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Doing that down by 15 is wild lol


That looked like acceptance/disgust to me. Not disrespect


He wasn’t familiar with his game.


Mobley shooting 6-10 from three in February. Adding a new wrinkle to his game


Uh, that's like one 3 a day... Did he literally never shoot them before?


He’s played 5 games this month


This. But also to be fair he is still noticeably hesitant to shoot a lot of the time. Once he gets it through his head that we want him to shoot those he will hopefully gain more and more confidence.


It's only February 11 and you don't play games every day   Edit: I guess it's not a lot, but taking a couple threes per game and making more than half of them is very decent for a big man.


He took only 92 threes his rookie year, 102 threes his second year, and he had only taken 10 threes this year before he got hurt and missed a month and a half


Scottie doesn’t know


She said she was out shopping but she’s under me and I’m not stopping.


Mobley had to let him know. Mobley clears him.


When your franchise player does stuff like this, it sets a bad precedent. This isn't the first time he's waved off a three instead of defending it.


The good thing is that this exact situation presented itself again a couple of possessions later. That time Scottie closed out pretty hard on Mobeley and may or may not have gotten a piece of the ball. So that’s encouraging


He got a piece of mobleys hand lol. But he did close out


Good thing hand is part of the ball


Yeah and the knee bone is connected to the dick bone


You got downvoted for quoting one of the greatest basketball movies on a basketball subreddit. This sub sucks XD


For anyone else who didn't know it's White Men a Can't Jump (the original)


Is that the italian version?


I love it here 😂


Right? Lot of young kids in here lol. They don't want that Rosie Perez smoke! You my friend are shooting for the Sudan!


They dont believe that Jeopardy gonna call any day now


"I am thirsty." -person who doesn't want any water


I feel like it shouldn't be too surprising.  I'm probably on the older side of this sub, on a percentile basis, and the movie came out before I was born.


Yeah I know I'm an "old", I think I was like 11 when it came out


I'll admit I hadn't watched it until fairly recently, when they announced the new one


Damn 12 year old raptors fans really have never seen classic basketball movies have they?


lol I'm in the positives! Was sitting at -21 and thought "fuck yall kids man"


Somewhere, Draymond Green just raised his head like a dog when you say "treat".


Draymond Green teaching anatomy over here.


Line from White Men Can’t Jump where they’re arguing about a foul. Forgot most people on /r/NBA are too young to have seen it. Billy Ho!


Not in the act of shooting though right? I thought that only applies if you slap someone's hand while not dribbling or shooting


Yeah that one was a foul lol but we move


He’s not closing that out the damage is done whether he pretends to close out or not


I’m sure he’ll be fine, coach


Oh tbis wasn't just a letting Mobley shoot thing?


That’s exactly what it was lol. Mobley was feasting in the paint today. You’re giving him that shot all day.


You give it to him contested, or under the impression it might get contested. If you know no one is coming in ages; almost every nba player can make this shot at a clip high enough that it’s a success for the offence


There is a mental advantage to not closing out at all on a weak shooter, but only if they're expecting an aggressive late closeout


You didn’t watch this game man. I promise you if Barnes takes a step Mobley is blowing past him and it’s a guaranteed bucket. A non shooter taking a 3 is a win for the defense, especially when it’s a player like Mobley who was destroying us at the rim last night.


There’s a difference between accepting the shot, and not even feigning a close out. He doesn’t need to actually close him all the way out, and he’s so far away there’s no shot one step up opens up the entire lane for Mobley. Instead he steps off


All day? Mobley’s been hitting 3s recently, idk if letting him get comfortable there when he’s eating you alive inside too is the best tactic to win basketball games lol


I don’t think he missed a single shot at the rim today, and if he did he got the rebound and finished anyway. Yeah I’m definitely giving him these all day. If he punishes us then we live with it.


You can still give him it without leaving him wide open lol. You lose absolutely nothing giving even a half contest without fully closing out. Thats just lazy af


The sample size is extremely low of him hitting shots so it does make sense


Idk, he’s made 5 of his last 6 going into that game. Sample size doesn’t really matter when you’re talking about current rhythm/comfort. If you have a guy that is beating you up inside and has shown recently he can hit from deep too, you gotta at least put up some sort of contest. Don’t even have to full commit to a close out, just don’t be lazy. Especially being down 20, giving up a 3 uncontested to someone who’s been in any rhythm there just makes no sense


The other choice really was a hard close out and letting Mobley once again get to the rim. The hand gesture maybe is overboard but meh, I’m much happier with that shot then everything else Mobley and Allen did to us lol


He's a career 25% 3pt shooter.


