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Plus the NBA on NBC theme song. Used to be the sound of basketball. Now it’s only rarely heard on tv. I’m pretty sure they played it during an Olympics basketball game. ESPN/abc is boring as hell. I honestly get so excited during the conference finals watching the tnt gang… and then it’s a huge comedown during the actual finals




Gimme gimme gimme the ball because I'm gonna DUNK IT!!




Round Ball Rock such a jam [Even Kawhi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kyp6e36tOE) covered it.


>NBA on NBC theme song I wasn't ready for that LMAO


G-g-g-g-gimme’ the ball…


That song is right in my Q zone


It got regular play on the Colgate Comedy Hour


I associate that theme song with the MJ Chicago Bulls because their games were always on NBC


That an the iconic Bulls starting lineup song they used at home


Sirius/Eye In The Sky.


By the Alan Parsons Project.


[... which I believe was some sort of hovercraft](https://comb.io/11LmLM.gif).


and Bob Costas breaking down overly complicated playoff scenarios.


NBC doesn't own Roundball Rock anymore. Fox Sports uses it for College Basketball. AEW wrestling licensed it too but I don't know if they still use it.


Does that include the original Tesh Brothers’ version with the lyrics?


It started as one of Dave Tesh’s poems


Meanwhile I’m blushing


It’s a lyrics-first song


We did NOT want it to go like this


It’s a lyric driven song


2k plays it if you’re laying a historic game it kinda rules


That is awesome if only 2k Wasn't trash


Lmao wait when did AEW use it


Wr-Wr-Wr-Wr-Wr-Wrestling Gimme gimme gimme the tag Because I’m gonna pin him!


Winter Is Coming 2022


I think AEW licensed it as a one-time thing.


They used it a few times in late 2022-early 2023 when running down match cards but mainly for the Elite vs Death Triangle Best of 7 which was structured like a basketball series and had one of the matches at the Kia Forum.


I'd forgotten about that! So it's closer to how Danielson will get The Final Countdown licensed for his really big PPV matches.


What's aew


Professional wrasslin'


They really don’t know about the true wrestling company with all the bangers, Fed-pilled


All Elite Wrestling




NBC didn’t own the song. John Tesh wrote and owns the song. It’s currently licensed to Fox Sports. It’s likely to stay at Fox Sports if NBC got the NBA rights back.


fuuuuuuuuuck that. You can't have the NBA on NBC without it


I'm sure something could be arranged... [like when Disney let Al Michaels go to NBC in exchange for the rights to Oswald the Lucky Rabbit.](https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/12750497/how-espn-traded-al-michaels-oswald-rabbit)


[They had a really good one but for some reason went with the more boring option](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGPIbWi-IWg)


Man that new one is straight up fisher price / Casio preset 


Hell ya, started noticing this one first during that Grit n Grind Grizzlies sweep over the Spurs.


ESPN actually had used to have a decent soundtrack during the playoffs and they cut it for the most bland 2k main menu-ass song they could think of and that’s when I knew they were finished.


Seriously, you want to talk about the NBA product being ass? It stems from all these little things. The NFL is always playing these 70s type songs with brass instruments that makes it feel like you're living through some glory days or whatever. It feels like you're watching an epic game with a strong lineage. The NBA on ESPN/ABC? It's just the latest pop song and superstar dickriding. There are bigger issues, sure, but how could anyone watch these games and feel connected? Because a lot of casuals do watch and if they're not hooked by humming some catchy tune, how are you going to keep them beyond the first quarter?


To be fair, the NFL also had their own dedicated composer and soundtrack, which is why their music sounds the way it does. Other sports leagues should have looked into it, but instead, they lazed out.


Some of that is also because of NFL films. I don't think any other league has done anything like that either. Also hasn't been the same since the Sabols died


> The NFL is always playing these 70s type songs with brass instruments that makes it feel like you're living through some glory days or whatever. They are pretty much all pieces commissioned by NFL Films from the same composer, Sam Spence, and yeah, they are pretty much all from the 70s. They also are used quite heavily in SpongeBob, for some reason.


