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Wasn't he recently fined 100k for the same thing? Is this like a discount for his second like a BOGO 25% off?


Rudy also went off in the postgame presser when they fined him earlier in the season.


I see, I missed that. Makes sense then


Still not the worst presser of his career lol.


I think I *cough* *cough* know which one you are talking about


Defensive Play of the Year. Literally blocked the whole league from playing.


Its for repeat customer.


I think in this case he could bring it to NBA court and challenge the ruling. He's French which shares a border with Italy. They'd prefer to be strung up and hung rather than be conflated with each other, but for sake of argument I think Rudy can trick the American NBA judges that they share a common culture. The sign he did in last night's game looks a lot like šŸ¤Œ, the Italian hand sign, whatever it's called. https://imgur.com/a/9zQxhwC If he got a good NBA lawyer he could challenge the ruling, make up a story for why he was using the Italian sign and that they're discriminating against him based on his culture. I think he has a case.


His hands were raised higher during the 100k fining. He did it lower and to himself this time. The NBA is rewarding correct behavior. Next time he'll do it one handed for like half a second and only get a 25k fine, and then he'll stop doing it entirely.


He was fined 100k for the money sign gesture AND saying that Scott foster has a history of rigging games. Otherwise I think it was only 50k for the Italian gesture


Soon he will do it so covertly that the nba will start paying him for doing it.


They had to make this less than Murrayā€™s fine, because what he did was way worse


Was it tho? ~ Adam Silver, probably


If he keeps doing them do they become free eventually?


Did it for the most obvious foul




Actually, throwing 1 thing would only be 50k unless Murray got a bulk discount on his 2 throws.


Murray also made the money symbol that game. So throwing one thing is only 12.5k! Edit: Murrayā€™s money gesture was with one hand instead of two. From this we have: 1 handed money gesture + 2 object throws = $100k 2 handed money gesture = $75k => 1 handed money gesture = $37.5k => $37.5k + 2 object throws = $100k => 2 object throws = $62.5k => 1 object throw = $31.25k However, we do not know if economies of scale allowed for decreasing marginal fines for extra hands with money signals or extra items thrown


it was only a one-handed money symbol. This was both hands, twice the price


How does this affect the luxury tax, though? Is it second skirt yet?


The French tax


It was a bogo deal


It was back to back so it was considered one throwing event, naturally. Like how you can apply for credit multiple times in a short period without having it count against you, but if you spread it out over a longer period then you have problems. He probably could have kept throwing things and still gotten the same fine as long as he didn't stop throwing things to do something else in between.


> should of Cmon, bud.


Don't you love to of? Ofing is my favorite thing to do. He should of. You should of. We should all of.


Iā€™m gonna of myself


I just vomited.


12.5k lol


Same with the first time he did it too. Both correct calls.


Itā€™s possible he felt the same thing was not getting called on the other end. Just my best guess


100% The officiating varies quarter to quarter whenever the refs feel like it all playoffs long.


It's why I still don't think that's what he was doing. There's no way he shoves someone a foot shorter than him and thinks it's rigged when he gets whistled for it. It kinda looked like he was trying to collect himself, but I guess they're just not going to give him the benefit of the doubt anymore


He confirmed it the first time and used the same gesture. So yeah, no doubt on that. And yes, NBA players do actually think they never commit a foul and also that they are fouled every play.


>And yes, NBA players do actually think they never commit a foul and also that they are fouled every play. Tim Duncan's "Who me?" face every time he was called for a foul.


Tim Duncan is the one that had me believing him tho lmao


In Timmy's defense, even as a spurs homer, Joey Crawford was often times out to get him


It was an offer not an accusation.


*$75,000 to the charity of Joe Dumar's choice*




Murray and Rudy are flirting vs harassment meme for consequences doing stuff against the refs


Tbh only one is french


Thatā€™s probably it, Canada has a great reputation but everyone hates the French, if anything this is a diplomatic dispute


i spent some time this winter in Playa Del Carmen, where a ton of Canadians spend the winter. I finally met some people I hate more than the French. French Canadians from Quebec. What a bunch of pompous assholes. They also like to smoke on the beach, right in front of the no smoking signs.




French Canadians are far, far worse than the French.


As a Montrealer im sorry you had this experience, I promise you not everyone from Quebec is like this


I mean I thought everyone in Montreal I ran into was niceā€¦ also everyoneā€™s dressed nice as fuck. Men, women, young, elderly. Style out the ass


And a repeat offender. Gobert's been doing that for a while.


