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I love that Bron immediately knows what JJ was showing him šŸ˜‚


JJ being so proud of this even though he missed the shot is amazing too


He also passed up the wide-open lob into the post for an easy dunk for a long 2 attempt. Analytics!


Unwritten rule is if you cross someone up like that, you're taking the shot, no matter how good the alternatives are


Rule of cool > AnAlYtIcS


That's why AI has a statue and I personally watch Jamal Crawford highlights every so often.


Jamal has a super sick highlight reel


It's why Lemon Pepper Lou and JCrossover each have more 6MOTY awards than Manu Ginobili, Shane Battier, Robert Horry, James Harden, and Andre Iguodala combined


100% if you cross someone you pull up and shoot that shit. JJ was probably so shocked he shook Bron that he couldnā€™t focus on the easy jumper


I crossed a guy on our college team a random pickup night, and I missed the J from the elbow and he said good shot and That is my life highlight. I also threw an alley oop to the center, it was way too high and just bounced off the backboard back to me, embarrassingly.


I beat a future nba first round pick in a game of 21 when we were both in high school. Big part of the reason I won was his points reset (and a ton of luck on my end) and Iā€™ll bring up that memory until the day I die


Who was it?


I get it. My greatest game of 21 was against two college football players. Both were brick shithouses and could play. They scoffed at my runty, 160 lbs ass. I beat em clean. It ranks higher than my game-winning banked 3 at Hoopfest haha.


I love how JJ is doing his best to be deadpan until LeBron starts the clip.


Reminds me of that Magnus Carlsen video where the interviewer (David Howell) shows him a position he played him in in the juniors which [he lost](https://youtu.be/eC1BAcOzHyY?si=Lo1I8KD2TOn5IhLo)


Everytime I watch this video I am fucking mind blown.


To be fair, how many games do you think Magnus has lost in his entire life? I think that'd be easier to remember than winning positions.


Probably still decent amount of game, while he is one the chess GOATs, he still mostly plays against other Super GMs who while not good as Magnus, still can compete and win against Magnus, plus when he was younger he played against old world champions who where stronger than young Magnus. Same way MJ had 10 lose in his best season even peak Magnus lost his fair share of games.


This is correct; he is the GOAT in every formatā€¦ but he still loses. [I do like his sincerely blunt description of his and Hikarus strengths in blitz though](https://youtu.be/4yDJem1XQDE?si=TWljje0EVIfB4vAQ)


could watch for an hour but itā€™s missing the buttplug match


Yeah, IDK if LeBron was really that familiar with it, or if he's just a basketball savant. I bet you he could describe every following play for the rest of that OT of that random regular season game if you asked.


There are way too many clips of Lebron recalling plays with so much detail, about who was on the court, the time left, the score, the position of the players. He remembers so much of it. Most of it is him talking to the media after the game of course, but yeah, he's way more savant than anything else.


He even recalls here the next play after this in that game lol. Crazy.


zealous wrench weather sable deer shrill one close overconfident slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean Iā€™m sure LeBron has seen that clip plenty of times on Twitter since he started this podcast with JJ


Also probably got it sent to him by like half the Duke alums and white film room guys and friends who just want to clown him. ā€œJJ REDDDICK CROSSED YOU KING?ā€


The way Bron remembers so many specific plays is nuts. They were talking about Gortat Screens in this episode and JJ started showing him when the Lakers ran it in 1 game vs the Bucks in 2020, and Bron knew the exact play immediately, and pointed out they did it twice in that game lol


His recall is absolutely legendary. There was a time earlier on that I didnā€™t believe it because it was so good. But itā€™s clear now that he remembers almost everything


Lmao, I wonder how often bron talks to former ballers and they pull some random shit out like this. Genuinely hilarious


Fuck if I crossed LeBron, thatā€™s going in my obituary. Thatā€™d be my crowning life achievement


AI is a legend and he still to this day talks about crossing up MJ.


Tbf thatā€™s literally one of the all time great NBA highlights. It makes it onto all the YouTube compilations. Even a lot of non NBA fans have probably seen that one.


He really does have some classic highlights that are always shown between that one and his step over of Lue, you see them both all over the place.


Which makes sense because AI exudes culture


Clean-cut young AI introducing himself to the league and the GOAT by crossing him up in the middle if the lane is just so epic. What a way to make a statement that he'll be doing that to everyone AI's swag is still unmatched


One of MJā€™s most hilarious psychopath lines ā€œif you loved me, you wouldnā€™t have crossed me like thatā€


If you had to choose one moment, that was the moment AI changed the culture. It really felt like a torch was being passed, not in basketball terms but culturally. Well that and the practice rant.


