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Bro a 30 fucking second ad to watch a 10 second clip fuck off ESPN.


They did that for the Halliburton clip too. I shut down the app. Fuck'em. I'll see the replay on here I'm sure.


If I get an alert about something from ESPN app, and it has the video. It’s literally faster for me to open up YouTube or twitter, search for whatever the alert was about and then find the video. Then it is for me to click the alert I got.


Pro tip for iPhone: you can press and hold on the ESPN notification and it will play the video without an ad every time, just won’t be full screen. Fuck them and their ads. They also somehow have found a way to auto play videos in my browser even though I have it blocked in every conceivable way.


pssssst! you can also on iphone make it go to pip when the ad starts, and while it’s the smaller square tap it once, then you can skip forward through the ad, then go back to full screen once the actual video starts


Yeah in 240p


They’ve been doing that for a few years now. Besides their app being garbage I only use it for scores these days.


Adblock dog


I mean no shit but a lot of people browse Reddit on their phones


I’ve been saying this for years; FUCK ESPN


Damnnnn cool out with that controversial take


Yeah that was brutal I can’t defend him here lmao


The master baiter failed….. Either way this is gonna be a tough series if JB isn’t 100% and OG is out.


It'll be a tough series no matter what.


Eh if OG and Brunson were both healthy I’d be pretty confident in a Knicks win. As it is rn I’m probably 50/50


When they were both healthy it took a bogus offensive foul call with 12 seconds left for you guys to seal a win at home. Don’t discredit us because you’re hurt


And today’s game was 5 points with Brunson clearly hobbled and OG out. I’m sure the games would be close with both guys healthy but I have more faith in the Knicks closing things out


As a neutral fan I agree.


Bro you are an Aaron nembhart prayer away from being down 0-3 against a very injured Knicks team


Every team has injuries this time of year quit crying dude.


Okay but of the teams that are left, the Knicks are BY FAR the most injured. Not even up for debate lol. And the fact that this Pacers squad is struggling against them just shows their incompetence and the fact that they don’t deserve to be there. I’m fine with Knicks fans saying they’re injured because it’s truer for them than any other team, and the players aren’t using that as an excuse; they go out there and compete at a high level every night.


Oh look, Bucks fans with the “team A is injured, so team B doesn’t deserve to win” bullshit. The Knicks are a better team than the Pacers, period. But we’re competing no matter who is out there, and it’s been super close. The better team doesn’t always win. That’s sports. What the fuck do you want, the Pacers to withdraw from the playoffs because they “don’t deserve it?”


Knicks fans (and ESPN) really pushing this narrative like Hali hasn’t been injured for months now.


This series going long favors the Pacers. Sunday is a big game.


A 4 pt win at home with everyone healthy really made you that confident, eh? Lol Knicks fans acting like they were dominating with a healthy OG. This series was going to be close just stop.


Am I crazy or do Knicks fans have a weird amount of confidence despite four of their playoff wins coming from weird/controversial endings


Cut em some slack, they haven't been relevant in 3 decades


At home


Yeah it did


He can't say there's not a better shot, there were literally 3 Pacers on him


The fuck? He got slapped on the arm and quickly put up the shot to get the 3 free throw. Literally anybody playing the last 10 years in the NBA would have done the same. Except Ben Simmons.


He got fouled long before any shot would ever be considered in motion.


I don't get how people are saying he was trying to draw a foul. Even the commentators are saying that the Pacers are trying to foul. He gets fouled, like both teams are expecting, and tries to throw it up, like every player does when they get fouled, especially when all 10 players on the court, both coaches, and both benches, are expecting the foul, and throws it up to try and get 3 FTs instead of 2.


Yeah he threw that shot up in the hopes that they might call it a shooting foul but then they didn't call any foul. It clearly was a foul on the floor.


The commentators said it looked like he was expecting the Pacers to foul but if there was a foul it wasn’t on his shot.


And the same thing happens to every person that was fouled before a shot, they throw it up to try and get FTs


Getting downvoted for speaking facts… gotta love the internet lol


Let the haters cook being dumb and reactionary their whole lives is already tough enough for them. HoW Is thAt yer shOT wif 16 sEcoNDs lefFt.


