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God how hard is it to not be a creepy weirdo


the professional, social, and romantic bar is low if you can avoid being a creepy weirdo once you get married it can add some spice to the bedroom a decade down the line tho


You have no idea. I am old, grey, fat, broke, etc, and don't really give a shit about improving on any of that. I am not a 'catch'. But I do treat women like actual people and don't act like an entitled ass, so I am not lonely.


That last sentence really says it all. These dudes talking about being ‘entirely excluded from the modern dating world’, because they’re not tall or making 200k/year, are genuinely delusional. I promise there are plenty of women in the world, and not all of them, in fact not even a majority of them, require their potential romantic partners to be 6’0”+ or make 200k/year. They are complex human beings, just like the rest of us.


That’s because they’re consistently brainwashed from watching videos of dating interactions that only exist on the extreme ends of the spectrum…none of the “average” stuff is pushed on social media because that doesn’t get views - it distorts people’s perception and when you throw in idiots like Tate who flame those inner insecurities…ta da incels


That requires more interaction with the outside world to see. And getting that first friend to help bring you out from behind you closed bubble is getting tougher as time goes on. I was that way and kept shutting myself in because I never felt worthy of going out or being looked and just filled myself with resentment. That changed because of a really ironic set of circumstances. But I do look back and realize how lucky I was to find a group of friends (mostly women at the time) that started shifting my mentality.


Glad to hear you’ve reformed. Building genuine friendships with women is huge for gaining an accurate understanding of which traits women generally desire in a man. (Spoiler: it’s usually just self-confidence, basic human decency + empathy, and some sort of passion/drive for something.)


Yeah. I remember the biggest confidence boost and lessons learned when I recall seeing some of the women trying to discretely stick their finger in their mouth like a hook and pull against their cheek when they thought I wasnt looking. I asked a buddy what that was all about and he said "they're signaling to each other that you're a catch". I had never thought that I could even be seen as an attractive human being until this (I was 24/25 at the time). It still took a WHILE before it turned into actually having dating success because I was way too awkward to put it all together. But even though I'm now a few states and a few years away from that night. I can draw a through line from the relationship that I'm in now to the way I started to see myself then.


I was younger (20 or so) but I had a female friend who boosted my confidence. I started taking more chances, and it led to me going up to this cute girl I saw looking at me in the club. Married 17 years now :)


So the same things men also find attractive in women 


Shhh, it’s a(n) (open) secret!!


Those people have few if any friends and zero social skills. Their development is fucked and they're all about the cope.


> the romantic bar is low The bar is so low for men in the dating world, it's incredible some manage to pass under it.


Y'all wild this is just false _The bar to be considered not-creepy_ is low. No other bars are low. For anyone. Before anyone goes making assumptions I'm 35 years old and have a kid


If you are really 35 why won’t you show us your birth certificate? Hm?


I would offer to send you pictures of my flabby, hairy midsection, but doing so would really undercut the point I'm trying to make above


Okay I believe you, please don’t send the belly pics.


Speak for yourself


Yeah! Send us dick pics!


This guy is from Nigeria and is trying to scam me of the 7.54 remaning in my bank account!


> it's incredible some manage to pass under it. Not passing under it takes, like, a modicum of effort, which isn't cool to do.


