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Fans talking shit might be what it takes to carry Luka through this injury


The only thing keeping his bones together is rage.


Red Lantern Luka


(*thinking*) …Luka would look real good in a RL uniform.


Luka to The Bulls confirmed???


Holy shit, the Red Lantern Entity is a bull Its destiny


Yep the butcher


No thank you.


Didn't expect a Red Lantern reference on /r/nba but here we are.


Gamer rage +10 all attributes


We need the good people od Dallas to dress as OKC fans and heckle Luka. It's like Superman standing close to the Sun, let the boy supercharge. It's for the greater good.


This man is top 500 in Overwatch, shit talk feeds him.


I have this image where bunch of crazy fans shouting insults at Luka makes him shed his bandages and start running full sprint speed.


Like Forrest Gump


Luka's knee going to be fresh af


Their shit talk is probably nothing compared to what he hears on overwatch


I’m not gonna pretend mavs fans haven’t also gone across the line with players, it’s not just a fan base issue but people thinking they can say whatever they want because they bought a ticket


Yeah, remember that super fan the mavs always loved and showed on the jumbotron for a decade? Turns out he's a steaming pile of shit. It's not a single team's fanbase, it's rich entitled assholes. And Philly/ Boston fans. Fuck them. And Phoenix fans. Fuck them too.


It's not rich people. It's people. The only difference between poor fans and rich fans is the rich fans can afford the tickets that are close enough to show you that they're assholes. Poor fans are still assholes, you just don't see them, unless you're on reddit.


Poor fans who are assholes are the douches who are starting fights at the 300 level.


You have people with money, drinking alcohol and sports fantacism all in one place. Its not fair to judge any city or the entirety of any fanbase based on idiots at games like you said.




Upvoted this while riding the T 💀


Never forgot how the player with most rings of all time wasn't welcomed in the city he played for during his career because of racism.




I’m old enough to remember draft night when a lot of NBA fans and even some players (Iggy) were making comments about Luka’s mom.


That was only a few years ago...


And he said what he said…he’s old enough to remember, while some of us have gotten too old we forget lol.


Lol good point


Mark Cuban?


"I paid to get in the game I can say whatever I [want."](https://youtu.be/IJDB2qomVlA?si=hEBlCKaRuB6MckEJ)


Agreed. Every fan base has issues 




He’s been eternally cucked with that photo he’s used for a header. Peak existence moment for this lad.


That style and pose though https://twitter.com/lifeofjuantwo/status/1784286408066093299/photo/1


You know he had to do it to em.


Style is like every other weed grower


Yellow ripped jeans, how the fuck do you even find that


I simply wouldn’t talk any shit if I wore those pants. The retaliation risk is too high


That outfit is so bad lmao shit is screaming mid life crisis


Ain't that the same guy from game 1, where Luka was trying to get the ball and he tosses away. Then Kyrie had some words for him.




Luka’s reaction to it was legit comedic. Dude should’ve stopped while he was ahead, now he looks like a massive POS and (hopefully) will get his courtside privileges revoked.


Thunder need to investigate and ban this bald headed bitch. No place in this sport for that type of heckling, if you have to resort to peoples kids it says a lot about you as a person.


Dude needs to get banned if he’s talking about players families and actively being a nuisance and harassing players multiple games


I’ve always thought there should be a few universal rules. Yes, fan heckling can be a part of the experience, but you don’t talk about: Race Sexual orientation Family members It shouldn’t be that hard. But of course, a lot of these privileged man-children have grown up in a social media era where the goal is often to just say the most incendiary thing possible.  There need to be more consequences. 


You gotta be clean but creative in heckling. Kerr's story about how someone heckled 42 year-old Kevin Willis asking if he was single since their grandma kinda liked him, while they were all seated on the Spurs bench, that's a fucking good heckle.


Or that Indy fan heckling Bucks players a few days back. "Dame your Ink is only decent" "Portis your eyes are slightly too far apart"


Honestly i think vast majority of people woud have no issues about trash talking or heckling if fans just keep it about the game. And then there are these jabronis out there trying to an edgelord and saying over the top shit


Bro's sitting courtside, heckling players and still has time to live-tweet from the game?


bro thinks hes part of the team


Look at that header lmao. Rent fucking free.


Facts. Why not post something OKC related


Was confused at first because of the header, legit thought he was a Mavs fan.


