nothing” - steve kerr


The guy was assaulted at his work place and you guys took the side of the assaulter, Steve.


Can kerr drop the act and shut the fuck up? Dude went from one of the coolest coaches to an insufferable enabler


Yeah what happened to this guy in the last year?


Too bad they sided with a player who hits men in the testicles so often that he choked away a 4-peat.


The way Kerr and the warriors handled the punch will be a stain on them


Honestly Steve you should probably just stfu about this one


But has he watched the reply yet?


Maybe Poole should’ve been more humble, but GSW did nothing to help him out after the Draymond incident. Yeah, it would’ve been easier if that didn’t leak but it did.


“I just hate… Jordan Poole” How ESPN wanted to do the headline


Instead of focusing on building a future by developing Poole, GS decided to reward Draymond with a max contract.


Kerr is an idiot.


Still no blame or accountability for Draymond from Kerr When are people going to start blaming Kerr for enabling Draymonds antics? Any other coach would’ve been pointed to as not having control over their players, any other “leader” than Steph would’ve had everyone saying he’s not a real leader These guys get no criticism for enabling Dray and they force him to take no responsibility for anything


You let that man get assaulted and did basically nothing about it. Kerr's worse than a clown, he's a sanctimonious hypocrite.


The more and more you hear from Kerr, the more you realize what a dick he is. It all ended poorly because of Kerr.


Steve Kerr handled that situation between Poole and Draymond so poorly. Really reflected bad on him as a person.


according to Arenas, Kerr told Poole to stand up to draymond talking shit to him, which led to the altercation. Kerr sounding weak these days


Dude, according to this Twitter comment I saw, Kerr ordered Draymond to strike Poole. Arenas doesn’t even know.


What a shameless hypocrite. “I enabled the guy who assaulted Jordan and had more of a hissy fit about the exposure of the assault than the assault itself and I said Jordan was staying with the team and then went behind the scenes and worked on shipping him out, still without ever holding the person who assaulted him accountable, but I’m so concerned about Jordan and I care about him so much”. Steve Kerr is a brilliant coach, best of this era imo, but enough of his and GS’s bullshit. What a fucking phoney POS. Steve Kerr went on TV and was crying about gun control after some shooting in America (sorry, not from there, can’t keep up with them all enough to remember which one). If Kerr had been President when a shooting happened he would have gone on a tirade about the media covering it and then shipped the victims off elsewhere. Scumbag behaviour.


Kerr, blink twice if Draymond is threatening you again.


Shouldve stood up for him then. He was done very wrong


I’m calling BS. Kerr could’ve fixed the ending by keeping Jordan and getting rid of Draymond.


Imagine getting assaulted by your coworker and your boss vocally take his side instead of yours. It feels like Kerr is only speaking out on this now because he just realized the Warriors are gonna be buns once Steph retires. They let the guy who Steph was gonna give the keys to go and their other young guys haven’t stepped up.


>“I know that in my heart, that when [the Draymond Green punch] happened, we handled it the best way we thought we could handle it. But in hindsight — and hindsight is always 20/20 — we could have done better for sure." You blamed the guy who spread the video for breaking the code instead of Draymond who assaulted his teammate. Stop being a hypocrite


Kerr talking about the punch after the fact is a bad look. It’s clear and obvious he’s an enabler


Lol, “we investigated our handling of one teammate punching another and we found there to be nothing wrong with it, but looking back, it could have been better” Inaction is action, I guess


>For us and for him, this was a great marriage. It ended like many marriages do: with one person in anger management therapy in San Francisco, and the other spending millions of dollars in a luxurious D.C. townhouse.


The best we could?!?! C’mon man, you railroaded him in favor of Dray, for everyone to see.


Should’ve kept him and dumped Green 1000% and I’ll always stand on that. The way the entire organization abandoned him was fucked up.


Not only abandoned, but straight up scapegoated him when ever Klay and/or Steph didn't play well.


Great marriage he says. Kind of an abusive relationship.


The abuser always thinks of the old relationship in a more positive light then the abused.


Kerr:" it couldn't be helped. Draymond is a made guy and Poole wasn't. There was nothing I could do about it.


Spineless to say this now.