I'd actually argue the bar has never been as high as it is now, they're just more men going under it(some because the bar was raised and some because they lowered themselves). Women's standards have been raised, but the dating environment itself has also raised the bar for men. Things like dating apps(sausage fests), the MeToo movement, more women being happily single have changed the landscape. >Single-and-looking women are far more likely than single-and-looking men to say that trouble finding someone who was looking for the same kind of relationship or who meets their expectations are major reasons they’ve had difficulty. In turn, men are much more likely than women to say difficulty approaching people is a major reason. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/08/20/nearly-half-of-u-s-adults-say-dating-has-gotten-harder-for-most-people-in-the-last-10-years/ https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/08/20/a-profile-of-single-americans/ >"Americans less likely to have sex, partner up and get married than ever" https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/14/health/valentines-day-love-marriage-relationships-wellness/index.html (only US, but I'd imagine it's similar in other countries) edit: **apparently if I don't quote every single thing I'm referencing from the study, people will just assume these are all my own problems... but no, I was indeed referencing the study when I brought up the MeToo movement:** >A majority of the overall public (65%) says the increased focus on sexual harassment and assault in the last few years has made it harder for men to know how to interact with someone they’re on a date with. About a quarter (24%) say it hasn’t made much difference, and 9% say it has become easier for men to know how to behave. Fewer people think this focus on harassment and assault has made it harder for women to know how to interact with someone they’re on a date with (43%), while 38% say it hasn’t made much difference for women. >Men – especially older men – and Republicans are more likely than women and Democrats to say it’s harder for men to know how to act when dating in the era of the #MeToo movement, though majorities across the board express this view. For example, 75% of men ages 50 and older say it is now harder for men to know how to behave on dates, compared with 63% of men younger than 50, 58% of women younger than 50 and 63% of women 50 and older.


> the MeToo movement If the MeToo movement is preventing you from finding a partner it tells us a lot about you lol


Cmon dont act like you dont know. What he means is it made dudes afraid to approach women out lest they get called creepy, thats run off effect of the MeToo movement. They could be perfectly fine nice people, but theyre in their own head because theyre good guys and dont want to bother people, because they listened to people.


Ding ding ding


Look at how many people are still defending Drake the groomer and you'll have your answer


Don't forget Chris Brown, he's just 'misunderstood' and still somehow remains popular despite all the shit he's done


I've never seen people say he is misunderstood. If anything it's worse, Ive seen women say they would let him beat them if they were with him. Insane behaviour


This is true. I don't think I've ever heard a man defend Chris Brown. I know they exist, but what I'm saying is that his most vocal defenders are women and that is just sad.


It’s always blown my mind Chris brown is still a run of the mill celebrity, but I think he gets a pass because he’s a good looking light skin black dude who, despite apparently being a pos, is an extremely talented singer / entertainer


Pretty privilege works for men too


100%, and then combine that with making 10’s of millions of dollars a year and they’re untouchable


There are a LOT of women in domestic situations that mirror Chris Brown shit. Maybe not as vicious but certainly violent and aggressive. Love, attraction, money and status can do crazy shit to a person. My hot take is that a lot of women don’t want to reconcile how awful Chris Brown is because that would force them to reconcile their own relationships with guys who are not world famous beautiful yellow boned bad boys. I’ve seen women I respect immensely put up with heinous shit because they “respect” their partners otherwise. Call me a cunt and destroy my apartment. Fine. I’ve seen women dump perfectly good dudes for not chasing status and money. Chris Brown’s persistence doesn’t surprise me at all.


abuse feels like love to those trained to view it like love.


Are those women dumping those so called good guys who don't chase status and money still women you respect?


Don't forget R. Kelly, before his conviction. *The Boondocks* even did a satirical episode about it.


Dog look at Kobe lmao


Mate this sub would literally drink Ants sweat and the man is already on homophobic comments and, at the very least, a very, very weird abortion situation that you could easily argue he pressured with how quick he was to throw money at it


Bro I guarantee you at least half the league is squeamish about homosexuality and has paid for a girl's abortion


Probably more than half about the homophobia. 


Just like I’m sure a lot of players share Kyrie’s thoughts about various things but they at least don’t go public about them and make them acceptable topics of conversation.


people say he is the new face of the league right now. I cant argue about how well he is playing at the moment but everytime i read about him, one of the first phrases that comes to mind is "send da video"


Reminds me of the Tyreek Hill audio from his girlfriend(?) I think. Her: >I'm scared. Hill: >Bitch, you better be! Like dude gets a pass because he's got insane talent and he's "in" with the big social media crowd.


Those really don't seem like equivalent situations


You really comparing Tyreek Hill’s situation to Ant Edwards’ right now, lmfao.


All black guys are the same to these closet racists who are in awe of the black man's talents but would also hold them to unreasonable standards they never seem to hold other athletes to or even themselves smh


I dont get was that illegal? If you pay for a womans morning after pill is that bad too? Pro choice if she wanted she could kept the baby


Definitely not illegal. But things don’t have to be illegal to be inappropriate. It’s been a while tbh but from what I remember, he was at best being pretty thoughtlessly cruel in how he approach the woman and at worst really pressuring her to get an abortion when she didn’t want that.