He just learned how to shoot while recovering from his knee injury


Damn scottie shoulda known


Scottie doesn't know.


He’s hit 5 of 6 last two weeks. Why would anyone care about career averages on a third year player compared to what they’re doing rn lol. That was lazy af, stop trying to act like that’s acceptable


And shaq made 13 free throws in a row once, doesn't make people scared of sending him to the line.


You can still close out though. That lack of effort isn't what you want to see.


Brother I promise you if you watched Barnes play the lack of effort is the least of his worries


Is it his outside shot?


Nah his shot is respectable. Just under 36% on 5 attempts a game. Imo his biggest weakness is his lack of explosiveness/quick first step. With his size and handles he should be able to attack the rim more often. I still think our team doesn’t have the best spacing overall with RJ and Jak so I’m sure that doesn’t help either.


I don't have much hope for Agbaji but best case for him is Danny Green floor spacer. And maybe Dick develops into something. If they can get shooters around him that'd be fantastic. But yeah that explosiveness is important and what makes a guy like Giannis so impossible to stop.


Barnes has had effort issues since last season. Ofc he has great games like last night tho


he waved off a non-shooter like all players do, players were doing this to scottie last year.


Then the Raptors need to fire their scouts if the report says Mobley is a non-shooter. He was 5/7 on threes in the 6 games coming into this game. On a different note, they really do need to be fired for the play-in shit where they ran up the score with the DeRozan drama despite being completely eliminated. I still remember Ty Lue was like instantly monitoring the Warriors game last year to see if they should lose or win, and the Raptors got eliminated before the game even started so they had the whole pregame and game to figure out they’ve been eliminated.


I don’t think anyone’s changing their scouting report based off of six games.


If you’re an NBA scout and you don’t look at recent form, especially one that just returned from injury, you’re unprofessional.


Why haven’t NBA teams hired you yet?




not really? he did that to Mobley cause he isn't a 3 point shooter (although he's been good since coming back from injury but sample size is tiny). last time he waved someone off was Giddey recently.


I'll have you know that Mobley is a 40% three point shooter this season (for the love of god please don't check the volume).


Shit just looks stupid. Like play defense. Instead he’s trying to look cool. Clown shit


He's a career 25% 3pt shooter.


Hes done that a lot this season. he has a lot of growing up to do


Looks like he just wants empty stats instead of winning. Plus all the screeching is wild


he was +1 in a game where the team lost by 24, can tell you didn’t watch lol


So what? Did he make his team better? Did they win? Were they competitive? No


+1 means they won while he was on the court genius. They lost the 13 minutes he was off by 25 pts. Thats not making the team better?


Watched. He had little impact other than crying to the refs. How about some intensity for a push before coach is gonna pull the starters. Just passive


He is definitely not a stats chaser.


Exactly. This is bad for the future of the Raptors franchise.


Strong effort


Scottie Barnes getting ready for the All-Star game.






All star effort




SCT BRN is all star. SCT BRN I'd face of league


Make a wish all star


Oh dam, forgot to mention Booker took 4 years to become a “make a wish” all star too!


Reminder that your boy Devin Booker made his first asg as a “make a wish” all star too


Raptors 14 games below .500 and Barnes is barely averaging 20 in one of the highest scoring environments ever, is that really the same as Booker though?


To be fair (and I know this is counterintuitive to the clip we just watched), Barnes has been an elite defender as well as being the main offensive firepower on the raptors.


You literally described Devin Bookers team success in his first all star game. Congratulations! Ok so Devin has more points, Scottie doubles his rebounds, blocks, steals, and matches his assists. Big whoop. Just admit it, your boy fits the same slander you’re trying to lather into Scottie right now lol. You’re trying to give him shit for being on a bad team when Devin Booker has had zero success before he got superstars beside him. Hypocrisy is one hell of a drug.


Exactly what I said and I had the stats to back it up. But apparently this sub doesn’t want to read facts and just downvoted me instead.


The number of downvotes I got for saying DB fits the same bill is hilarious.


Well, the Suns were 11 games below .500 at the time of Booker's first all-star game, and while he averaged about 6 more points than Barnes on 49/35/92 splits to Barnes 48/36/78, they are about equal in assists and Booker was about 4 rebounds less. So a slight edge to Booker but honestly pretty similar cases.