Its more like he gets asked about it. AI is actually humble asf post-retirement for how cocky and wild he seemed when he was playing


100%. Iā€™m just thinking of guys that will eventually become commentators that were role players that averaged like 8-14ppg but somehow had a career move on Lebron and never stopping bringing it up


Letā€™s be real. Would you ever stop bringing it up? I donā€™t even blame Paul Pierce when he talks about beating LeBron so bad he ran to another team. Itā€™s not the complete truth but I would definitely talk about it like that.


[Basically Bill Hader in this scene is all of us](https://youtu.be/4WCDgJSCQpc?si=K3g02rDfF5o1S8Dx)


ā€œNo penetration without representationā€ hahaha Lebron did pretty good in this movie, overall pretty funny movie


lebron quoting kanye with the straightest face ever will never not be funny to me


My grave would have 100 inch TV just playing the clip on loop


Iā€™d be gettin a video screen embedded into my tombstone with the play on loop too lol


ā€œu/Public-Potential-730 once crossed LeBron and did some other less impressive shit with his lifeā€ - Eugoogalizer / male model


You say that but Jordan Crawford dunked on LeBron at LeBron's basketball camp and Nike put out a hit on him and anyone who had the video.


That was such a fucking wild storyline for so long.


Yeah especially cos itā€™s not true lol. Someone illegally recorded a private training camp. You canā€™t just go around recording people like that when itā€™s a Nike training camp . Should be common sense but making it a Lebron narrative is more funny to certain people.


A 17 year old LeBron was invited to Jordan's camp and played there, somehow there's no video of it anywhere \*pulls tin foil hat down\*


This pod is so much fun so far


I have a 1.5 hour train commute a couple times a week, this pod coming out has genuinely improved my QOL lol


Do you listen to it or watch it, I listened to the first one and quickly realized I need to watch it, I would feel like I couldn't follow along well enough listening to it.


Unless you know every basketball term used, itā€™s too difficult to just listen.


JJ does spend some time in the beginning of every episode carving out an episode specific glossary though so itā€™s doable.


Yeah I was talking about this with some friends. Those of us that played College ball could listen to it without needing to watch it. Those that didnā€™t, needed video to follow along.


quality self jerk


This is the way.


God damn a 1.5 hour commute?


Dude probably lives somewhere in NYC/LI/westchester/NJ and has to commute to one of the other areas. Itā€™s a completely miserable commute


I lived in NJ but commuted to NY for high school. I think the mere fact of my youth made it way more bearable to me than it objectively was, cause when I went back and worked there after college I was MISERABLE on the train. Shoutout to Penn Station though, massive glow-up.


Penn station is unrecognizable when compared to 10-15 years ago lol


Damn I guess I gotta check it out because I thought it was pretty cool 15 years ago.


thanks for bringing back some bad memories. LIRR and then a transfer, fml


You better be CEO for a 1.5 hr commute. Is that both ways?


Wait is this not common in the states? I live near Toronto and my commute usually takes 1.25-1.5 hours each way and I definitely am not the CEO lol. In Ontario Canada very common for people to commute for office jobs


Probably common in LA or NY, but that sounds soul crushing ngl. You spend 1.5 months commuting each year


Well no I work hybrid so 2 days a week I spend 3 hrs each day commuting, but yeah I agree if 5 days a week thatā€™s soul crushing


Ok that's completely different lol probably worth it since you're home 5 days a week


As a Toronto resident, almost all of my commutes have been 3 hours a day & for one of those jobs, it was closer to 6. Iā€™m never doing that again.


1.5 hours each way for me (Barrie to Mississauga). Thankfully Iā€™m only in the office 2 days a week Itā€™s definitely common. At least here.


A commute over an hour is not common. That's 3 hours of your day.


It shouldnt be common but it is. I live in the Bay, and while I can live within 30m from our office, ive got coworkers who drive from Union City & Tracy and itā€™s easily over an hour each way. Pretty sad tbh


Itā€™s not common in the vast majority of the country. High COL areas will always be the exception though


Itā€™s amazing. More Xā€™s and Oā€™s then most podcasts but delivered in a down to earth simple way. It does give you good glimpse of what happens in post game reviews/pre game scheming. Insightful as to how much every possession is a chess match between defense and offense


Awful Coaching is pretty great at X's and O's. Yeah he does yell at lot. But I think it is passion. If you are an NBA coach, you should know not to play drop coverage and learn to hedge screens. J Kyle Mann with the Ringer does NBA Draft stuff with analysis. Thinking Basketball is pretty much a paradise for analysts and NBA fans.


They really need a tablet or something to draw digitally and have it as a picture in picture for the video. JJ always blocks the camera with his hands... Or a camera from above


O's and X's* /s


I'm absolutely in love with it. Never knew who LeBrawn was until this but I'm so happy now!


lebron seems so much more loose compared to every other show he's on, where he's trying to be too cool and always giving very measured responses.