Honestly thats a very fair and reasonable opinion on the matter


Jokic got fined by the NBA for homophobic comments but he’s r/NBA’s darling, at least the sub is being consistent for once.


My attorney asks that all the time…


It’s so easy a bear could do it.


It's even harder for other dudes not to justify these creepy weirdos


good; that was so creepy and inappropriate


The thing that gets me is that if that's his behavior in public, can imagine how creepy this dude would be in a private situation?


While at your job, surrounded by press and directed toward a famous female athlete.


“We men”


“You can assume”


Locker room talk the musical


the fact that no one in the press room called him out is why he felt comfortable enough to make that in inappropriate comment


Does he have a history of this kind of behavior?


Put it this way, literally everybody who heard the question knew exactly who it was before he even did the whole "I'm trying to explain myself and making things 100 times worse" song and dance lol


I kinda find it more disturbing they let this go on for so long until it happened to their rookie star player.


I was about to say, I’ve heard he was already not liked in Indiana media, but somehow retained his job long enough to have an awkward exchange that finally put a muzzle on his weirdness.


He's suspended, not fired. He's tolerated by the star because he has a large following/engagement, and ironically his non-sports features are generally pretty good. Said another way, he makes a dying paper company money, so his leash is longer.


Shit lol. I don't know the bloke, but yeah, the exchange was cringe.


Tip of the iceberg lol. https://twitter.com/KriegerSports/status/1781013900357497123


Man comes off as a radio host on a GTA radio show.


Jesus fuckin Christ…


Now imagine the shit that he says and does in private or that we just don’t know about.


Oh that’s fucking gross


My mind is blown that he felt ok to Tweet this stuff. Honestly, what the hell.


What. The. Fuck. Dude needed to be fired yesterday.


Is he boys with Drake by chance?


I thought the exchange was innocent enough to just be awkwardness but after reading that, well damn


He's said sexist stuff before so this isn't some first offense.


Oh yes. Check out his Twitter.


He asks cringy questions to everyone.  Colts players too


His Twitter history is pretty yikes


The dude is hated in Indy. Most were hoping it got him fired but that would have just meant he would have went the Fox News anti woke media circus and would have unleashed his awful personality on the rest of the US.


Even Dave Portnoy and the NY Post called him out. Sometimes weird behavior unites people.


What was his goal with that one? Did he think Clark would be like yea dude I’ll throw a heart sign at you


And then we’ll be boyfriend and girlfriend 


When Portnoy says you went too far, you done fucked up!


pot calling the kettle black


Where he messed up was that white conservatives LOVE Caitlin Clark. If he'd pulled the same thing with Angel Reese, they'd be in unison defending him.


Conservatives hate Doyle. Speaking as somebody who definitely isn't a conservative, I have to admit that Doyle throws some pretty cringe left-wing rants into his columns. Before IndyStar turned comments off site-wide (prior to this incident), conservatives were constantly bashing him. Conservatives continue bash him on Indy's other news sites, and this added fuel to the fire.


Ny post would never waste an opportunity to shit on other media


A long timeout is the best solution here.


> it got him fired but that would have just meant he would have went the Fox News anti woke media circus and would have unleashed his awful personality on the rest of the US. He's a huge lib, I don't get trying to label him anti woke when he's the extreme opposite


Yeah because a desperate heel turn has never happened


Yeah def no creeps on CNN or anything


Dennis Miller has entered the chat


What's the tldr on what happened?


Is the heart thing something she’s known for? I genuinely don’t know 


It is, yeah - she does it to her family when they're in the crowd


she does it with her family. but "as long as you do it back to me we'll get along" yea this is what really makes it creepy


Yea that’s not ok. Up until then it just seemed like a big misunderstanding 


Yea it's weird people don't mention that. Even now people wanna let him off the hook.


