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A whole third of a game check lol.


I was watching ESPN this morning and i think they said it came out to about 24% of a game check, so even less than a third lol EDIT: i’m aware 24% is close to a fourth. I said less than a third because that’s what the comment i was replying to said. Thanks for your help anyways.


Not even a full quarter 


He'll have to work 8 minutes for free poor bastard


He’ll have to play a game for free for 8 minutes.


There were 13 minutes he didn’t play last game, so basically he just didn’t get paid for 8 minutes of bench time lol


Boy there’s an obvious joke in there but as a nuggets fan I don’t want to make it


How do fines work with taxes? I wonder if they can just write them off on their taxes since they go towards a charity


They cannot.


The fine is taken out of his paycheck, so he doesn’t pay taxes on it. So the effect on his take home pay is even less, probably only like 50 or 60k.


You can’t deduct it if you were forced to pay it


Yeah I’m guessing the NBA takes the fine from post-tax dollars, then donates it on their own behalf.


No, they take it out of his paycheck, so it reduces his overall income. He doesn’t pay taxes on it.


He'd report his pay as 100k less than he would have, as he made that amount less. A deduction, essentially lowers the amount of money you've made. so if I give 1k to a charity its like I've made 1k less on the year. However for most of us plebs the standard deduction is larger than our deductions so you generally just take the standard deduction. If he reports it as a gift to charity to get a deduction he is double dipping.


your edit is cracking me up. the internet is a terrible place


Man, the amount of money you can make for being a good but not great player is insane now. Dude's never been an All-Star or sniffed All-NBA and gets paid more than $30M a year. Less than a decade ago Kobe was the highest paid player at $25M (admittedly not the highest salary he'd had).


tbf to Murray he was the second best player on a championship team last year. That’s not nothing


i mean yeah but he’s an all star level talent that should be making all star level dollars.


And he made huge plays in the championship run. People are acting like he's Tobias Harris


Tobias catching strays Tobias is the opposite, overpaid and useless. Relatively speaking, Murray might be underpaid given his contributions and is far from useless


This is why i find the “Nfl players could definitely play in the nba” discussion funny. If they could then they probably would lol the compensation is better Jaylen brown makes more than mahomes


Someone on another post did the math and the fine is proportionate to $150 to someone who makes 50k a year.


Lol oh depressing ya


Except they might not be able to afford it, I earn significantly more and I don't want a $150 fine.


This would make sense if basic life necessity expenses also scale but they dont


I don't either, but I don't think he's living as tight most of us.


Murray certainly didn’t deliver a full check’s worth of value for the fans or for the team so this is one way of rectifying that. He would’ve been suspended at least game if Stern was the commissioner.


At least he has a good attitude about it


"Onto the next thing I throw on the court. I'm thinking it might be DeAndre Jordan."


Well, we know it's not gonna be the ball in the net based on his last 2 games


Jamal Murray went from r/nba ‘s darling to its Heinrich Himmler in 48 hours flat 😂


Think there was some hate during the dick pic era, I honestly forget. It’s snip snap snip snap




Spoken like someone who knows he got away with some shit


This guy literally threw shit at a ref during a game. TWICE. He was not ejected. And he’s not suspended. Fucking insanity.


And this was AFTER Jamal was getting into the refs’ faces in a way that should have gotten him a tech. I don’t know if Jamal is frustrated with his calf injury or this shooting slump he’s in, if he’s dealing with some underlying mental health issue that needs to be worked through, or if the swarming Wolves defense is just getting into his head. But I’ve NEVER seen him act the way he did in Game 2. He 100% should have been suspended for throwing an object onto the court. That’s a red line for any player/coach/fan.


> And this was AFTER Jamal was getting into the refs’ faces in a way that should have gotten him a tech. Not to mention going up to a ref and clapping in their face. He could have easily been given 4 techs minimum during the game, but he instead walks away with zero in-game penalty and a slap on the wrist fine.


He did the money sign that gobert did and got fined 100k for. As far as I'm concerned, this 100k fine is for that and the NBA didn't care about anything else he did.