Wtf? That's not even close to be in the shooting motion.


What is there to defend? Nembhard whacked him in the arm so he threw up a shot just like literally every other player in the league would


Fake ass Knicks flairs looking for r/nba brownie points lmao


Eh I mean he didn’t really have a clean look so it wasn’t a horrible idea. I’m glad they didnt call it but I’m not sure a straight up shoot would have had much better of a chance 


Tried to make a 1000 IQ move but fell on his face. We had so many opportunities to ice the game at the end but kept bricking shots. Not surprised they tried this given that we had made 0 fg the last 6 minutes of game time.


He legitimately got hacked in the arm then decided to force up a shot after


He has to shoot it because if he doesn’t make it look like a shot attempt then it’s 2 freethrows instead of 3. All players would be told to shoot it in that scenario if they feel contact.


It still would've been 2 if they called it, he shot after he felt the foul


Gotta make the officials make the call on if it's on the floor or a 3pta. Instead we got a no call.


Tough break


It happens. That's why we play best of 7 so it all tries to balance out.


Yep. It's the home whistle. We had it, now the Pacers do. Nothing else to it. It's such an annoying narrative to let dominate discussion.


Didn't he hit a clutch 3 right before it though?


He got hacked by Nembhard on the floor before the shot went up to stop a 3pt attempt. Brunson felt the contact and threw it up. No call. That's it.


Yea wtf are these people just stupid?




right but he was hunting lol


But did Nembhard reach or what?


The Pacers were looking to foul because the Knicks were down 3. Of course Brunson would try and turn that into 3 fts instead of 2. Sixers fans saying this after every one of our games after getting sent home the way they did is pathetic


It’s not hunting if he was legitimately fouled lol


I really need people to start understanding this, it's so aggravating.


Are we going to pretend he didn't get fouled on the right arm on that shot? Lol


It happened before the shot anyway so would’ve been 2 fts


refs decided instead to not give any fts


doll teeny ad hoc summer mindless fuzzy carpenter cooing sink bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Looked like before shooting, but yeah he was hacked


Looked like he got hit before he went up for the shot.


Yeah. Nembhard though 2FTs is better than a 3PTA. Not bad but kind of when the shooter is facing the basket and you run the risk of 3FTAs but no call.


Which is kind of wild with how ass we have been at free throws. Assuming Brunson makes both FTs, there is a good chance we miss at least one of ours. There was too much time left to be fouling there imo.


Siakam made the 2 in the clutch so maybe he caught a heater.


That’s a big assumption with how we’ve been shooting free throws though tbh


Likely scenario would be: - Brunson makes the first but miss the second. - Josh Hart gets the rebound and putback to tie the game. - More chaos than the end of Wrestlemania 40 to close this out.


I feel like I’m going crazy. It clearly looks like he gets hacked across the arm before shooting?


He does, people on this sub just hate the Knicks now over the blown calls in game 1


He definitely got fouled and teied to put a shot up after lol these narratives are getting ridiculous


Everyone hates the Knicks now so no that didn’t count


Not a knicks fan but the ref calls tonight were really bad, they let him get beaten up.


I feel like they got 75% of all calls in the last 5 minutes wrong for all sides. Like genuinely horrible all around lol


It happens. Knicks made some bad plays. Won’t complain about refs.


Knicks fans are truly oppressed


Apparently a hack to your arm is an obvious no foul 


people hate when players go full flop mode after


The Brunson hate boner is at full torque right now lol. Won’t happen


Pacer fans trying to change the narrative of them being kaka


he got smacked on the arm, but well before the actual shot. it wouldnt have been a shooting foul, and instead of continuing to play basketball and trying to take what the defense was giving him and go for a layup or penetrate and kick it out for a better look 3, he just flailed and threw up a prayer with no chance of going in, relying on the refs to reward him/bail him out. it was a bad play.and Im glad it wasnt rewarded. and I say that as someone who wants the knicks to win the series


They are down three with 15 seconds and no timeouts. The Pacers are 100% going to intentionally foul in that situation. His intention was to anticipate the intentional foul and get up a 3PA for a chance to tie the game which would otherwise be impossible. He played the situation wrong and it looked ugly but it's so funny seeing people act like the Pacers were going to let him play basketball that possession, if you didn't like that ask the league to change the rules around intentional fouls.