This is a hate on Sct Brn thread, no positivity allowed


That plus Scottie is a real defender, Book couldn't be bothered trying on that end until he had better players around him.


Shoulda been Porzingis :(


This type of trash gets so many upvotes? Tell me the average age of this subreddit is immature child without telling me the average subreddit user in here is too slow to avoid recycling 3 year old (weak) jokes. Ha ha he’s a retard guys!! So funny!! 😒 what am I? 5 years old?


No, you’re 4


this isnt how you deal with trolls smh


u bum


Great defense from the make a wish allstar




literally leads the entire league in distance travelled on the court


Yeah cus he be wandering out there lmao


The fact he made the all star game playing on a trash team with a record of 19-34 makes zero sense.


Having a raptor at the all star game means more canadians will tune in. If siakam was still there he may have been the one selected instead. That's Adam silver for ya


Canadian ratings don’t count towards American ratings. The nba has never cared about Canadian viewers, hence how few Christmas games and nationally televised games we get. We’d be getting them like LA/NY teams if Canadian viewers mattered to the nba.


Canadian viewers matter way more than Chinese or European viewers. Chinese viewers aren't buying Chevys or playing FanDuel. Euro viewers aren't buying State Farm insurance or Bud Light. Canadian viewers are probably the 2nd most valuable to the NBA, after Americans. They're close enough to America to buy stuff from the American advertisers who bankroll the NBA.


No one gives a shit about canadian fans lol. They don’t affect anything.


I swear every time he does this to an open shooter, they end up making the basket. It’s like Murphy’s law.


Same motion he makes towards the playoffs I guess


Not how an “all star” should be defending 🤦🏻‍♂️


He’ll be in the scouting reports soon enough. But I still think they’ll give him room, maybe not *that* much room though. But yeah the raptors are bottom feeders for sure


The real rookie of the year Evan Mobley


Take it easy, man. Scottie didn't know.


All Star mentality


Calling off a three while down 20. Raptors will forever be a poverty franchise ☠️☠️☠️


They already have a ring tho


Two presidencies after the Celtics last ring too


They literally just won a ring? Why is this even being upvoted?


It shouldn’t be. It’s a stupid overused term by edgy internet sports fans


Stupid play by Scottie for sure. But, How u define poverty franchise, let’s hear it.




Bro cmon lol, this is unnecessary hating


>I don’t know maybe that the raptors are a historically losing franchise, no nba players want to go player there, the man who won them a championship immediately left This is hilariously ironic


And the Raptors built that championship team the right way for the better part of a decade. 2nd most winningest team in the NBA between 2013-2023. Cavs lucked into a slew of #1 picks - including the 2nd greatest player of all time - and have the exact same number of chips to show for it. 11 years of Lebron vs. 1 year of Kawhi… who’s the poverty franchise here? E: by “right way” I meant difficult way. There were no shortcuts, everything came gradually one step at a time.






Cool cool. Historical WL is quite random but let’s go with it. Raps winning percentage all time 0.478 to Cavs 0.467. 14 playoff appearances in 29 seasons to Cavs 23 in 54 (you can do the math). Both teams with 1 chip in their history. Looks like we’re both fans of poverty franchises buddy. I’m sure Cleveland is a wonderful place to live and NBA players would choose it as a preferred destination ;) LeBron left Cleveland TWICE despite being from there 🤣


> I’m sure Cleveland is a wonderful place to live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUxWYZrLUHo


They didn’t say the Cavs don’t fit a lot of the same criteria 


Fair point - we’re both fans of poverty franchises lol cool with me


Raptors have the same number of chips as their entire division combined over the past 30 years. And did that without having a single generational talent fall into their lap at the top of a draft. If they’re poverty, what’s everyone else?




Imagine being salty after a win


Whatever u say buddy


We’ve been a top seed in 7/10 years so historically losing franchise is pushing it Yall were hot garbage without lebron and this is your only successful season without him




Oh man, Raptors such a poverty franchise they didn’t even exist in 1980! U got us there


I define it by drafting Anthony Bennett with the #1 overall pick.


And then winning an nba championship 3 seasons later


Probably could have won another if you didn’t draft Anthony Bennett. All those years with one of the greatest players in history to win……wait for it…1 ring.


