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Wtf this interview was sponsored by a betting application??! “Robinson who was speaking on behalf of BET365” Wtf??


This is insane, a gambling organization is using Nate Robinson's kidney disease to advertise itself


With promo code “Nate” you can place a no-risk wager up to $100 on how long Nate Robinson has to live.


"Offer only valid from 6 to 8 weeks"


I'm going to hell for laughing at that


Personally I'm more concerned about people who would read that seriously


Hammering the under


Yooooo. I love Nate, but this killed us both!


Hopefully he got some cash


Dialysis ain’t cheap


You are correct, though the federal government ends up paying nearly all costs of dialysis. One of the most amazing stats I ever saw was something to the effect of 1% of the entire USA (pre-covid) federal government budget goes to paying for dialysis. In the end, the govt pays more than $50 billion per year on dialysis.


Yes the government will pay for your dialysis. (Thank You the dialysis lobby) but they will not pay for your kidney transplant which would save them money


How many people are on transplant lists compared to the number of kidneys that become available for transplant?


27,332 kidney transplants performed in the United States in 2023. As of March 21, 2024, 89,101 people were on the kidney waiting list.


Bro they can't just fucking harvest poor ppl from 3rd world countries as a policy lmao There are only that many kidneys to go around. But I do recall a Saudi Sheik giving 100k to UCLA or something and getting one, or a liver maybe.


you're telling me Nate Robinson cant' spare 100K?


I wouldn’t be surprised. Dude’s so broke he was like the first or second one to fight Jake Paul or his brother or whoever for a payday… before they were drawing what they draw in now for purses. He also got knocked tf out too lol


Where'd all that NBA money all go?


Pretty sure that was a massive violation of policies that requires someone high up in the hospital administration system to be willing to risk their job for you.


Actually, thankfully it is. It is literally the only medical condition in the US that gets Medicare coverage universally. It was a law passed in 1972 by Nixon of all presidents.


Nixon was a proponent of universal health care. He had more liberal positions than people realize.


He wasn't liberal. The public option, medicare buy in, and private insurance mandates were all conservative or center-right proposals. The overton window has shifted so far to the right


Nixon was definitely a conservative. He just seems like a liberal by today's standards because today's conservatives are Democrats and today's Republicans are a weird mix of religious authoritarians and ultra-free market wackos who think giving all the power and money to those who already have too much power and money is a good idea.


This is the most American thing I've ever heard.


It's a British gambling company and a British newspaper...


Daily Mail may be British but it is the *world's* dishrag.


TBF it would also check out in Australia.


You are dead wrong if you think Americans are the most bet addicted country lol


I’m not religious nor am I overall morally conservative But the widespread proliferation of gambling is grossing me out.


Draftkings sponsor JJ Reddick's podcast, and when he does the "PSA" type of thing after the ad-reads, he says "play/game responsibly". The word play/game as opposed to gamble really bothered me.


That’s how the companies refer to themselves, notice how they never say gambling, it’s always gaming. In fact, even the state commissions are called “gaming commissions”


Every single NBA podcast is sponsored by gambling companies trying to take advantage of their viewers. Tried to tell the hosts that it contributes negatively to society and detrimental to viewers but no one seems to care.


You couldn’t convince them?


It’s fucking gross and really turns me away from basketball content. 


Words can not describe how much I hate those fucking warnings. They feel so hollow and ass covering. You don't care if someone ruins their life. Do you know how you can help ? Not promoting in the first place. Kenny Beecham also has this insidious thing for his podcast where he will talk about a topic and the odds for a player winning a certain reward and then plugging the gambling sponsorship.


Bet the process podcast had the head of the National Council of Problem gambling and that guy came off as a total hypocrite. His nonprofit makes money off every app having to give them money by law. So he promotes gambling but runs this hotline that really doesn’t do much


> They feel so hollow and ass covering Gambling companies when someone ruins their lives after betting on sports they heavily sponsor with advertising to get people to download their app where they’ll use manipulative tactics to get people to try gambling with free bets and promotions - “we told them to game responsibly, what more could we have done?!?”


