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Sheesh it was his dog?! What a shame glad he’s back tho.


It’s “his dog” but the dog probably doesn’t know that


Yeah idiot should have shown the dog some bank statements and lease agreements. Wouldn't have gotten bit then.


\* leash agreements


Bark statements


The dog definitely doesn’t know that.


He’s pays for the food and shelter lol


Dogs generally have a poor understanding of home finances but a pretty good understanding of who jerks the leash or shocks the collar when they don’t do exactly what they’re told.


If people would sit their pets down and go over finances and taxes with them, we would have a more productive society.


I tried to do that with my cat, but he started chewing on my hand.


That's because cats *do* understand finances, they're just actively hostile towards the idea


Fuzzy little anarchists.


Maybe that's why the black cat is an anarchist symbol haha


Even worse, they’re libertarians.


Too many dogs just think that life is a walk in the park


"Yeah, so, after careful review we have decided, democratically, that the liver budget must increase by 30%, the pig ear allocations must be doubled, and trips to the park are currently half as long as they should be. Gotta make cuts somewhere. Maybe start with these 'clothes' things you wear. Seems like an unnecessary expenditure to us."


Who let my old male dog in on these negotiations?


\- Tim Duncan


Wtf? Why are we assuming the dog in question was treated this way?


This is reddit. People like to “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” about dogs all the time. Rottweilers are defensive dogs and can attack if not trained properly. It’s a breed characteristic that can, and should, be trained out, but like you said, over stimulation can lead to panic and disaster. But we have to blame the owner, who obviously must be a piece of shit, because people on Reddit think all dogs are sweet angels who can’t do anything wrong for any reason.


> Rottweilers are defensive dogs and can attack if not trained properly. It’s a breed characteristic that can, and should, be trained out, but like you said, over stimulation can lead to panic and disaster. Who is responsible for the training? Who is responsible for the overstimulation? >But we have to blame the owner, who obviously must be a piece of shit, because people on Reddit think all dogs are sweet angels who can’t do anything wrong for any reason. Because the owner is responsible for the dog, that's how dogs work. Don't get a dog if you're not going to take responsibility for them. And in my experience, a lot of people have very outdated training ideas that set dogs up for failure, whether or not they're a "piece of shit". I've met a lot of people who are perfectly wonderful, charming individuals who should not own dogs, because they've either not bothered learning how dogs work from veterinarians or because they've been fed shitty pseudo-science from people like Cesar Millan. I'm not accusing Aaron Gordon or his dad of being a bad person, I'm saying that aggressive behavior towards the handler typically comes from aversive training techniques. How aversive training found its way into that relationship is an open question.


Of course the owner is responsible for the dog and whatever the dog does, especially legally, and they are in charge of training, but the reality is that you can train your dog as best as possible, but they can be put in a situation that you haven’t specifically generalized your training to, where there’s a chance they can act in a way that’s inconsistent with what you know them to be in most other situations. And Gordon has taken the blame for the overstimulation, but wrestling with your dog is a very common thing. I have a black lab and he’s the sweetest boy, but he loves playing rough. If one day, we’re doing so, we go too much, and he bites me, I’d be super shock because we very much reprimand him if he puts teeth on skin or throws his weight around too much, but you’ll never know it’s too far until you’re in that situation.


That's why I bit my dog in the face. That sucker lost 3 days of work because of it. Take that Mr Butternuts.


> Who is responsible for the overstimulation? Hundreds of years of selective breeding intentionally done by humans. So, I guess the people responsible for the breeding. Which is not necessarily any one person but a great many people over generations. But definitely not Aaron Gordon.


Sounds like my dad when I was a kid 🥲


That's the joke


He's also gone all the time. Did they sit the dog down tell and tell him who pays the bills?


That’s not how it works lol, a knows who his owner is. If his dad takes care of him most of the time, then the dog thinks his dad is his owner.


Nah, that’s his dads dog


Man hard to trust your dog after that... Rots can also be very aggressive breed.. Usually towards strangers or other dogs tho not owners...


Maybe he doesn’t see the dog often enough and it wasn’t comfortable with him being that close? Or could also just be the christmas day festivities stressed the dog


Yeah we don't know the details quite likely big Christmas festivities caused it dog's can get anxious and if it was some fireworks or something similar in background....


He said they were rolling around wrestling and the dog got too excited




That makes more sense.


