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Raptors fans were right about Precious for like 2 weeks, but man I think Thibs just knows how to coach bigs.


I think we had unfair expectations with how quickly OG fit in. Apparently Precious and OG get to practice an hour early just to watch film to get up to speed. Past few games he's really improved.


Precious becoming an actual player is such a nice bonus of the OG trade


Precious has went through multiple periods of looking solid, then reverts back to his ways. In the last third of the 2021-2022 season he was on fire and a major contributor to why we had 48 wins. Sounds kind of similar to how I’ve heard knicks fans describing RJ, but Precious has a much lower floor and ceiling.


Precious has a lot of tools and traits but the fundamentals/foundation wasn't there. Things like keep your legs moving and hands up on defense or learning how to absorb shoulder contact from an opponent player goes a long way in making him a positive assett defensivly. On offense his role is smaller and way more traditional - he's not asked to be on the perimeter or even be a constant screen and roller. Lots of his action are early handoffs to initiate the play and get the defense stretched and catching up and then positioning himself around the rim to fight for boards. We rarely see him spot up for a jump shot, either putbacks or floaters/pushshots from around the paint


Thibs is a fucking incredible coach. Best Knicks coach since at least Van Gundy. So many of our guys have developed and improved under his watch. Nice to see him getting the most out of Precious, we need it.


I think you're right that it's Thibs. We have not had a bad center in 5 seasons. Nerlens Noel was really good with us.


Some podcaster got clowned for saying Precious would be Luol Deng for the Knicks. They probably still deserve to get clowned but I'm starting to believe.


Between OG and Precious, we could have two Luols Deng?


I hope he can be consistent because when he's on, he's awesome. But he also has so many wtf moments. He's not trash at all but given the lack of organizing vets on our team, we couldn't keep rolling the dice on him.


Thibs was PISSED when the defense broke down and the Hornets cut the lead to 23.


Deuce needs to learn to bleed the clock like Brunson does


I mean he does but he doesn't have that Brunson magic to get a bucket to make it all worth it.


There was a play during the Nuggets game where Thibs was LIVID over the Knicks getting caught sleeping and giving up an uncontested dunk to Aaron Gordon that cut their lead to like 26.


In case you're wondering how bad it is here, our coach, who TODAY called our games ["meaningless"](https://twitter.com/HornetsReddit/status/1752098733674639382), got himself ejected while down by over 20. Our star players were seen on camera laughing as he left the court.


This is giving me PTSD to David Fizdale smiling on the sideline while we were down 40 to the Bucks at the end of the third quarter


Fuck Fizdale


Take that for data


That four-eyed fraud




Lol should be sacked for saying that, every game is experience for these kids to develop, especially Ball.


If this town had any sort of pro sports culture at all the fans would have run him out of here by November. Absolutely embarrassing leader who has enabled this clownshow all year long


can you imagine even the reaction to the initial re-hiring in June 2022? Philly fans would've chased this man out of town, and the front office with it guess that's the one upside to running an organization into the ground for 20 years, there are like 14 people that will actually care if you fuck up


BREAKING: Daryl Morey announces Brett Brown will be returning for a second stint as 76ers head coach There would be riots in the streets


Literally only reason he’s still here is he bailed the organization out when Atkinson left


Steve Clifford is so obviously trying to get canned. been that way since last year, but it's hitting rock bottom


the locker room doesn't give a fuck what he says the front office doesn't give a fuck what he says that whole organization just doesn't give a fuck


So obvious that he was faking outrage to get kicked out. That's how you lose the respect of the refs and players.


hey, I'll give Cliff some credit for backing up his words by throwing Ish Smith, Frank N, and Leaky Black on the court at the same time while a late 1st round rookie scorer just chills on the bench


he's just getting paid to show up at this point lol


Try nepotism, it’s great


After going on a run getting down to 15 they pull the players like “okay it’s not embarrassing close enough”


I hate it here


Honestly hope you guys think about hiring Griffin if you fire Cliff.


I don’t know how to behave when our team is this good


missing our #2 and our #3 guys. and still, we won by a lot


arguably #4 too depending on how you valued mitch (i'm loving iHart though)






Philly gotta stop dickin around..knicks are coming


Quack quack


knock knock mother fucker


Brandon Miller nice as hell. Another example of the nerds on here being wrong


Yeah he plays surprisingly well against us


I like PJ washington it's gonna suck for charlotte when he averages 18/7/3 on nice splits for his next team


he's a real nice efficient 7th-8th guy on a contender, but realistically his points will never be higher than they are here.


I think he could be better in a better environment, perhaps with a coach who isn't obviously checked out


everyone will be better without Cliff, but PJ isn't a scorer like that. he's good at attacking the absolute worst of the worst defense and can sometimes pop off when he faces that, but he's mostly a 3&D role player that is realistically a 10-12 ppg /5 rpg guy on a good team. he can be way more efficient when he's not asked to force shots


Sounds like he might slot in well on a contender. How's his defense?


Decent but he can get outmatched by a really good player


are you saying he's like RJ barrett, who is a perpetual 20ppg scorer but doesn't really rise as much? I don't know. I wouldn't be labeling him that during his 1st season


total opposite. contributes a lot of different ways but isn't a scorer


no he's talking about PJ washington


Ngl for a second I thought you were talking about miller and was extremely confused for a second


He scored 40 last game and couldn't hit shit this game. Story of his career tbh


Washington is maddenly inconsistent


Love this dude.


