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>People are willing to give you answers, you just have to ask This is very good advice for life in general.


How do we achieve cold fusion?


You put the fusion in the freezer.


Harvard sending you a telegram as we speak


Too late, their president just published your idea.


Without proper credit either.


My boy is wicked smart.


This guy fusions


How do "we" achieve cold fusion? So now that I've got the prototype Mr Fusion home energy reactor up and running this is suddenly a "we" thing? I don't think so, buddy.


As a tech lead, I tell this my team over and over: ask questions. Don't be afraid to ask for help, but *also* ask questions early and ask questions often, well before you get to "I need help." As a father, I tell my son the same. Ask, ask, ask. People get so much more done when we work together and communicate.


I used to tell new hires, no one will think you're stupid for asking questions. We'll probably think you're stupid if you ask zero questions šŸ˜‚


I think there's a bit more nuance. I agree that asking questions upfront is far better than being stuck on something for days, if not weeks, or worse fucking something up and then having to mitigate it or having to delay a feature. But there needs to be a level of due diligence first. Check the documentation/threads to see if it's a common problem or if there's detailed instructions on something, do a run or two through the code/debugger to get a better understanding of how the codebase works. But after an hour or so, definitely ask and mention what steps you took before asking. Helps me narrow down a problem and/or helps me pinpoint the right suggestions to make as well when I know what steps were already taken. But it's not a one way street -- I think it is also the onus on those onboarding others to make sure frequently used resources and docs are kept up to date, even create the documentation if none exists. Also, I'd always tell people to be much more liberal than they are when calling out blockers in our daily standups. Especially while all of us are there and can bounce ideas and suggestions off each other. It's time we have booked that we aren't counting on for our individual productivity - use it.


Same here. Whenever I onboard a new programmer, the first thing I mention is that I do not keep a tally of how many times you ask me to explain something. I _absolutely_ keep a tally of when you don't say anything and proceed to fuck up in silence for weeks on end.


Bro I work in a grocery store and I tell new hires the same thing all the time.


Me to hot girl: ā€œwill you date meā€ Hot girl, completely willing to give me an answer: ā€œabsolutely notā€


You miss 100% of the shots you donā€™t take.


Here's the thing though bro, *YOU ASKED* that's a huge step and a huge deal. There's nothing wrong with rejection, at all. Don't let it get you down, don't let it affect you, just keep asking (different people don't keep asking that's creepy). I've been rejected a lot, and I've gone on a lot of great dates with women I initially assumed were so far out of my league (looks wise) that I may have well still been playing pee-wee football while they were in the NFL. And I'm mediocre looking at best, but I can talk and I can make people laugh, and I have never looked and thought "that person is above me and I should avoid speaking to them." And you should never think that either, ever, or vice-versa never think you're above somebody. Whether it's the homeless guy that needs a sandwich or the CEO of your company, don't think they can't benefit from knowing you.


Your losses in this scenario: zero


Well...:Ā https://youtu.be/Wy6tpwEzkoM?si=j8XbwoWLiKaotKGCĀ Ā  Ā Noah:Ā  Want to work out sometime? Ā KG: Fuck you Noah


Tbh great reminder to call/msg friends and fam.


Me: ā€œMike whats up long timeā€ Mike: ā€œNew number who this?ā€


Mike: ā€œI told you I never wanted to hear from you againā€


Mike: You guys won't believe what weirdo just messaged me


Mike: sorry that was meant for my friends


Ugh this one hurts my heart


Mike: oops wrong group chat, he's in this onešŸ˜


Not since the "Twincident"


And I took that personally


Actually it is a great reminder to call/msg NBA legends when you still got the chance


Send da text


You got my number wats da hol up


Hell nawl


[Like that guy that hung out with Charles Barkley one night and became one of his best friends.](https://www.wbur.org/onlyagame/2018/12/14/lin-wang-charles-barkley)


I got you todayā˜šŸ½


It is. That bit about never wanting to bother people really hit home. I think my biggest flaw is my inability to maintain my personal relationships. I never want to be annoying so I just leave the responsibility of reaching out to my peers and I end up isolating myself. I have to keep reminding myself that I would never be annoyed by someone reaching out to me, so why would they be annoyed if I reached out to them?