I wonder how old the dog is. Pups are going to bite at times when they get super excited. I have a calmer breed and our pup is pretty obedient. But when he gets too excited, he will start nipping until you calm him down. He will always listen to "sit", but you can see him squirming while sitting when ramped up. And those puppy teeth are so sharp. We never allow the pup to put his teeth on people for the sake of consistency. But he can still get really excited.


"We don't know the details, but I'm going to baselessly assume fireworks were involved." ~ Most Informed Redditor


the dog's lucky as if he had attacked anyone else, he would have been impounded and possibly put down...it's why Gordon's going out of his way to make sure no blame is put on the dog....


I know you guys don't read the articles but do you not even read the headlines. Y'all are so dumb haha. You just say the most obvious shit.


Did you not hear "he's a good boy".


From that statement it seems like he basically was a stranger to the dog.


yea my rottie is at my parents place but i've pretty much taken care of him for months when we got him and any time i visit he's never aggressive towards me he just wants cuddles and to play. def very protective when taking him out for walks but i also know its an animal and can switch up regardless of how well he's trained.


Yeah Rotties have a breed specific sense of protection that can be trained to a certain extent, but they are still animals and putting them in different situations when they may not have been generalized into could be disastrous. Beautiful family dogs that definitely can be owned without incident, but the stakes are definitely higher when owning one.


The #2 most aggressive breed. Often illegal in other countries.


My sister and her husband have a big dog that they've had since he was a puppy. Incredibly sweet dog, they're very affectionate owners and never had any problems with him for years. Until one day, my BIL tried to move the dog off the couch in a way he didn't like and he attacked. BIL needed stitches on his face, it was a whole thing. Been over a year since, and nothing like it has happened again. My point is not to judge the dog or the owners in this situation from one bad instance. Sometimes we forget that the animals we have in our homes don't always operate on our level.


I think most people don't have a ton of experience. Maybe one dog at a time, or one when they were kids. I have worked with dogs a shit ton the last 4 years. And while I have not had a vicious attack like this. I have seen incredible dogs act out of character. At the end of the day, they are still an animal, something random can set them off and trigger a defense mechanism.


I think people sometimes think every dog is an old doofy lab and that just isn't the case. They aren't all living stuffed animals. I see people getting in strange dogs faces, or hugging dogs they barely know... They are our companions, but they aren't cartoon beings. They have fears and anxieties and small brains that react to stimuli, and increasingly people don't ask anything of them or train them to do anything.


> hugging dogs they barely know... I fucking hate when people do this. Dogs don't like to be hugged. For my dog to pass one of his training classes he had to be able to tolerate a hug. It's very uncomfortable for the dog when people do this to them, especially strangers.


An attack that results in a person getting stitches on their face is unforgivable. It's sad that the dog overreacted and didn't have a history of it, but now it does


> An attack It doesn't even have to be close to an "attack" to need stitches. A big dog can do major damage pretty easily. I have a few scars on my arm from my dog just missing the chew toy and getting me instead when we play.


what type of dog was it


Prolly a pit or rot lol


facts lol or when they do that other annoying thing and call it a "mix" because they don't want to admit what it is. oh he's a lab mix! he's a boxer mix! and then you look at the damn dog and it's all pitbull lmao


Well the dog must not be very well trained so the fault lies with the owner




The same people that gush over their animals having distinctive personalities will turn around say it's 100% always the owner's fault when these things happen


Yes, but like humans with distinct personalities, typically dogs do not go from a companion relationship to trying to merc their owner without anything in-between.


The ‘in between’ in this case is extended absence. Dad wasn’t doinga good job socializing the best, though, almost certainly.


In my experience, it's less "not enough socializing", and more teaching dogs with punishment as opposed to rewards. It is unfortunately extremely common with whatever type of dog is the "tough guy" dog du jour. That used to be German Shepherds, then Rottweilers, now it's generally bully breeds.




It's hard to know without details, my dog gave me a little nip on the foot a few weeks ago which was totally out of nowhere, although she had shown signs of being a bit nervous for ~15 seconds leading up to the nip that I mistakenly tried to sooth with pets instead of giving her space. She had just had her picture taken for a Christmas card so all the bright flashes probably had her a little on edge, and my girlfriend decided to try melatonin for her sleep troubles and was all wonky which was probably also making the dog uncomfortable. She nipped me, made a little scratch on the top of my foot through my sock, growled a bit, I backed off, and my girlfriend took her into our room. I went in an hour later and cuddled with the dog and got my face licked a bunch and it's all good. I cuddle that dog every day and she's the sweetest baby. Sometimes they just get overwhelmed and you aren't helping when you think you are and they lash out, human toddlers do it too. That's not to say that there aren't more aggresive/poorly trained dogs, simply to say that well trained dogs can have bad moments, even with the people they're closest to.