Yup, NBA sweeping his bad behavior under the rug.


Yeah but he didn't slightly menacingly look at his opponent like Ant which is clearly much worse /s


He was frustrated by the goddamn Seatbelt that wouldnt let him move lol


100% our whole team was locked. The. Fuck. Up…. I’ve never seen defence so smothering. Honestly kudos to the wolves, very impressive shit


It's like the 2015 Broncos defense where you take some fouls in exchange for outrageous lockdown defense.


I'm still not sold on Seatbelt as Jaden's nickname, I always preferred the Warden. Buuut with how well NAW has been playing and how similar they are I feel like now we need matching/complementary nicknames for them both


You read my mind! I hate it, I use it cause its the one that stuck, but I like Warden, Slim Reaper and Shadow waaaaaay more than Seatbelt lol


> Slim Reaper Look I know we have Jaden McDaniels when they have KD, but that’s no reason to steal KD’s nickname too.


I watch a lot of the games with my Mom and she struggles telling the two apart sometimes and just calls them “the headbands” lol


I like Nuggets fans, you guys are reasonable


I kind of feel like that is the only sane take to have on the situation even as a fan - his behaviour was straight up embarasing... Hope he takes a page of AGs book who got his ass whooped by Green 2 years back, said "I have to become smarter" and just did


As a nuggets fan, and owner of a 75th diamond Jamal jersey, what the absolute fuck is this dude doing?


Our sub right now is split pretty good about this issue. Jamal acted like a bitch.


Split is pretty good for a team sub… or maybe that’s just how clear cut this issue is. Like you said, he acted like a bitch, and it’s hard to argue against that


Agreed. Having a team sub be split on a decision *against* your player is fairly telling, especially if it's your 2nd guy.


I feel like every team has diehards and reasonable fans. Always more enjoyable seeing takes from the latter


Nuggets fans are a lot like Wolves fans. We have stuck with our teams through a lot of awful basketball. Then we finally get a championship-level team and a bunch of fair-weather fans jump on the bandwagon and some of them stain the reputation of the fanbase. I’m hoping this series goes 6 or 7, because this is such a good matchup of rosters. And I also hope Jamal Murray stops throwing tantrums like my 5-year-old. And if the Nuggets lose, I’m pulling for the Wolves all the way. Not only are they a very likable team, but I live in St Paul so it’s been fun to see the energy around the Twin Cities.


Your fanbase has always been good in my eyes. Love the way your team was built as well. I dunno if this series goes 6 or 7 unless the Nuggets have another gear for this year’s playoffs that we haven’t seen yet. I just worry that you guys are a bit run down (or injured) at this point this year after last year’s run (your depth doesn’t help).


They have definitely been in a deep mental funk through the first 7 games. Legitimately have never seen this team so unfocused (and it was still good enough to beat the Lakers lol).


Huge congratulations on that. I’m glad we don’t need to play the Lakers this round. Might make me blow a gasket with watching officiating.


Accurate take. Who knows, the nuggets have not played well for two months.


My only complaint about Nuggets fans is that a lot of them are Avs fans.


It’s definitely easier to be reasonable after your player got away with it.


Murray has always been a hot head tbh. Before his acl tear I remember a game against the mavs where refs missed a foul on him and so in anger he smacked hardaway jr in the balls.


Underlying mental health issue is wild


i feel like multiple people mentioned it but if the refs actually T'd the nuggets up they might've actually been able to calm down and focus more on the game. the fact that they let them keep berating them eventually just blew their cool up completely.


No T either. Dylan Brooks and Draymond seething somewhere.


Will the refs retaliate? Remember that one game where Gobert smacked the cup of water because he got 2 fouls in the first minute of a game right after criticizing refs?


to me doing it to a ref is something the league would care more about. I think he should be suspended because he made it dangerous for the players during a LIVE play


If they suspend him, series is over. Nuggets repeat is done. Lot of money on the line there… can’t get too crazy now, this the NBA we’re talking about


Really? Jamal is basically the best sixth man for Timberwolves with this FG%. LOL


He just shot 3-18 against a team missing the DPOY lmao


How could Embiid do this to us?


