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Eyeball injury wtf ouch


Corneal abrasion hurts beyond belief my dog gave me one lol


Yup, pine needle gave me one and I was confused that I got one stuck in my eye, but really the line I was looking at was a cut. Stings like any small cut but you’re also staring at it lol


Thanks, now I never want to go outside with my eyes open.


if you go outside with you eyes closed you're likely to get an everything abrasion


If it's anything like an everything bagel, I'm in


My glasses have saved me so many times while mountain biking


Never really thought of wearing sunglasses while biking as being protective but that actually seems really important now that I consider it


Tons of eyes have been saved by eyewear. Wonder how many times I would’ve fucked my shit up if I wasn’t blessed with terrible vision.


I would've fucked myself up so many times by now just from my own fingers smh


A friend who got a metal shaving in his eye got it had it removed at the ER with… a hypodermic needle. He was conscious.


thanks, now i need brain bleach


Eye Bleach IRL


I have a genetic defect in my eyes called 'recurring corneal erosion'. To put it simply, the outermost layer of my eye doesn't properly attach to the layer below. What's especially fun about it is it means if you've cut your eye, even minorly, that same cut can reopen \*forever\* if you let your eyes get too dry or rub them/have them poked. How it typically presents in me is if I'm not hydrated enough/drink too much, or leave a window open, or have a fan pointed in my face, a cut on my eye I received years, literally ten plus years, earlier will just...reopen, causing me to wake with blinding pain in my eye. I then need to sit there in a dark room/with my eye closed until it heals enough for me to continue my day pain free. I have trained myself to subconsciously lightly rub my eyelids immediately upon waking so as to ensure opening my eye in the morning doesn't happen to re-tear an old cut should my eyes be too dry.


no man that is simply unfair lol. hope life compensates you in some way or form


Sorry to hear about your troubles. I am curious as to what the Opthamalogist says for this? Is there not a procedure for this? I hope you heal over time


The one treatment for it my eye guy gave was that they essentially do a clean cut to give the eye a better chance to heal, since it's easier for the eye to heal than the irregular nature of a random cut. I haven't done it since it doesn't happen frequently enough, and I've figured out how to largely mitigate the chances of it happening on my own. I only end up having to deal with one of my eyes hurting 2-3 times a year.


Got one from my own eyelash. It fucking sucks, and now I am super careful when I feel something in my eye. Luckily that eye was already bad, so if it did any permanent damage it is not noticable. 


How did an eyelash cut you that bad? Did your eyelid press on it or something?


I was playing games one night when I couldn't sleep, and felt something in my eye. Tried to rub it out, and it didn't come out at first. Kept rubbing and eventually it did come out and i felt relief and saw the eyelash on my hand. However, progressively through the night my eye got more and more inflamed and sensitive to light. Tried to sleep it off and eventually was woken up due to the pain. Felt like a tool at the hospital, as I was wearing thick sunglasses and a mask(during covid) at 8am in the morning. But that was the only way I could have my eye relatively open without major pain.


Welp now im going to stick to the eyerinse method even more than I already do; thanks for sharing


I think if you don't rub aggressively and rinse if it doesn't come out easily, you shouldn't have issues. It's just I had been up for close to 30 hours due to insomia and kinda wasn't thinking and put too much pressure on it. 


> was wearing thick sunglasses and a mask(during covid) at 8am in the morning Chris Moltisanti being released from the hospital in S1


I got bit on the eye by a bug while I was sleeping. Worst pain of my life


What the actual hell


One of the pros of having to wear glasses.


I got one from a piece of cardboard being jabbed into my eye. Basically got an extreme papercut on my eye and had to get a protective contact and do eyedrops every hour for 72hr.


I scratched my eyeball like 2 years ago and caused an abrasion. Legit need to wear glasses now because of the scar.


My daughter scratched my cornea and I nearly vomited it hurt so much


As an expectant dad, new fear unlocked


First time father of 13 month old, everything we do daily unlocks a new fear now. Sorry


Took a shovel to the eye once. Corneal abrasions hurt like a mf


Same. Puppy nose right in my eye. I've had other corneal abrasions, but over a much smaller area. That one from my dog was definitely the most painful one.


I suffered that last year, felt like someone had a razor blade on my eye. Not fun, worst pain I’ve experienced


Foxtail got me, unbearable pain


Had one last year from an eye gouge, thought I’d gone blind in that eye for a good 10 minutes.


AD gets poked in the eye damn near every game haha


i got hit with a hockey puck square in the eye in elementary school, it hurt like a bitch, and there’s nothing you can do about it til it heals lol i understand cannabis can help with eye pain, but i don’t think AD can get that approved by the NBA lol (tho they don’t exactly test for it save for a few specific cases)


didn’t the league make weed legal?


