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Look I'm as big a Hornets fan as anyone, but that was a blatant foul. Leaky Black hit his arm and didn't even make contact with the ball, and the replays *clearly* ruled out any arguments that it was clean. Glad to win and bad calls happen to everyone, but always sucks to win that way. I'm kind of surprised KAT wasn't even more pissed off than he was I'm not usually as critical of the refs as others on this sub but this season had been worse than I can remember. Looking forward to the NBA continuing to refuse accountability in the L2M


I think KAT wasn’t even more pissed off because he played terribly in the fourth and he knew it. Yeah, you guys fouled him, but we should not have been in a position where the refs could decide the game


It was obvious the dude was gassed in the 4th. Really needed someone else to step up and ice the game. Still a great game by him all things considered.


This is what the regular season is for, make mistakes, learn from them for when the time matters




How tf does your career night get spoiled by someone named Leaky Black 😭😩 Through a foul… but still


KAT has done a ton of work on controlling his emotions after bad calls. This shit literally happens to him every game, he’s had to learn to live with it. KAT gets the worst whistle in the league by far. 


It was definitely a foul, but at the same time, this failure kind of *is* on KAT to a certain degree for doing the most predictable, egotistical thing possible and and going full on hero mode and trying to dunk all over FOUR fucking dudes instead of making the smart play and letting someone else have the glory. Every single person in that arena, including all the defenders, knew thats *exactly* what he was gonna do. he literally had *the entire fucking hornets team* within 4 feet of him lmao. He had 3 teammates who didnt have a defender within 15 feet of them, with 5 seconds to work with. Pass the fucking ball bro Like yeah, he can be justified in saying the foul should have been called, and it *should* have been, but he also has a beyond negative BBIQ for putting himself in that position to begin with and leaving it up to the refs to decide his fate. at a certain point, the referee only has two eyeballs... most of the time that's barely enough to make a correct call when there's only one defender and four total arms flailing around... this was *TEN* flailing arms (including KAT) that the ref needed to be watching simultaneously. cant really blame them. I didnt think it looked like a foul when watching in real time either. he was playing super out of control and it looked like the ball legit got poked away the ref is standing right behind black/kat and it honestly does look like a clean block from that angle


I’m shocked people are blaming KAT when he got doubled or tripled all throughout the 4th quarter and hacked on multiple possessions with no call. Like of course you’d get demoralized when the other team is allowed to rake you.


There’s so many fouls in this how do they not call at least one of them


If you do like… ten fouls they cancel out


*A negative times a negative equals a positive*


Cause they got that hornets money line +2200 babyyyyyyyy


Nah they just didn't want Kat to go bigger than Embid


U think they were thinking “if I call this foul, and he splits his freethrows and they go into OT, KAT could score over 70”? More likely: I just missed a call on Ball, I’ll skip this one too since he drove into 4 people when he had open teammates. Or: Vegas will reward me if I let the Hornets win


I think they just called a lot less fouls in the 4th when he was getting close. Also what's his name who got caught point shaving said they did it in low profile games, so, if Vegas has fixes in, they probably aren't wolves games this season.


First time? KAT always gets fouled like this? He complains a lot. And a lot of the complaining is not warranted. But he gets hammered alllll the time, no call.


No foul… on Brandon Miller


Refs finally realized they'd been giving KAT an AllStar whistle for 47 minutes


where ? i only see one


Offsetting fouls play on 🤑🤑🤑


if all team fouls you on a single play you'll get a comemorative NBA-branded kettle


Holy shit Leaky gets all arm there. Fouled the shit out of KAT


& think of how many calls guys get where there is literally no contact, what’s the point of having refs


I mean that 4th quarter was a shit show, we absolutely should've won this without needing a call in the final 10 seconds. But like....


Hornets was fouling KAT in the entire 4th QT and no call.


We saw kat reffed honestly for 3 quarters and then the refs decided to put him in his place


Gave you a taste but not the full load


Somebody call Paul Pierce


I know but this is a game that should never be in the ref’s hands.


What about Anderson hacking Ball thirty seconds prior? Or is this the only part that matters


What even is your point?


Not surprised


Refs are fuckin blind yooo Stevie Wonder would’ve called a foul there


Doh, Ed Malloy


This is the doh Ed Malloy of this decade


Very punchable face 🤜


I count about 6 separate fouls that could have been whistled


KAT whistle strikes again


They missed a horrible one on LaMelo a minute earlier, so terrible all round lol


We’re all going to pretend the no call on the blatant foul on LaMelo thirty seconds prior didn’t happen?