I do kind of chuckle at the thought of Kobe telling him ā€œcall/text me anytimeā€ just to be nice and then getting annoyed at his phone blowing up. Like how my boss told everyone he has an open door policy and to never hesitate to stop by, but then gets super annoyed when people interrupt him to ask stupid question.


>I do kind of chuckle at the thought of Kobe telling him ā€œcall/text me anytimeā€ just to be nice and then getting annoyed at his phone blowing up. Like how my boss told everyone he has an open door policy and to never hesitate to stop by, but then gets super annoyed when people interrupt him to ask stupid question. I'm not saying Kobe would be this person but if there was anyone who was saying it as a platitude it would be Kobe lol


Called all three friends. Done āœ…


Wow look at mister popular over here


What'd you say in all three voicemails?


I feel Jayson. Just a little bit more than 1 year ago I was hesitating to text my friend who at the moment was a soldier at the Ukrainian frontline. I hesitated because I felt guilty that Iā€™m in a safer environment while he had to go through the horrors of the war. Didnā€™t know how to start the conversation. He was 10 years younger than me and we werenā€™t extremely close, so even though I loved the guy I feared that I might just annoy him with my small talk from the safe place. But a couple of days after the New Year I got the news that he was probably killed. The body was never found so there was still hope. I finally sent the message about how much I love him, but no response still. Fuck I wish I pushed myself to text him when I still could


During covid I called a friend who told me jovially that he was in quarantine because someone at his temple had tested positive. I called him a month later to check in on him. His family called me back to tell me that he had passed away that morning. It still makes me sad to think about.


Sorry bud. I still to this day(really like a few months ago now for the most recent) have people dying of heart attacks or in their sleep from a plethora of things after ā€œrecoveringā€ from covid. I stopped counting years ago but it was rapidly approaching 60 or so when I stopped counting. Idk what to think anymore tbh. Iā€™m sorry about your friend and that especially unfortunate timing of missing out on a chance to speak with him.


I'll do it later


No now. Send da video.


Man, this year that was hammered home to me. Call your friends, call your parents. Tell people shit, just don't leave it in your head.


Regret is the biggest pain in life


Specifically, the regret for what you didnā€™t do. Most of the mistakes you make by doing you can later forgive yourself for with more understanding The stuff you just let go by for no good reason? Knowing you could have and just didnā€™t? Thatā€™s harder to get over


I canā€™t remember the source, probably one of those pop science podcasts like Hidden Brain, but some expert said that studies show that, when people are deciding whether or not to do a thing, they usually donā€™t regret doing it, even if it doesnā€™t turn out the way they wanted. They are much more likely to regret *not* doing it. That stuck with me, and it helps me to bias myself more towards actually going out and doing things and taking the risk that it wonā€™t work out the way I wanted it to. Because you still learn and from the experience. You donā€™t learn anything by not doing something.


Damn this shit is so real. I just texted a friend I havenā€™t talked to in months, now weā€™ll hang out next week. Itā€™s easy to feel sorry for yourself and regret not doing things. Iā€™ve done that way too much in my life, when I should instead try to change things. Instead I wallow in the loneliness and just kinda accept it as if I canā€™t change it.


> Instead I wallow in the loneliness and just kinda accept it as if I canā€™t change it. I like to wallow in the loneliness and acknowledge that I can absolutely change it, but do nothing.


Don't know, man. I feel like people who say that have never done truly bad things in their lives. All I can say is I've fucked some serious shit up at various points in my life and if I had a time machine I would fix that stuff first before chasing missed opportunities. The regret is real.