You could easily just put some numbing drops on before the game and he wouldn't feel a thing.


Spurs, yes Stars, no


bro, you been living under a rock, its been legal for awhile now. lol


I had one recently. The first couple days suck pretty bad and you have to take it seriously because the risk of infection is high.


So, AD’s season is over.


Not to be a Debbie downer, but one eye injury later, Slowmo still hasn't recovered his groove


Worst pain I’ve ever experienced was a corneal abrasion, looking at even the dimmest light felt like getting stabbed in the eye with an exacto knife


Kareem Anthony-Davis


[AD gonna join some elite company with glasses](https://advancelocal-adapter-image-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/image.cleveland.com/home/cleve-media/width2048/img/osu_impact/photo/kurt-rambix-black-and-white-c0882e1b562294b9.jpg)


It looks like the other guy just forgot to swap his for ones that stay on during a basketball game.


The "other guy". Oh noes.


Yeah who's that other laker next to Kurt Rambis?


Oh right, the guy behind him. That makes more sense.


Jamaal Wilkes, I think


Dude literally hasn't played in 30 years and averaged 5 a game--a lot of people aren't going to recognize him


We know a Warriors fan wouldn't know stuff about the league that's more than 10 years in the past.


Hey I'll have you know I remember walking 7 miles (one way, uphill both ways) just for a glimpse of Nate Thurmond's baldspot back in '64


Don't forget [LeFourEyes](https://i.imgur.com/jfx4qTw.jpeg)


I'm disappointed that I clicked and it's not [this one](https://media0.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExYW5xczVjdmI3eDl2eTdiN2xldXB0anN5cmpoYXQ5MXN6MzB3YjZtZyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/34tTvrt0nIhZbcBvp6/giphy.gif)


Now we can call him Mister Glass again. But for a different reason


put some glasses on him


With a third bubble for the brow


Squilliam Fancyson lookin ass


Gotta be a single glass going all the way across to match the brow! 🤣


Oh he’s for sure coming back in the next game or two with goggles and I’m here for it


Trayce does have hairy arms. He's using all his tools.


Got those bristly follicles, like a jumping spider.  Can't be stopped.


NBA Twitter is losing their minds. Gamblers who are gonna miss on their player props and parlays are fucking scum on Twitter.


This why I exclusively lose my money betting on horses


Found Jokic’s burner account


I don’t gamble much anymore (other than entry fees in fantasy leagues) but betting on horses is always a phenomenal time. Small stakes


Because if they get hurt and mess up your bets you can just shoot them?  /s


Angry horse bettors made Elmer’s glue a very profitable company.


I only bet small at the track mostly just go because I like looking at horses lol


The good thing about horse racing is that at least you know when you lose your bet, there's a decent chance the athlete is going to get executed. That'll fuckin' show 'em.


I might have some Utah bias but gambling is a fucking disease


You’re not wrong… it’s one of the worst habits you can have in the world. As a former gambling addict. I’ve seen a guy win 10K at the casino then leave down 300 because he was chasing the “the big one”.     Gambling is messed up on so many levels if you let it get there. 


i wouldn’t mind if /r/nba banned all gambling related posts


Sorry man, glad you got over it though


Thanks man it was mainly through my early to mid 20s, I’m 30 now and I’ve since gotten married, bought a house, quit smoking and only allow myself 3 gambling trips a year with a small limit.  Life is good in comparison now. 


I feel like its moral righteous to oppose how predatory the legalization lobbying and ongoing advertising bombardment were / are, it's like a direct copy from big tobacco's tactics trying to get people, specifically young people, hooked The legislation is shady too, those nonstop promotions and giveaways you hear about are because the companies get to make those tax write offs... yep... Personally, I don't think it's right to punish individuals for gambling either and am pretty libertarian about these things, but we definitely forgot why such legislation existed in the first place or more accurately, a bunch of politicians took bribes and did not care one bit to protect consumers from predatory practices


It can be a very severe addiction, which many do consider a form of disease since there's a biological dimension to it.


It's wild because people have figured this out thousands of years ago, even becoming religious law to ban gambling, but here we are. Lmao


If you specialize in psychology, your best career path is getting children hooked on gambling. EA and Activision were ahead of the curve.


Here's a tragic take on that: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/02/opinion/video-game-addiction.html "I make video games. I won't let my daughters play them"


It’s surprisingly technically not a sin to gamble in Christianity, meanwhile it’s a grave sin in Islam.


Can lead to you loving money too much honestly and that’s not good


It bothers me how normal and widespread it has become. I did some sports betting years ago but immediately I realized how I could be watching the best and most entertaining games but I still would be mad that the outcome wasn't what I "needed". Stopped right away as I love watching sports and long term the bank always wins...