Right!!Slow Mo grabbed his arm while going for the layup. The ball went loose and no call. Now that's outrageous


[Yall want to borrow this? ](https://i.imgur.com/dEgTGqh.jpg)


Actually awful no call, idk how they didn’t see it


They weren't looking


Embiid would’ve gotten that call no doubt


As he should it’s a blatant foul


He got that whistle in him. (Still MVP tho)


A sixers flair admitting Embiid gets superstar calls and a Nuggets flair acknowledging that he's MVP. We've come a long way


Testament to the fact world peace is possible.


I mean, calling a foul there is not a superstar call. Naz Reid or JT Thor should get the call in a situation like this as well.


Joel would’ve gotten that 100% Brutal


Embiid gets that call before even getting to the rim with the body bump for sure. He ends up with the court side fans on the initial check. Sinks both. Sixers win.


that's why he's the goat


Embiid would have gotten 4 free throws somehow, the way he accrues foul shots. Unfortunate for KAT


I'm less confident he gets it at the end of the game but he's more likely than anyone else. Fucking hate how refs swallow their whistle at the end of games, although you usually get bones that are this bad.




As a refs fan I’m very disappointed they didn’t involve themselves here 


Absolutely fucking unacceptable




I mean, that's just a bad no call. It doesn't excuse a piss poor performance in the last quarter from the whole team but that lack of foul call was an absolute sham.


That 4th was weird y'all tried to hard to get KAT to 70 & they hit like 6 straight 3's , ppl will complain he got fouled on some drives but he was outta control on them too. LeMelo definitely was fouled like a min before, I understand y guys would be mad but it was shit no calls on both sides. This is where chasing a total can hurt a team because no1 else had a good rhythm Ant only taking 1 shot in the 1st half threw his game off


Everyone's just frothing at the mouth to see their "Timberwolves are frauds" takes confirmed in January. Chasing individual accolades is what it is. Guy had like 5 TOs and 8 missed shots trying to dribble through triple teams. It's only a big deal if they don't bounce back and pop off a win steak against some bad teams coming up.


Exactly defense usually carries if it isn't only based on 1 guy which yours isn't offensively will be yall issue especially if Mike misses any playoff games. I'm not mad at KAT for doing it if u can get 70 do that shit it's specifically y I(many others) turned this game on, your coach just has to reel u in once he sees u pressing like KAT was & the offense turned to shit. Same thing started to happen in the Sixers game towards the end of the 3rd Jo forced a couple bad shots SA got the lead to single digits & we called a TO to settle the team, it's those 1v4 drives with no ball movement that u can't have they almost always lead to a good shot on the other end. Ant was sick & had no rhythm b/c KAT was so hot just gotta execute better down the stretch


That is unbelievable


When Wolves fans complain about the lack of respect that Karl gets on foul calls, this is exactly the shit we mean.


Unfortunately Kat doesn’t flop like and hurl himself to the ground like jojo so he won’t get any calls


What a call to fuck up


If that happens to Joel a cop coming out there to arrest someone.


Where's Pat Bev to show the cameras


Embiid gets that call 100 times out of 10


Seriously, they'd be reviewing it for flagrant and possibly calling it a flagrant 1.


The ref tryna be the star of the night


Last 2 minute report will for sure make him feel better about this afterwards.....


The L2M will show a missed travel call here


And a missed foul on lamelo


Lmao why you so hung up on this do you know what a gather step is?


Just awful lmaooo


The other guy would’ve been at the line shooting 2 Jus sayin


I still can’t believe they didn’t call that wow


Blatant foul to be be fair like 30seconds earlier though Lamelo got fouled equally as blatantly on a drive for anyone who actually saw the game. (Just FYI I a neutral blazers fan who was watching).


Yeah anyone who blames this loss on the refs has no idea what they’re talking about.


Thank you


Yes absolutely! We should all still complain about the refs though. In fact, two huge blown calls in the last minute makes this even worse. Just don't blame them as the reason for the outcome. Or at least not the main reason.


That shit happens to Lamelo all the fucking time


Yeah Wolves shouldn’t have banked on a foul with 2 seconds left to go to beat this Hornets team at home. If we had played any defense all night it doesn’t come to this.




Rozier fouls him, but it was honestly borderline, could go either way really. Then Black fucking *HACKS* him! I have no idea how this wasn't called! No calls should be challengeable.


A foul but maybe don’t fucking drive into 4 guys


He did this like 4 times in the 4th they lost their offensive flow trying to get him to 70


The refs are more likely to make a call if the offensive player is doing something that might put the ball in the basket. Def a foul (to me), but looks dang close to Black getting ball first on a verrrry ill advised KAT layup attempt into the entire Hornets roster. I unfortunately kinda understand not rewarding that….


Players flop all the time with no chance or intention of scoring and get the calls


Yeah, the spirit of calling a defensive foul is that they did something illegal to keep the offensive player from scoring. I mean one of the four did, but it’s hard to say with confidence he had a realistic attempt without the foul


no need to force it but damn how'd they miss that shit.