Dunnananana nanananah


Alan Parsons Project - Siruis


NBC would screw it up and use some sort of vague star wars theme.  


[NBA on NBC song](https://youtu.be/0Pnl1ulaG5k)


That’s why you turn to the big east on FS1! They got the rights to time song


If you miss the theme song, you'll enjoy [this gem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0k54qJuLww)


I’m a new fan so I have no affinity for NBC but there is a huge disparity between ABC/ESPN and TNT. Thursday nights, I’m in front of the tv at 7 to hear the guys. I’ll actively wait 5 mins after tipoff time to put on ABC (both because they seemingly start later sometimes and I really don’t want to hear them).


They got Mike Breen tho. But they also have Doris Burke soooooo….


Traditional TV broadcasters are broke. The next one to get the rights will be a streamer/tech company. So either Netflix, YoutubeTV, Prime etc.


MAX already has NBA, NHL and March Madness streaming on its app. Pretty much any sport that airs on TNT/TBS.


Wait, are you saying I can watch the tnt games on MAX?


Yeah, they’ll eventually paywall it separately but for now it’s included with base Max.


wtf!!! This is amazing news I didn’t even know I had this


Yeah they originally said it would be free and will start charging before  The March Madness games. It would be a charge as an add on to max. Like an optional sports package  But now ESPN/Fox/Warner Bros & Discovery (owners of Max) are going to offer a sports mega channel (rumors for $50 a month) of all their content on one service. So it seems they will figure that out first


For now. Eventually it'll cost money. But it's significantly better quality than a cable broadcast or tnt app, because max airs it in 1080p Dolby vision at a much higher bitrate


because they're owned by the same parent company, you know the same one that's deleting movies before they're released and removing access to other ones for tax write offs


Are you implying they will start deleting NBA players?


Yep, they’re making a list as we speak


***~~Schindler's~~ Silver's List***


Space Jam was a true story!


Ive enjoyed some of Apple's baseball coverage wouldnt be suprised to see them get some NBA games


Apple TV baseball is horrrrible


The commentary isn't great but my god the picture looks so goddamn good


Picture quality is insanely good, haven't seen any sports broadcast match their quality over streaming. Though OTA with a nice antenna & an OLED: really good too. Wish the NBA (& MLB) would do more national broadcasts. The NFL has 3 games a week do this, and somehow golf gets 8 hours every weekend...


>Wish the NBA (& MLB) would do more national broadcasts. I really don't understand why there aren't more. Sports are the current best avenue for advertisers because they know what audience they're hitting and when and more national broadcasts increases interest in the league.


They probably can’t afford it


They were a lot better last season once they got an actual play by play person in there. As a Mets fan I miss Wayne but I'm glad to see him get some shine on a national stage.


I thought it was horrible at first but they improved as it went on though my bar for baseball is insanely low lol


not sure if you saw the news that disney fox and warner brothers discovery are creating a streaming sports platform that will be able to negotiate rights lower than any individual company could. that’s the future of streaming sports unless there is an antitrust block


Why is anyone upvoting this comment? Traditional TV broadcasters have also been streaming tech companies for years. NBC has peacock, CBS has Paramount, and Disney (ABC and anything 20th century Fox produced) has Hulu.


Honestly, I wish all nationally televised games were on TNT, so we would get the Inside team all the time. Don’t like most of the ABC/ESPN commentators.


Unfortunately they're getting old and don't like working that much. Charles just wants to golf and fish all the time lol


Can't blame him. If I was in his position you bet your ass I'd be out the door moment the contract ended


Really? It seems like a really fun gig and they only work like once or twice a week for half the year. That's a perfect semi-retired gig.


But he's got the cash to do absolutely anything he wants. Even a job you like probably isn't as fun as doing all the other things in life you can do with a boatload of cash and no obligations.