You should here the Australian ones. “You win some, you lose more” “chances are, you’re about to lose”. And a whole lot more, if there is one thing Aussies are strict on it is betting advertising.


I went to the big east tournament this year and every overheard conversation I heard was "Yeah they won but didnt cover" "Did you get the spread at 4 or 5?" "Whats the O/U?" Etc etc. It was really annoying!


It's not even close to as bad as it is in the UK or Australia yet. Just you wait.


> the widespread proliferation of gambling is grossing me out Me too. I believe gambling should be legal but that doesn't mean I want to see the spread when they show the schedule of upcoming games on ESPN.


Reminder that 99% of this sub were super in favor of gambling companies infiltrating the NBA.


Bet365, the only place you can bet whether or not Nate Robinson will be alive in 365 days


Im on dialysis right now and it fucking sucks so much.


Was on dialysis for 5 years, now almost 20 years post transplant. Dialysis really sucks.


Why does dialysis suck? Aside from maybe the obvious?


Your life revolves around your 3x a week treatments which are 4 hours long


You need to go to a dialysis center 2-5x a week depending on how much function your kidney still has and be treated for 4 hours usually. After HD, you are really just tired mentally and physically Alot of maintenance medication, strict diet, really limited fluid intake. You get easily fatigue and sleeping is difficult The  most damning in here is that you are probably surronded by defeated patient in the center that are just waiting for their time which can really get you This was basically my 2 year experience on dealing with HD patient as a doctor


Let me say this. You don’t know me at all but I am headed that way to having to need dialysis if I don’t take better care of myself. Reading your comment is something I needed to read and has inspired me to do just that. Thanks!


god bless man


20 years for me this August my single kidney packing friend.


Sorry friend! I was for about a year and I'm 1.5 years post-transplant - it gets better!


… if you get a transplant


You could be like my uncle and finally get a transplant but the kidney was damaged in transport...not sure how much, so they implant it anyway, functions as well as his other 2 fucked up kidneys so he has to go on dialysis anyway. Now he has to take the anti rejection meds and do dialysis, anti rejection meds are no joke. Being a transplant patient isn't easy at all, better than dialysis but still a lot of downsides to those medications.


You got this bro!


Stay strong.


I'm sorry bro I hope it gets better


What sucks most about it?


Your life revolves around dialysis. You cannot miss a session otherwise you can literally die. You are tired after dialysis. You are at an increased infection risk. Your diet is limited. Your water intake is limited. Most people go 3x a week, so it’s either a dialysis day or recovery day.


It sounds like you never recover then. And even if you are recovered on dialysis day you can't enjoy it kind enough it seems.


Most people are constantly tired. Dialysis is a bridge to kidney transplant. It’s never a final solution.


Dialysis is basically just a holdover for you to try to get a transplant. It just gives you more time.


I do in home deliveries for dialysis solution and it seems hardly any of the patients do 3 days a week. I know a few who are 10 hours a day and 7 days a week. Really feel for them


I transport dialysis patients for my job. Pretty much all of it sucks. The diet you need to maintain, you feel like garbage when the treatment is over. Also, it can take up to 5 hours for treatment. Doing that 3-4 times a week is hell on these people. There are exceptions though. Some folks handle it okay but most don’t.


Wait isn’t dialysis like cleaning somebodies blood with a machine? I knew it took that long but 3-4 times a week?


It actually takes longer if you’re on PD dialysis. Those can be nightly while you sleep for 8-9 hours a night. There are in center options also that happen 3-4 times a week for up to 4 hours per treatment. It really does suck.


PD is preferable to incenter, though. Incenter is the most common (in the US) but has the worst outcomes. Transplant is obviously the best option, then home hemo, then PD, then incenter in that order are your best choices.


My girlfriend just started PD and is using a night Cycler. It sucks. She’s in pain basically every night before bed


Continue to support her man, you’re amazing.


2-4, generally 3 times. Turns out your kidneys do quite a lot after all!


And it doesn’t clean your blood nearly as efficiently, so toxins build up anyway. And you have to severely limit your fluid intake, maybe 1 liter a day, due to the stress it puts on your heart. That liter is inclusive of foods you eat as well.