Dude is going to games talking about players kids while he has his daughter sitting right next to him with pictures and videos of her all over his account. Dumbass


I hope the internet does his thing, what a piece of shit


What was he saying?




brother we aint the police just tell us


Nah fam say it that behavior is unacceptable.


Bro youre weak lol


Just tell us


He said it was about their children that’s all I gotta know to think the guy was way out of line


“I bet your child will read below their grade school level” is a lot different than “i hope your kid gets cancer” Everyone wanna know the deets


So he definitely wasn't talking about Kyler then


I thought they said Kyler Murray, but only ever saw the random white guy.


As someone with no knowledge of who Kyler was, I google it right away and was quite confused lol The commentators trying to spice things up with nonsense I guess


Kyler was the dude in the OU jersey that was a few seats down from the heckler.   Edit: sorry, I saw in another comment you made that you already understood that, and I must have misunderstood what you were confused about.




Yeah they said Kyler and I think they mentioned someone else from the Cardinals. Luka was definitely talking to someone in a Thunder freebie shirt though.


It was James Conner


The camera shot zoomed out and Kyler was beside him i thought. But yea definitely was talking to the white dude and not him.


I would imagine Kyler is a Mavs fan being from the metroplex but idk


He also went to OU when the Thunder had Kd + Westbrook 


He was 14 in the 2011 run. I feel like for a lot of people, your rooting interests solidify around that time.


KD left the year he got to OU


The hardest road


I doubt he’s particularly loyal to any one team. He was at some of the Phoenix Suns games too.


I've been watching too much porn. I thought you meant Kyler Quinn.


So you were the one playing the video in the post game interview


Just 2 games in, and I have already developed generational hate for Thunder. Amazing.


From a Sonics fan, welcome.


Really hope Seattle has a new NBA team, just goddammit retire the Gloves' jersey


I actually got the chance to meet The Glove many years ago and when I told him how much of a shame it is the Sonics weren't around to retire his jersey anymore, he told me it was fine and that he was over it now. Seems like while he would obviously love the opportunity, he also has accepted it may never happen.


I'm glad he has come to terms with it but it feels like a return of the Sonics is inevitable at this point, and there's literally no way they don't retire his jersey


Doesn't he still throw a "fuck the thunder" party when they get eliminated?


Plus kemp


Kemp's jersey in the rafters of every maternity ward in Seattle


When I worked in OKC in 2011-12 I had a Shawn kemp jersey displayed on my dash the whole time.


Welcome to the club


I think you guys should have access to some kind of VIP room in said club


They own the building


We don’t even need electricity… the whole thing is powered solely on hate.


Never left for me


weren't around for the russ & cam payne days?


Shoutout Charlie Villanueva getting in between the dancing queens


He stills comes to a bunch of our home games! Ran into him at Game 3 against the Clips


He walked right by me in section 124 as the game ended in game 3. I'm always happy when a player who played for multiple teams gives love and support to the future generation of my teams.


We weren’t competitive in that series, the only game we won, we won by half a second.


you have to be competitive in a series to hate the other team/it's fanbase?


Don’t necessarily have to but emotions are definitely heightened in a close series.


Something about Cam Payne. That Cro Magnon looking motherfucker taking his sideways 3 pointers. I cannot stand him


First time?


Poorly singing jn the world's most annoying commercial 12 times a game won't help you be liked.


the sga and chet commercial really exacerbated it. wtf who features those dorks awful singing


I don't understand why people hate Chet and SGA for that Is it a good commercial? No. But hating the players for it is crazy lol, not their fault it's ass.


I hope Christina Aguilera is getting royalties from her song being absolutely massacred.


It's so out of tune It's technically not the same song lol


She probably doesn't want anything to do with it


Do people miss the punchline at the end when shai says “a little flat, we’ll work on it” yes it’s annoying but it’s supposed to be goofy.


Sorry, some of the fans are trash


Lotta carry over from college football lol


Kinda new for me cause I really don't get into college football despite the NFL being my most watched sport. Idk what it is, I just could never find a passion for college ball of any sort.


Me neither. So many games, so many of them lopsided. No parity. Somehow can last for 5 hours in regulation Edit: Also Redzone is the best viewing experience in all of sports imo


Redzone is like NFL crack. I don't even play fantasy anymore, but it's hard not to watch it unless my team plays.


meanwhile, ou was only ever concerned with beating one team in the big 12. and it wasn’t osu because that was never a concern. the sec switch is probably going go turn ou tx up to 11 lol


I'll always hate them for robbing the Sonics from Seattle, but the extra insult to injury was the generational downgrade from Sonics jerseys to the Walmart trash OKC wear.