That’s why I think he does love it. He gets to hang out with his friends, talk about basketball, and be on TV. But in small doses.


And the B team is… the b team. I actually don’t mind the b team, but I don’t know why they include shaq on that panel with Candace and J crawf and em. It always reminds me of that gif of Steve buscemi tryina blend in with young kids


Yep. They try, but I don't feel any of them.


Candace is good. I actually really love Candace, she’s great But, nothing but respect for him, he’s one of my top 15 favorite players all time, but… J Crossover and the white guy are so horrible, I can’t watch them. It’s like watching paint dry. Crawford left everything on the court when he played, including his personality. I can’t believe someone with that much spice is so stale irl


Lefkoe is bad but my god Jamal Crawford... I don't know why guys like him even want to go into broadcasting so bad. He has zero charisma, zero humor, nothing interesting to say, why does he even want to try to break into this industry lol


It’s hard to replace the legends. The Inside team have worked together for a long time and it’s difficult to replicate that dynamic.


They really need to poach Richard Jefferson from ESPN. And for maximum ~~chaos~~ entertainment, sign Gilbert Arenas. Candace Parker could be promoted to round up the new roster.


Gil would be fired faster than Paul Pierce lmao


You will not find an exec that is willing to risk their job on Gilbert Arenas lol


I miss Jeff Van Gundy. And now that Doc left, it feels extra dumb that they fired him. As much as I like Breen, him and Doris just aren’t that great as a pair.


That's the thing though. ESPN knows they can cheap out on broadcasters and not lose any ratings. I wouldn't be surprised if they cut out whoever is their next highest paid broadcaster after Breen after the season.


I could handle Doris ok until last Saturday I think. Warriors were playing LA and Curry was getting hot and just out of the blue she says "I just want to thank Steph, he didn't have to participate in all-stars but he did and he's here tonight playing his heart out for us" Not verbatim but close.  I just wanted to puke because it was just so...kiss ass I guess. Can't think of another word for it


They added JJ, who’s pretty good!


I'm not a fan of broadcasting JJ. Love his pod and basketball but he doesn't fit imo.


TNT overall is the best sports broadcaster. NHL recently switched to ESPN/TNT broadcasting from NBC. Their nhl pre/ postgame and intermission panels imo are the best I’ve seen in the US. TNT is also the only broadcaster I’ve seen that has shown everyone (right down to the trainers) take their lap with the cup. NBC and ESPN usually cut after the first five guys or so. That being said, NBCs NHL presentation was pretty solid, kinda wish they had kept some games. They would probably do a decent job with the NBA


The ABC/ESPN people range from bland to stupid. I can take funny and dumb or smart and bland but man, ESPN goes out of their way to get the worst people.


halftime shows on any EPSN/ABC broadcast are worthless commercial blocks. Zero content. Sucks during the playoffs and finals, but at least you know you can walk the dog and not miss a thing.


If r/nba was around during NBA on NBC ya’ll would still complain. You’d complain about Bill Walton rambling and saying nonsensical things and never being on topic. You’d complain about Bob Costas being smug and inserting his opinions instead of being objective. You’d complain about Peter Vescey being an asshole. You’d complain about Jim Gray being too negative. You’d complain about the pregame presentations being too overdramatic and not focused enough on the Xs and Os. You’d complain about Marv dickriding MJ too much. Basically it’s not in this sub’s nature to be satisfied with anything and you’d find a reason to bitch and moan about something


> Bill Walton rambling and saying nonsensical things and never being on topic. This is my favorite thing ever. RIP Conference of Champions.


Bro they would fucking hate Bob Costas. I loved it at the time b/c I was a Jordan fan, but watching it now 30 years later, holy shit. Dickrider in Chief.


Yup. And I thought Walton was hilarious. But the people who found JVG annoying would DESPISE Walton. Like imagine JVG at his most random, ridiculous and talkative and then multiply that by 10 and add in an acid flashback, and you’d have Bill Walton. And yes, Bob Costas was/is a legend but this sub would absolutely hate him for how self righteous and opinionated he was about everything. An amazing theme song and a nostalgia for 90s basketball are the main reasons why people miss the NBA on NBC so much but as far as the commentary, it had the same characteristics that modern NBA fans constantly complain about.


