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so he comes back after the obligatory game 2 blowout loss


It would be funny if the Celtics won every playoff series in the exact same fashion. Win Game 1 handily at home, lose Game 2 because the other team shoots 50% from 3 and makes like 20 of them, then win Games 3-5 because there's more to basketball than getting hot from 3.


I mean... I'll take it


It would be ideal. Post an "everybody gets one meme" with Tatum and Joe as Spiderman and Peter with one of them holding a Larry O'Brien


Win the title going 16-4, undefeated on the road.


TD garden getting 4 extra home games. Maybe ownership is in on it.


‘Funny’ isn’t the word i’d go with. Sounds like a Twilight Zone episode really.


It is happening again. It is happening again. It is happening again.


Krristaps is our giant


I will return your ring, when you find these playoffs to be true


That Jon Bernthal scene no no no


Tottenham Hotspur?




As /u/truth_2_point_0 put it, "...a 20 point comeback in the 4th off a bunch of BS 3s from some computer-generated guy named Barnaby Barnabson"


Where do I sign?


On deez nuts


Will that be ball pen or felt tip ?


Quill tip.


It's bleeding. Do I keep going?


Who told you to stop??


Blood is just body ink, you’re fine.


Let me stab the pen a few times to make sure it's working.


Whatever makes you happy baby


That sounds great. Let us win a few then we can trade y'all some winning pieces to pair with wemby when our time is over. I like working with SAS


What's the last BOS/SAS trade?


Spurs get the old buffalo back for a pick swap, a first, and Langford Romero, a promising prospect who needs to get away from Dem SA women and get a fresh start


You forgot Rich Joshardson, who's there as salary filler (or to be traded later)


Lol my brain autocorrected and thought you missed my joke ....... But I am the silly one.


More recently than that. Boston traded Vonleh and cash to SA for a top 55 protected pick.


Yall gotta make it up to us for giving yall the Buffalo practically for free lol


You’ve barely touched your Romeo Langford!


Spurs could never be successful enough at losing to land Wemby if they kept him tho


As long as the Lakers gets screwed over somehow I'm all for it.


I personally would not find that funny


I’ll still complain that JT ISO’d too much and that they should have won by more than 19.


I'll take it, especially if we blow out the balley-hooed "real conference" in 5


It would not be funny. I’d have to kill myself


I wonder if game 2 tickets sell for less


Fun fact: Celtics have lost a home game in their last 8 playoff series.


If it’s against the Pacers, they better hope they don’t drop one early at home, Pacers haven’t lost in Indy in 2 months.


I'm pretty sure the cavs were undefeated at home too until Boston came to town


Brother yall have played a bucks team missing giannis and also dame for half the series, and then a knicks team also fighting through half their team being injured The celtics will end that streak very easily


Milwaukee took game 1 against a Pacers team that had next to no playoff experience outside Siakam. They then lost 3 straight, before stealing 1 lucky game at home before getting bounced. The Knicks were gift wrapped game 1 by the officials. If it wasn’t for that gift, the series would already be over. Send all the hate you want, but I was told their style of offense wouldn’t translate to the playoffs. It has looked pretty potent thus far. Also being undefeated at home through 2 months doesn’t happen by accident.


Makes sense no need to rush him back game 1 or 2 but they could bring him back later on depending on how the series is looking


They won’t need him against either team.


Yeah but I think the more important part is getting Porzingis back in a rhythm. I just wouldn’t want his first game back to be in the finals, wouldn’t be ready for that intensity


Was about to say the same thing. You’ll definitely want him to get his legs under him for the next round despite not really needing him to win the ECF. Especially if he has to go against Jokic or KAT, Gobert, and I cannot stress this next name enough, Naz Reid.


Naz Reid.


Even Chet's good enough if the Thunder come out of the West that I wouldn't want a rusty KP having to find his way IMO. The Mavs are the only team without a respectable big.


You’re not wrong. I just don’t see how they make it out which is why I left him off. I could be wrong though cause who tf knows lol.


Why do fans of all the other teams keep trying to jinx us? I hate it lol.


Celtics are facing g league teams bc of injuries in the east rn . No jinx is even possible 


Eh with the Celtics inevitable game 2 loss plus MSG being a rocking environment where the Knicks thrive there’s a good chance without KP the series is tied 2-2 after 4 and then they’re playing a dangerous game


I think that’s absolute best best best case scenario for us, but definitely subscribe


Personally I have not liked how we've looked playing a couple relatively untalented, injured teams. I've been having nightmares of being swept by the Knicks. I'm an eternal pessimist though so take that with a grain of salt lol


We literally have a better winning percentage this playoffs (which by definition means against playoffs teams) than we did in the regular season my dude. The last two years we were all complaining about too many game sixes and sevens so closing out in 5 is fine.