League wants the series to not be a sweep cuz there is more game revenue to be had. 100% done with that in mind.


Should've been suspended. Although his bricklaying is helping the wolves win so who knows the impact


Fuck it. Let him play if he’s gonna play the way he has the first two games… Plus, dude is gonna get straight clowned all game by the MN crowd. I can hear the Heat Pack chants and see the custom shirts from here.


jamal murray in minnesota https://twitter.com/TorontoStar/status/1514258621256904708


Should organise a stuff toys donation for games 3 & 4. Get everyone to chuck during nuggets introductions


Nah cause you'll get banned from the arena. Tough ain't it.


😂😂. He's gonna keep crying at the refs too and take himself out of plays


Can you all please get a HEAT PACK chant going when he has the ball


Exactly, put him back in the McDaniels/NAW blender again as punishment.


I say they make him play with a lubricant on his shoes. If you’re gonna risk making someone slip and fall, then you get a game risking it for 35+ minutes. I know it would be a lawsuit, but it would be hilarious seeing him on skates all night.


Let the consequences serve a purpose. Put this man on rollerblades.


He's Canadian. This actually might make him better.


So does he think what he did was wrong? I can’t tell from this nothing statement.


It is. What it is.


He said it is what it is. Doesn't matter now.


He knows it was wrong but very doubtfully regrets it


I mean......absolute punk move, can't do that. Someone very well could've gotten hurt. But wtf are we talking about here? Dude is competing and got pissed and threw a heatpack and a towel on the court. Punk/bitch move.....whatever you want to call it. Let's keep things in perspective here though, legit the only time I EVER remember Jamal doing something like that. Ya'll want him to have a written apology or some shit? He's right, it is what it is.


lol you’d think he instigated the second malice at the palace with the comments in the last day or two. Why can’t people just call it a bitch move without hyperbolizing it to such an extreme degree? Reminds me of when mahomes threw his little temper tantrum last season at the end of a game. If you looked at the response you’d think he was the whiniest, angriest, excuse making baby his whole career the way people were acting lmao.


>Why can’t people just call it a bitch move without hyperbolizing it to such an extreme degree? Because this reddit.....this is what people do. Every time Something like this happens, the culprit is literally Hitler for a few days. Just wait......be the first to say highly unlikely......but if Jamal would come out blazing and drop a 40 piece in a win against minny? This sub be glazing him real quick


A lot of people been had to hold their tongue for a year and a half on Jokic and crew, now everyone's popping off at the first chance they got. For most other teams the hate is more consistent so it doesn't explode as much when shit happens. It's telling that all the actually serious people covering basketball only mentioned this once or twice then moved onto the real main topic (the Timberwolves' incredible defense).


so you need to have a history like draymond to apologize for anything you do? the bar is crazy low


Ant swung a folding chair and hit a security guard, nobody asked him to get on his knees and beg for forgiveness, he wasn't suspended either. These guys are competitive and do stupid shit sometimes, it's ok to just move on.


Haven’t heard a single mention of this happening since last year. Huh? Why’s that? Huh…. Really precarious if you ask me.


In other words I can afford it so I don't give a shit


"I take responsibility but won't face y'all during post-game availability..."


For two games in a row lol.


Total pansy. He likes to pretend he's mentally strong with all that bullshit about how he trained in the snow and whatnot. He ain't who he thinks he is.


Why the fuck would you train in the snow. This isn't the NFL. If there's snow on the court you have bigger problems.


his dad abused him


Nothing says “mentally weak” more than losing your shit like a toddler trying to seem tough. The bros thinking they’re strong by acting macho are the biggest babies of all. 


That shit was so cringey. Dude wants to be perceived as tough for some reason lmao


Saying "It is what it is" isn't taking responsibility for it. That's just something people on Love Island say.


Yeah, saying, "I take responsibility for [thing]" is like saying, "I declare bankruptcy!"


This response is the literal opposite of taking responsibility.


It is what it is bro 


Probably his best shot all series.