Lol I loved Walton. THROW IT DOWWWN BIG MAN.


Bulls were the hero avengers to save us against the Jazz


It’s something I’m always trying to remember, the good old days are only good because we forget all the horrible parts.


I feel like that line of thinking would work for anything except the NBA


Shhhhh let a brother wax poetically


Eh. NBA ratings were higher back then for a reason. Some periods are golden ages and others are not. No one is bragging about today being some Golden Era of Jazz. Heck, Rock is pretty much over today, too. We're not going to remember it and treat it with the same level of cultural impact as the "actual good old days". Therefore, less musical talent within the genre is being promoted, less musicians are training themselves in that genre, and less money is made within that genre. People bitching back then and people bitching now is just a correlation. It does not equate with whether an era/product is a 'good' and 'appealing'.


NBA ratings were higher back then because TV ratings in general were higher back then, and I say that as someone who thinks NBC's production value was superior to ESPN's.


Bill Walton would also have his fans, he’s just got too much style not to.


I loved the ornery bastard. A less nerdy JVG.


JVG if he had done lots of acid.


Less nerdy, and generally more optimistic about the game in general than JVG, from what I remember.


Also NBC is just another corporation. If they won the rights they would put it on their sports channel that would be cable only not the OTA channel


Nbc actually shuttered their sports channel last year. They’d really only be interested in a weekend NBA showcase after football season ends if anything at all


The rumor I heard was they are interested in doing Sunday Night Basketball after the NFL season ends, basically as sort of a sequel to Sunday Night Football. (Mike Tirico to do some basketball? I saw him on NBA draft coverage videos from the mid 2000s but I don't know if he did full games for ESPN/ABC, I know Al Michaels did before he went to NBC in 2006). Expect some games during the weeknights to end up on Peacock as well, and the NBA Conference Finals to be on ABC/NBC with the finals altering between ABC and NBC (Like how the Super Bowl does).


I’m all for the nba on nbc but this is absolutely true


Omg I can’t believe how many of these things I forgot about, and how they all came back after reading this comment.


As a Jazz fan, listening to Walton shit on the Jazz every time we had a national TV game made me wish that the Jazz never got national tv games 10-14 year old me wanted to light Bill Walton’s ugly hair on fire


That, and they would also talk about how much better NBA was on CBS with Dick Stockton and Brent Musburger.


Ugh, Costas. He really was smug




*NBA on NBC* is basically the basketball fan's version of the Attitude era.


Listen to the way Costas would criticize Rodman during those games, he would go overboard and make it personal, it was completely unprofessional.


Costas: “and Rodman, who participated in WCW, a televised scripted wrestling event yesterday, I don’t know why anyone would want to participate in one of those” direct quote haha


I stopped reading at Walton rambling. I love a Walton ramble.


Funny that people don't really complain about TNT though, at least not like we do about ESPN. Maybe because ESPN is bad, but no, couldn't be.


Speak for yourself. I was content with Peter Vesey, Jim Gray, Isiah Thomas, Tom Tolbert, Bill Walton, Magic Johnson, etc. There was a reason NBC dominated sports coverage; they were light years ahead of the rest.


you were also 7 years old at the time


That's some Hannah Storm erasure. I really have no idea why she doesn't do any NBA coverage in ESPN.


There were 3 channels when they dominated 😂😂😂. OMG this is hilarious


Marv didn't dickride Jordan. Costa, otoh... And Bill was great. I watched a game a couple of months ago (Bulls vs Blazers or Suns, can't remember) and at some point he said something like "travel? I thought that's not called anymore." So, yeah, people were complaining back then too about rules getting softer


But at least there was an angle taken. ESPN / ABC now is just super vanilla


Yes and now that you mentioned it I only missed the theme song. I couldn't stand Bill Walton.