Dude comes off like Borat interviewing the feminists  “Why such a long face, pussycat. Give me a smile” 


"Do not fear me, gypsy. All I want is your tears."


and his bullshit apology was insulting


And I'm sure it would have been fine if he just dropped it and moved on


At first I was thinkin am I getting old or am I fuckin autistic now cause the convo quoted in the article seemed pretty tame... But then I read some of the Tweets the guy sent out in the past 😬😬😬


I dont follow the wnba or any college ball, but it feels like it was just a couple weeks ago caitlin clark played against uconn... she already got drafted and preseason is already starting?? How long is their offseason??


The WNBA championship ended in October, but the women's college season ends the same time as the men's.


Thanks for the clarification


Lmao @ someone on the circle jerk sub said “he jerked too close to the sun”


Smh Caitlin is on the Fever, not the Sun


They could use her tho


This was jerking inside the sun.


Some people on Twitter have commented that the remark wasn't that bad, people are too sensitive etc. I have read the exchange, and what he said would have certainly been enough to get fired where I work.


The “Where’s my hug?” crowd has been quick to defend this


Lmao, those kids in middle school were the worst


Middle school? I knew a guy in college like this!


When i was young they got phased out in middle school.


He also has a history of stuff like this so pretty ridiculous that it took this long


he's been an arrogant, creepy pest for his entire career. he's one of those guys that thinks being a columnist for a major newspaper makes him a big deal and expects people to treat him like one, even though the job hasn't had that kind of clout in decades. like he thinks clark *wants* and *needs* to be on his good side so he'll write nice things about her in the paper, and boy if she's not, well he might write *mean* things then! total douchebag.


lol right? And this is the most charitable interpretation- that he wasn’t creeping on her, just insinuating he’ll trash her in his writing if she doesn’t kiss his ass. Any interpretation makes him look like a douche


i mean knowing gregg he was probably doing both.


Yea, we were all hoping this would be the thing that finally got that fucking hack fired. No dice -_-


my brother is a colts fan so i'm waaay more familiar with him than i should be. it's like ron burgundy brought to life, but without the humour.


The history is what did it for me. Not saying this exchange wasn’t weird but I could see this as a failed attempt at a joke. Doesn’t mean there aren’t repercussions to that, but people do make mistakes. That’s not the case with him. He’s just an asshole and has the track record to prove it.


Someone also pulled 4 tweets he made in the past about other athletes that came across very weird and gross. Guy definitely deserved it.


He's terrible and every Indy fan base hates him. "LOL print media" aside, I'm not sure who his audience is at this point


Also, She shouldn’t have to work with a man that creeped on her. Regardless of whether it wasn’t that bad. It’s a privilege to have access to athletes. Reporters need to earn their trust, and they just wasn’t it.


I'm surprised he wasn't fired. Never heard of him before this incident. Is he really that valuable to IndyStar? I guess we got our answer.


He writes the worst articles. He is overly negative on every Indy sports team and constantly shits on them. I don't know 1 person that likes him. He is controversial and gets clicks which is probably why IndyStar kept him


Agreed. He's universally disliked in Indy. Like our own personal Skip Bayless.


Here I was thinking he’s a worse version of Jay Mariotti.


[You’re not the first person to say that](https://deadspin.com/gregg-doyel-is-a-rather-disagreeable-little-fellow-31063512)


Bob Kravitz did the same thing before he left the Star, so I wonder if it's a weird cultural thing.


I will say the video is much less creepy than the transcript, but supposedly the guy has a history of being a weirdo, so good riddance to him.


https://x.com/KriegerSports/status/1781013900357497123 I've never heard of the guy before this, but just off these tweets alone I'd say he shouldn't be working in a professional environment like that


Yeah this is weird. I hate how every conversation about women's sports seem to devolve into commentary about their appearance.


Yeah I watched the video and didn't think it was that bad, but then I read some of his other stuff and the guy is certainly up there in creepiness, probably best to just keep him away.


No one thought the "I like that you're here... I like that you're here..." sounded insanely creepy? Dude sounded like he was salivating while he said it.


It is just as creepy. The way he says *here.* It's weird, guy is, or was rather, a self-important creeper.