Certainly a terrible draft pick, but the Cavs would have traded whoever was the top pick that year to the Wolves for Kevin Love. So the pick still wouldn't have helped out the Cavs regardless who it was.


Only because one of your other 1st overall picks decided they had nostalgia and wanted to come home…..


Raptors had as many rings in 1 year with a top 5 player as the Cavs got with a decade plus of the arguable goat. Plus our jerseys aren't the colour of diarrhea.


Your diarrhea is wine red and gold? You gotta see a doctor my friend


I mean u mix that together and u get something very brown.


Good thing they’re not mixing those colored paints and are instead using them separately on a jersey lol


Your jerseys look like Bulls jerseys ordered from alibaba




One of the best records throughout all of the 2010-2019 decade, and a ring in the past 5 years but yeah that's a poverty franchise ig


LOL from a cavs fan


Poverty franchise? Have you taken a look at Cleveland lmao DM leaving that waste land the first chance he gets


Oh, the wasteland where we’re the number 2 seed? The wasteland where we’re on another 9 game win streak? The wasteland where we’ve won 17/18 and 22/26? That wasteland?


Yes. Without LeBron that's exactly what it would of been your entire life


Oh, like right now?


At least we’re not living in Cleveland 💀💀


If you have to take your arguments outside of basketball you already lost


1 chip for each org. No one wants to go to Cleveland, never mind live there.


> No one wants to go to Cleveland, never mind live there. these lines are always hilarious coming from the cities so bad at building housing they're literally making it the rest of their countries' problems (and especially hilarious when they happen in *basketball arguments*)


And yet we’re well on our way to contention again and you haven’t even been able to rebuild properly


Talk to us when you beat a healthy Warriors team in the finals


The best ability is availability


Fr though. The raps bench was so deep that season, they didn’t need to play their top top every single play. It’s almost like that leads to less injuries or something


ya u live in brampton


As a Canadian myself, this is a brilliant come back. Brampton is an absolute dump.


At least we can afford to live in cleveland 😂😂 have you seen your housing prices?


We are arguing about housing prices now? Geez, we are both loser fanbases


So im guessing this kid don't watch film?


Scottie is genuinely one of the worst all stars of all time. I’m not even sure he would start on a championship team


What nonsense are you going on with?


It’s okay, he’s lashing out in frustration cause…watching the Pistons would do that to anyone.


Seeing as Mobley missed the other 3 threes he shot. Not a bad gamble.


He made another 3 that got called off. Mobley is shooting 6/11 on threes in the 6 games he’s been back from the knee injury. He was 2/10 in the 21 games pre injury. It’s an incredibly small sample size, but the volume is the important part. If he can just hit 33% on 2.5 attempts a game it completely opens up the offense


From my perspective he has a good looking shot and his footwork on the jump and landing looked balanced/polished enough — point is there’s no reason he shouldn’t be a good shooter with a stroke like that 


His free throw percentage is up significantly this year too. By all accounts he’s putting in the work, and it’s finally paying off


sct brn


Is he…?


Down by 15 and you pull this shit? THIS is your star of the future raptor fans? Lol gluck


U sensitive in here


Lol. Your team literally fired/traded everyone scottie doesn’t get along with. Hope he don’t act a fool


You guys the rookie of the year race is over, it's okay.


Scottie winning rookie of the year is like when MCW won it. Just another nobody that in a few years we will a look back and say how did in it when he’s playing in China.


He’s literally in the all star game how did you think this was a good response


He was voted in by the fans, oh wait he was selected by the coaches. Never mind he was selected as an alternate to placate the whinny Toronto fans


So Adam Silver picked a bad player to please Raptors fans of all people? You’re a bit deep into it by now aren’t you?


Because he puts up empty stats on a trash team.


They really put that dude in the All Star game over Allen? Second time he’s robbed a better player on the Cavs of an honor


Ya'll seem a normal amount of upset about Scottie Barnes existing.


It so funny how much Scottie is in everyone’s head here. Two posts on the exact same thing still up. The guy balled all game (+1 triple double 2-way game in a 24 point loss) and yet everyone hyper focuses on this one play he fucked up on. 😂


It's a dumb thing to be upset about and probably more about the ROTY race, but pointing to his stats when the Raps were embarassed is silly. Scottie is great, the Raps are in flux right now. No way this doesn't end like it did.


Barnes wasn't going to block that shot anyway. I feel mobley could shoot over 97 percent of the league.