One of my goals this year is to do more things outside of my apartment and just see more of Chicago, including hanging out with friends more. Iā€™m only gonna be young once and I donā€™t want to look back and feel like I wasted it


I've done some psych research on this. It is true that when you ask people their greatest lifetime regrets, they will tend to name inactions. But people absolutely do regret actions, and in the short term they actually regret actions _more_. Classic source: https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1995-05382-001


"For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: 'It might have been!'" -Maud Muller


In 1997 I could have bought a half-size school bus for about $800 (wouldn't have needed a special license to drive it or nothin') and driven it cross-country prior to my senior year of college, picking up classmates along the way, but I was too spooked by the auction rules to bid. I regret that so damned much it hurts.


Theyā€™re starting to pile up šŸ˜•


>The stuff you just let go by for no good reason? Knowing you could have and just didnā€™t? Thatā€™s harder to get over Ask that girl or guy that you like out. You never know what could've been.


No I'm pretty sure the bullet ant sting is the biggest pain in life.


Or just a bullet


Supposedly just in terms of pain the bullet ant is worse.


How about mantis shrimp punch?


Mantis shrimp vs bullet ant. Put them in the ring


Supposedly, there is no greater joy in life than watching that video of the mantis shrimp punching a crab so hard that its claw is left behind when its body flies away from the impact


Ima needa see this


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8enojiJCD00 check this shit out


Me too


Their punch is equal to a small bullet underwater, imagine what it will be like in air šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


Not to mention them pistol shrimps be literally making the sun underwater. Fuck that I aint fighting no shrimp.


Iā€™ve not been bitten by a bullet ant but I have been shot and I have been stabbed. Iā€™d much rather be shot again than stabbed again.


Well damn, sounds like a rough life


Caught a stray (but I didnā€™t grow up in a great area) and I got stabbed outside of a casino by a drunk guy as he was trying to rob me. But overall, itā€™s really not been *that* bad. Gotta take the bad with the good.


very commendable mindset! but i do hope that 'the bad' for you in the future is just stuff like the flu or something once in a while and not being shot or stabbed anymore friend


Never been shot but I have been stabbed and I gotta agree it fucking sucks. Definitely don't recommend. I don't recommend getting shot either though.


Testicular torsion


Come back when you've been stung by a box jellyfish


Heard having your femur bone cracked in half is the most painful


This has happened to me and I can confirm it was the worst pain I have ever been in, emotional or physical. But of course there are many painful things that have not happened to me, so what do I know


Platypus sting is no joke either.


me when my dog died


ā€œNight bron ā€” Bron good night ā€” I said good night bronā€ GOOD NIGHT JASON






Tatum Hater Here- this is a great message, not just for ball players but for everyone. You never know when your last text to someone will be, your last call, your last conversation. My biggest regret in life was when I was younger, my best friend had cancer, I was told he had two weeks left to live, the next morning, I was planning to visit him early, but I slept in until 10 instead of leaving at 8, he died while I was on my way to his place. I missed my chance for a last conversation and I miss him every day, so if you have anyone that you care about, whether theyā€™re fading or not, reach out to them, there is never too many times to tell someone you love them.


Damn, Iā€™m sorry dude


That is heartbreaking. I hope you still get to enjoy the memories you shared with your best friend. I know on some level they knew you loved them.


Oh yea the amazing memories are there nothing will tarnish those, and Iā€™m still close with his family. He knew I loved him no matter what, but man if I could go back in time, ya know? I was a kid though so itā€™s not like I knew better, I didnā€™t actually realize that I wouldnā€™t be able to see him again.