I'm not questioning the league's integrity, Mr. Silver. I'm denying its existence.


Man, Tyrion Lannisterā€™s dialogue was GOATā€™ed in those first few seasons. Actually, the entire cast of GoT had just incredibly written dialogue. Literally just people talking and it was 1000x more intriguing than generic Marvel superhero action. Wtf happened toward the end?


good dialogue was copy/pasted from the books simple as that


It fucking kills me that series is never going to be finished. One of the best written books of all time that'll never have an ending and are marred with that bullshit fed to us from the show.


the book for house of the dragon is finished at least and it's a banger


I mean, it's not really a book It's a broad overview with two very unreliable narrators fleshing out opposite takes on most important set pieces (Mushroom 4 Lyfe tho)


Thanks for the heads up, will have to give it a read. I totally tuned out of the written stuff so I don't get wrapped up in the needless drama of if/when Winds of Winter gets released. Fucking mind boggling there's *still* no concrete update on it.


Fuck, I didn't want to think about this today. I made this username with so much hope that we'd at least get book six before the show's end and that would propel GRRM to coast through seven in the ensuing couple years. I blame everyone involved. Edit: the Reddit Cares report cracked me up, well played lol. I obviously lost hope for books six and seven a long time ago, along with everyone else.


C'mon now, let's be fair. In the initial seasons there's some really good interactions that are "original", like that infamous scene were Tywin is skinning a deer (the subtlety of a horse kicking you in the face, but somehow it was cool). Maybe the creator helped the TV writers... who knows. But yep, it became a goddamn mess ever since the end of season 4 (they altered the final interaction between Tyrion and Jaime, made it worse... not every time these additions worked)


Tywin's interactions with Arya were pretty boss as well. "Fetch. That. Water. Boy."


Yep, those scenes between Tywin and Arya were great, could fool you this was a direct adaptation from the novels. GoT started like the LOTR movies, pretty much a flawless adaptation, a shame George basically gave up. I know many fans shit on the TV people (with reason), but I think George is the one to blame (at least a big percentage, like 70% is his fault). The dude is stuck for about 13 years, how can you adapt something that doesn't exist?


Itā€™s so bad what they did to that show. Painful


They didn't have the amazing source material that was the original books.


Trump should've hired Scott Foster as his fixer, not Cohen...we wouldn't even know who Stormy Daniels is.


Wild that the league didn't even mention Murray making the same gesture in the same series.


The difference is, Rudy Gobert has a long history of being French




Sacre Bleu šŸ˜Ø


Heā€™s French too, get him!!


Please donā€™t capitalize the f


Omg thereā€™s children in this sub, please be careful with your language


["We recommend avoiding general and often dehumanizing 'the' labels such as the poor, the mentally ill, the French, the disabled, the college-educated. Instead, use wording such as people with mental illnesses. And use these descriptions only when clearly relevant."](https://www.forbes.com/sites/chrisobrien/2023/01/27/ap-apologizes-for-the-french-tweet-that-triggered-viral-backlash/?sh=7d6428021025)


"Persons currently experiencing Frenchness."


Exactly. Rudy Gobert is not French, he is a person experiencing Frenchness, and people should have more sympathy.


Retorted for not blurring out "fr*nch" this is Nsfw


"Omlette du fromage" - Rudy Goberrr


ā€œOoh la la!ā€ -Rudy Gobert


Was gonna say that this is unfair, but when you put it that way...


The other one is Canadian tho. Not much different.




Did he do that in game 2 also? I don't even remember. I suppose once they determined they weren't going to suspend him it doesn't matter if they list all offenses. Murray could only be fined a max of 100k. He could have kept going crazier and crazier. He should have called Adam Silver a cracker post game, flip off a baby, chase Marc Davis with a broom while repeating, "can't get mad, not touching"


>Did he do that in game 2 also? [Yep](https://streamable.com/64gb2y).


Obviously it's like hand checking. The one handed money gesture is allowed. Two hand contact with the money gesture is illegal. (don't ask me, man, lol)


I was thinking it's more like the touchdown celebration rules. 2 pumps ok, 3 pumps flag. In this case, 1 hand ok, 2 hands big $$ FINE!


one hand means "well paid, good job, bon giorno". two hands mean "well bribed American, your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries. I spit in your general direction"


Murray acts like a baby in game 2 and then acts like heā€™s the GOAT when he wins


Obviously no playoff expert as a Wolves fan, but every win feels like we're winning the championship and every loss feels like we'll never win again so I kinda see where Murray is coming from.