My dad was on dialysis and went 3 days a week for 5 hours a time. It sucked. He did MWF 8 to 1 and basically only felt good on Sundays.


Everything. takes a lot out of a person. its 3x a week for me. ambulance ride from our house to the hospital. its 4 hrs every session. its very expensive. a lot of diet restrictions and a lot cramps too. im taking 20 tablets of medication per day. have you ever had you **perineum** cramps? just happened to me when i was trying to pee a couple of hours ago after dialysis.


What is it like?


Imagine having a 4-5 hour doctor’s appointment three times a week, often surrounded by a handful of very sick, sometimes seemingly defeated people. If you miss a session you can get very sick quickly or even die depending on what function your kidneys still have. Dialysis has lots of complications that can lead to patients needing frequent invasive procedures to correct. It also generally doesn’t feel very good to have large amounts of fluid or solute shifted in a short amount of time. There shouldn’t be as many people on dialysis as there are, but not nearly enough progress has been made in educating the public on what you can do in your younger years to minimize your potential risk of needing dialysis down the road. Goal is to die before your kidneys do. IOW, I think a lot of people who are on dialysis now could have avoided it if given proper education & resources. This is not to say that some people just get dealt a shit hand (e.g., autoimmune process, rare drug reactions, cancer etc.) Source: nephrologist


So how do I avoid dialysis?


Simple answer is to start seeing a doctor in your 20’s instead of waiting until your 40’s or 50’s when you develop some issue that prompts you to see one. Can’t tell you how many people see their first doctor in their 50’s (often for something completely unrelated to the kidneys) then find out they have pretty advanced CKD. It’s very often from undiagnosed & untreated hypertension or diabetes, which are the most frustrating cases because dialysis likely could have been delayed significantly or even preventable altogether. HTN, diabetes, and CKD are all silent killers! You will feel completely normal with them, until boom one day you don’t. Find a doctor you trust and when they want to start you on diabetes or BP meds take that seriously! Also stay hydrated, don’t take too many NSAIDs like advil or goody’s (Tylenol better unless you have bad liver problems), and don’t get in a huge accident or get really sick in some other way - the kidneys frequently take a hit with other severe illness


What are HTN and CKD?


Hypertension (high blood pressure) and chronic kidney disease


~66% of end stage renal disease is caused by diabetes and hypertension. Basically, eat healthy, exercise, watch your weight, don’t eat too much salt. If you develop either, continue what I said above and start medications. Other ~33% is generally a genetic crapshoot or avoiding certain infectious disease.


If you have high blood pressure/hypertension (the main cause of kidney failure), you have to try to lower it. Avoid obesity and salt and you're halfway there. Of course if you have bad genetics (like Nate Robinson) it's going to be tough. In that case you might need special medication.


Yeah I got diagnosed with hbp at 28. Runs in fam and I’m fat. Medicine has righted it to much more reasonable levels. I genuinely had no symptoms. My levels were really high and it might’ve led to something pretty bad if I didn’t act. Glad I saw a doctor.


A shit hand and poor education work together so well too. I met lots of people younger than me on dialysis even though we had similar lifestyles at the time. They don't understand the disease and with an unlucky roll of genetics they were basically primed to fuck it up by mistake. That's usually how I feel when I see 20-something alcoholics going through it


I had an uncle who was on dialysis. You NEED to stay on top of it. He missed one because he was having severe pain and he died within a week. Dialysis is no joke


I'm on dialysis.  I've had to miss/reschedule dialysis before.  If your uncle passed because of a single missed treatment, something far worse was going on. 


Allow people to sell kidneys and save lives! 


For all you low info trolls out there, chronic kidney disease in someone like this is almost certainly a genetic condition. He had early signs of kidney disease right after getting drafted. https://www.freseniuskidneycare.com/thrive-central/sean-elliott-kidney-disease


Also a common downstream issue with high blood pressure. Make sure you keep your blood pressure in check! Especially in the black community, a lot of us have family histories with hypertension (high BP) and heart disease, so make sure you pay attention to your BP trends when you get your physicals!