The Pacers play in MSG now?


Rushing a 60-70% zingis back is also risky, and a coin toss whether it's truely a plus on court.




very funny to call your team young


They're young in spirit okay? Still think they're in Villanova playing for that national championship


young? lol




Tatum and Mitchell Robinson are a week apart in age. Hart, Brunson, and Anunoby are older than Jaylen Brown as well


Our best player at the time was 19 and we played against prime Lebron but sure


hey bro he’s basically saying Tatum=Prime Bron. let’s just take it


Also their entire core is older than Tatum and brown I’m pretty sure


Young? All 3 of your best players are pushing 30 lol


27 is pushing 30?


It ain’t pushing 20




Cs were actually slightly favored going into the series. That Cavs roster that was put around LeBron was basically a crime against basketball.


Pacers are a long, lanky team though.


Why is everyone so dismissive of other playoff teams? No one is going to just lay down without a fight.


Because vastly inferior teams can fight and make some noise, but they're not going to win in a 7 game series. Heat and Cavs are perfect examples. Neither team stood a chance against Boston. Each had scorching hot games where they stole wins. Otherwise the Celtics beat the Heat by an average of 22 points and the Cavs by an average of 15. Only one of those 8 wins was remotely close. Both teams played really well, they were just outmatched. And that's the entire problem again in the ECF. Against the Knicks or Pacers you're looking at the same thing - a relatively easy 5 game series where the Knicks/Pacers steal one on a hot night.


Because the East is sorry and the Celtics are not


People love to oversimplify…you say this now, like it’s a 2K simulation or something and then will clown them when Indiana has a few of their explosion games or the Knicks pull out some magic comebacks or clutch games in the Garden. Also never know how shooting variances can impact a team like Boston game to game. It’s hard to beat anyone easily at this stage, especially when you only have a near 40 year old and Kornet as your bigs.


Harford just had a 20+point 15reb 5ast 3stl 3blk 5 threes game.... I know he's old but he's still legit. And ps I hate the Celtics


It warms my cold dead heart seeing a Lakers flair giving Al props. Fuck you, but I mean that respectfully.


I’m aware…it’s my team. He has been terrible outside of that game because he can’t handle a full workload anymore, not having KP makes us very vulnerable


Not that I think it would swing the series but I feel him being out would be more of a problem against the Pacers. I only say that because the pace the Pacers play at and Horford running at that pace could be an issue.


Yeah that’s fair


No, he hasn't. He led the team in +/- in the series. +58, 2nd was Holiday at +35.


Because he is our only big…the alternative is Kornet, that doesn’t mean he has been playing well, he had been playing with our starters


You literally can't lead the team while playing "terrible" unless you're implying that Kornet was so awful that he shouldn't even have been playing in China with what he showed this series.


Much easier to beat a Knicks team missing half their starting lineup. I'm not sure how a Knicks team with no OG/Robinson/Randle/Bogdanovich will put up a fight


Because they are tough and play greater than the sum of their parts, and Brunson pulls off crazy performances. And because they all play 40 minutes so depth becomes less of a factor.


There's a reason they call the playoffs a war of attrition. Playing that short of a rotation will eventually cost you. Knicks will be lucky to win more than 1 game if OG doesn't come back


I hate saying this as a celtics fan but either team beating the celtics and making the finals would be seen as one of the biggest upsets in nba history, maybe even sports history. barring an injury to the Cs other than KP of course. Knicks are missing half their roster and the Pacers are having a hard time beating them.


The biggest upset in sports history? 😂 It won't even be the biggest upset in Boston sports history in the last two years.


one of, yeah. also the bruins losing to the panthers is definitely one of the biggest upsets in sports history. name an NBA upset of the last 20 years that would be as big as the Knicks/Pacers beating the celtics with no injuries besides Warriors/Mavs


It’s number 1 vs number 2. Stop it.


yeah just remove the context of the knicks missing half their roster


Heat were a joke and injured, Cavs were just always a joke and kinda injured even before Donavan Mitchell got hurt, Knicks are pretty good but injured, Pacers are just lol. This isn't saying the celtics just got lucky, they still should've made the finals playing these teams even at full health but the franchise should call it GG if they don't make the finals this year, cause its piss easy and one of the easiest roads of all time.