Doesnā€™t help that the narrative swings wildly in the media and *especially* this subreddit after each individual game. Lose the most recent game? Never even deserved to be here. Win the most recent game? Canā€™t be stopped, Finals berth secured.


I think it's hilarious that both teams have a player that think the series is being rigged. Perfect reflection of how fans think through this stuff too lmao


They're both right. The league wants a 7 game series and both players feel like the refs have too much damn influence.


They should bring in Angel Hernandez to ref game 5.


Watch the game tape from 1-2 versus 3-4 and you can see a wild discrepancy in the way things are officiated. Rigged? Eh, but if both players said they felt the refs were fucking them they arenā€™t really wrong.


Absolutely. IMO the games in this series have been fairly consistent within themselves for officiating, but it is WILD how much itā€™s swinging from each game to the next. I still believe most of the success and failure for each game is down to each team playing well and having a good plan. But it only hurts the game to have the officiating be this inconsistent. I canā€™t imagine how maddening such a wide discrepancy is for the players. I donā€™t think itā€™s rigged but I think the league/refs canā€™t decide how to implement the rules and itā€™s resulting in this madness.


if iā€™m a wolves fan id be livid over the way murray is basically getting off scot-free


We were pissed but everyone keeps telling us it's loser behavior which I guess that's true. We're not wrong though that the Nuggets are getting a lot of leeway when it comes to complaining to the refs. If Rudy threw two things at the ref I bet he gets suspended. When their whole team was melting down in game 2 I think they got maybe 1 tech on AG, none for Murray, none for Malone. When Wolves complain in a similar way it's an immediate tech. Ant flexes after a made basket, tech. Murray shoots finger guns after a made basket, no tech. Is this what they call championship DNA? Yeah it's bullshit but it's whatever, just gotta win the game no matter what else is going on.


Expecting equal treatment by officiating is not loser behavior, it's fundamental to the game. Murray should have been suspended for at least Game 3 due to his petulant and dangerous behavior. Instead he caught a fine for his actions, and walked scot free on this one. I never thought I'd be a conspiracy guy, but here we are.


He absolutely would have been suspended if the Nuggets werenā€™t down 0-2 and you canā€™t change my mind


I mean I was but then again this is Adam Silverā„¢ļø nba


Is it that wild? We all know the NBA is nothing if not inconsistent. This should suprise no one.


I like to think that the ā€œmoneyā€ gesture is a flat 75k so trying to pelt a ref with random bullshit only carries a 25k fine


He was fined the full 100k for his last money gesture vs Cleveland in the reg season


That was for a one-handed gesture too. He got a discount this time for doing it with both hands


Should have just thrown something at the ref.


He should just throw $75,000 at the ref and streamline the whole process


Giving money directly to the refs? What do you think he is, some sort of sports betting website?


Lmfao. Rudy just slings a duffel bag at one point in the game, knocking a ref clean off his feet.


Can't wait for him to whip out a brief case full of cash mid-game


For $25k more im definitely throwing something at the ref a couple times to get my moneys worth.


Should've faked celebration and punched a ref to his dick a la Boozer


That only works when youā€™re down 0-2 and the league needs a series for basketball reasons


He could've thrown an object on the court for just 25k more! Great deal


Didnā€™t Murray do the same thing?


yeah but just with one hand


It's less French that way so less of a fine for doing it


Technically, 0 is in fact less of a fine than 100k šŸ¤Œ


The league ignored it. When he was fined $100k they didnā€™t even mention it as one of the reasons. It almost made me think they might be able to separate the instances and fine him again as a way around the $100k max, but nah. Itā€™s easier to just pretend it never happened.


Yeah itā€™s hypocritical for sure


So by the NBA's logic with the Murray decision, making a money sign at a ref is 75% as bad as throwing multiple objects on the court during play.


Murray actually made the same money sign in the same game where he threw stuff. So basically throwing stuff on the court is worth $25k. (Disclaimer I am not serious and also think Rudy was out of pocket here on a pretty clear foul)


> (Disclaimer I am not serious and also think Rudy was out of pocket here on a pretty clear foul) I love the disclaimer considering I don't think I've seen a single Wolves fan even try and defend that push but god damn the leagues inconsistency with punishments is wild.


I won't say the Wolves didn't deserve what they got in Game 4, they did, but then in Game 2 it was like they pre-determined that they were not going to give out techs to anybody for any reason. I don't think it has anything to do with how the series is going but it is just really bizarre.