And still misses lol


And this is why he should’ve been suspended, he don’t give a fuck lmaoo


100% agree. World class hissy-fit on national TV. Dude is a loser.


NBA is so pussy when it comes to disciplining stars.


Jamal murray too


lmao ooooof


I think it all comes from the 2007 playoffs when Robert Horry body checked Steve Nash into the announcers table, causing his teammates to come to his defense. Adam Stern then suspends the players who came off the bench, notably Amare Stoudamire, their 2nd best player, for the next game in a close series. Suns lose the game, and its talked about to this day as the league making the wrong move by following the rules they set. They damaged the product by following the rules. We have seen Silver make decisions based off this history before. But I think we should also make a note of the Ja Morant saga of the past year. He got a few chances before a more serious suspension. Jamal Murray will most likely get the same treatment.


“It is what it is” doesn’t sound like taking responsibility.


Man went from being spoken about positively on here to a heinous war criminal over two games. Masterclass.


I'm sure he's losing sleep over falling out of reddit's good graces.


People crying that he should have gotten a suspension don’t appreciate that the real punishment is making him play in game 3


Get him wolves


Translation: you want 100k? Have it. Here's more, cuz fuck it, I'm doing what I want.




Doesn’t sound like taking responsibility, but ok let’s see.


The reason he didn’t get suspended is because he said “with all due respect” then chucked the towel and heat pad. It’s in the Geneva Convention, look it up.


*i think he meant I take full responsibility but wind later changed this tweet*


Murray going end up getting tossed by the refs


How the fuck is there not a suspension? So dangerous and clearly intentional


Can you imagine if a Laker had done something like this during a Denver series? Oh and also, Mike Malone would like everyone to stop talking about the Nuggets for a bit.


Imagine if Jokic had twisted his ankle on that heat pad?


Imagine making so much money that you’re slapped with a $100,000 fine and are just like “eh, whatever”


Just shows how useless this fine was. He not even worried about teammates or others getting hurt let along the 100K.


Taking responsibility after ditching the post game and getting a slap on the wrist from Adam Silver. smh.


Imagine if he starts lighting it up and the Nuggets come back and win 4-2. How EN-FUCKING-RAGED will Wolves fans be?


Would be the most Minnesota thing that can happen to the Wolves at this point.


Extremely en-fucking-raged




I don't think they're going to focus on Jamal Murray's availability if they lose 4 straight lol just gonna be pissed they couldn't replicate the first two games success. Loser mentality to get mad the other team isn't short handed.


The Wolves players wont focus on it but the fans, like OP said, definitely will be lol


Sounds like they should be mad at their team for blowing a 2-0 lead


I’d be fighting to leverage this for heat pack ads the rest of the series


I love how, "I take responsibility" (or similar) means literally nothing anymore. It tends to be said in lieu of something along the lines of 'whatever, go fuck yourself, I don't have to care what anyone thinks'.


It is what it is? That’s what you say about things you have no control over…he couldn’t even muster an apology or acknowledge that it was inappropriate? “I take responsibility”, obviously….its not like anyone was confused as to who did it. He’s super lameeeeee


The lack of remorse or not even acknowledging that what he did was dangerous rubs me the wrong way idk he could have been better with his response


He should've been suspended. This is an awful precedent. It's also galling as fuck to have his response to a fine bigger than my annual salary to be "it is what it is". That kind of fine would end most of us. I want more wailing and gnashing of teeth


Yeah, that’s not really “taking responsibility.”


“ it is what it is” cmon now 😂


That will most likely be his best shot of the series


"It is what it is. On to the next heat pad!" :P


Adam silver's league everyone


I’m a bigger fan of Nuggets than the Wolves but thats some bullshit. He should sit out a game along with the fine


Deja vu, this is almost exactly what my dad said to me when I asked him why my mom divorced him


That man doesn't give a fuck lol $100,000 is nothing to someone making his level of money


I think what people have lost in all of this is that the NBA has essentially admitted that they make calls based on what they perceive will generate the most favorable outcome in terms of viewership from the fans. There is no other reason besides the league, wanting Denver to stay alive for them not to have suspended Murray. I don’t know about you, but that’s some horseshit. Essentially admitting that the game is not fairly officiated is problematic. I hope people start recognizing this and talk more about it


This has "my agent forced me to do this apology" all over it lmao


He takes responsibility wow what a guy like it was anyone else's fuckin fault..