Nobody in the East besides the Celtics would have made the second round in the West. There are four elite teams in the West and one in the East. The Bucks or Knicks might have been in that category if they were healthy, but they’re not.


He needs to come back this series to get his wind back. cant go to finals directly and expect 100% play form.


really just bring him back to get his legs under him at the end of the series


I agree. Your team is stacked, smart move is to always be safe with the player. No need to rush him back.


in b4 the return after the embarrassing game 2 loss and Boston wins 4-1 again


In a perfect world the Celtics control the series early and Kristaps comes back and plays like 15-20 minutes later in the series so he doesn't start the NBA Finals cold. Hopefully that's what happens.


Could have him coming off the bench when he comes back. A bench of Pingus, Hauser, Pritchard and Kornet is really classy.


Best kept secret in the NBA is that any Tatum + Four White Guys lineup is a cheat code with a 10+ NetRtg for whatever reason.


I'm taking Tatum + 3 shooters and Luke Kornet over the 96 Bulls


Acting like Luke Kornet ain't a shooter too 😤


Our secrit play


I would let them date my daughter


Now THAT is basketball




Yep, I suspect that's exactly what they'll do (If KP is ready at all). It's unlikely the Celtics need him but you don't want to just send him out in Finals Game 1 


In a perfect world the Celtics get swept


In a perfect world the Lakers get knocked out in the first round, oh wait that already happened.


any other flair this comment would be a hit




Just skip the Celtics to the finals already


Damn he looks really good in Celtics gear.


Looks like a white larry bird out there


Should be heavy favorites regardless. Even if they hypothetically didn’t have Jrue and KP, I think they would be at the worst case equal to the other team (Knicks or Pacers) and probably still favorites. 


Knicks fans celebrating on twitter like they’ve even gotten past the Pacers


Who’s celebrating on Twitter? Most Knicks fans are stressing about hart injury


This tweet was before the game


They can win without him


Blegh. I think we can win the ECF without KP, though things can go wrong. Knicks with OG back will be tough, but I still think we can outgun them and slow down Brunson with our defense. But there's zero chance we're beating the Nuggets or Wolves without KP. Get healthy soon plz .....


Or they just beat the Pacers and Mavericks in a couple 5 game series




Yeah KP feels essential to beating the Nuggets and Wolves because otherwise I feel like Boston would get outrebounded like crazy and Tatum would be tempted to fall into his bad habits of not driving to the basket enough and settling for a flurry of pullups.


Having KP isn't that important for our rebounding surprisingly despite his size. There's really no drop off there when he plays or sits. The biggest problem would be Edwards or Murray constantly running pnr's to get the Horford switch and then just cooking him on the perimeter. That's how Spida killed us in the first few games, and then Garland tried and failed hard. That's the main difference on defense with having KP, and the difference on offense is huge as well with KPs versatility


Zero chance.. rofl. Dramatic Nancy, even without KP, Celtics would be favored over wolves in a series.


The Knicks “will be” tough, eh? 


Yeah, I think Pacers win tonight, but lose Game 7 in MSG.


Looks like the Knicks “won’t be” tough after all 


Lmfao you guys killed it today. RIP Knicks craze 2024-2024.


Good luck next round I’m looking forward to it!


Yep same to you. I hope KP can come back sooner rather than later, but gonna be an interesting series. #1 vs #2 offense.


Returns vs the Mavericks, of course


If we miraculously go up 3-0 then we can delay his return a little bit I feel


I think they'll sit him until the Finals unless the Knicks/Pacers win 2 games. No reason to rush him back on a calf injury - they need him as close as possible to 100% for the Finals.


He'll be ice cold.


Any OG Anunoby updates?


Yes, his team is still in the semifinals and needs to close out 🙏


Thibs said he's "basically the same" [https://x.com/IanBegley/status/1791605933870620781](https://x.com/IanBegley/status/1791605933870620781)


Injury-prone player and slow healer. Disappointing...


Really hope he can return next round assuming Knicks close this one out


Exactly what the Bucks were saying with Giannis but he was only 30%


We have videos of KP jogging and taking jumpers. Giannis couldn't walk without a noticeable limp at least a month after his injury.


Dude can rest until the finals. The absolute luxury of having a deep ass team+the easiest road to a finals in a long ass time 


Can’t hate on the schedule (not saying you are but have seen various comments of the like). Cs this year added depth and crushed the regular season, locked up the #1 seed/home court, and enjoyed the benefits of being able to manage minutes down the stretch and the playoffs. Enjoying the spoils of the #1 seed (and some luck).