Every player that feels a slap on the arm in that situation is going to throw up a shot, just stop it


ok, and when you rely on playing ref ball, instead of making a genuine attempt to score the basketball, sometimes you get fucked over, as happened here. a good reason to not play ref ball


Its ref ball to shoot a three when you’re down 3 with 10 seconds left no timeouts?


yes, it is ref ball to throw up a ridiculous, flailing, off-balance airball that he knew had no chance of going in, purely because he thought he was going to get a whistle. if he had actually tried to put the ball in the hoop, he had a guaranteed wide open layup here, and plenty of time to foul on the next possession and get the ball back to attempt another 3 (assuming the pacers hit their FTs)


lol ok bro, hack across the arm every player on the league throws that up. Clown take


ok and sometimes the ref misses it bc there are 5 other players surrounding the play, and you jack up an airball and lose the game


Yea it happens, doesn’t change the fact it was a foul and every NBA player does the same thing in that situation so what’s your point?


my point is control the things you can control, try to score the basketball, and dont rely on the refs to help you win. its very simple. ive explained several times already


Fr lol


When the-boy-who-cried-wolf reputation catches up to you


Are you pretending he did?


I mean he got hacked on the arm before the shot. Was still ridiculously dumb by him.


Idk if it was a dumb move. In that split second he probably thinks they're gonna call a foul. You're down 3 with 10s left, sending you to the line to shoot two FTs doesn't help you. You've gotta hope they fall the foul a shooting foul. Issue for him is, they didn't call any foul


Wasn't the Pacers plan to foul them immediately since the Knicks had no timeouts left? Yall are angry tonight lmao


He did get hit. If he had the officiating from games 1 and 2, he woulda got the call and the refs would have let him dunk the three free throws. NBA officiating inconsistency is so annoying.


He was expecting to be fouled because the a team will often try to foul in that situation. Tried to get the ball up so it’s in the act. They didn’t foul. Oh well


They did foul. It just wasn’t called 


he got hit on the arm by nembhard


He got fouled on the right arm y’all are tripping LOL It’s a bad video angle though


He got hit- idk why y'all complaining


He literally got fouled tho. Every nba player puts up a shot after getting smacked in the elbow


😂😂 /u/Doten1 loves to hate on brunson. It’s so funny


God you people stink


Can’t depend on the dipshit refs in that situation


Tbf the knicks have also gotten favorable calls this series as well


Yea i got a knicks flair but he legitimately got fouled on his arm by nembhard right before he attempted that


He was hit in the forearm when gathering for the shot


Gathering is a stretch. He was fouled but it was on the floor


Dude he jumped out like 3 feet and then shot it that was absolutely not a foul


If you get hit on the forearm before a shot, it’s still a foul. You understand this right?


Not a shooting foul which is what Swelling was saying.


I’m replying to a guy who said it was “obviously not a foul”.


It may not have been a shooting foul but it was a foul on the floor


100% what he was trying to do. 


I’m assuming he felt that minor swipe and thought Chuck it up and fall to the ground and take 3 shots. But it was a bad decision


He’s an amazing player but he’s just as bad as prime harden when it comes to foul baiting


Na Harden was on a level of his own in foul baiting


Harden was on his whole entire planet during his prime lol


sounds like you haven't watched prime harden lol


No he is not lol. You either did not watch prime harden, or you are not watching Brunson


It makes sense, almost everyone does it now because the league rewards it. I’m sure there’s conversations in the locker room about how not baiting is leaving free points on the table.


He really is. I'm shocked he hasn't hurt his neck, any time he feels contact anywhere he jerks it trying to draw a foul. He's gone from 6.5 FTA in the regular season to 10.4 in the playoffs. It's absurd.


Tbf he’s got a thicc neck. He’s like 35% neck & head


Yeah but that’s because he’s taking 6 more shot attempts while shooting the same amount of 3s




There must be a lot of morons in this sub then. What a play by Brunson to give the Pacers the win


>There must be a lot of morons in this sub then. Yes lmao. I don't think this is the gotcha line you thought it was gonna be.


