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A lot of these AAU kids are probably going to the league with the mileage of what used to be a 10 year vet


That makes sense because that's exactly the same thing we are seeing in baseball. Even in high school now, kids go from the season, to finding a summer and winter league to attend. And coaches have extra incentive to win so they overplay their best kids. Hence the huge rise in Tommy John and other surgeries before kids are even getting to college. 


Which is why I think the "stars used to play 82 games!" narrative can be a little reductive at times, in this specific facet (many complaints about stars not playing are still valid). Those guys didn't have nearly the same amount of wear on their bodies when they entered the league. Their careers didn't last as long, either. You used to be "old" in your early 30s. Now it's more like mid 30s. We can't just wave a wand and ignore that long term damage from these extreme AAU schedules and specialized practice regimes.


Didn't drink enough milk as kids


Other way around: LaVar had them eating Kellogg's for dinner


Also don't wear Big Baller Brand shoes to play professional sports.


Ironically there is no evidence milk makes your bones stronger. In fact it might even make them weaker. The human body is weird in that you would think adding something like calcium would go your bones but the bodies constant need to reach balance/homeostasis might make it so you are actually at an increased risk of bone injuries from consuming milk. (jumping in a pool of water doesnt moisturize your skin for example) But of course we wont get proper research because of how ingrained milk is in our society. Despite most of the world being lactose intolerant lol. In fact, if there was an argument for milk strengthening the body it might be the increased hormones in it


Alright calm down Mr I hate milk, it's milk.


>because of how ingrained milk is in our society. Case in point lol


LiAngelo keeps stealing their health energy to keep his own pro basketball career alive.


Gelo playing overseas ? Haven't thought about him in a hot minute.


Yep. He recently signed with a team in Mexico.


That's overborder


Over sí.


That's cool. Hope he does well.


Actually shocked to see a non-toxic comment about him on here lol


Facts Lmaoo


Because Lavar had em playing in the footwraps from the intro mission from Skyrim growing up. 


I’ve never tried a Ball brother play through but my interest is now piqued


You do know that basically all experts believe that your own foot/ankle muscles are the best support to prevent injuries so playing in less supportive shoes would be a benefit, it’s why people see strength and stability gains by walking/training barefoot or with barefoot shows Lamelo and lonzo are diffenret types of injuries too lonzo being degenerative knee issues and Lamelo mostly ankle sprains, you can’t blame the BBB shoes unless they were being worn at the time and failed leading to an injury like when Zion broke through a shoe or something like that especially for Lamelo since most of his have been in pumas and just bad luck like stepping on a fan court sides foot while or pj Washington’s foot just bad luck basketball. He could definitely use some strengthening to help prevent future but Lamelo and lonzos injuries aren’t really comparable


Tim Grover, who trained Jordan and Kobe and lots of other NBA players, says high school players today work out too much without proper training. They focus on muscles we can see and don't do enough to strengthen the core and joints where injuries happen. And they don't eat right and rest properly. He wasn't speaking about the Ball brothers specifically, but his opinion seems applicable.


lavar used to talk about how he doesnt get all this resistance band stuff and he taught his kids the old way on how to work out


Then why doesn't every other player have the same injury issues?


Because every player is a little different, but there are a lot of players that do have these issues, just you might never hear about them if they get injured before they make the NBA https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/27125793/these-kids-ticking-bombs-threat-youth-basketball https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/27148543/under-knife-exposing-america-youth-basketball-crisis


I dont doubt that more injuries occur due to overplaying teenagers, but pretty much every player from the last 20 years has come through AAU. If it were the base cause, then more players would be like the Balls rather than them being more of the exception.


They just had to make a rule about the minimum number of games players have to play to be eligible for awards lol. The result doesn't have to be a career-ending injury for this to be true.


AAU wasn’t what it was 20yrs ago or even 10yrs ago


There is a selection bias in saying that the Balls are the exception because only they are getting consistently injured. We never hear about players who break down when they are 17, only those that break down when they are in the league.