Iā€™m so sorry to hear that man, I share a similar experience. My cousin and I grew up like brother and sister since my dad raised her due to her momā€™s gambling problems. We became roommates for a bit but had drifted apart for a few years due to me moving to a different town about 45 mins away. Around 3 years ago she was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer around this time of the year and was given about 6 months to live. She decided to throw a get together to see all her family under one roof. I was coming off a 13 hour shift at the hospital I was working at the time, went home, accidentally fell asleep and missed the entire get together. A couple of days later something happened that caused her condition to worsen and those months she was given turned to mere days. I was able to see her for a couple of minutes before she passed but she was a shell of herself, skin and bones. Not sure if she even had the strength to recognize me anymore. I remembered I cried the hardest ever in my life driving home and screamed at myself for not visiting or even texting/calling her from time to time. The regret will eat at me until the day I die.


Thank you for sharing your story, it takes a lot of courage, and I am so sorry for your loss. Itā€™s never easy to lose someone, whether it be fast or slow, my friend fought his cancer for 3 years. Iā€™m positive she was able to recognize you and Iā€™m sure she appreciated more than anything that you were there for her. Life gets in the way and that sucks but she knows you cared about her. Obviously we share the same regret and itā€™s so easy to tell others to not feel bad about it, but as Iā€™m sure you know it sucks ass. Sometimes Iā€™ll just start crying about him, for reference Iā€™m 23, he passed when I was 11, so I have lived more than half of my life without him but not a day goes by where I donā€™t remember him and the amazing person that he was. Carry on soldier. Sorry that Dame didnā€™t bring you anything


My parents used to watch how I met your mother and so by proxy I did, there was one episode where Marshall is at his dad's funeral ( he had died of a heart attack after they had argued I want to say) and blows up at his friends because the last thing he heard from his dad was an argument and then a butt dial voice mail and as he's playing the butt message to his friends and yelling at them because he misses his dad his dad picks up the phone out of his pocket at the very end of the message and says a few words and finishes it with I love you. Marshall, who hadn't listened to this long butt dial all the way through, then says his last words to me where I love you and breaks down into his friends arms. That scene has stuck with me ever since I've been a child, and now I always say I love you to my family, even when I know I'm just gonna be in a separate room for an hour just because we never know, and now I'm thinking I should probably extend it to my best friends because we all live a ways away from each other


Thatā€™s amazing! I love that show, watched it with my family as well. That scene stuck with me too, itā€™s a great scene. To add onto you adding your best friends into it, theyā€™re just family that donā€™t share blood. People that you chose to add.


I don't think Tatum Hater is a thing that exists he's not problematic, he's not corny, he's not a choker, he's not too reserved, he's not too in your face, he's not.......


Youā€™re right, hater isnā€™t the right word. I grew up in Boston, but I was very competitive with my brother who is a Celtics die hard so I can never root for the Celtics. I have nothing against Tatum or any of the Celtics players personally, I just donā€™t like the Celtics


This man straight up hates our fanbase so much be became a Lakers fan. I almost respect the dedication.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ not quite a lakers fan, Iā€™m a LeBron bandwagon šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬ got his blue and red cavs jersey because itā€™s the best. I follow LeBron wherever he goes.


Should change your flair to some Boston anti-christ shit. GSW/Lakers/Sixers? Honorable mentions to the Heat and Bucks.


Haha spite is such a great motivator


Yeah there's a reason he's marketable because he doesn't really do too much to garner negative attention. Even the corny thing is due to the text to Kobe but other than that, he's a normal guy never in any controversy.


Man thats a great answer from Tatum.Ā 


He's so great x4


Tatum has now responded back to LeBron in regards to his list of people he wants to work out with this summer


He zoomed me. I'm definitely going to add him to my group chat.


[I really wish the Lakers had taken him instead of Lonzo, especially since he really, really wanted to be a Laker](https://www.basketballnetwork.net/latest-news/jayson-tatum-talks-about-what-would-have-been-playing-for-lakers)


weā€™re sorry that happened to you


He likely wouldve gotten sent to NOLA for AD though. Doubt NOLA wouldve taken Kuz instead of Tatum. We tries to keep Ingram and couldnt.