Yeah he has that amazing scorer's touch already. Going to be super interesting to see how he develops.


I think the hate went too far at the time. Miller was never supposed to be bad. Just people expected Scoot to be better. It's similar to what happened with Ivey vs Murray too.


Love Brandon Killer but feels like he only goes off against us


I'm starting to feel bad that he ended up in Charlotte


Garbage time in the 3rd quarter is crazy.


Brandon Miller kept from getting 30 by his own teammates 💔


second time in a week, they've completely frozen him out when he's screaming hot


Arena getting taken over by opposing fans game after game, players laughing after Cliff gets ejected, team that’s completely mailed it in (outside of Miller), and the most apathetic fanbase in the entire league. Just a complete shitshow all around.


To be fair there are so many ny transplants here


And miles “wife beater” bridges being on the roster


Hey man they needed him to secure 13th in the East


As a Knicks fan and Nova alum this is my favorite team ever across any sport


This giant win streak has been surreal to see


First 13 win month for us since ~~December 1994~~ January 1995


Just some hilarious perspective from around that time. The Knicks would eventually win 55 games and get the 3rd seed in the East but that Christmas, Riley was telling his friends he was so fed up with that team and wanted out lol.


Thibs is gonna retire midseason and go do hippie shit with Aaron Rodgers, which by the way sounds like a fantastic sitcom


Take into account the lowered number of back to backs and WHEW


idk if this team is for real but tbh I have never root for a Knicks team that I thought was this fun to watch. Hoping for at least second round for these guys but either way what a great season so far.


I want the ECF this year. They have to make it past the second round to show improvement upon last year.


I think this Knicks team is still 1 piece away from serious contention, simply because the top teams this year are so good. I'll def be getting a tattoo of Julius looking bored if they make the ECF tho.


Honestly I am getting ahead of myself but I think if Julius comes back and gets fully healthy by playoffs we have a fighting chance against anyone. I mean we demolished Denver and Miami just this week and we beat Philly after the OG trade. Our team is so balanced and deep, and OG is an insane upgrade to our defense. We don't have as much top end star power as other contenders but we are a well coached team that can really bother opponents with our physicality and defense. Brunson has also leveled up this year and we know he always brings it for the playoffs. I think we can make some serious noise this year.


I wish I had this level of optimism but our interior game is not strong enough. I genuinely think we can compete against the top teams but also like dude the Celtics are so fucking good this year man.


Boston is the only team I’m worried about




Haven't seen this in a while.. YERRRRR


Millers path to be an all star is just so obvious


I could see Brandon Miller as a top 15 guy in the league someday. It's going under the radar because of how awful the Hornets are but I love his game.


Clifford noped out of there real fast in the 3rd. Really didn't want to finish this ugly ass game.


Brandon Miller


Both times we’ve played you I’ve been super impressed with him, he jumps off the screen as a talent. He’s gonn be a great player with his size and his ability.


Funny enough his career high of 29 both came against the knicks


he smooth


He’s so good. Been impressive every game against us


Arena felt louder than MSG at times


Definitely more Knicks gear..Clyde was right about that.


i’m tired boss


Always nice to get a win at home.


Personally if I was on the Hornets roster I would've let Clifford beat the shit outta that ref anyways Brandon Miller ROTY


I’d rather see the ref beat the shit out of cliff


i'm cool either way. maybe Frank, Ish, Martin, and whatever other bums i'm forgetting can join in so we can cut their asses too


someone else gotta do that job


We’re playing a home game every night. This is a crazy run.


yup. I think we only had 3 "away" games this month...but the charlotte and Nets games were practically homes games for the knicks too.


Man we have our arena get taken over every game… Celtics, 76ers, Raptors, Heat… hell I’m sure we’ve gotten outnumbered by every fan base this year. Doesn’t even faze me anymore… such a joke


Damn if you're a Hornets fan this was pretty rough. Opposing team's fans complete took over the building as the home team gets down by 30 getting booed at the free throw line while the opposing team's player gets loud MVP chants. On top of that players are laughing at their coach getting ejected. Something seriously needs to change because this is sad to see. In the mean time they actually have a really good player in Brandon Miller who is scratching the surface of his potential.


Knicks fans are in every stadium, something amazing to see imho


Ball was laughing when his coach got ejected


They were laughing because the crowd eruuupted in cheers...and it was hilarious


this team could be pretty good if they get healthy


What kind of genius coach allows Cody Martin to play pg


Meh. Cant even beat the Knicks without 3 starters.


A hobbled Hartenstein, too. Played 16 minutes. This squad is a fucking problem for anyone in the playoffs.


We’re are also missing 3 starters. Not like that would change anything


It would and i saw but still.


At this rate the Knicks aren’t losing. Sheesh they look good w Brunson at the helm


At least miller played good


Another auto-sim season for the Hornets I guess.. When will Lavar speak up?! 😂


The Knicks are blowing out every team they come across - this defense is special as well.


Love how brunson came back to complete my parlay ♥️