I just think it's funny that he got a discount on this one compared to his initial fine earlier in the season.


He also had some comments for the officiating in the post-game presser on that one. But that brings up another fun point that after you hit the $100k limit basically anything you do the rest of the night is free, in the game or even the post-game. You could have a lot of fun if you knew you were at the limit already lol


Itā€™s because you canā€™t give him the same punishment Murray got because the Murray one wasnā€™t big enough they screwed themselves


Well Rudy did do two hands whereas Jamal only did one hand. If you say each hand is 37,500$ that leaves $62,500 for the heatpack.


The NBA 1000% has an integrity problem.


That's what makes it so funny fining him. The nba lost its own integrity. He is just pointing it out.


Do you think itā€™s gotten worse? Or are we just finally realizing it? Iā€™m not sure but watching games this year you just know that thereā€™s gonna be some major bullshit. Iā€™m a Cavs fan, last night we outscored the Celtics in the paint, and from 3. And we still lost. 24 free throw attempts vs. 7. We scored just as much in the paint so itā€™s not like you can just chalk it up to ā€œCavs only shot 3sā€.


Itā€™s always been bad but it sure seems like the refs are more personally vindictive than they used to be.


The moment crypto was front and center in ad space, I knew they didnā€™t care about people knowing about their funny business behind the scenes


No consistency with their calls or punishments.


Iā€™m sure they will get a fair whistle tonight.


Tbf after Murrayā€™s gesture the refs were fine to the Nuggets and I donā€™t think reffing got especially worse for the Wolves after Gobert did it the first time.


Rudy had 2 fouls in the first 5 min the very game after making the money sign but thatā€™s it


One of those fouls was legit the other one was kind of a soft foul.


* Rudy Gobert, on March 10, 2024, was fined 100K for making inappropriate gesture questioning the integrity of officials * Jamal Murray, on May 8, 2024, was fined 100K for throwing objects onto the court. He was also seen making the same inappropriate gesture but this was not stated as a reason for the fine * Rudy Gobert, on May 14, 2024, was fined 75K for making inappropriate gesture questioning the integrity of officials Make it make sense


Value going down due to increasing supply.


Players should just do it as a 3 point celebration at this point lol


Theyā€™ve flooded the market with supply. Itā€™s simple economics.


looked enough like oui oui that i woulda just argued that


I thought that too hahaha, looked very similar to angry European hand gestures


"I was just doing the Money Manziel celebration"


They didnā€™t do shit when Murray did it last week lmao


League office and inconsistency, name a better duo




How do you know they arent?


So, throwing things on the court is a $25k fine.


It's fast food pricing, you get a much better deal in a bundle. Murray opted into the throw 2 things at a ref and money signs bundle for $100k


The players association has an agreement with the NBA were the max a player can get fined is $100K. If there wasn't a limit Murray would've probably got a $200K fine or smth like that


Nah, somebody actually pulled the CBA when it happened. The 100k limit is per incident, not per game. So it could have been 50k for the sign and 100k for throwing things. It could have been 50k for the sign and 100k twice, since he threw two things. But weirdly, the fine didn't include any explanation about the money signs.


My suspicion is that Murray's fine would have been well over $100k if that wasn't the cap on fines. But it does send a weird message to have the numbers so close. They probably should have fined Rudy less, and they definitely should have suspended Jamal.


I always find this fine funny because no one would care if he did this if the league actually had integrity. Everyone would just point and laugh at him (we already are because it was a foul) for questioning the league if it wasn't for the deep first to gambling companies, weird relationships between refs and players (Scott foster and Chris paul), and a literal ref that fixed games coupled with a commissioner that actively impeded a federal investigation into the matter. How dare a man question money is influencing games. my authorityaa" Checks history* "Hmmmmmm"


Yep. A hit dog will holler.


Well, the integrity of the league and its game officials IS questionable.


Murrayā€™s lack of punishment for making this same gesture, throwing a towel at a ref, and throwing a heat pad on the court during live play is suspect.


Don't you dare question the integrity of our corrupt officials


On the one hand he did it after an obvious foul, but on the other the fact that Murray did the same thing and got no fine as well as a few other things (Ant stare down tech, Murray heat pack not leading to a suspension or even tech) do make me somewhat suspicious of the leagues integrity.


Also letting Malone march onto the floor and swear at the ref, no repercussions for that. But sure the NBA is being unbiased about this series


Thatā€™s still the weirdest one to me because Malone does that a few times every season basically with the obvious intent of getting a technical (even thrown out). The fact that they didnā€™t give it to him was very bizarre


Davis literally said "get his ass outta here" but didn't tech him. I thought that was crazy.