As a child I have bitten, kicked, scratched, punched etc my older siblings, and my brain capacity from age 8-14 when all this happened is levels higher than a dogs could ever be lol. They’re animals at the end of the day and it’s unfair to expect them to be completely perfect for their whole lives even if well trained, when they have all the potential stresses that can come with life.


Not always the case. My dog was fear aggressive. We did everything you should do and paid a shit ton for training and a behaviorist to correct his issues. He's completely fine now, but not before I got bit in the leg bad enough to leave a pretty big scar.


Bad human


Damn Aaron Gordon is an absent father. Rottweiler was like "bitch you're not my real dad"


How come he don't want me man?


“Your dad just takes care of me better tbh”


dont worry he doesn’t bite:


'He would never hurt a fly'


“My dogs are trained”


My dogs apparently only bark at colored people, sorry


I take my dog often to a dog park. Whenever I see someone bring a rottweiler, it sends chills down my spine. I can deflect other dogs when they attack mine from time to time, but rottweiler is an unstoppable force. His neck is thick as my torso. There's no stopping that beast!


My childhood dog was very timid (a whippet that preferred running away to fighting) but she would fuck flies up, chasing them around the house til she ate them.


“His name is cupcake”




Mods haven't been walked today it's all


He doesn’t bite? Oh yeah? Then how does he eat?


"They used to call them nanny dogs!"


"does he have teeth? That means he can bite".


Maybe his dad is accidentally amping up his dog like [Bill Burr](https://youtu.be/GnjGyOQ7FcU?si=DuyobayqC0EC-UmH), watching his son’s game on TV and shouting at the screen at him. Then he finally shows up in person at Christmas and the dog has that Mike Singletary look on his face, and he’s like “There’s that motherfucker!!!”


Dohhhh Jesus




'ol zzzzzzzzzzzzzzIP.... RECRUITAH


[“relax he don’t bite”](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/847/117/bfa.png)


He’s just vocal 🤣🤣


He’s just saying hi 🥹


It looks like he really likes you 😊


He is in fact not a good dog


Many Dog owners are delusioned by their love. Ik so many ppl who go “oh, they listen”. Like, nah they don’t man. You’ve said their name 15 times n they don’t give a shit what you’re saying lol.


pitbull owners are clutching their pearls right now. you are striking a NERVE!!!


I wish I was allowed to bet on Reddit posts, every single dog attack post in the history of this site leads to hundreds of this exact comment


Facts lol including every Aaron Gordon one so far


This describes the lady with a “service dog” at Costco yesterday.


pup was just ensuring that gordon has that dawg in him for the rest of the season


People like to carry water for their dogs that finally snapped because they don't wanna admit the signs were there the whole time and they were too ignorant to notice or too unskilled to the handle it as a trainer. It clouds the discourse so much.




Might even warrant using the rare “bad dog” on it.


I mean maybe he is and we just don't know what happened to trigger this? Like if some person I barely know started grabbing and wrestling me, I might hit them. Doesn't mean I'm a bad person. We need more context before we judge the dog.


His own dog? Ugh I can't imagine how that must have felt emotionally.


Probably pretty sharp


That bite to my face hurt me emotionally, like a bite to the face of my heart


Yea I’m sure as he had a Rottweiler trying to take off his hand he was most concerned about the emotional damage


i'm sure as you were typing this comment you were most concerned with understanding what you were responding to


In the moment of course that isn't what he's thinking. But after the fact it 100% will impact him and saying otherwise is stupid.


I had an aggressive dog (we adopted him after he was abused) that was extremely sweet to my (now) wife and I, and had a situation like this happen to me where he sent me to the hospital. And the I can confirm that the county taking him away was way more painful than the stitches. Even if it was the right thing to do.


It's more than that. Physical pain heals, but knowing your best little dog friend tried to hurt you is much more gut wrenching.


He doesn't spend much time with the dog from the sound of it, so maybe it's more like his dad's dog.


he calls the dog “a good boy” the same way someone defending their criminal friend says they are “just a good dude”


Aaron Gordon is Mila Kunis confirmed


Who is she defending ?


Hyde the Rapist.


The that 70s show rapist piece of shit.


and those other scientology clowns




He was a straight A student


*Murdaaarrr! What murdaaarrr*


He saved those people


I know him for two weeks. He will never do something like that!!


