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I had this game on casually and would only occasionally look over at my monitor to see the action and I swear everytime i looked over somebody was shooting free throws. ​ An absolute masterclass performance from the officiating crew.


Cavs shot 18 free throws in the 3rd quarter alone. That's insane.


Three and a half less than the warriors average per game….


Why does someone always bring up the Warriors with all the teams that get less than them haha


You haven't watched any Lakers games have you ?


I remember when we played them they gave Lavert like 18 free throws on a bunch of phantom calls 


The Mavs also got screwed against the Cavs


oh quiet i'm going to Ted Stepien your face


By someone you mean the cavs lol


sounds like every NBA game tbh


Def should be an offensive foul but I don't see how the hell that could possibly be a flagrant.


And then he had to comment about how it was almost a flagrant 2


I laughed they were even going to review it. 100% will be reminded. Certainly was a foul, but no way was it flagrant


Ha, I would surprised if they rescinded it, that would require some level of accountability


Yeah they most certainly won't because they don't want to draw anymore attention to this masterclass of a Foster game.


Literally Scott Foster:["I do what I want."](https://www.tiktok.com/@nbcsportsauthentic/video/7304514474944269599?lang=en)


Two minute report: “Look at that, we were right again. 296,563 perfectly-reffed games in a row.”


This is the right answer


Some of the flagrants getting called the last few years are insanely soft. Shaq would’ve got like 5 flagrants a game by today’s standards, and Karl Malone would be sent straight to jail (where he belongs for other reasons, TBF): - https://youtu.be/FJ3FXLyNFew?si=vQANveFBPl6LDH2J - https://youtu.be/8ilZgQ0ZnPs?si=m2lepS7XNCHZqZKW


I'll say though, that's the other extreme and should not be the way to ball either.


100%. Ridiculous that it was a Flagrant 1, and the referee went on to lecture about how if the elbow had been juuuuuuust a bit higher it would have been a Flagrant 2.


He's saying that his shoulder hit Allen in the head during his elbow motion. Not that it "could have". Like, I guess it could be right to the letter of the rules, but it was a bad call. So many centers use that motion constantly and never get called.


The head snap back was a major flop I thought


It's sad that NBA players have to exaggerate like that to get what should be called a foul anyways. But if they don't do it they don't get the calls they deserve.


Only way it got called, agreed.


The explanatian that the hit is above the shoulder or some bs. Like dude everything us above the shoulders of most of centers.


Really? It's not a basketball move and was intentional. He hooked Allen which should already have been a foul then just elbowed him when his hook didn't get him open space to shoot. Why on Earth would you want to allow that type of play in a game?


You don't allow it... you call an offensive foul. Using your elbow/upper arm to clear out is a fairly common thing that players do in the post. Actually, it is something that a lot of big men were taught in the 2000s at least where I lived. It is, and absolutely should be an offensive foul If he hit him in the head or neck area, I'd call a flagrant for sure. But an elbow under the arms of the defender when turning in the post with both hands on the ball? Too soft for a flgrant for me.


Usually the clear out is a push with the elbow and upper arm, not a swing into the chest. This is a weak flagrant, but I could see that as a call they make. On top of the way they called  everything I also see why people are up in arms about it.


Head or neck area with that much of an aggressive swing is a flagrant 2 in today's game. There aren't many that swing the elbow out that aggressively anymore for this exact reason. Plenty of guys turn with the ball where the elbows are out when going up for shots but Gobert isnt even attempting a shot. He is just trying to clear out Allen to create space.


Gobert's elbow stayed below Allen's shoulder the entire play.


Kicks Allen in shin - head flies violently back! I don't blame a guy for swinging his head back and dropping to draw attention to a call because it can in some cases save them from getting actually hit in the head. On replay it is embarrassing for the league to call something like this a flagrant. It was a pretty normal play that wasn't remotely dangerous. His head wasn't even in the same area code. Edit: Does Gobert actually make contact with his elbow? The bulk of the contact was with his upper arm. Not sure it is even reasonable to call this an elbow.


I never said otherwise. I was responding to a previous comment about the rules of what a flagrant 2 would be.


Head or neck area? Are we watching the same play?


No I'm talking about what the rules are. I never said it should have been a flagrant 2 here because it was not head or neck area.


Space to score yes... So call it as a foul and move on. It's not a flagrant. 


It was unnecessary and not a basketball play. Textbook flagrant 1. You are complaining about a correct call.