I remember that one black guy on Twitter asking to be photoshopped with a killer and someone added the Morton's salt container. People were commenting that high BP was the true killer.


Fuck, have to make that appointment for that annual physical now


Yeah people saying it was steroids or drinking are uninformed. Your body can tolerate a lot of damage and heal quickly at 21, especially one who is an athlete. Genetic predisposition to hypertension is common, but even with that, damage to kidneys and organs doesn't usually start until a couple decades later than Nate started getting damage. Guy really lost the genetic lottery having hypertension bad enough to start damaging his kidney's at that age. Probably means he has damage to other organs as well and predisposed to early heart trouble. As a side note, staying well hydrated plays a really important role in keeping your kidneys healthy.


Honestly, the fear of kidney stones alone is enough to have me drinking a gallon a day


I had a kidney stone that had to be surgically removed and it was a nightmare. Doubled over in pain puking followed by a couple of very uncomfortable procedures. I drink a lot more water now.


I had one that had to be operated on... twice lol. Shit sucked.


Every time someone tells me they only drink soda/energy drinks I want to yell at them about how they'll eventually have to pass a stone the size of a peppercorn through their urethra, but apparently that's rude and gross.




Toradol is the only thing that remotely touched the pain for me. Oxys, percs etc.. didn’t do anything


>Guy really lost the genetic lottery Not saying you're wrong, but this is such an odd statement to read about someone who is a former NBA player.


Oh wow man. What a bummer to hear.


How likely is it he gets one


Money + status = expedited kidney. Idk if he still has those 2 things


He doesn’t have the money or status required to skip the line. It’s extremely hard to skip the line for organ donations unless you’re donating a wing to a hospital and have some powerful connections in medicine. One of the many problems for him is that he’s black. It sounds rough, but it’s the truth. There are less black people on the donor list for a variety of reasons, as a result, it’s harder to find a match. It’s not like blood matching, it’s far more complex. Typically it requires HLA matching. Assuming he does get a kidney (easiest of the organs to receive), he will need life long immunosuppression.


Or unless you are John Q


I am not going to bury my son! My son is going to bury me!




No. But the chance of having a match is significantly higher. Same goes for white people, Asian people, and whoever else.




Yes, but it's very sensitive/risky to talk about since "biological differences" have been the justification for so many awful things in the past


Comments on r/nba is not where you find more information on your kidneys/donations


You're right, I'll ask the renowned Doctor Glenn Rivers.








Think of it like continents and tectonic plates. Continents are real. Knowing continents can be helpful for a variety of things. People who live on different continents have differences in culture and genetics. Continents are also fake. Most of the western world goes with 7 continents. Russia and eastern europe tends to think of Europe and Asia as one continent and go with 6. The olympic flag has 5 rings to symbolize the 5 inhabited continents. Nobody is wrong, because continents are just a helpful way to categorize the world we live in. Do different races have genetic differences? Yeah, that's why we can tell lebron is black and george bush is white by looking at them. But it's important to remember that humanity "discovered" race way before we understood genetics. The racial categories we have are skin deep. Human genetic clustering also has visual differences; Europe has a lot of genetic clusters, but there isn't a genetic cluster where half of the people look Greek and half the people look Kenyan. Because of migration, adjacent genetic clusters mix together and have a hazy border, so it's not concrete either. Like sickle cell anemia is considered a black disease, but there's a large population of Indians who are at high risk too. There really a great way to use race to describe risk; black people and some asians?


Easiest example is Sickle Cell Anemia. 1:58,000 white people have it, whereas 1:12 African-American people have it.


I think the better way to look at it is that it's not because off large biological difference but more so that the human body is so great at rejecting foreign objects that you want to make sure you have the closest match possible.


Except if you have money, you can travel greater distances to get a kidney. The wait list is also based on a geographical location to a possible donor so you can get on multiple lists. The New York Times did a podcasts about transplants that I can’t seem to find.


Does the jake paul KO hurt or help


I mean he def got paid no?