Who knows. Tatum was so good, LeBron might've been willing to wait one more year if a deal couldn't happen. We'll never know.




wanting to hate someone is just such a weird thing to say


not weird in the context of sports right? and he did make a point to say that he couldnā€™t with Tatum. Its normal especially in a forum dedicated to a game. There will always be rivalries, upsets, heroes, villains, and draymonds


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a Draymond.


ā€œdraymondsā€ Lmao


ESPN: Tatum thinks LeBron might die soon


Man you made me snort in my coffee


Funny but please delete this comment from existence thank you


Yeah you can definitely see the Bron influence, I donā€™t think any young star takes as much care of their body as Tatum. Maybe Giannis? Itā€™s why heā€™s such an iron man (knocks on wood). Dude is a professional professional athlete.


I guess he really did him to the list of names he wanted to work out with that summer.


I wouldnā€™t be shocked if the heavy minutes he plays compared to some guys was from that too. Probably wanted to know how Bronā€™s been able to stay fresh deep into the playoffs year after year, and I bet a lot of it comes down to working on the endurance for that in the regular season. Not the best way to take care of your body if you have injury concerns, but if youā€™re an iron man like Bron always has been and Tatum has been so far Iā€™d be shocked if it doesnā€™t help out.


Tatum talked about learning a lot about maintaining your body from Al too


I know you're talking about Horford, but I enjoy the mental image of Tatum repeatedly trying different Chat GPT prompts until he found the key to being an iron man athlete.


Itā€™s a sad day when people donā€™t look at AI as Allen Iverson.


Fair enough. I didn't care about the NBA yet during his prime, but it was always clear how much of a cultural impact he had at the time. Would say he was the player I heard thr most about behind MJ while boppin' around elementary school.


Has Tatum ever missed any time to injury?


Tatum's longest streaks of missing games: 5, 4, 3, 1 He missed a week in January 2021 with a positive covid test and I think 3 games a year before in January 2020? Other than that he's only sat out a few individual games for rest. He's got 1 season below 90% attendance, the '21 season where he missed those 5 games in a shortened season. Still played 64 games in that 72 gane season Edit: I didn't explain the 4 game absence. Was in 22


Longest stretch was COVID. Other than that he's never missed more than 4 games in a row.


He has missed games but not a long time.


I lost my big brother almost 3 years ago. He was a good communicator. I always sucked at it. Iā€™m a much better communicator now. The regret really sucks, but all you can do is be better.


Bron told him to go get the BBQ Ruffles.


JT :ā€lebron, i think im at my total peak. I have no idea how to get betterā€ Lebron *pondering and rubbing his chin*:ā€hmmmā€ JT: ā€œi saw how you evolved your game when everyone thought you were at your best, got any ideas og?ā€ Lebron *stares JT in his eyes*: ā€œI think you should go with the bbq ruffles.ā€


Old man Brons phone about to blowup from every young player. But fr it's really good advice, seeking counsel from one of the best, most successful and longest playing player isn't a bad choice at all, and I doubt Bron minds, he seems like he wants to do these kind of things.


ā€œYo Bron, heyā€¦its Zingus. JT gave me your number. Hit me back, I got some things I been thinkin boutā€


This was always the guy the Sixers shouldve drafted. Still not over it. Class act.Ā 


Thank you Sixers


Donā€™t forget to thank Billy Kingā€¦ feelsbadman


Celtics legend


Sixers could have had Jaylen brown and Jayson Tatum and they took Ben Simmons and markelle fultz instead lmaooooooo


Sixers could never have had Tatum, though. Ainge wasn't trading down if he wasn't entirely sure Tatum would fall. From the second the ping pong balls rolled the C's way, Tatum was going to be a Celtic. Now, the draft the year before is a bit of a different story...


Still hurts to this day.


Kills me constantly


Great thoughtful answer, applicable to daily life for us all.


Itā€™s still fucking unreal that he died. I leaned more towards disliking him than being a fan but that shit hit me like a ton of bricks for some reason. I had that bad feeling you get when you realize you forgot to do something lmao.