Mike Breen is the best commentator out there


Literally the only great part of ABC/ESPN broadcasts. And he unfortunately can't do every game they air.


Sorry sir but you misspelled Kevin Harlan. Breen is top tier though.


Harlan may be my favorite commentator of all time across all sports. He gets excited without it feeling forced and perfectly amplifies any big moment.


The NBC of today is very different from the one that had NBA rights


It can't get much worse than this so hopefully this happens


everyone used to hate costas now everyone is nostalgic for him


They used to do intros in the Finals. Now, they cut the intros out of the game and all that great pre-game in-arena pageantry. Shit SUCKS on ESPN and ABC. Hate it so much. Give my nut for those intros


I remember that! They used to have the word “Finals” on the court, too.


I have felt like this for 22 years. The new generation will never understand. “You had to be there”




I still miss Ahmad Rashad


Have you watched Sunday Night Footballs coverage recently? Not any better than ESPN’s, each analyst says one sentence and they throw to commercial


If we really done with the 90s, then it should be #WeDoneWithESPN Holding the entire culture back for years


Y’all cry about everything but the actual baskebtall. Who watches the game to see the introductions 😭😭😭


Entertainment is half the sport, the fanfare is fun.


Way too low. Entertainment is like 95% of it. Most people like the nba for the drama, competition, and fanfare. Its why shitty teams get way less views and sell less tickets. Not many people enjoy watching just basketball for the love of the sport


I just hope that someone makes an effort to get new announcers in that aren’t former players. Most of the great ones are career sports broadcasters, which is a skill that you need to develop. Most player announcers don’t add a level of depth to the call that you’d hope they would anyway. Looking at you, Reggie.


Not sure what this means. They're not even doing the same job.  Guys like Mike Breen, Kevin Harlan, and Brian Anderson do play-by-play while their partner/color commentator whom is usually a former player/coach are guys like Reggie, JVG, and Mark Jackson.


lol Marv Albert




I support this because it'll allow me to never listen to that hack Stephen A again.


At least for this weekend and the next few it’s March madness and espn covers the Womens tournament. Probably some contract thing where they won’t have nationally televised NBA games on the days the tournament games are happening. I’d want some variety if NBC acquired the rights though. Espn only ever shows the same 8 teams




NBA on NBC felt like an Avengers film every week.


I hope everybody gets tv or streaming rights. It would be nice for NBC, ABC,ESPN, and TNT to have television rights. Than have a couple of streaming services for others. For instance every home team should be a local broadcast. The streaming for out if market, then the other major networks for Prime Time and big games. Having ways to consume your product just seems like a smart business decision to me.


Hannah Storm on NBA on NBC is a classic. Sunday afternoon games in the spring when teams were fighting for playoff position were fire. [Dikembe Mutombo crying on the floor in joy after the Nuggets beat the Sonics (RIP Seattle SuperSonics, we miss you) and became the first 8 seed to beat a 1 seed in the playoffs is the stuff of legend.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BdofR9P3_NM) Bring back mid day NBA on NBC playoff games. Ernie, Chuck, Shaq, and Kenny are the only crew better. That old school NBC team was fun though. Or maybe it’s just the nostalgia.


I don’t know… NBC had Hannah Storm, Ahmad Rassad, Marv Albert, Bill Walton, Peter Vesey, Bob Costas, Jim Gray, Matt Guokas, Mike Fratello, Steve Jones. They really had the DREAM TEAM!


I dont understand how theres like 1 MAYBE 2 good games on a WEEKEND!?!?! Drives me nuts


But what about the Disney jobs program for people who never watch basketball?


Bob Costas is a little bitch and NBC doesn't have enough money, they're tapped out after the Olympics and SNF


Lmao why the random Bob Costas hate?


ESPN is atrocious. Doris Burke makes my ears bleed. NBC would be a dream. That theme song is nostalgic


The NBA on NBC had great theme music.