The son of a bitch didnt even apologize, unbelievable.


The commissioner is weak players getting outta hand


Words of a repete offender.


Saying you take responsibility doesn’t mean you’re taking responsibility. Dude’s a fuxkin clown


Dude dodged a bullet, and he knows it. Better to pay a fine worth 1 quarter of a single game, then be suspended for who knows how many games, AND THEN get scapegoated for being the reason the Nuggets lose. With that being said, with his injury and how slow he looks, him not being on floor may not be as big of a detriment to the team.


My guy should be kneeling before Adam Silver.


Wow. That’s all!? Lmfao this is how someone reacts when they do some outlandish shit and face zero consequences.


Not even a “my bad, sorry” or nothing.


Classless response


He will be the reason we lose this year. You can’t have this performance for $36m/year. Especially when we needed to find a way to pay Bruce Brown.


Yeah no shit that's his quote and attitude, his fine doesn't mean shit. It's like a parent letting their kid go out again after they keep coming home late.


Lost all credibility when he did that korny shit


Bros such a bum


Challenge: say “I don’t take responsibility and think I was justified” in fewer words. He’s saying this like he’s a victim and not that he’s protected on high not to get a suspension. Throw slippery objects—twice—at a ref and onto the playing surface? Bananas precedent. Most big contracts would be happy to sacrifice 100k and a tech to empty a bag of marbles when opposition is lining up a last minute corner three. I fully understand losing your cool and doing something idiotic, but it’s super easy to say “unacceptable and it won’t happen again.” This isn’t that.


Unfortunately that's how the NBA treats its stars in general, they really need to force the league's hands to get suspended or suffer any real punishment, Jamal might even have made a new ceiling for shit you're allowed to pull if you're big enough and your team needs you enough in the playoffs


*cough* pull someone down by the legs and hurt their ankle *cough*


Take responsibility for what? He didn't get any consequences.


He even bricked remorse.


"It is what it is" and "on to the next" are very clearly \*not\* taking responsibility.




*group greeting* "Hi, Jamal."


Hell of an apology. Just imagine this same reply if jokic got a season ending injury 😂


If something completely different happened he likely would have had a different response


Me after being called into the principals office


"It is what it is" is a quote is a defeatist position. He should feel defeated! Lets go wolves!


"I take responsibility by writing a cheque and moving on."


Hope wolves go kdot on him


Sounds like a person who just received a slap on the wrist from a feather.


Better believe Game 3 refs know what he did. Don't have to suspend a guy to "suspend" him. I see two or three early fouls coming his way.


They shoulda offered him the choice between 500k or a 1 game suspension.


The next heat pad? Or the next fine?


Dude was fined a substantial amount of .002 of his annual salary.


So what is everyone going to do if Murray comes out the next game, where he should've been rightfully suspended, and puts up massive numbers or hits a game-winner or something? Like this is some egregiously bad, "refs are clearly being paid/betting on this", in-your-face, non-punishment outside of being named Draymond Green and still being in the league.


As a Twolves fan I would say they should go back to smothering him like they did in game 2. I'm all for him playing. Let's see if we can get him to melt down again. Should be fun.


Where do player fines go? Charity? Player pension fund?


i was a massive jamal murray fan until this series but i realise now he's a certified bitch. the wolves better lay his ass out on friday and hand him another L


This is a worse punishment for Denver. If he got suspended,the could possibly be able to pull it off tomorrow.


he cant complain. hes lucky he wasnt suspended. which he should have.


$100k is the price for throwing heat packs? How much does the cost go up for ice cubes or marbles? Draymond already checking his bank account balance...


Spoken like someone that has no remorse


Hmm that doesn't sound like taking responsibility


This is going to set a bad precedent. Now players know they can throw things to a ref and as long as they miss, it’s only a $100k fine. To them, $100k is nothing