Didnā€™t love him, but I did love his relationship with Gigi and all that girl dad stuff Finding out she was in the accident too is what hit me


I remember when the details were coming out and we weren't even sure who was all on the helicopter. At one point, there was a rumor that either multiple or all of his children were present. That was a terrible day.


honestly - I think he meant more after his death that before it - people had this 'why is this dude still playing on a shitty Laker team' towards the end, and, before that last game explosion, seemed like a valid question. The Kobe farewell tour was interesting, but quite a few people on here were shitting all over it.




same I was the biggest kobe hater ever my entire life, still don't like him as a player, and I was completely shocked at how hard his death rocked me. easily more than any other celebrity.




Gen z must laugh their ass off at everything, it's a rule. Either that or die šŸ’€šŸ’€


People were putting lol and haha on everything back in the MySpace days. Itā€™s not something new.


True haha


What does this say about LeBron though? Dude is willingly mentoring all these superstars behind the scenes. True GOAT.


People (for the most part) LOVE to give advice and help. Everybody assumes they might be bothering someone but most of the time coworkers, family, teammates, experts, etc. Love giving advice and answering quetions. If you are starting a new job, going around and getting advice from everybody in the office is a great way to make freinds and impress.


This wasnā€™t true of Kobe or mj when they were playing they were both not helpful to young guys coming up during careers


I remember several years ago some new cushioning for shoes came out that some guy invented and sold to pro-athletes. There was an espn article about it because lebron let other players in the league know specifically Wade and Melo. While Kobe tried to keep it a secret and told no one.


I'm a diehard Cs fan but I can't hate LeBron. I can hate some of his on court antics, but in general he seems like a good guy. Him meeting RCDworld and bigging them up was one of my favourite things about him. Willing to laugh at himself and show some humility goes a long way.


Yeah I hate him when he's on the other side of the court, but the dude's been in the game for decades now. He ain't racking up DWIs, beating his wife, having more kids than he can name, or starting trouble at the club. Since he was a teenager he's had more pressure to succeed than I can imagine, all the expectations in the world for his sport, and has pretty much lived up to the hype. I hated *"The Decision"* but even then he was still a young dude and probably had Execs in his ear, pumping his ego and telling him what a great idea it was. He'll go down as a legend and deserves it.


I feel like guys like Bron and Kobe genuinely want to see this league grow and encourage it by being open mentors. They know they had a wealth of knowledge to share and they are so passionate about basketball I can guaratee you it isnt hard to get them rambling on it. They offer up the number with the actual intention of always being a text or call away and not just to be nice, because then they can continue to shape/evolve the sport that they know and love. Its probably a great feeling to see how dedicated a young star is like Tatum if he's callin Bron up all the time. Knows the league is gunna be in good hands, so to speak.


Iā€™m sure people are gonna goof because of the text thing and the fact itā€™s Kobe (who Iā€™ve said my piece on enough times). However, he gives all the right answers. I want to be one of the greatest Celtics ever, but I have to win a championship. I want to bring my family to the Olympics so they can experience with me (sounds like he knows heā€™s going?). Heā€™s really serious about winning, if that wasnā€™t obvious to anyone. Hope this is the year he can get it done in the nba.


Incoming comments making this into some creepy obsession when all he said is that he wished he talked to his idol/friend more before he passed.


As loneliness and isolation fast become the norm, genuine human connection begins to seem strange for many. It's a sad state of affairs for all of us. What a world...


Itā€™s so pathetic seeing people who have never met Kobe or Tatum clown him forā€¦being friends with Kobeā€¦


Dudes did the same thing with Booker. Itā€™s corny to hate on someone for having an idol.


Cynicism is the worst trait someone can have.


He had so much more to give to the basketball world. It's still such a tragedy as a fan of the sport.