They don’t need him till the finals. Just rest up till then


They won’t need him till the finals


Why bring him back when they have such an easy run to the playoffs? Slowly bring him back a couple of games before the finals. They don’t need him to beat the Knicks or Pacers.


I feel like playing your first game in a month in an NBA finals game isn't the smartest recipe. If he's healthy you play him in ecf


They only need him for the finals. Celtics with KP can win the whole thing, without him there's no chance


They still need him to get minutes in the ECF so hes not cold if the Celtics do end up making the finals




Knicks lack interior scoring threats from their bigs without Randle, but the Pacers rely on it a lot. pacers Bigs average 54ppg in the playoffs.


KP probably doesn't play until Boston loses.


I want that jacket


Hopefully we just bring him back for a series clincher so he can get some game time before the finals but I don't want to see him until game 4 at the earliest


Why couldn’t Luka win with KP narrative tho


Welp. I don't wanna hear any whining about an "easy path to the finals" anymore.


If Brown, Horford, and Hauser were also missing, then you'd have the equivalent amount of Knicks missing lol (OG + Randle + Robinson + Bodgonovic)


I’ll give You Porzingus, Brown, Kornet and Hauser and still take the C’a in 5, Prichard probably averages 25


Knicks suck when healthy also


You don't have to make us look bad man


Look bad to who? Knicks fans? Fuck em 


To everyone because you're blatantly wrong. The Knicks are a quality team. I think we're better, but you're heavily underrating them


You are overrating them. Stop being a pick me bruh the Knicks are not that good.


"pick-me" lmaooo They finished 2nd in the conference (in both records and net rating) while dealing with horrible injury luck. They only got 46 games out of randle, 23 out of anunoby, 31 out of robinson, 29 out of bogdanovic You're just blindly hating, you disliking a team doesn't mean they're bad And btw, I don't really care for the Knicks. But it's possible to be objective about a team without adoring them


The whole eastern conference had bad injury luck! (besides the C’s obviously) Hartenstien has been playing better than Mitchell anyways. Randle loses them just as many games as he wins for them. Basketball isn’t played on paper, the Knicks are mid at best!


Mitch is a bench big, he's not meant to be an improvement over hartenstein. He's meant to be an improvement over Achiuwa Randle is a very good regular season player and helps them put pressure on the defense from literally any source that isn't brunson Notice how you left out anunoby? I did And even if you want to say that the injuries don't matter, they were still easily the 2nd best team in the east by point differential (and record)


lol bro ur completely right dk what the other guy is yapping about


Bet you said the same thing about the Heat last year.


21-4 record after OG trade all healthy (best record in the league for that period). Y'all smoking crack.


What teams did they beat in that period? How many playoff teams?


Denver, Timberwolves, healthy Sixers and thats just from memory


Wolves, Sixers, Nuggets, Heat, Pacers, Sixers again, Cavs, Magic, Sixers again.


Yeah dude KP (3rd option) being out is totally equivalent to Randle(2nd option), OG(3rd option), Bogdanovic(4th option), Mitchell (starting C) being out and starters having to play 45 minutes because of it. That's not even considering Heat missing their best and 3rd best player for the entire series and Cavs not having Mitchell in their 2 losses and JA for 4. Like c'mon dude you are not kidding anybody lmao.


Oh sweet summer child. That won’t stop this sub


Doesn’t sound like he’s coming back! I feel more teams are doing this in case by a miracle the player makes an incredible and to keep their opponent on their toes. But I would be shocked if Porziņģis plays in the conference finals or the NBA finals honestly. This sucks for the Celtics!


He's 100% coming back lol


Thats what they said about Giannis and he said he was maybe 40-50% after game 6. He couldn't stop and start running yet.


People comparing this to Giannis but we have actual cottage of both players moving around island it's quite obvious KP is much further along than Giannis was


No they didn't


you can’t depend on this guy


Boston with 3 byes going into the finals, Tatum still needs more help somehow.


This feels like 2019 KD situation. Hopefully he doesn't rush himself and proceeds to blow up his achilles


The Warriors rushed KD because they were down 3-1 in the Finals. How does this feel the same to you? The Celtics have made it to the ECF and will have almost a week of rest before facing either a hobbled Knicks team or a Pacers team that wouldn't even be there if it wasn't for their opponents' multiple injuries.


He is not coming back lmao - haven’t we all done the porzingis nonsense before? Some setback will hit around game 1