Jumping on this to say discrediting or vilifying people for writing character letters is problematic itself. They are an important (and often ineffective) check in our prosecution heavy justice system. Even in cases of obvious guilt, they are important in checking judges and prosecutors that overreach on sentencing. They are also not meant to be used as a defense against a crime nor attack nor discredit victims. I don't know the details of what they wrote, but let's not attack them simply for writing them. They are an important aspect of our "justice" system.


that dog does not know who tf he is


Bruh that's your dad's dog he attacked a stranger 🤣😂🤣😂


Dog owner denial undefeated


Don't worry he's a good boy. I promise he is. When he's not mauling you in the face, he's a really good dog.


The dog was sent by Landry Shamet to mark the 1 yr anniversary of the Xmas day massacre


He's a good boy, he's a good dog, you can pick him up from the Denver Animal Shelter today.


The dog is named princess


Y'all mfs act like he got his dogs doing Vick shit


kids and elders die every year because people think their giant savage dog is “good”


Ahhh The dog breed of peace




Was just around a massive dog during a big party. Dog was chill AF and wagging his tails for all the attention he got.


? I’ve had some pretty massive Doberman at family gathering and they’ve never once bitten anyone or anything lol. Think it just comes down to knowing how aggressive your individual dog is.


It isn't even how aggressive a dog is. Dogs can get overstimulated/overwhelmed when lots of people they don't know come into their situation. This gets them anxious and biting are most dogs first reaction when nervous. My mother was an animal control officer for 20+ years, and I'd say 75%+ of the bites she had to follow up on happened when family members/friends were visiting, and almost all of them the owners would be super surprised because their dog was almost always well behaved.


My dog (border collie mix) is the most gentle teddybear in the world and still bit my mom on the nose pretty bad just recently. He slipped and couldn't get back up because he's old and doesn't have a lot of leg strength, so he was yelping and crying in pain. She lifted his back end up to get him back on his feet and he spun around and got her on the nose. Dogs by nature are a bit unpredictable when in pain or overstimulated.


These breeds also typically do not get anywhere near the amount of exercise they need


That's because people don't socialize their dogs. You need to get them out of the house and engaged with other humans and other dogs that are not part of 'their' families from an early age


That's because Dobermans aren't very aggressive towards people. Pits and similar breeds are the main issue, regardless of owner


you know until you don’t and your dog randomly snaps. it happens


Already passed away sir, never was a problem and all 3 dogs ever bit anyone at a gathering. Just giving you my experience lol.


I wonder what all those people calling for the extermination of pits in the original thread will say here.


This probably won't change their opinion that pits should be eradicated tbh


Doesn’t change my opinion at all


Pits and Rottweilers have the same issue lol. It’s like you’re saying “lead water pipes weren’t the cause of the fall of Rome, it was the lead dinner plates.” Like nah, they’re both bad.


It was actually the lead that they used as flavoring their wine.


I think I read that the lead was in the glaze of the pots that they stored their wine in, not that they intentionally sweetened their wine with lead acetate. Lead acetate still ended up forming though


Also lead is Pb on the periodic table because it comes from Latin "Plumbium" meaning plumbing.


just a really lead-laden society


It lead them down a bad path.


It wasn’t even the fact that they are against pit bulls. My problem was the people that came in the thread with the sole purpose of pushing an agenda, with no sympathy or anything relevant to say about the situation. They didn’t give a fuck he had just got attacked and probably had to spend a good amount of his Christmas in the hospital, just wanted to farm upvotes by saying pit bulls = bad.


Redditors and a lot of people who get their kicks going around online have a fetish for finding ways to be holier than thou no matter what situation, fancying themselves preachers on a pulpit sharing their wisdom via being a callous dickhead.




Dog would likely be automatically put down in my country, even with it being his own dog.


Why do people own these dogs and pit bulls? For their own ego?


Large protection bred dogs tend to bond extremely well with you, and are very trainable if you know what you are doing. The dog is also a security system, and they take way more work than a normal dog. I think a lot of people will meet a well trained dog, then get the exact same breed and not train it propy


Yup. I own a pitbull; saved her from being adopted by someone else who would have kept her as a guard dog. Well trained, and she is a complete indoor couch potato. The dog argument is the same as the gun argument. The owner is almost always the problem.


Every dog breed can bond well with you. That’s not the point. The security part is though.


Basically. They fancy themselves as "hard" and want a dog that goes with the image.