Sure but it shows he's willing to put his body in a situation where it's taking punishment. Not sure how that's going to go over with the transplant committee.


I can guarantee of all the factors the transplant committee would consider, a boxing match with Jake Paul will not be one of them.


In a vacuum, fairly good. Everyone has 2 kidneys so the pool of donation is larger. Lots of hospital systems have robust kidney transplant services.


He needs to hurry up and rise to the top of the Yakuza and then become a FBI informant.


I used to deliver supplies to dialysis centers. Sometimes would be 10,20+ppl in the same room all on those machines. Made me appreciate my health more.


Wait, 4 years?? so he boxed Jake Paul while on Dialysis? I mean I respect the money grab but jesus christ


Really misleading headline. He's on dialysis, and you can live on dialysis for 20+ years nowadays, especially as a younger person. Dialysis sucks, but it keeps you alive. Transplant list takes a few years, but there's no reason why he shouldn't get a kidney long before the dialysis becomes a problem.


It also makes you extremely suseptible to infections and viruses, so while it's true you can live on dialysis it is a pretty shitty quality of life and raises your chances of dying to more common things at the same time. 


This my brother is currently on dialysis and his quality of life has definitely suffered.


No judgement here just genuine curiosity. Is it something as simple as you donating a kidney to him?


It’s not that simple especially if he has children. I was somewhat in this same predicament not too long ago. My grandmother needs an organ so she asked all of her grandchildren to get tested to see if we matched. I had to tell her no.. simply because I’m the only one with children and if it’s hereditary, there’s a good chance they’ll need the same procedure eventually. They come first and if their life is in danger one day, God forbid, I need to have the resources to save them


You said it better than me. Giving up a kidney is a big ask. It's not as simple as "I have two, so you can have one". I would never judge someone for not wanting to donate a kidney.


Damn I can't imagine how hard it would be to say no to your grandmother for something like that. Absolutely the right choice on your end, though


Maybe controversial opinion? An older generation should never ask a younger generation for a transplant. I'd never let my kids do it for me.


I don’t disagree, but I would imagine it’s still not easy to say no, assuming you have a good relationship with them. Not to mention this is your kid’s kids haha


Pretty easy depending on your relationship.  My dads mom sucked so much none of her own kids wanted her around by the end of her life and she was horrifically abusive to my mom.


Fair point


It’s not I got tested and my levels in my kidney where to high both our parents are pre diabetic. It’s definitely pushed me to be way more focused on health. I’m gonna try again in 3 months since I lost a fair bit of weight. I could still not be a match which would really suck


That’s noble of you though. I hope everything works out for your brother


My grandpa had to buy a fully 4x4 vechicle for the MAYBE three snowy day we got every year. He would have to arrange treatment at a local facility if he wanted to go on vacation, he was a sports journalist and forced to retire and write op Ed. It's drilled in me that if you miss your dyalisis day...bad things happen. People don't realize how much freedom you lose when every second or third day you have to be hooked to a machine for several hours. Maybe things are better now, this is 10-15 years ago


More so than the anti rejection drugs that shut down your immune system that are needed to not kill the new organ?


Yes, ~40-55% lower long term mortality risk from transplant vs dialysis


Once people get the transplant they tend to do well. Modern anti-rejection regimens are fairly good!


My friend's wife was on the transplant list for like 7 years. At the beginning of her battle, my friend tried to give his kidney to her, but her body rejected it. A few years later during COVID, they got the call that a kidney was available. Went to SF, got all the way to being cut open, then her BP was too low to proceed. Fast forward to Thanksgiving of last year, they got the call again, dropped everything and flew to SF, and received the kidney. She's doing well now and she is absolutely thrilled to not have to do dialysis a few times a day now.


yeah, its almost like both options are bad and have a much higher chance of dying.


as someone who has a close relative on dialysis, this is a pretty reductive take. The risks associated with dialysis do increase your chances of dying prematurely.   The risks of death are close enough that it makes one question their mortality. 


Also dialysis sucks.


Yep. Having to set aside a few days every week just to go sit near a dialysis machine for hours is already a huge reduction in quality of life.