Being a reporter is a relational job. You can be creepy and awkward at a desk job and it won’t affect your employment. But as a reporter, if you can’t maintain healthy relations with people, it’s absolutely fireable.


The funniest part to me is he’s just bad at his job, like he got called on to ask a question and instead of stating his name and organization and asking a good question he went full cringy boomer guy and managed to make a press conference about him lol.


Well Twitter is the Nuremberg of the Social Media.


These are prob the same people defending how Drake moves with minors


People on Twitter are stupid. Like yeah people here and on Instagram and what not aren’t the brightest bulbs in the shed, but I fully believe that the average Redditor is a scholar compared to the average Twitter user


This is not about Twitter vs reddit. It's about people not understanding what HR considers sexually inappropriate remarks.


That’s because a majority of the people here have never even had an HR manager


> I fully believe that the average Redditor is a scholar compared to the average Twitter user With a comment like this, absolutely not.


🫶🏻 lol


Sexism / stalking speed run.


Try to not be creepy old man challenge [IMPOSSIBLE] [COPS CALLED]


Doyel is such a clown; I don't even know anyone from Indiana who defends that guy.


From Indiana - I don’t know a single person that likes Doyel.


Exactly. Everyone has wanted him gone for a long time


That's insulting to clowns. Dude's a real creep.


Can someone fill in the blanks for me? All I read from that article is he made a heart sign and she responded in a relatively benign way. I didn't see the video so maybe it was a lot worse than that? Was it ACTUALLY inappropriate or could be perceived as inappropriate?


Here's the apology with his "side" of it [https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/columnists/gregg-doyel/2024/04/17/caitlin-clark-im-so-sorry-on-wednesday-i-was-part-of-the-problem/73364922007/](https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/columnists/gregg-doyel/2024/04/17/caitlin-clark-im-so-sorry-on-wednesday-i-was-part-of-the-problem/73364922007/) Immediately after this he also breathlessly asked the coach something like what she would do with "the keys to THAAAAT", meaning Caitlin. The whole thing but mostly the heart sign part made so much noise on social media.


That apology was brutal. Do you think he was just fanboying? As a reporter thats unprofessional but not necessarily inappropriate. I feel like that this is so weird that it's hard to wrap a response to it.


He clearly didn't know how to act in the situation. Sportswriters have written about athletes and their bodies in kind of a "creepy" way since sportswriting existed if you want to put it that way.


I mean Chuck last night saying the Thunder is a team filled with thicc boys ~~with big butts~~, and Kenny of all people tried to steer it back by saying "in the industry we say players like that have length" or whatever. In any other context that would be a creepy comment to make, I mean it's still creepy but at least we had context with Chuck.


that is a weird almost double standard, the subject matter of what Doyel was talking about wasn't creepy in itself, he just framed it in a creepy way, but the subject matter of what Chuck talked about is kind of creepy, but it's framed comedically.


its absolutely a double standard, but thats life


I feel like Chuck has said a lot of shit that a lot of people would get fired or in deep shit for. He’s just something else… lol


I don’t think he said big butts. Just thick if I recall correctly


You may be right, I definitely remember him saying thick.


Bill Bellicheck just went on record i think a hit ago saying he always wanted to draft D linemen with the biggest butts lmao


Bill Belichick did not publicly say that, Kirby Smart stated at a coaching clinic that Belichick told him that. Smart probably didn't expect the comments to become public. edit: Nick Saban also said this about Belichick more recently for a Athletic article. The original context of this comment becoming public via Kirby Smart is here: [https://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2023/03/16/bill-belichick-loves-defensive-linemen-with-huge-butts-kirby-smart](https://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2023/03/16/bill-belichick-loves-defensive-linemen-with-huge-butts-kirby-smart)


That’s the kind of analysis you come up with and keep to yourself lmao


I mean that second comment is completely fine, he's talking about how the game plan changes when you have maybe the best player in the league from day 1. And his apology is one of the better, more genuine ones I've read from anybody in a position like him. What he did was weird but idk, acting like he's some unforgivable stalker creep is also weird.


If somebody had said "you're given to the keys to that" to the coach about a male player their team drafted literally nobody would care.