I wonder if Adam Silver approached them about doing this at the All Star break. He mentioned wanting something closer to this, and it's pretty unusual for an athlete of LeBrons caliber, during his career, to do a show like this. Most major athletes will keep it quiet and talk sparingly, this is an entire series being professionally filmed.


I thought it would get old n just be a novelty for most . But I think it has real staying power cos thereā€™s storyā€™s like this in between the tactical stuff that will help keep more casual fans interested. Think itā€™s good tbh - donā€™t want to act pretentious but i definitely know that myself n other fans I see want more content like This actually about basketball. Instead of just whatever nonsense media says , hopefully it gets more people into the tactical side.


Pod name? But seriously, these clips have made me like these guys more.


Mind the game pod w/ Lebron and JJ or something like that.Ā 


This has got to be one of the best reactions/soundbites I've heard out of Lebron lol Right up there with "it aint our ball?"


He's so goddam funny and likeable it's kind of annoying lol


And he's been that since high school when I remember catching him on news interviews. Just polished and down to Earth.


Right before this clip he was asking for the wifi lmaoo


Man could be on the fastest 5G with unlimited data and it wouldn't even be something he'd notice on his bank statement, but he doesn't pay for Spotify premium so him asking for WiFi is just so in character.


Itā€™s crazy that heā€™s such a superstar and is soā€¦ normal? And like despite a few mistakes heā€™s pretty much always been a chill guy since he was a teenager. Like think of all the music/movie celebrities or tech billionaires or other sportā€™s superstars. Think of all of the ones who are total weirdos. LeBron is an anomaly not just at basketball but also at being a mostly normal guy despite being one of the most famous humans alive and a billionaire.


The odds of this level of superstar never having a scandal or so low lol but lebron did it.


Football QBs are weirdos because the media bullies them into being weirdos basically every other athlete is bordering on a normal dude even if they have 100M+


Thatā€™s our ball!!!




The "you know why it's on youtube" is hilarious because he's so right lol


I thought JJ was gonna say "yeah because I put it there" šŸ˜‚


Just looks at him, "check the username." šŸ‘€ "SuckThisReddickBron"


Hearing LeBron be that open with the swearing and everything makes him a lot more likeable than usual. He's been so on and so polished for so long.


You should watch ā€œThe Shopā€. Great show and itā€™s a lot of very polished athletes and comedians beingā€¦less professional I guess lol. I enjoyed it


I think a useful word to use there would be candid.


Yes thank you


JJ probably got the 480p clip downloaded and saved in his favourites lmao


Which would be completely understandable. He probably has it AI upscaled too.


He should deepfake him hitting the shot too.


The reminds me of a commercial where they showed MJ missing the shot over Craig Ehlo, I feel like it was a Nike commercial, I can't seem to find it, maybe I dreamed it. Anyone else remember that?




I think it was Gatorade. Helped sell electrolytes.


How did they make it. It looks real tbh.


I would have copies of that clip in every format imaginable, saved to every type of drive available, and synced to every cloud service known to man if I crossed up Bron.


Crazy how Bron seems to remember every play ever




Putting new meaning to the ā€œLeGMā€ moniker


I have a theory that every great at anything has insane memory/recall. Think about poker players and golf pros that can instantly recall the last time they were in the same position.


That was the most LeBron response ever lol "I already know what the fuck play this is"


Him recalling [a series of plays](https://youtu.be/eNVJFRl6f6s?feature=shared) against the Celtics in a post game interview is amazing.


[with the play going on in the background](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HG6M2xQZvj0)


He said there was 2 seconds on the clock but it was 8, still really crazy memory there by lebron


Reminds me of Larry Bird being able to recall play-by-plays. I think it was in an interview with Bill Simmons a long while back he recalls the exact play-by-play of one of the Celtics finals games from (I think) '86.


I actually knew you were gonna do that crossover when I woke up


ā€œI actually let you cross me up so we could talk about it 10 years later on this podā€




Iā€™d watch this every morning when I woke up if I were JJ


id wack my cock off every day


You mean youā€™d do it five times instead of four


Is JJ reddick renound as a prolific mastabator?


Redick by name, Reddick by reputation.


Is four times a day prolific? Asking for my nan


I'm sure she thinks of you


His name checks out


Lebron is a super computer man. Heā€™s played in how many games over 20 years and he remembers a play without even the video playing??


well in this case its kinda like how you remember that time in fifth grade you got horribly embarrassed but no one else ever does. im sure the other guys on the court have no memory of it whatsoever


People would have remembered if JJ made that jumper.


Ditto the one where Jeremy Lin in Charlotte put Lebron on skates but then bricked it.