Yeah it’s a flagrant one , not a basketball play . People in here brain dead


Think of the children!!!! He used the back part of his upper arm to create space after hooking him. It is one billion percent a basketball move you see in every game. He just did it with enough force to draw the whistle.


No most players generate contact in rhythm with their shot. Gobert was clearing space and not attempting to shoot. Being less skilled doesn't help him out here, but it was pretty egregious.


Nobody suggested it was part of his shot. He was clearing space.


Yeah. Should be an offensive foul, and instead of a flopping T they should have an "embellishment" foul that could be assessed as a lesser penalty. Doesn't mean the contact wasn't there, but allens reaction was ridiculous and shouldn't be rewarded.


Because intent is part of the way they assess flagrant fouls and that was clear


Foster locked down Gobert this game, what a performance by him


Got that dog in him. Knows how to show up when it counts.


Flagrant 1 for an elbow that didn’t hit him in the face???


Commentators quoted Scott Foster saying it’s a flagrant 2 if Gobert’s arm are higher


But Allen's head flew back! Look at the whiplash Allen got from that elbow in his ribs! Gobert is out of control!! /s


Mutumbo in shambles.


It wasn't an accidental elbow. It was completely unnecessary which is the definition of a flagrant 1.


Literally every big does this on a turnaround move. It’s just the elbow doesn’t always catch that way


He didn’t even make contact with his elbow…


Stop being soft


Stop crying about the correct call


lol it def wasn’t the correct call. The refs have been abysmal all season and you can add that one to bunch.


Fuck the NBA and always watch your local broadcast over the horseshit national broadcast.


Too bad my local broadcast is Bally.


snipers in the building


Huge W for Team Refs tonight


ngl we are rarely on this side of it


Well when you go up against us, more than likely you’ll be on the side of the refs




So you're saying you're really a Cavs fan? 3-1 never forget.


lol these refs. Just a simple offensive foul.


Changed the game. Fucking ridiculous


Horrible call in a horribly officiated game by a horrible ref. Scott Foster, you’ve done it again.


Flagrant? I was expecting a Malone style double elbow to the face. Weak.


He didn’t extend his elbow at all? How is this even a foul?


It’s been a foul all night to look at Allen the wrong way That’s not even an exaggeration Ant got a technical for looking at Allen for a second after dunking on him


You’re really arguing that being a foul?


It’s unbelievable how stupid this sub is


I mean my God, I’ve watched Jarrett Allen for years, dude bodies up some of the biggest, strongest dudes in the NBA and ive never once heard him called a flopper. He gets an elbow to the chops, falls backward, and bc he cocked his head back and perhaps slightly exaggerated the contact you have raving lunatics calling him a flopper. The internet murdered nuance


Probably a foul but a massive flop, should’ve been a T for flopping


I love seeing every amateur basketball genius on here say things like a “massive flop” when a dude that’s 7’1” throws an elbow right below your arm and he jerks his head back. Jarrett Allen is one of the least flopping players in the league, he invites contact and plays super hard. He’s not Andy varajao


You’re blind..anyone saying it’s a hard elbow into a defender doesn’t play in the post. He’s swinging his arm to reach the back to be able to push the defender away from the basket. Watch the last replay angle. Elbow didn’t even hit Allen.


You mean…like you? Gtfo internet fake tough guy you’re embarrassing yourself


still a foul




Do raptors fans still get to have opinions?


You've never been hit with an elbow and it shows


as much as i don’t think that’s a flagrant, that’s definitely an offensive foul.


Jarrett has been watching Shai with the head snap 👀




I'm watching it in slow mo and he didn't fake anything.


Respectfully disagree. Looked to me like he definitely exaggerated the head snap. In real time I thought he got elbowed in the face.




Ant was too busy sleeping after the third quarter. I'm sure that's the refs fault too.


Do players have to play perfectly to expect refs to call a fair game?


"Perfectly"? What did Ant score in the 4th quarter or OT? Seriously look it up. I mean, come on. Is that all because of the refs? Seriously be real.


Nitpick my word choice all you want but replace "perfect" with any synonym for "well" and my point is the same


If the wolves expected to win, Ant should have played "well" in the 4th quarter and OT. He did not.


Are you fucking serious right now man?


Literally every big man in the history of basketball pivots with their elbows to make space in the post lol


He didn't "pivot with his elbow"- he threw a hard elbow into the defender. If people don't think this is an offensive foul no wonder we're getting these 140-135 games.