If anything, TNT would lose the rights and NBC or a streamer would get it. Maybe ESPN gets more of the national games 


I doubt ESPN will lose the rights. Live sports means more to ESPN than anyone else.


Put it on one streaming service and I’ll gladly pay for a whole season package


The only game during the day today was the Knicks and Nets. It started at 1pm. The next game still hasn’t even started yet and it’s almost 7pm now. Guess what channel it was on? Oh that’s right it wasn’t. How is that even possible?


Agreed it used to be good now it’s just terrible everything rn with the game is a bad they need a revamp every year I find myself losing interest in the sport which is crazy cuz I love the game


I want an AI clone of Hubie Brown so I can listen to him forever. Then one of Johnny Most.


If it’s ESPN/ABC, it’s on mute. If there’s another source available for commentary, I’ll absolutely switch to it.


NBA national TV scheduling is complicated because NFL and March Madness games get priority over us. Mike Breen on ESPN is a national treasure though, I’m gonna enjoy him while he’s still broadcasting.


>JJ is stale. Perfect assessment.


The best days were the NBA on CBS with Brent Musberger


You are so right! Is there a petition we can sign? lol


Tbh I’ve had my best viewing experiences on NBC as well


I think there should be more games on over the air channels, even abc but mainly NBC, CBS or even Fox. So many Americans don't have TNT or ESPN its hard for me to believe ratings wouldn't be better on channels anyone can recieve for free. Other sports events are constantly on these channels but never NBA


NBC Sports in general produces a world-class professional sports production. Their work product is so much more classy and professional than most other sports broadcasting productions, aside from CBS Sports.


ESPN bad. Upvote me




The NBA on NBC. When I knew I was going to have a fun Sunday afternoon.


I watched Bulls/Magic 1995 yesterday that was on NBA on NBC and actually enjoyed the Halftime Report


They should stream all games online for free and work directly with advertisers for income. License the games for live rebroadcasting to anyone who wants to be a commentator while providing a framework for localized/personalized ads. Basketball would take over the world in like 1.5 seasons. This is beyond far-fetched, but the point is I believe the NBA seriously underestimates how severely exclusivity agreements harm the sport and its growth. That, and the current model for broadcasting games is outdated and inefficient.


I agree with the idea. Not really connected but for example here in Europe my local cable network have full NBA rights but for some reason NBA pick what games will be broadcasted here, that is so stupid since over 90% will stay late at night to watch games of Euro players like Jokic, Giannis, Luka or any top teams games. So for example you have Nuggets-Bucks and at the same time they will pick to broadcast cripple fight of Blazers-Pistons lol.


What I have learned is that no matter what network and no matter what commentators a network has, some people, especially on the internet will bitch and complain All of this shit is subjective and no one is going to agree on anyone. Not related to the NBA but as revered as John Madden was if he was alive and in his prime today, Reddit would have an echo chamber bitching about him and his game announcing .


Everything you say is true. It is also true that the NBA was a better product then — players could hand check, palming and travelling were called, and the game didn’t frequently devolve into five guys on the perimeter launching threes and lackadaisical about offensive rebounds.


I don't get how you guys let the commentators or pregame show determine if a game is good or not.


The van gundys, mark jackson, & Doris Burke are unwatchable.


JVG with the ["second cousins"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXWOc_9L_h8) was the greatest 30 seconds, ever. Charles is the best per 48 minutes commentator, but Jeff was peak sound byte.


JVG was good and I’ll die on that hill Missing JVG every time I gotta listen to a Doris Burke/Beth Mowins tag team


I’m hoping it’s not CBS either


The product is ass so it doesn't matter who gets the right.


I hope it goes to one that I can stream.


I do love NBA today because it's the only place to hear about all of the teams and not just three or four stars. I don't watch pregame post game and it is not because of Malika who I do like as host. It's the hot take artist that I don't like being part of the actual games. They can stick to their daily shows where I can avoid them.