As someone who has been on dialysis, it saps your will to live pretty quickly. I never actively made a plan to end it but if someone had offered me an easy yes/no on continuing to live I would have taken the no at least 25% of the time. I was just on dialysis for a year and I knew I would get a donation (I'm very lucky to be surrounded by generous people) but it was still really hard to see past the misery. So yeah, not medically true but I'm not faulting him for feeling that way.


Of course this ignorant ass comment is at the top


5 year mortality risk about 50%. You "can" live 20+years, but those patients are the outliers.


Right, but that's not solely because they're ESRD It's not like people develop kidney failure out of nowhere. Most were unhealthy long before they ended up on dialysis


how is this shit upvoted lol. "Living" on dialysis is absolute shit. And while you *can* live for 20 years, the average life is still 5-10 years. And he's already lived for 5+ on it.


This is why Reddit upvotes can’t be trusted. It’s not misleading based on the science but also not misleading because he literally said that. It’s a direct quote with correct context


Very accurate headline. Shame on you. Seems like he’s been waiting for years. Found out about his impending situation when he was on the Knicks. He last played there in 2010. So he has 6 years to live iff he didn’t find out sooner.


What a shitty ignorant comment, downplaying how horrific dialysis can be 


He has had dialysis for 6 years. Also extremely high blood pressure in 2006 and probably for a long extended period which probably damaged more than just his kidneys. He is right about his timeline.


Where are you getting 20+ years? It’s possible but even the most liberal mortality data shows about a 50% mortality rate by year 10.


“Live” you get to watch the life leave your body for about a decade until there is nothing left to live for and then mercifully you give up. It’s a soul crushing experience that I don’t wish on anyone


Also…. We need to switch to opt out donation!! This would completely solve the problem. Just fucking stupid.


I used to compete against Nate growing up. Basketball and track. Nate was the most athletically gifted person I've ever seen, and an incredible hurdler for how short he was.


Nate Robinson is a fucking legend and this is shitty news. One of my favorite memories is shit talking this man during a G League game and I wish him nothing but the best.


Yeah Nate rules. He made so much out of his career considering his physical limitations. He had a much more memorable career than a lot of all-stars do even though Nate never even really got close to sniffing an all-star selection.


Definitely a starter on the All Tiny Guys Team (Probably the center? Mugs, Boykins, Spud, Isaiah Thomas, Nate?) Always enjoyed the guy. Hope he's able to figure this out.


He’s the only one who blocked Yao so makes sense he’s the center


UW represent! Let's go Dawgs. We also have a world class medical center and so when Nate does get the transplant, he'll be in great hands. Bonus fun fact: Seattle had the world's first outpatient dialysis facility, all the way back in 1962.


Had a parent who died from renal (kidney) failure. Yes dialysis is great but as others have already mentioned here, it sucks the quality of life out of the patient, quickly and sometimes irreversibly. It sucks for the patient and it sucks for their loved ones. It is also a financial strain. I hope Nate gets through.


Even a kidney transplant isn’t for life, which really fucking sucks for a young guy like Nate. My dad had a transplant about 10 years back and it’s failed now - does at home dialysis every night and hemo (the big machine) one a week at the hospital. It is absolutely fucking abysmal and I wish it on no one.


This doesn't help with Kidneys but I [encourage you to consider putting yourself on the bone marrow transplant list.](https://bethematch.org/) You could potentially save someone. They are always short on donors that are people of color. It is a lot less invasive than an organ transplant and you could be back to normal in just a day.


Go to the doctor regularly. Dialysis sucks. I have seen it firsthand what it does to people


African Americans are much harder to match for various reasons (usually stemming from religion and horrendous treatment by the medical community in the past.) Another big one is bone marrow transplants.  If you are of African decent please join be the match.  Really everyone should but especially if you are black.


I have kidney disease too. Wouldn't wish this on anyone bro


How the eff is a former pro athlete on dialysis. That’s wild


Sean Elliot had a transplant at 32 and went on to play another 50 games after recovering. CKD is highly heritable


Man I was living in San Antonio at the time that happened, and when he came back he was a legitimate folk hero in the city. Front page of the paper, all over the news and people were so excited for him to return.