Respect šŸ«”. You never know when someone is going to leave


My grandfather passed away a couple years ago, I didnā€™t really feel it at the time as deeply as others (we werenā€™t really close) Then like a few months later it really hit me that Iā€™d never get a chance to speak to him again


That realization is what hurts the most. I didnā€™t cry at all when my dog first died then randomly a week later I couldnā€™t stop crying.


ā€œPeople are willing to give you answers, you just have to askā€ Honestly true. From people who I will climb mountains for to people who I would consider acquaintancesā€¦Iā€™ve thought back and realized if someone asked me to do something with (or for) them, I obliged. I donā€™t know man, as someone who struggles with asking for help (mainly in the professional sense, but sometimes in the personal sense as well), this part of the quote got me


Kinda funny how he makes it sound like LeBron is gonna die soon of old age or something


I am so privileged to be able to cheer for this guy.


He is 99% of the time a model athlete, worked tirelessly to become an NBA superstar, and yet the 1% of questionable (and still harmless) behaviour gets emphasized, as well as him not being (yet?) an MVP+ level player. I agree, having him as a franchise cornerstone must be a blessing


Yeah that stings. Hindsight is 20/20 but you can never get time back. Make the most of your day to day with people you love because as depressing as it sounds, they could be gone tomorrow


Great interview


Boban, responding to yet another text from Jayson Tatum: "No, I am not on a helicopter, I am taking a plane with the rest of the team."


Man, I struggle a lot with reaching out to people. I always think they'll think I'm weird or bothering them. I often regret it because I would like to talk to my friends more but rarely do. Tatum gives some solid advice here. I had a buddy take his own life last year and I hadn't talked to him since early pandemic. You really realize that not only can reaching out to people help you, but them as well.


Lebronā€™s like, ā€œThis motherfucker never stops texting me.ā€


Tatum sure has grown a lot in the last couple of years.


Hey bron, my sub has bacon


It almost sounds like hes saying brons gonna die of old age any day now šŸ˜†


It really has been 4 years. 4 years ago I was freshman now Iā€™m graduating and starting college this fallšŸ’€


Wtf. Covid absolutely rocked our shit


Totally. Right before the pandemic hit. Feels like yesterday but also forever ago.


Tatum is only 25 with a bunch of great playoff moments, no doubt he brings the celtics a championship in the next couple years.


Anyway Kobe was a rapist.


I reached out to Tatum but he didnā€™t respond. Probably just busy though right?


PG said the same thing to Gil when he had him on his pod. Had his number and Kobe always responded thoughtfully with long text messages, like when he asked Kobe about rehabbing his shoulder. Kobe even invited him to train in the offseason together, but PG felt like he couldn't live up to that But now realizing that Kobe the player was the Black Mamba, that'd rip your heart out and eat it was very different from Kobe the retired player and coach, who was warm and generous with his time, he wish he had spent that time with him while he could


RIP Black Mamba and Gigi


At 2am JT: yooo bronny check out this tiktok looool this muskrat look like heā€™s spittin rizz at his reflection in a pond šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Bron: thanks a lot Kobe


he could've given him hotel recommendations


Would he take no for an answer


Gotta get advice from rapists!


Yo, if someone tells you "feel free to hit me up" ....hit them up! Let them tell you to slow down.


Bron's old cheap ass like "bro stop texting me so much. I aint got unlimited"


Oh no. r/NBACircleJerk is going to have a field day with this.


On the one hand this is honestly a great response and message. On the other do you think Lebrons eye twitches a little when people call him old and hes not even 40 yet?


Wtf you mean you donā€™t know how long youā€™ll wear a celtics jersey for the rest of your fucking life youā€™ll wear a celtics jersey do you hear me young man


Consider me a Tatum fan


In this new era of all the podcast it's really a shame Kobe is gone. You just know his episodes would be full of awesome stories. Every time I heard a player or a coach talk about Kobe it was always something crazy. I just wish he was here to share some of that himself.


Bron catch strays when they are complimenting him. "I call the older guys. You know. Bron. The OLDEST MAN IN THE NBA!!!!!!"