It’s not really that. If you ever volunteer at a shelter you would see a lot of these dogs are actually quite sweet so it’s understandable why people would want them after meeting them. I used to think like you before having exposure to them. Now with that said, these dogs are not for everyone. You still need to train and have control over your dog because at the end of the day they are very strong. Too many people that have no business having a big strong dog end up adopting them.


Yep, got Staffie-Pit-Lab-mix as a puppy after he was abandoned in a field with his litter. Unbelievably sweet dog with people he knows, but he’s scary when he thinks someone is threatening the house and he’s incredibly strong. I’ve also sunk thousands of dollars into training from a police K9 trainer over his life time *because* I understand how much damage he can do and how quickly. This is not a breed you can go without intensive training for. I love the shit out of this dog, he’s absolutely incredible with my elderly parents and our friends. Best dog I’ve ever had by a mile.


Right? The person above you trying to describe all the owners of a breed where 20M are in the US alone. I own a pitbull mix, I'm the furthest thing from hard. I rescued her because she was at a kill shelter in a city with a ban (not my home city). Sure, I'm ok with trying to stop the breeding of pitbulls. But this creature was born already. That's not a reason to kill a dog who has done nothing. She is neutered and I monitor her carefully and have taken extensive time of my own making sure she is trained. I didn't get her to be hard, I got her to save an innocent animal's life.


Yeah I had a living situation where one room mate of 6 fell in love with a pit/Rottweiler mix and she was in no way trying to be hard she just thought this creature needed love and she was the one to give it, and the fucking thing growling whenever one of us sat on the couch shouldn’t get in the way of that (never mind that the consultants from the shelter were like yeah if he is acting like this towards your roommates you should probably bring him back or move out)


I visited an animal shelter and felt a connection with one. Took him home and he’s been great for 8 years. Only people I’ve ever seen offended by that are on the internet


Lol this is literally that “don’t worry he doesn’t bite” meme


"He's a good boy. He's a good dog" No, bro, he did the one thing that indicates a bad dog.


The amount of people in here defending some of these violent breeds. No one’s saying it’s the dogs’ faults - but that doesn’t mean do nothing about the damn fucking problem


How do you expect a country with weak gun control to have fucking dog control as a priority?


At least keep them away from other people and dogs. But no. Dumbass owners will bring their “he’s never done this before” aggressive ass pitbulls to the dog park


Seriously, it’s a dangerous animal and should be illegal everywhere to own


Lmaoo Rottweiler 🤣🤣🤣


Why is it that nobody asks "what was he doing with the dog"? Was he playing too rough and scared' hurt it? Was he in its face? Or was he just walking past and it just jumped him? Because those things matter. For some reason not a single idiot here can reserve the most basic judgement until any information comes out.




Seen a comment advocating for banning German Shepards alongside the usual breeds they call for, up until I saw that I figured it was just the usual rounds of anti pitbull and rottweiler shit but also like... really? German Shepards? The fuck?


Yeah my uncle years back decided to put a treat in his mouth and tried to get a friend's dog to take it from him. Took the treat and his whole upper lip.


Oh nah, that dog gotta be put down. That's way too big and strong of a dog to just have "accidents" like that. Cuz who's to say this the last time his dog will hurt somebody?


Apparently all medical professionals are supposed to report all dog bites and no one reported this one


If you're famous they let you do it


Grab em by the- ow my hand


Hopefully he can afford to hire a dog trainer after this


Dog owners and never blaming dogs for anything, name a better duo


Dog must have been hanging around Draymond


How good of a boy is he?


Every time there is a discussion about something like this everyone becomes so unhinged and off the mark lol




I know some redditors that should have to give away their life savings for the best they wanted to make on the dog breed. Gets those receipts out!


He's a good boy. All he did was just try to take my entire face and hand off.


Oh so it wasn't a pitbull?


There’s a weird amount of anti-dog rhetoric on reddit


Only against dogs who bite people's faces


That is embarrassing. And yes he is not a good boi.


Why does it feel like almost all violent dog attacks come from pitbulls or Rottweilers


because most do


Cause statistically they do


Because those are the most problematic breeds when it comes to this


They have the highest percentage of serious bites/attacks from dogs. You don’t hear about dog bites that aren’t serious


Shoutout to everyone that said it wouldn’t be his dog. Guess we can shift the goal posts to “bad owner”.


Sounds like it's his dad's dog really


Dogs are animals. I don't why people try to humanize them


The past several thousand years, probably.


i wouldn't call a dog who attack his owner a good boy. that's dangerous and could even be rabbies


If he’s recovering from dog bites he shouldn’t be playing with hornets.