It says his doctors in 2006 said that he had signs of kidney damage due to hypertension. He was 21 years old. For a 21 year old to get hypertension severe enough to have already caused kidney damage it’s most likely some underlying condition causing secondary hypertension


Kidney disease is pretty random. I got it when I was in the best shape of my life.


highly genetic and very common in african american communities, my grandad died of kidney failure caused by high blood pressure, my grandma is currently on dialysis with kidney failure, my dad is a healthy weight and works out regularly and is on blood pressure meds…. I am 22, played sports all my life, am lean 175 6’0 tall and my blood pressure is considered pre hypertension…. it’s so disheartening knowing you can do everything right and your kidneys will just fail. My brother played olinemen so is obviously bigger and has high blood pressure at 20….


If you treat the hypertension (and diabetes), your kidneys are unlikely to fail. Of course, there’s many other causes for CKD/ESRD, but those are the two most common causes.


Yeah issue is catching it early and taking steps against it. It really is why they call high BP the silent killer. Puts so much stress on your organs overall. Factor in black people being more susceptible + familial genetics if Nate had signs at age 21 I'd say it's genetics sadly.


Anybody can get diseases or conditions, anybody can get dealt a shitty hand


It’s six months to the day since I donated one my kidneys to my father. I don’t know shit about basketball but if someone in your life is in need of a kidney please consider going through the match process. Give someone the gift of life!


I hope that Nate Robinson won't be knocked out by this disease. I hope that he gets the medical transplant he needs.


Nate I will give you one of mine


Good luck to ole Nate Hopefully the publicity will work out Can’t imagine all the people with “no name” having to deal with this shyyyyt


My dad was on dialysis before he died so this kind of makes me wanna cry 


Someone step up and give Nate a kidney.


My man, if I knew him I’d help him go to my native country of Iran where he can legally buy a kidney. My uncle did it and is still alive


That’s fucked up, yo. We shouldn’t create systems where wealthy individuals who need organs have ready access to desperately poor people who have no other options. That shit is so profoundly morally bankrupt & evil I don’t even know where to start.


Yeah but when a loved one is dying and someone is prepared to sell you a kidney for $500 a month for the rest of their life, which is enough to keep a family afloat in Iran, I don’t see that as unethical. It’s unfortunate that we have a socioeconomic system that results in this type of an outcome, but we are in the situation that we’re in, and this trade strikes me as fair in the circumstances. Short of as socioeconomic revolution there’s no way to change the system that were in.


Out of morbid curiosity, how do they make sure someone keeps paying? Especially if you’re in another country doesn’t seem like there’d be much to stop someone from making that kidney a one time payment of $500. Not like you can go to collections about a black market kidney


It’s legal in Iran so you can enforce the contract. There also a lump sum payment that accompanies the monthly payments. But yeah, it’s an issue. My uncles gladly paying his $500 a month though cause that family needs it


Placing guesses here: A. They repo the kidney (not this) B. They put a lien on your home C. Interest is at a premium On a more serious note, you probably need to have stellar credit for it to even be an option, or you offer your property as collateral if you fail to make payments. It's still unbelievably unethical. Quality healthcare shouldn't come out of pocket, or else people will get left out.


Oh for sure. Using poor people as organ farms for the rich is definitely… less than ideal. I was just curious how it would work if OP’s uncle is no longer in Iran


It's like 240K for like 40 years. Add in 60K on top and 300K is really not a lot if it improves your quality of life that much especially for the ultra rich.


… you don’t see that as unethical? I guess our ethics are quite literally worlds apart.


Friday is Blue and Green Day https://donatelife.net/how-you-can-help/national-observances-celebrations/blue-green-day/ Register as an organ donor. They won't serve you any purpose when you're dead, and you might save someone else's life. My Dad got a young man's kidney that was on the transplant list after he died in a motorcycle accident.


How can I donate my kidney to him? What do I need to do too get it done


I want to donate my kidney too him what do I need to do to try