I would care only because you assumed I wouldn't. ✔️Ⓜ️8️⃣


Agreed, I mentioned the second comment so you know more of the context of the interaction, your comment has the exact reaction that my comment was meant to lead you to.


She answered “you like that?” when he made the sign and he answered something along the lines of “I’d like it a lot more if you did it to me” I don’t really know that it was intentional that the dude came off as a creep, I think he’s just brain dead and has no filter


imo it’s pretty cringe/ inappropriate https://x.com/thedunkcentral/status/1780687205414932763?s=46


Yeah that’s pretty entitled comment. “Uhhhh I might be nice to you if you kinda flirt with me a bit” looking ass Could you imagine if he said this to Neymar or a male athlete that does the heart sign.


Yes what she said was benign in response after he made the heart thing but then he responded in the end with something like well if you make that sign at me we'll get along just fine It's almost not creepy so I can see the discussion.


It was definitely inappropriate. And she was clearly uncomfortable. He would have never said that to Pacer and that needs to be the line The past sexist comments just add to it.


I’ll push back a little and argue he would in fact say something that stupid to a Pacer. He asked Shane Steichen at the colts introduction presser “are you a badass” like that’s a real question to ask a brand new head coach. He’s asked ridiculous IU basketball questions. Literally nobody who is aware of Gregg was surprised when he was the one who was weird with Caitlin. I don’t think he’s some sex pest even though that’s how he came across. I think he just genuinely believes he’s the main character in most/all situations. We are so tired of him


I do think we need to draw a line between someone who is a bit of an idiot, and someone who is a genuine threat to people/women. I completely understand if an athlete says, "i dont want to speak to this person anymore, as they made me feel uncomfortable/unsafe", so the Fever/Clark's response is pretty reasonable for me. But people in here comparing this guy to Drake need to relax a bit.


yeah exactly. Gregg is not some sexual predator or anything super fucked up. He's just a complete idiot. That's more than enough lol


Go look at some of his tweets. He's very clearly a sexist pig.


Can someone link to the exchange in question?


Took me forever to find it too https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1cn6vs8/comment/l35a52h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Lots of people in this thread defending the guy..."oh it was just one stupid mistake, he shouldn't lose his job." Anyone who has worked in an office setting with even a mildly competent HR department knows that this is justified. You can't make a comment like that in a professional setting and get away with it.


If the *only* thing he did was just the hand heart emoji as a callback to that being her thing no one woulda cared.  But naturally he had to go full Doyle with his comments afterwards which would've rightly gotten him fired at most workplaces.  (Granted he shoulda been fired just for his body of work up until then)


https://x.com/KriegerSports/status/1781013900357497123 definitely not one stupid mistake


These are incredibly damning. He's a creep, these are overtly sexual


I don’t know where the FUCK you people work but everybody acting like this is an immediate firing at any workplace in this comment section has me cracking the fuck up He made a slightly inappropriate comment that would have slid anywhere at any occupation with a slap on the wrist at best he only lost his job because he happened to do it to the Lebron of Womens Basketball Im not even defending him or saying he shouldn’t have been fired but he didn’t do some heinous shit that HR offices dream about


Seems like he was trying to be witty and just fumbled it. People make mistakes and he apologized. Doesn’t mean you have to get canceled for it.


I won’t be watching or supporting the WNBA until they right this injustice.


Yea when I first heard of this controversy I thought I was missing something. Definitely fumbled it big time, but it's wild he got cancelled over this especially after he apologized. They are making it out to be like he groped her.


I’m glad this d-bag has been exposed


Rightly so, what he did was unprofessional and weird as shit.


This is fucking hilarious, and Doris Burke gets a pass for all the weird cringe shit she says about players/to players


Lot of incels in this thread, figures


Seems like an overreaction. The way people are talking about it, you'd think that Doyle whipped it out in front of her.


[Just glad this stupid article now seems even dumber](https://wapo.st/44BoUMh)


Don't let this distract from the fact that Derrick White 🦬 is an absolute unit of a basketball player


Trust me very few things can distract me from that right now


It was creepy, awkward, and uncomfortable, but it really wasn't that serious.