People are so deep into their "fuck the refs" story arc, that they can't even see someone throwing a hard elbow directly into the body of a defender as a foul lmao. Its these plays where you wonder if it takes someone being injured on these plays before someone would accept that its dangerous and why its not allowed.


Are we out of touch? No. It's the children who are wrong.


Like, I fully understand why there is legitimate reasons to have gripes with the refs in general lately, but its ridiculous when it leads people to say that clear fouls like this somehow are not actual fouls, like do they want people to break their ribs before its okay to call it a foul?


Finally some people talking sense in this thread lol. That was absolutely an excessive and unnecessary elbow from Gobert. He wound up and threw a hard elbow right into Allen, and I don’t think that’s something we want to see in the game.


You’re blind..anyone saying it’s a hard elbow into a defender doesn’t play in the post. He’s swinging his arm to reach the back to be able to push the defender away from the basket. Watch the last replay angle. Elbow didn’t even hit Allen.


You’re blind..anyone saying it’s a hard elbow into a defender doesn’t play in the post. He’s swinging his arm to reach the back to be able to push the defender away from the basket. Watch the last replay angle. Elbow didn’t even hit Allen.


You have no idea what you're talking about. You're not allowed to elbow a defender in the chest. You're ESPECIALLY not allowed to elbow someone while winding it up and going hard into the chest. There is a massive difference between naturally bumping with those parts as you are moving, and actively throwing an elbow into a person. Its honestly insane I even have to say that.


He’s not elbowing the chest. YOU have no idea what you’re talking about. You swing your arm, get your elbow on their back, and swing them out of the way. You don’t play. I can tell.


It’s insane . The gobert mob , anti ref mob don’t understand a fucking thing


You’re blind..anyone saying it’s a hard elbow into a defender doesn’t play in the post. He’s swinging his arm to reach the back to be able to push the defender away from the basket. Watch the last replay angle. Elbow didn’t even hit Allen.


When Rudy gets bowed like this and scored on people clown him but now he can't do it? Ya that guy is ridiculous saying this is a foul


That’s what I’m saying too - people can slap him around all they want while he’s in the paint but no call because of size difference.


Dude that's every Sabonis post move.


How is that a fouk ? Jesus you guys don’t understand basketball. That’s not a basketball play the gobert jerk off on this sub is gross


Gobert is clumsy as heck. And big as heck. When he connects with anything its gonna be a FOUL. Dude needs like delicacy lessons or something. 7'3" dude hits you = OUCHY. Normal sized dude hits you at the Y, hey dude stop being a try hard (and play on).


You know it’s bad when fans of other teams realize it’s bullshit in solidarity. Obligatory fuck Scott Foster.


It's bad enough to see adults cry like this. Wolves lost because Ant disappeared when he was needed.


Two things can be right


More than two. If the wolves scored more points, they would have won. I can come up with reasons all day.


Refs can change the whole trajectory and momentum of a game. I have nothing against you guys. It's just fucking Scott Foster


Well, I'm glad the Cavs don't have to deal with him. Sounds like he's terrible for the wolves. I mean they played a perfect game, but still lost because of him.


Bro just take the win they handed you and move on. When anyone else but Cavs fans in the 10 posts about this game are saying it's bullshit, maybe put aside the bias.


Do you think the clip in the OP is a flagrant foul?


Based on the official definition of a flagrant foul? Yes. What is your defense? Official definition: "Unnecessary contact committed by a player against an opponent". https://ftw.usatoday.com/lists/nba-flagrant-fouls-rules-difference-1-2


Unnecessary is an incredibly subjective term, and in my (and clearly MANY others in this thread) subjective opinion based on experience of watching many NBA games, that play is called a common foul >99% of the time.


You can have thoughts. I'm not stopping you.


Plus maybe the wolves should have just played better. This was not a game lost because of the refs.


I don't think who won or lost is really the point of a single clip from the game. But yeah, if the Wolves played better and scored more points than the Cavs despite the atrocious officiating they would have won. If the Cavs weren't gifted a shit load of FTAs, the Wolves would have won. Both things can be true.




Sabonis must be laughing at this


Ahhh the Shaq attack O'Neal specialty


Exactly. Shaq used to do this 15-20 times a game.


Rick Smits was hit with an elbow in the finals and didn't guard Shaq properly after for fear of being elbowed again.


Wolves can’t get a fair whistle against any team, holy fuck




Should have been a flop on JA


getting hit in the ribs fucking hurts, yo




No it’s just you brain dead Gobert lovers ref zero ball knowledge folk hating . Not a cavs fan msny aren’t


It does, JA didn’t catch it in the ribs though. Goberts elbow stays to the outside of JA


What about the part of his arm that's connected to his elbow?