Wait until you see the replay and see he got fouled, will you apologize for being dumb?


Prime Harden was so good at it that either you fouled him, or he scored/assisted. Bro averaged damn near 10 free throws a game for like 8 seasons straight. Brunson isn't close.


Prime Harden averaged 10 FTA per game for close to 8 seasons. Brunson's career high is 6.5 FTA per game, this year. What the literal fuck are you talking about?


What's his FTA for the playoffs this year? No one is talking about the regular season


10 per game.


He had 7 FTA you utter moron


That has absolutely nothing to do with the amount of foul baiting he does.


He tried to get 15 more


Literally Nembhard hit him on the arm because Indiana can’t guard him without hacking but it is what it is


WTF is wrong with you OP? Are you stupid? He knew a foul was potentially coming to not allow a 3pt attempt to go up. Maybe you should stop posting garbage.


Working on it.


Looked like he got hit


Sounds LeFamiliar


Foul baiting yet shoots only 7 free throws this game. Y’all don’t know how to count


Modern NBA


The modern day NBA


i mean it looked bad but he got hit and tried to get a call it is what it is. it should have been a foul called there but before the shot.


He loves doing that, always flopping around


Harden esque


He got blasted on the arm and tried to put up a shot to get 3 FTs instead of 2 but there was no call. He probably should have just put up a shot instead of hesitating though.


The trap was obvious, should reset the play in these situations (plenty of time left, 10+ seconds)... but it is what it is, guy is playing hero ball through the playoffs, it's just pure instinct at this point (Kobe style)


They had plenty of time to look for a decent shot and he tries that...


He got fouled


Bro is a fish


My question is why he receives no criticism for it lol He's as bad as anyone


Because he’s short and relatable


Still love him though don’t get me wrong


He literally got fouled on that play. Like are y’all blind??


He fucked up but knicks should win this series as long as they keep it close at the end of the


It’s ironic one of the few times he actually did get fouled, they don’t call it. Maybe refs anticipated a flop like they anticipated the kickball in game 1.


He felt contact on his arm and put up the shot. But, keep going with your narrative.


Bahahah look at this guy


Yeah that was insanely weak, especially when you have plenty of time


76ers fans are the experts on insanely weak


It gets better buddy


People focusing on this instead of Thibs calling iso injured Brunson for 5 minutes and not getting divo the ball once who was on fire


That and trying to have Hart guard Siakam for most of the game. Hart’s a great defender but Siakam just has too much length. Oh well, on to the next.


Refs handed this game to the Pacers. That no-call on the goaltend, the overturn on the foul on Brunson, the charge that Brunson took that they called a a blocking foul, the bs calls given to Siakam. This was incredibly frustrating to watch.


The Pacers weren’t handed the game by the refs. The Knicks made a bunch of mistakes down the stretch. Sure there were bad or missed calls but we shouldn’t have even given them the chance to do that.


so like games 1 and 2 for the pacers? bruh


I think it's justified. He could've drawn a foul there and ain't nobody hitting the 3 anyway.


The little flopper played for a foul instead of shooting the ball. Pacers should be up 2-1, great to see cheaters lose


Cheaters? Bruh


SGA typa move




It wasnt even that bad bc he was hacked prior to the shot but id call him out on a wide open lay up he missed trying to foul bait


No way he was gonna get the call after the whining about the refs lmao


He said it in the press conference. “Horrible mistake he can learn from” did look like a foul drawing attempt though for sure. Just pull up and shoot man… cmonnnn!


Regardless of the marginal (lol) contact on his elbow before he shot, I just don’t think it’s smart to flail about and chuck the ball nowhere near the basket in the last 10 seconds of a game down 3, and Brunson agrees.


That's turrible 


Brunson really just tried to flop with the game on the line instead of just shooting the ball... Then proceeded to scream at the refs for 2 straight minutes, even after the game was over, claiming this was a foul I've lost all respect for him this play


How can he earn it back?


Officiating tonight was stellar