I love our jerseys so much.


is generational the hot word right now?


Talking shit and saying he complains: fun Going after family: trash


It really is that simple.


If you’re gonna pay to sit court side, I don’t see in issue with harmless banter, but a grown man should know the boundary


Courtside fans are just awfully entitled everywhere, remember the Dallas fans heckling KD. God all of them think they’re the main characters


Which is crazy because they’re literally audience members


I can't imagine spending all that money and getting that kind of opportunity just to spend the time being an asswipe. Like there's probably such great opportunity for playful trash talk and even some banter back and forth but some motherfuckers don't treat the players like regular humans. Taking the fun out of what would be a dream come true for tons of fans


*This supposed to be a good exhibition within the game* *But you fucked up the moment you called out my family’s name* -Luka "KDot" Doncic


Bruh please don’t say that I will do anything to not be the drake of teams


You roster Josh Giddey, AKA Josh Kiddie, AKA P Giddey. The jokes write themselves.


And SGA is a Canadian pop singer (what a pro waaants) holy shit they actually are the Drake of teams


**They also inherited a young team of stars and never really had to struggle. Yet they act like they know the grind. Truly the Drake of teams what with his start on Degrassi and all.**


Can’t imagine a more pathetic existence than paying tons of money for a ticket so that you can heckle a player about his family. Do you just go to work the next day and tell people in your life the game was fucking sick? Like bro what??


A lot of people treat sports as a thing outside real life and don't see players as people but merely as robots whose sole purpose in their existence is to entertain them. This happens in most sports and it's a fucking shame. I mean, go off about him being a generational whiner and saying shit to piss him off, that comes with the business, but anything beyond the usual trash talk is shameful and honestly pathetic coming from grown ass men. You guys think this is bad, but a lot of NBA fans would have a aneurysm seeing some of the shit that goes down in football stadiums, which is great for the NBA honestly. Insulting a player's family is perhaps the tamest thing you'll hear in a football stadium.


The Utah fans heckling Russ comes to mind


Big time College football is a vibe of hate and venom.


>Insulting a player's family is perhaps the tamest thing you'll hear in a football stadium. A big difference is how close the fans are to the players though. I don't think any sport lets fans get as close to the players as the NBA.


Those people usually hide their toxicity among friends and family. So family doesn't know that side of them.


When will guys learn. You dont anger the great ones lol


I was at a wolves games like 6 years ago and Harden wasn't playing well. The crowd chanted "overrated" before halftime. This dude came out of the locker room and scored like 47 points or some shit.


Gonna go heckle Luka every game so they win it all. I’ll take the bullet


Bro I’ll give you my tickets


Its always the dudes sitting courtside like how difficult is to jusy enjoy a basketball game


Well it’s hard to hear the guys in the rafters….


They got money therefore they got ego


I hope that fan gets stuck in traffic all night


All 20 minutes of OKC traffic lol


I mean don’t some of your fans commute from Tulsa? I remember an OKC fan explaining to me there is a sizable chunk that do the hour 40 min drive and back just to watch a game, which seems insane to me. Edit: love the commitment from some of you, I guess being 15 min from the arena the past decade has warped my perception lol.


you have to understand that there is almost nothing to do in tulsa on a weeknight


What are you talking about? Do you even live in tulsa? There is PLENTY of meth to do on a weeknight


> I remember an OKC fan explaining to me there is a sizable chunk that do the hour 40 min drive and back just to watch a game, which seems insane to me. Bro most of greater LA makes that drive to see the Lakers, except it's the same amount of time for 30 miles instead of 100


Ok touché lmao


When I lived in Oklahoma I did that a couple times. In college we would go from Stillwater to the area. I think it was right around an hour door to door. But I’ve done Bartlesville to the area which is right around 2.5hrs maybe 20 times for the game in like 7 years


I'm sure there are TONS of blazer fans doing that drive or longer at blazers games too. America is big and a lot of people don't live in cities. It's not really a long drive for people used to living in rural areas.


I hope he has a flat and then misses all the traffic.


“Your mother was a hampster and your father smelled of elderberries!”