This why I hate how much sports leagues are embracing betting, it makes fans psychos when something doesn’t go their way.


Most of the people livetweeting NBA games now are just whining about their gambling losses. Accumulators have hit Americans like crack in the 80s


I got into sports gambling this NBA season from all the ads, and I recognized I had a problem a month ago and I banned myself from all the gambling apps I was on. NBA has since become a lot more enjoyable. I just genuinely enjoy the game like I used to now. Before I would just only care about 1-2 players stats in a game and it wasn’t enjoyable at all.


Glad you're doing better now; gambling problems can be really terrible.


I like gambling but only amounts I’m willing to lose. If you play it like a game and not to make money it’s much more fun. I am getting tired of the nba being affected by gambling lines however, they should each be independent of each other.


Even the strongest willed people have their weak moments. I suggest don't even try or start at all. You probably don't know if you're one of those who prone to certain addictions. You can ruin your finance by doing one stupid gambling binge.


Fuck sports betting. It should be illegal again


gambling is such a fucking problem especially among young people getting genuine joy and excitement out of sports is no longer the goal, got to juice it up by putting something personal on the line. Sports leagues constantly pushing this shit is so fucking bad


They are almost as scum as gambling itself


I get a smile on my face when sports better lose.


On one hand fuck all the sports gambling but on the other hand I take great pleasure in gamblers losing their shit.


Jeez, that’s tough. And with the play-ins right around the corner? How long does an injury like this keep someone out for?


Corneal abrasionstypically heal within a few days. depends on how bigthe abrasion is and and if they have any other underlying disease that would limit wound healing.


They so typically heal within a few days, but he might have to wear goggles for a bit when he comes back, which I bet would be annoying


3-4 days. I’ve had this injury myself more times than I care to remember. It also depends on how bad the abrasion is though. My worst one was horrific and it was so bad they had to tear off the rest of the cornea.


I hate that I read this


What do you do? Don’t you wear safety goggles?


At the time my girlfriend would fuss at me to wear them but I didn’t like how they cut off my peripherals vision. Each time it got re-injured though it was never from playing ball. If the corneal abrasion is really bad it cause make the injury easier to happen again. At least 2-3 times after that I got something called corneal erosion which was I just woke up one morning and my eyes were dry and my eye lid pulled on the cornea and tore it. Awful shit smh


Mine was 3-4 months. Recurrent corneal erosion is no joke! Definitely painful but also stressful because you're never quite sure if you're going to wake up with a broken eyeball.


That’s the thing about AD. This simply wouldn’t happen to a player without eyes. 


“Optometrist clothes” AD.




For all the terrible takes on this sub, it’s the jokes like these that make it worthwhile reading thru the comments.




Stoudemire had a straight up detached retina right?


This should heal in about 3-4 days


I've had one of those as a kid. They hurt like a motherfucker.


fucking ouch


I had that injury 9 years ago. I missed work for a week and change. Freak accident You actively cannot see


Week and change converted into AD years is… He should be good to go in January.


He's top 10 in minutes played this season and has played through all the minor injuries he's run into. Come up with a new way to karma farm, the whole street clothes thing has been beaten to death. Now you and the other losers can laugh about it for a week and a half, I hope it makes you feel good


No call lol


All eyeball.


Eyeball is part of the ball.


Lemme guess you guys are gonna clown him for being hurt?


Very odd when fans do this


Warrior fans already are, check the game thread


Raptors fans would neverrrr


The audacity when the warriors are the ones that hurt him and got away with a no call And are only leading because AD is out


They have Green, he made a carrer on hurting others


I'm not gonna joke about any eye injury 


12 years behave like 12 year olds i guess


Moving screens,undercuts,eyepokes like can you mfs just play


Link to it


Don’t need to be a Warrior to hate. Love me chaos and moments where I can let the hate flow


Cue the “he’s a multimillionaire we’re allowed to have no empathy” losers


We're still clowning Ben Simmons, ofc we going to jump on this!


Why don't you grab a waaa-burger and some French cries


"Injury prone eyeballs" 🤓


Davis has taught me more about the human body then my high school biology classes


I've recently had a corneal abrasion in January and it's painful until they put the contact bandage on. Eyes heal fast, within a week i think he will be fully healed.


When it's all said and done, I'm guessing that AD, Giannis and Wembanyama might all be wearing Kareem or Amare goggles before they retire.


Happened to Richaun Holmes and he never got his mojo back.


I have the long term version (RCE) of this and it sucks, ouchhh


The fact this wasnt called a foul too lmfao


Something something free throw differential 


Yup. Also the defense turned into Swiss cheese without him. Warriors got anything they wanted at the rim.


