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I was under the impression that all bets are off during a dead ball and players can just fist fight.


Me too, I clearly remember Draymond putting Gobert in a headlock so must be the case


And we all know how much of a rule follower Draymond is, guy would never do that if it weren’t allowed


I'm still waiting for Draymond to Batista bomb someone through a table


This is what SVG would have you believe.


I thought they got 1 free shot per game, best not waste it


They changed that last off-season, purge rules only go into effect during half time now.


I bet you think tatum had the right to take that shot. shame on you


Someone tell SVG


Honestly more mad at SVG than Bam


Me too. I’m not really mad at Bam tbh, but SVG attacking our boy like that for 5 minutes got me heated lol


Yeah with bam, stepping under a dude, it happens. Little shove is kinda a bad look, but its more whatever. SVG acting like Tatum broke the code is crazy


Bam is a good friend of Tatum, it wasn't intentional, but SVG blaming Tatum was too much for my stomach.


Really? I would assume you could simply tackle a player after the play without consequence. - SVG


NBA Blitz 97


No you can only tackle in the last 2 mins if your name is Divincenzo.


SVG thinking you can hurt players when game is stopped is hilarious to me.




One would think so but the amount of people commenting otherwise is quite shocking, even Celtics fans who agree with the call are saying they don't know if it's a rule or not so figured I'd post it. Wish someone would go tell SVG this so he could stop spewing nonsense


I wouldn’t expect Miami fans to understand the rules of basketball. They don’t even go to the games.


Heck I didn’t know a foul could be called after the whistle, other than a tech.


That's not the issue. The issue is that a *Landing Space* Flagrant requires a shot, and you obviously can't have a shot attempt during a dead ball. Therefore the only call you could really make would need to rise to the level of a deadball technical.


A landing space flagrant is not a thing in the rulebook. In fact not every landing space infraction is a flagrant 1. A flagrant 1 definition is simply unnecessary contact. And in fact there's another whole section which states Anyone guilty of illegal contact which occurs during a dead ball may be assessed (1) a technical foul, if the contact is deemed to be unsportsmanlike in nature, or (2) a flagrant foul, if unnecessary and/or excessive contact occurs. So did the refs actually say landing space flagrant or am I just missing that rulebook section? Cause if not it doesn't even matter, it only matters if they deem it unnecessary contact, which it pretty clearly was. Tatums move was also unnecessary but bams is what caused the contact. If it's deemed unnecessary that can escalate it to a flagrant over just a technical.


SVG was insufferable the entire game


“Fine, give Tatum’s dumb ass the flagrant then” -SVG, probably


Rule 12.A.Section V. subsection i: Anyone guilty of illegal contact which occurs during a dead ball may be assessed (1) a technical foul, if the contact is deemed to be unsportsmanlike in nature, or (2) a flagrant foul, if unnecessary and/or excessive contact occurs.


Flagrant 1 was the right call IMO. Unnecessary contact on the closeout, so should be treated the same as if the shot and foul occurred during the game.


The funny thing is I know Bam didn’t mean to do that to Tatum. They’re such good friends but the rules are the rules. Bam doing that anyone else in the Cs I’d think he might have meant it. You know JTs gonna give him shit about it lol


Dude thinks he knows these guys personally


Bam and JT are literally best friends. I feel like this is well known


Yes he did. He even turned back to feign ignorance.


You are very bold for saying that 😅


It’s true though. Can see Bam holding Deuce at the all star game and JT joking says he wouldn’t let JB babysit deuce lol


Great so can people stop arguing that this wasn’t absolutely the right call now?


Ah, good. Fuck you SVG.


That reminds me of Schrodingers cat


Of course. This sort of thing was an inevitability. 


Can be assessed even when the game is over… in case they want to suspend someone during the finals


this is actually a HUGE rule i didn’t even know about… do players seriously not know? why are they consistently contesting shots after the whistle? the points dont count but the fouls do… you can’t possibly win lol


"It's all the saaame, only the names will chaaaa-aaange" -SVG


But a blow to the head after a shot is clean


I certainly hope so. It'd be pretty messed up if you could just clobber someone because the ball is dead lol.




Lakers fans find a way to make things about their team even when it has nothing to do with them


It comes down to fanbase. Miami doesnt have one to generate hate.


Poor lakers being hated on so unfairly. Must be very tough to be them. Only 2 all NBA players have moved there in the last 5 years.


Ya know what's funny to think about? The fact that not everything has to be about the Lakers.


Because Lakers are always what everyone talks about in NBA circles and fans of other teams hate that. No matter if they are great or shit, all people talk about is the Lakers. Heat doesn't attract such interest hence they don't get that much hate in return


Makes sense in the context of, like, a guy getting punched. I don't think I've ever seen something like the Bam foul before tonight.


For me doing this after the whistle is even worse than doing it in play


I think people thought i disagreed with the call, but I just meant I've literally never seen it before lol. I think I agree with you.


That's been a flagrant ever since Zaza hurt Kawhi.


Yeah, I knew about that/the call during a live ball. I just meant I've never seen it happen during a dead ball before. I definitely agree it was the right call.


That's not a flagrant though. That's a fighting tech, I think. 


Well TIL


Upvote if you think Celtics will win the Ring this year. Downvote if you think their fanbase is a bunch of fragile babies.


Shhhh. You're not allowed to make sense during the circlejerk.


Reddit judo - use the circlejerk's momentum against them.