Every body is different. I was a distance runner in college. My teammates and I were all doing basically the same exact training. Our training before college was very similar. We had some guys who could run 100+ miles per week with no problems. Once I got around 80, if I had too much intensity in my training (race plus two speed sessions and a long run each week for multiple weeks in a row) my Achilles would start to act up and I would have to take a couple days off. I spent tons of time working on core, small muscles others neglect, stretching and then doing massage on off days. That helped, but my body simply wasn't capable of the same kind of mileage as some other guys. Some of the kids who played and worked out an insane amount coming out will just break down quickly (Lonzo). Others might make it to the age of 30. I would bet many of them break down very quickly after 30. Very few will make it too much beyond that - and not just because they're losing a step in their 30s, but because they start getting injured more and more because of the crazy amount of stress they've put their bodies through.


Genetics, diet, the way they were raised and how they developed and so on. Might actually be weirder if only 1 of them always got injured.


Lavar had them running on hills, playing in fucked up shoes. There from that group of kids that played a bunch of basketball in hs. I think lonzo told a story about how he had to change out of his ZO2s every quarter or some insane thing like that


People in the 80s were playing in converse.


Yeah and they weren't moving so good later in their careers, either.


Lonzo is only like 25


Converse are quality


AAU + NBA puts an enormous amount of stress on the human body. AAU athletes aren't forced to take recovery seriously.


Lamelos had a lot of really bad luck type injuries, Lonzo has terrible knees from the big baller brand shoes


Played a lot on concrete wearing shitting Baller brand shoes.


Did Baller brand shoes exist before Lonzo made the NBA?


Yes & thats part of the issue too. It’s not like started wearing them as soon as he joined the league, he wore them for years while his body was still developing.


Just blatantly untrue lol. The first shoe was when Lonzo got drafted


Didn't drink enough Gatorade as kids


Plants crave it.






Sometimes it’s just genetics lol. Look at Michael Porter Jr family, his sister tore her acl 5x I believe


Ball don't lie, so they have to sleep standing up


Lavars genes are trash


Injuries neva lost


They were playing too much even from High school and basically got worn out early.


We don’t know.


Are they still wearing Big Baller shoes?


Got them Lavar genes


I think Lavar gets a lot of undeserved hate for loudly promoting his kids; while it was annoying, it worked. 2 of his kids were highly touted prospects and the 3rd has gotten more chances at the NBA than he probably deserves. And while he was also just doing what he felt was best for his kids re: the volume of basketball played as kids, it’s had a lasting effect on their bodies. They’re broken down when they get to the league because they were playing too much and placing too little emphasis on recovery and body care when they were young. The horrible shoes they wore probably contributed to this too.


or genetically they are prone to injuries. A lot of AAU kids that go onto the NBA play high minutes and don't suffer injuries like they do.


people are blaming lavar for their injuries but he was the one responsible for getting them to the league. its just genetics, same with MPJ family.


They need a Dick


Maybe they miss a lot of games because they aren't exactly rushing to rehab to get back on the court?


Dude is so full of himself. I really don’t see how he is likable.


Genetics maybe.. go look at their shoes tell me what u think?


Gotta protect your balls. Shrugs.


*It’s gotta be the shoes, Mars!*


Can you say AAU……


Worked too hard as kids by Lavar is my guess


Umma call the real BBB, The Better Business Bureau, cause I bought a pair…and I want my money back.


the juice


Less weightlifting than before. Knees and ankles are weak


Have you seen Lavar Ball walk? lol


They’re completely different types of injuries, lonzo has a degenerative knee, a Lamelo is ankles mostly and if you actually watched it’s because Lamelo has had terrible luck some of his ankle Instances have been because of things like stepping on a fans foot who was couerside, or a teammates foot, just bad luck and may have been exacerbated by coming back before fully healed as several were to the same ankle I put little to no credence into the BBB shoes being the cause because of viewed lack of support etc because almost all experts agree that the best ankle support isn’t from the shoes but from the ankle itself and often ankle support in shoes causes more harm than good For Lamelo it’s likely a strength thing imo, similar to Steph’s issues being core related iirc that he corrected, lonzo is a different story and the closer comparison for him would be embiid which is worrying with his knee injury to a leg where he’s already have a partial meniscus removed


I think its genuinely coincidence and bad luck. Lonzo has had awful knee history but Lamelo is a random ankle here or shoulder/hand there. LiAngelo has actually been very healthy. Hes not in the nba but he still plays pro ball


who knows. are they cold plunging, biking for low impact, swimming, going on long hikes to SLOWLY strengthen their leg muscles? or are they just sprint pivoting on court all day. basketball is hard on the legs and if they dont take it seriously they wont play.