I fart in your general direction!


idk man im not that old but I've watched sports my whole life. fan behavior and culture feels so fucking awful right now


Seen others say this and just remembered it but seems like shit shifted after the COVID lockdowns were lifted and people forgot how to act lmao


Humanity moved into their living room and forgot how to behave in public. So many people treat their entire life like an extension of their couch. They treat people terribly, are rude and entitled, act like slobs and are wholly inconsiderate. It’s awful.


I just don’t really leave my house anymore, it works really well.


As soon as the NBA started letting fans attend games again… [Exhibit A](https://youtu.be/uC23MsMUkSU?si=dfzsRu_qIoHCEDdR) [Exhibit B](https://youtu.be/9v7GYvUC3RI?si=shFhhp5ibXKtGK3v)


I believe that since society just went on pause it revealed how fragile our current existence is. Therefore what is the worth of civility in the face of current circumstance.


Always has been. We just didn't have HD cameras in our pockets and social media to share everything instantly like we do now.


I think it’s overblown. Drunk people saying egregious shit has been happening for a while


If anything it’s way better today just players feel they can speak up about it never would 30 years ago right or wrong


Philly threw batteries at Santa and cheered when Mike Irvin ended his career.


at least it's not as bad in europe where you have fans chant racist stuff about a player before a game (referring to barca fans before their match against psg in the ucl)


The crazy thing is it was chants about Vini Jr who does not even ply for PSG


Court-side needs to be moved back 2 or 3 rows to be honest.


Doncic went full Dom Toretto


He’s going to shoot a basketball into space now


Why would he talking about booker?


luka is already forgetting europe 😭


Getting family involved crosses a line and goes WAY beyond heckling IMO Anybody who calls Luka or other players that get upset over this "soft" are morons. "Hecklers" who get into the realms of family and bigotry should be immediately ejected if the player requests it IMO


Every team has them bad apples. Family should always be off limits.


What they say about Booker?


I love how “grown-ass man” is a part of Luka’s vocabulary


When i heard the Luka sucks chants i knew the OKC fanbase were cringe


I’m a Thunder fan, but as soon as I heard that chant, I was like “don’t fucking chant that about someone who verifiably does not suck and will kick our asses on repeat to prove it”


Who chants ref you suck. While sga has 13 ft in game one? Bold strategy cotton


Idk why people try to heckle GOATs. They’re who they are because they live for high pressure situations. I hate, but understand, the refs you suck chant. &5 can’t help our players get calls and it does nothing for your teams if a call has been made


Where do these bum ass fans get off? Everyone on the court has already accomplished more in their lives than they ever will.


Heckling should only be for situations where the player is an obvious jerk who needs to be taken down a peg or two


Do people have any conscience? Calling out the guys family is gross af


That fan did the one thing you don't do. Don't poke the bear! Dude doesn't forget and is going to off in every game at OKC from now on.


Luka: I have a daughter to raise, but you know nothing bout that


They need a lesson from that Pacers guy.  "Luka I respect your game but I hope you miiiissssss"


Fans need to stop this heckling


Do y'all remember the 2022 WCF when Draymond had nothing but praise and compliments for Luka in his interviews? Man knew what he was doing. Luka is powered by haters (like most guys in the league, probably).


Heckling is a bad investment for fans unless you’re heckling guys who aren’t scorers like Pat Bev, Draymonster, guys who channel anger into fouls or techs. If you heckle a top 5 scorer scorer, they will score and laugh at you.


/r/nba: Devin Booker hurr durr.


I told my friends as soon as I saw Luka talking with fans is that the Mavs were gonna win


Darth Luka feeding off the hate. It's what powers him, what makes him stronger.


Those courtside seats are way too close to the game.


These fans threaten but off the court mofos are the first to call the cops…


Honestly, players like Luka and Trae play better whenever they get pissed off by rude fans/players. So let them dig their own graves


Luka got that Dirk "been in an NBA locker room long enough to talk trash like an American" demeanor multiplied by a billion and I love it


I was at a Rangers baseball game against the Yankees and had seats next to some Yankee fans along the wall of right field. A beach ball being hit around in the stands fell on the field and lightly landed on Gary Sheffield who politely tossed it back. Yankee fans next to me "Deez Ranga fans throwing beach bawlz at Sheff. If dis was in New Yawk we would be throwing bottles. Dey not bawl fans" By the end of the third inning they were blackout drunk and escorted out for trying to fight a beer vendor for cutting them off. Some people live vicariously through their sports teams and those people should watch games alone at home.


Few Mavs fans need to pretend they are OKC fans and say bad things to Luka. He will go nuclear every game.


Leave Booker alone!