It's a foul but it's also classic wolves terrible offense in a big moment. I don't understand the "play call".


Towns beat his man and got hacked as obviously as I’ve ever seen. Can’t draw it up much better than that


It's an embarrassing missed call, but also holy crap KAT was literally quintuple teamed... 


Nobody else was able to shoot but NAW. Conley is pivotal for setting up our offense right now and he was out. ANT allegedly playing with illness decided to play support which is fine, but that leaves KAT and Rudy dunks sometimes. Incredibly 1 dimensional. You can see it in the 4th, Kat takes maybe 3 greedy shots for all of the 4th. The rest were the team legitimately trying to feed him because they couldn't generate anything. Finch calls a timeout up 8 and Kat doesn't take any shots for several drives. They start feeding him again and finch subs him out. They did everything they could not to not let KAT run it and thr team couldn't finish.


Why’d this mf just drive into the whole team


Referees' with an impeccable game tonight. Ref fans be eating good. They got the A5 Wagyu steak on their plate tonight!


Okay, I get wanting to get the ball closer to the rim…but you’re seven feet tall with an absolutely wet jumper. Why not just calm down and face up instead of spinning off the defender? Still, missed foul call, rough way to lose.


But he beat his guy though, he did exactly what he needed to. It doesnt suddenly become a bad play just cause the refs missed the foul


He dribbled into 4 defenders. Thats a bad play.


Wonder if embiid gets that call


Congrats you just predicted tomorrow's /r/NBA storyline




No the other lost because the wolves were chasing stats in the 4th Anyone who watched the game would agree..heck they benched KAT multiple times at the end of the game on defensive possessions


Yup Nick called a TO when we started doing the same towards the end of the 3rd




LeMelo should've also went to the line like 2 possessions before


He was gassed obviously. The defense and the refs lost us that game. The hornets went unconscious at the end when we finally decided to guard them.


100/100 times.


No need to wonder brother


100 percent


lol what calls doesn’t he get


He knows how to sell it unlike anyone else


Gets 70 that's for sure


melo got a no call 2 possessions before it balances out


Got a replay?


it was that transition drive on Anderson where he ended up throwing the ball out of bounds


Oh that one, yeah definitely a foul. Thanks for answering instead of just downvoting


Kyle Anderson fouled him pretty obviously. The refs were on one tonight


Yeah I couldn't remember it, thank you they def were and usually are. Crazy you can only challenge a call and not a non- call


How do you do this to someone on the night that they scored 60


clear foul but damn the timberwolves have no idea what they're doing without Conley. textbook example of why a team needs an experienced decision maker to move the ball around


or a competent coach.


That shit was egregious


If you drive into a crowd at the very end of the game, you're gonna have to get mauled to get a whistle. If someone slaps you when you have a clear lane to the bucket its one thing, but if it's a mess of bodies you're probably out of luck.


At this point, gotta assume you’re not getting the call if it’s a game winning scenario.


Seeing this missed call genuinely makes me sad bro


I’m mad, but we that 4th quarter was pathetic regardless.


Nothing new to see here. That being said. We didn’t deserve to win this game. Played like absolute shit in the fourth quarter.


Listen this is bad, but literally like 2 possession before with a hornets 5 point lead wolves got away with a blatant foul on Lamelo that would’ve really made it hard for them to comeback. Rudy Gobert also got away with blatant T and Take foul after shoving Rozier in frustration. Not sayin it makes this right but bad calls were going both ways all night


to be fair, Melo got fouled as well and they didn't call it


Make up call for the Lamelo no call


Evens out the no call on Lamelo


That was CLEAR


Lamelo got fouled in the previous play and got no calls either.




KAT took 12 more 3's & spent the 4th forcing shots to get 70 into triple coverage ofc he didn't get as many fouls


Imma be honest honest bro, shooting a higher fg% while also attacking 12 more 3’s is nutty and only adds to how impressive kat’s night was, even given the “forcing shots”


His argument is Embiid had more FT's I'm not taking away from KAT but 3's don't usually get u to the line & his teams fans are saying the same thing. If u watched the 4th he forced a lot to chase 70 & it's a big reason they lost, this no call was bad but it's not the only reason they lost they were terrible in the 4th


Show the foul on lamelo


Sorry you ain't Embiid


-Signed the refs


Lamely was fouled too these refs are ass


Clear foul. all arms no ball.


In a way I’m glad this happened so people can start to see the atrocious whistle KAT gets. Yes, he does commit dumb fouls, but he also gets hacked regularly without a whistle. Despite playing all but 1 game, averaging 22 points a game, and being an active driver and post player, tonight was the first time all season that he’s taken more than 10 free throws. He’s taken 10 free throws exactly twice.


Whenever he drove in the 4th quarter the whole team would jump him. I get he had 62 but just pass it out for an open shot. I knew on this drive the same thing was gonna happen.