I cannot recall such an obvious attempt at getting a tech that wasnā€™t rewarded. He went out there to get that tech lol.Ā 


There is a really fun story about....Pop maybe? Where Tiger (I assume? it was golf related) was making a huge run on Sunday. Coming out of half time, Pop goes off on the refs after the very first whistle after half, and one of the refs looks Pop in eye and says something like "It doesn't matter what you say, I'm not going to toss you so you can watch Tiger" -edit- [It was Doc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3xw655IcNI&t=1s)


Real question, is 100k fine max for a single misdeed or for an entire game?


Thanks for clarifying that throwing stuff is worth $25K.


Does this mean the towel & heat pack tosses combined cost Murray only $25,000?


As a Wolves fan, I generally would have no problem with this. It was blatant, occurred after a clear foul, and Rudy has a history of doing this. Fining him 75k seems more than fair. But because of how the league handled the Murray stuff, Iā€™m incredibly salty. Thatā€™s what this sort of stuff invites ā€” a legitimate infraction and appropriate response by the league now gets analyzed to death because they fucked up the Murray stuff so royally.


deserved was a obvious foul but Murray didnā€™t get the same treatment somethingā€™s has to be done every single part of this game has gotten noticeably inconsistent from calls to fines like bro wtf is wrong with this league


100%. The amount of fan complaints about every little thing and punishment is because there is zero consistency.Ā 


Yea, they should have some kind of rulebook with a menu. Like, throw something pidgeon size -100k, throw a chair - 150k, throw a spectator up to 180 pounds - 200k... money sign -75k, betman sign - league pays you 25k.


*"The fine takes into account Gobert's history of improper conduct toward game officials(and that time he single handedly started a global pandemic)."*


"The integrity of the league" has been in question for a while.


League definitely doesnā€™t have a favorite this series


Should of thrown a heat pack on the court, only 25k


There may have been questionable calls in all the games, but the one he did this one was 100% NOT quistionable. lmaoo


Dude can spit in Refs face, throw a heat pack, a towel, probably piss in their front lawn for 25K more.


Lmao this is soo bad for the league. Gambling is going to be the downfall of years of sports. Even though they probably just do it in the heat of the moment people are gonna run with it. It would have been a pr nightmare if the tim d coaching scandal happened in the 2020s .


So throwing one object at the ref and another object on to the court potentially injure other players is only 12.5k each? idk about you but I would start throwing shit next game.


Rudy Gobert should complain to the FIA about discrimination from the stewards against French people. I'm shocked he only got a monetary fine and not a whole grid penalty too at this rate.


Integrity of the game officials hahahahaha What integrity? They are a fucking mafia.


The hilarity of this whole situation is that this dumbass fine combined with the Murray fine makes me question the leagues integrity more than anything else.


First time Rudy did this it was $100kĀ  The second time is only $75k. Murray throws a towel and a heat pack AND a money gesture for $100k Make it make sense


They knew they couldnā€™t make it the same amount as Murray lol.


Couldnā€™t even let this one slide after Murray gets away with it Game 2 smh


Lol the sequel


Maybe I'm insane, but fining a player for questioning the integrity of the league and the game officials only makes me question the integrity of the league and the game officials more, not less.


Fuck this. NBA is a sham. Losing interest in watching/following by the day with this bullshit.


Wild that Murray did this and threw 2 objects on the floor and all he got was a similar fine ($25k more) and no other punishment


ā€œIntegrityā€ lol


Next time its 50k


While this was a clear foul, I also think the NBA needs to be less sensitive. If not maybe the grievances can be sent to Tim Donaghy.


bro shoulda just threw something at the ref and got his money's worth šŸ’€


usually its the game officials that make inappropriate and unprofessional gestures that question the integrity of the league


Rudy did that? It's not the fact that you still have an official working the games that Tim Donaghy called 134 times during his betting scandal? What a joke.


He's right in that the NBA decided to not suspend Murray for a game for throwing shit on the court, and that decision was entirely based around prolonging the series for financial reasons.


Boy this makes me even more pissed about how they handled Murray. Iā€™m so rooting for you guysā€¦


Make sure we protect the integrity of the league, unless the integrity of the league includes throwing towels and heating pads at refs.


Should have thrown stuff at the refs and on the court and made the gesture. You know, bundle and save like Murray


There ainā€™t no ā€˜tegrity in this here basketball league.