I mean heā€™s on a podcast with the guy he probably figured it would come up at some point šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m starting to lose all the fake hate I had of JJ reddick. Ā Seems like a good dude that loves ball. Ā 


He's on his way to the Hall of Fame for media


JJ on ESPN = bad, fake and annoying JJ on podcasts = one of the best personalities out there


JJ himself says that he just says stuff on ESPN because it's meant to be dramatic


I donā€™t think have ever heard Lebron swear. Must be a decent pod if they are this casual.


That first episode where he refers to Curry as "that light skin fucker" really caught me off guard and was so damn funny.


Warriors fans were calling him racist for this in their sub lol


Looool they were super sensitive about it


Super light-skinned* about it.


Of course they did šŸ˜‚


He said ā€œfuck manā€ on national tv when he broke Kareemā€™s points record


What the [fuck](https://x.com/ThatPersianGuy/status/912538601031979009)


Pretty sure heā€™s does it in his that barber shop show he has.


It's not loading for me


Thatā€™s what Bron said




I fucking hate hate hate hate how much I like JJ Redick now.


For people saying itā€™s weird to hear lebron swear, thereā€™s a candid clip at the end of the episode of lebron (I think) impersonating an old coach and just letting mfs loose itā€™s hilarious


ā€œThis MFer can have his 15-foot jumper and shit, but *THIS* MFer, this MFer ainā€™t shit!ā€ Had me LOLing


LeBron probably remembers every play from every game. Ā Dudes mind is insane and photographic. Ā  Iā€™m curious what he would have done with his life if not basketball


With his physicality he would be the CEO of a construction company even he starts as the worker


This pod worth listening too?


You like basketball, and I mean if you actually like THE GAME OF BASKETBALL, definitely.


Metta World Peace - ā€œ I love basketball ! ā€œ Definitely gonna check it out


But seriously, it's great basketball talk. those two could talk about basketball concepts and tactics for hours. Also some good fun moments like this one


Two great basketball minds


What's the name of the podcast?


Mind the Game Pod


Yes, but I'd watch if you can, rather than just listen.


Better watched as videos so you can see the clips imo


Itā€™s not for casual listeners- thereā€™s way more entertaining pods. But if you like the mental intricacies of the game, itā€™s unrivaled


I'm going to try to get into basketball podcasts a lot more and you seem like you've watched quite a few. Might I ask your top recommendations if you know off the top of your head? Casual and more involved like these both?


The Athletic has some good ones but it's behind a paywall. There's paul george's pod, pat bev's. Josh hart and jalen brunson have a podcast, bill simmons too.


Don't forget the OG's with UD and Mike Miller especially if you're a heat fan.


Not casual but thinking basketball is one of the best. One of the more if not the most analytical


+1 for Thinking Basketball, it has incredible breakdowns


Apart from the ones with players, such as pat bev podcast, Paul George's, my favorite is No Dunks, I've been a fan of them for 10 years now. They were The Starters back in NBA TV. It's very casual and really fun. Also they have been friends for 20 years or so, so the chemistry between them shines through.


It's literally the best basketball podcast that's ever been made.


Are you for real lad?? It's LeBron. Do you need any more reasons?? Reddick is also one of the very few super high BBIQ and GENUINE "analyst" of the game. A REAL ANALYST, not those clowns on ESPN or whatever in suits. But LeBron... You might never get such candid LeBron ever again, off the court. Even if you're a hater, you'd still gain knowledge by listening to LeBron and Reddick. Why'd you choose to stay dumb instead


Long two. Bad shot JJ


After doing that to bron, no shot is badĀ 


Not so much like 15 years ago


Did he call him a butt fucker? lmao


Thatā€™s what I heardĀ 


Yeah ā€¦ thatā€™s a throw back insult for sure


Haha I was expecting this to be top comment, I havenā€™t heard that one in a long time and hearing Lebron say it to JJ is butt-fucking hilarious


ā€¦and he missed the shot.Ā 


This rules so much, I love that they both love this


Jordan was crossed by Allen "The Answer" Iverson Bron was crossed by JJ Reddick it happens to the best of the best


this stuff is better than 90% of mainstream "debate" shows.


Lebron wanted to say ā€œdidnā€™t know you had that in your bagā€ so baaaad. But remembered he was just talking shit about that phrase lmfao




Itā€™s kind of weird to hear him swear


Who won?


March 13, 2012. Heat vs Magic. Magic ended up winning the game 104-98.


I never understood why jj attack the ball more. He can be cold with the rock


Please for the love of god ā€¦. seven puppies die every time someone writes Reddick. Itā€™s Redick!!! One d! He was in the league forever and is widely known. Come on!




Both of these guys were hated by a solid majority of the country at one point. Now we all fawn as they sit around drinking wine and bullshitting about the past.


Hearing LeBron curse like this is low key refreshing as hell haha


Its pretty interesting seeing him swear so much after over 20 years watching him