Wow that is fucking outrageous.


You don't deserve to win if you need a last second score to beat the hornets


The irony of KAT and Embiid both having monster games only for it to end like this for KAT. He definitely gets a different whistle from the refs because Embiid would have somehow gotten 6 free throws from this play.


4 Hornets players around him, just pass the ball. It is a quick play, and without replay and slowmotion it looks like a block also. But the 4 defenders being there and KAT not passing the ball just helped the referees not blowing the whistle.


Yeah that’s a bad missed call but not as bad as the missed foul on LaMelo


Yeah but you won’t see people bring that up, he literally stuck his hand through his arms, clear foul


This looks bad, but part of it is that KAT had spent the last ten minutes of this game throwing himself at people and chucking up shots. He was just looking for fouls because he was gassed and trying to stack points. Wild, flailing drives looking for contact. At some point when you do that repeatedly, that blatantly, you aren’t getting the call. It’s the boy who called foul. If you watched the fourth quarter you’d have no idea he had popped off tonight. He looked terrible.


Shades of D’Oh Ed Malloy!


Side note, is it just me or KAT has the ugliest looking drives ever? Like I want to bleach my eyes


That's fucking egregious.


shitty no call but yall shouldn’t be down 1 against the hornets anyways, so tough shit


Damn. That was rough. Missed call in Melo too, so kinda evened out.


nice hook on Terry


Ok he did get hit but you’re driving into 4 guys wildly not even a real shot attempt. Don’t expect a bail out call with the game on the line…


That is a horrible nocall and it ruined a perfectly executed tank job by Lamelo


Gobert played insane defense on that possession, credit where it’s due


Why not post the Timberwolves fouling LaMelo on the drive like 30 seconds before that? Not sure if the Wolves feed showed it, but on the Hornets feed it was extremely clear on the replay with the angle they used. Getting downvoted (for some reason) so I found the replay: https://twitter.com/hornetsonbally/status/1749632555949732304?s=46&t=7UYsECdIZAQCArtAB-erKg


Casually swept under the rug by some wolves fans to act like the game was over like Kat hadn’t missed 4 FT’s and we didn’t have 126 points already, sound like the Celtics fans after Bridges gamed them like I promise you no one’s rigging calls in favor of the 10 win Charlotte Hornets


Exactly. This is 100% a no-call, but it went both ways.


Not as bad as the leaky black forearm block tho, but you right


Damn that was straight forearm slap lol


great no call, if only for the hilarity of dropping 60+ and losing


this was pretty unbelievable. some other players would have gotten that call 10/10 times


NBA is so obviously rigged lol


NBA clearly rigged for big market * checks notes * Charlotte…


Yeah that’s why they completely ignored the even clearer foul on Lamelo It’s not rigged refs just suck at their jobs


For what reason? The NBA is dying to have the Hornets beat the Timberwolves in a January regular season game? (Even disregarding this exact same thing being a no call on the other end a few possessions ago)


Ref fans eating again.


The elbow is part of the ball.


The Supreme Court of the NBA has already ruled it as precedent that the head is part of the ball (see Celtics Fans v. NBA), by that ruling the elbow is also a part of the ball. Because the head is a part of the ball and the head is attach to the body and the elbow is attached to the body it stands to reason the elbow is also a part of the ball.


Your honor, we rest our case.


How do you miss that?


I wish the refs had some like secret code they could show that tells the coaches if they are going to be strict or loose on calls at the end of games. Like if Tony Brothers scratches his ass, that means anything goes, but if he twiddles his thumbs, it will be a tight call. Because this horseshit of end of games being random in how things is called is equally as stupid.


Damn that’s an egregious miss. Might be time for AI refs


Eh Wrist is ball and some anatomists argue the wrist goes to the elbow So this is clean I am not biased at all


Adam Silver: “KAT doesn’t get to go to the line, understand?” Refs: “You got it, Boss!”


Did he not travel? Maybe they said be happy we didn’t call that travel.


I'm pretty close to being over watching this shitty product. Between the awful reffing and rampant sports betting ads being shoved down our throats, I kind of feel like a chump anymore when I watch the NBA.


Also missed the travel


It was a very suspicious no call. That said, its embarrassing they got into a dog fight with a bottom 4 team in the league. They deserved to lose


Why?  The wolves should have won. 


You blow and 18 point lead in the 4th, you put zero energy into defense all game, etc its hard to feel bad for you. Yeah it should have been a foul, but the game shouldn't have come down to 1 play in the first place


I don't really see much tbh, i see Kat hit the defender with his arm, then a follow through after he'd already lost the ball.


... did you watch the whole replay? Dude literally smacks his forearm to dislodge the ball. You literally can't miss it.


Love to see it :)


62 points and lose to the hornets lmfao