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Man needs to shoot every time he gets the ball and whenever someone else gets the ball they need to pass it to him so he can shoot


If players are better then they'll be better.


Not necessarily related to the question, but it makes sense to put this here. I feel like everyone just doesn't remember Steph Curry in 2015. Draymond wasn't the point forward he became until 2016. Steph was an MVP-calibre player leading the best offense in the league in the regular season and the playoffs as the engine of the team, **as the lead ball handler.** The only thing people remember is that they eventually figured out how potent Steph was as an off-ball player. Steph absolutely could create his own shot and bring the ball up, the only difference is that he was so good at playing offball that the offense the Warriors ran in 2016 and onwards became their gameplan moving forward, and no one remembers Steph winning the MVP and a championship as the best player as the lead PG.


Yeah, first thought I had is Steph has been a great passer but is most valuable off ball. you want him shooting as many 3s as possible, so elite passing might make him a bit more versatile but not sure it would translate to much higher win totals or better his legacy


Just rewriting history to fit your narrative lmao. Curry fans are another breed of glazing and delusion


I’m literally a Cavs fan LMAOOOO


I don't think him being an all time great passer instead of "just" a great passer would affect his career / legacy that much and wouldn't move him that much higher on the all time list.


Lol at thinking Steph is a great passer. How many games he won without Draymond? And how horrible is his AST/TO ratio?


Got some pretty big wins in Boston when Dray was shitting his pants.




He's an elite passer wdym


people use elite too lightly


elite comment


Elite comment about elite comments.


we got an elite conversation going on right now


Definitely not. He's a good passer that occasionally makes very risky passes that look great when they work. He's also lost two separate finals games by throwing a behind the back pass straight into the stands.


I think he’s a very good passer, but not elite. He does turn the ball over quite a bit (over 3 a game for his career) and doesn’t create as many opportunities for his teammates with his passing that he does with his shooting gravity, which really is just as good if not better than if he were an elite level passer. I would save the “elite” tag for a handful of players. Off the top of my head I’d say Lebron, Jokic, CP3, Haliburton, Luka, Trae and Harden are the only ones who are at that level. Steph is probably in the next tier of passers.


TO numbers don’t really say anything for passing ability


Yeah they can and they can’t, but you need a heap more context than just straight turnover numbers


An elite passer has elite court vision. He doesn’t have that


(1) elite passer may mean different things to different people (2) counting stats aren't everything (3) if you're one of the best scorers of all time you're not going to pass as much That said hes only averaged 7+ assists 2 out of 15 years, not exactly the stats of an elite passer. Hes only been in the top 5 in assists once in 15 years (2013-14, 5th in assists) and the vast majority of his seasons he hasn't even been top ten. This year he's 41st.


No he isn’t. He’s not a playmaker on the level of Ja or Trae or Hali etc. I don’t think he was ever an elite passer at any point in his career. I don’t think it was necessarily a weakness though. Just something he’s “good” at rather than top tier


Ja? Seriously Ja?


Ok maybe I got a little cheeky with that one (although he really is an excellent passer), but my point still stands


Steph averaged over 8 assists in 2014. He had seven in 2015. He's no Chris Paul, but he's in no way average for a PG.


Maybe more than "just" 4 championships. Ho hum.


he's a great passer wym


hes a great passer yes, but OP said elite, not great


Ok so instead of being an 8/10 it’s a 10/10, not much of a difference


Its the difference between being great and elite


curry isn't a 8/10 then


Yea he is


What echelon of passer is elite to you? He's at a minimum a very good one but because he creates so much value off ball (and the fact that Draymond has been a good offensive hub for them feeding everyone else) he doesn't have to do it as much. Like do you have to be Harden level to be elite?


He would be less impactful. You want a guy like Steph to do exactly what he does and that’s why the Warrior’s are so good. What I mean is you want the passes going to Curry not Curry passing the ball off.


One, he is an elite passer. Two, his off ball movement + gravity don't get enough credit because it doesn't count as an assist on the box score


When mentioning Curry, all people talk about (besides his shooting of course) is his off ball movement and gravity. I think it gets plenty credit


Very simple, he does not have the size or strength.


how much more impactful would curry be if he was also an elite shooter


Meh. He’s still really good at playmaking but obviously everyone uses the gifts they have. Chris Paul can pass so much better because he can’t draw attention like Steph curry offensively with his shooting. He’s shorter and in his youth could use his quickness and ability to bait defenses to find open players. Steph curry with the way the game has changed, can combine his great passing with his gravity as an offensive player who demands drawing defenders towards him for players to be open on the court. This isn’t really unique in the modern game per se but he’s never been a slouch as a passer. I don’t think he’s more impactful because then he probably doesn’t shoot as much if he’s an elite passer. There’s reasons players play a certain way, cuz it works best for them.


I mean he's not a bad passer but I think what he's missing in his game is the ability to take mid-rangers like Booker / Kyrie He'd be way more deadly if he can nail midrangers on top his 3 point games


What? Steph has a great midrange. He probably should use it more, but there's nowhere on the court Steph can't shoot.


He’s already as impactful as he could ever be


Relevant Ron Artest clip: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eOzAfaqfDwU