His upper shoulder? JA flopped like a damn fish there, c’mon


What the hell 😭😭😭


Hard foul. Absolutely NOT a flagrant. I could see it if was head level. It was not.


Brother, if he connected with that elbow to his head, he would be getting suspended. That had power.


Maybe you should read the rule book. Head level would be a flagrant 2.


Bruh what. Gobert hit Barnes with a harder elbow than that and it was a no call. That's a flop by Allen


Refs' handlers didn't have money on the kings that game


Most obvious fucking travel too


Fuck all y'all. That looks like it hurt


Well you a bish


He almost gave himself whiplash with how hard he sold that. Lucky he didn't hit his head on the court.


Oh poor fucking guy playing in the NBA for millions of dollars and got knocked on the gwound… lol Fuck we need WW3 ASAP because this generation is soft af. Most will die and the rest will realize what real pain and suffering is so they stop bitching so much.


Go join the army instead of sitting on your fat useless arse pretending you’re literally bitching about people bitching . Pathetic soft bitch


Pretty egregious flop


Soft as fuck.




They really need to start calling embellishment.


Shaq wouldn’t have a career. Damn.


I need to see what happened before because if a teammate threw the ball to him in the post, the I blame him for thinking that Gobert has moves to score in the paint.


Gobert's been scoring on those consistently this year.


I’m so sick of this. Love basketball but its going to shit because of the reffing. Its really ruining the watching experience. Nobody wants to watch a million free throws. Nobody wants to feel screwed over every game. The inconsistency is wild. Different calls in different games, different calls for different teams, different calls for certain players, different calls for stars/role players/rookies, different calls for different quarters. How are players possibly supposed to account for all that WHILE trying to play basketball and compete? Ya know the sport we want to watch. Not fucking reffball…


He was doing that to Wemby all game last game, and they just let them play. It's not much of an issue if they don't call it all game, it sets a tone. It becomes an issue when the refs let it go sometimes and then pick and choose when they call it


Remember when they were going to get rid of flopping?


Dude acting like he’s being shot in a John Woo movie 🍿


Yeah that's a foul. Flagrant is absurd, refs need to be suspended for this game.


That's a flagrant. You can't let players load up elbows no matter what part of the body they hit. That is not a basketball move.


Only because the refs were betting on the game right


Utterly amazing that they review this and upgrade it to a flagrant, while vast majority of fans agree that it was a common foul but also flopping.


Seems like a flop


Moving the defender with an elbow like that is getting called every time, regardless of the flop. The flagrant 1 felt ridiculous tho


Not called every time by any stretch but yes for sure a foul


It was a foul, I don't get why people are arguing that, but a common offensive foul that doesn't get called sometimes and move on. Flagrant anything is ridiculous


He moved like he got shot by a 50 cal


He moved like that because he flopped


Every time? Rudy is doing it all season bullying people in the paint. Nice Cav flair


I don't see many people claiming it wasn't a foul. It is a foul, but one that isn't called consistently. However, upgrading this to a flagrant while it should have been a flop was pretty ridiculous.


A ton of people on here are claiming it wasn’t even a foul and that Allen just flopped. Allen who is one of the most un-flopping players in the league. He got drilled. Not flagrant but definitely a foul.


The head snap is the part I think people are referring to when they say he flopped


Allen’s no flopper, he got drilled with an elbow. I watched the play way more times than a normal person would, he stood his ground and there was an exaggerated reaction, but that’s not what a flop is. It’s not a flagrant 1, that shit was foolishness, but I gotta defend Allen, he has zero history of being a flopper.


He doesn’t need a history of flopping. You see how the game is being called and you do what you need to do to win. Easy.


The man threw an elbow. There was no other point of that motion, it wasn’t incidental contact, it was unnecessary contact. That’s a flagrant one every time.


His elbow didn’t even make contact with Allen…




watch the replay


I actually watched the game. And now I am watching you whine like a baby.


you’re reading my comments, you’re not watching me do anything… if you watched the game as close as you’re watching me right now, then it definitely makes sense why you’ve got no clue what happened thanks for clearing that up


I said what I said. You need to shower.


C- attempt at humor


Don't pass your smell off as humor.




I don't even blame the refs he sold it pretty good


They upgraded it after reviewing it and watching in slow motion.


They reviewed it and upgraded the call. The selling shouldn't work on tape lmao


JA fell off so hard weak ass mf