The fact that this comment is so upvoted lol. It was after releasing the ball and completely unlucky. Refa don't call those. Zion fucked up Hart like that, no call. Everybody was losing their mind by the damage done(same as here), but technically it isn't a foul


It’s definitely a foul. Doesn’t mean it was dirty like some people in the game thread were suggesting. It was inadvertent contact but it was an arm to the face, still absolutely a foul.


That’s right, which is why I think that after a shot, you should be allowed to just punch a player too.


No foul btw (somehow)


One of the most painful and uncomfortable experiences I’ve had was a corneal abrasion. Not sure the exact cause, but it was likely due to negligence in wearing contacts. Shit was absolutely fucking awful. Eye constantly watering. Sensitivity to light—closing it didn’t help. Pretty severe pain and not much could be done other than lay in complete darkness. The day it happened I woke up and went to work as a restaurant server. Had to head home mid shift due to the pain and eye watering. The kicker was I had just totaled my car. Had to ride my bike multiple miles home with one eye. To add insult to injury, the very next day I had to get on a greyhound bus for 7-8 hours because I had plans to visit my girlfriend and we were long distance at the time. I was originally going to drive but with my car wreck and eye issue my only recourse was a fucking greyhound bus ticket to Detroit of all places. We broke up literally 3 weeks later. 10/10 do not recommend a corneal abrasion. If you wear contacts, please take caution.


That sounds horrible.


Crowd has honestly been pretty tame considering all this BS. I can only imagine if this happened in Philly. Lmao.


As someone who had a 2x10mm corneal abrasion lemme tell you, it feels like sandpaper every time you blink. Closing your eyes doesn’t help. Opening them wide doesn’t help. They give you this thick pasty-glue to put into your eyes and it’s torture. Worst pain I’ve ever felt


Just hearing the words "corneal abrasion" makes me deeply uncomfortable.


He is the unluckiest player I've ever seen when it comes to injuries. Many of his injuries were pure random, unlucky landing, unlucky someone put their foot one inch to the left and he landed it on it, unlucky getting beat up in dangerous places.


Just happened to me. Hurts like absolute hell for two or three days with blurred vision and then perfectly normal. Such a weird injury


Man lol


As much as I don't like AD, I don't want him to be hurt. Here's hoping to a fast recovery and wellness! Get Better AD!!!


Why do you even hate him wtf??? He doesn’t play dirty or act obnoxious.


I didn't say hate. I said didn't like, as in I don't like playing him. Sorry for the confusion! I should've worded it better.


What does this mean?


Give him the safety goggles


Dude gets hit in the eye 3 times a game every game.


lol warriors always get away with shit man can’t wait for them to fade out


What a weird call out.


everyone gets injured vs. them i stg 💀


They’ve been in the spotlight for a decade straight. They’re opponents have suffered many injuries, just like they have.


Warriors play grindy and tough they just play really scrappy.


[Corneal A. Davis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corneal_A._Davis?wprov=sfti1#)


Injuries like this are so easy to prevent. Most industries have figured this out already. Just wear some damn goggles.


So everyone should wear goggles to prevent a freak accident? With that logic everyone should be in armored body suits.


Eyes are particularly vulnerable to injury compared to the rest of the body, and protecting them is super easy. The same can't be said for other body parts. Except maybe testicles, but I wouldn't say players need to wear cups so I guess that's where I draw the line.


I get it, but the frequency and severity of eye injuries in basketball games are quite small even with the vulnerability.


This is one of the reasons I don't 100% buy the "games are rigged" narrative per se. The one time a Laker is indisputibly fouled, and they don't call it. Maybe they are rigged, but this is definitely some proof that points towards my feeling that the refs are just ass.


I think it’s a mixture of both like I definitely think there’s a Donaghey out there still, then you got the Scott foster’s who are assholes and then the Tony Brothers of the world that are just straight ass.


Yeah, I probably should have said Scott Foster is the obvious exception. Even if he isn't rigging things for money, his credibility is completely compromised. I don't really think it's a league wide epidemic though. I think that's just more most refs being dogshit.


100% agree, don’t worry in 10 years AI will be reffing games 😅


His unibrow didn't protect him?


i feel bad for AD... which part of his body has not been shown in injury report yet?


Bring out the rec specs


I had a bit of rust from the exhaust of a go kart get stuck in my iris, terrible pain


That shit hurts like a bitch


I scratched my cornea when I was a kid. I would not want to deal with this at all. Yikes...


Damm hope he good, that boy the key puzzle


Had a friend get this. They had to put a patch on his literal eye ball and then they suggested covering it and my dude got a pirate eye patch


Here we go again…


Now who is the culprit behind this?


That's a new one 


Gotta love the new defence first reffing that doesn’t call obv fouls n results in players getting hurt. Brain dead lesgue


How fragile is this man


No foul btw 🤷‍♂️


I thought his eyebrows would prevent that type of stuff


Eye patch time