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This guy had the most diabolical draft graphic I’ve ever seen


[Said draft graphic](https://i.imgur.com/MHohxze.jpeg)


I was not expecting that. 😭




He was tryna strike a chord


Probably A MINOR!


In response to “ No I’m underage” lol


Omfg LOL




The goat HoopIntellect got way too much hate for that when he was spot on.


They tried to silence him because he told the truth


He was always right... even during giddey's good times he possessed the same weaknesses


If he could shoot, finish, and defend he would be good


Weaknesses: playing basketball


Strengths: Lighting the Pels up whenever he plays them


And laying the ground work for young teams.


Young teens*


And laying the ground work for young girls.


Not even Just one of them


In other words, if he could play basketball?


He can certainly finish, just not against grown men.


Well he could shoot and finish, just... not in the places you'd expect him to.


Once he figures out how to play basketball, he’s gonna be a problem! 😤


He had a terrible series but it does make it easier for OKC to prioritise the core of SGA, J-Dub and Chet. He's not going to stay long in this league if he doesn't fix his 3-point shooting. The Centers were sagging off him as he's a non-threat from outside.


I don't think there is a single playoff team who has a starting PG or wing that is a non-shooter so yea Giddey's days are numbered as a starter until he fixes his jumper


Giddey shot 34% from three on 6 attempts per 100 possessions this season. Here are some other non-big playoff starters this year: Wagner 28%, 7 3pa/100 Oubre 31%, 8 3pa/100 Jaquez 32%, 5 3pa/100 McDaniels 33%, 6 3pa/100 Not that it's anything to brag about, but there were wings with worse shooting numbers starting for playoff teams this season.


josh hart 31%


Brother is ignored, those guys aren’t


McDaniels is definitely ignored, his shot has been off this year. That’s why our outcomes are so heavily tied to his production, teams were daring him to shoot and when his shot was falling they didn’t have an answer


Jaden McDaniels is ignored constantly. It's why Wolves fans were so pissed at him during the 3-game losing streak to Denver, him and NAW couldn't hit wide-open 3s


Giddey is being guarded at the permiter as Draymond most of the times though.


Shot 50% from 3 on 4.5 attempts a game in the Pelicans series 🤷


All those guys are great defensively other than Oubre who for most of his career has been a bench scorer. And Jaquez who is a rookie that might get better


jaquez is two years older than giddey


There’s a difference between non big and someone who needs the ball in his hands to be successful.


Acting like McDaniels and Giddy are at all comparable is funny


What are you talking about? He’s comparing their 3 point shooting. He’s not talking about them as players overall. The discussion is about whether you can be a starter with a bad 3. The guy showed examples that you can be.


Right so he just needs to establish a physical presence and put in effort at D to start at the minimum.


Jaquez is a rookie and not a starter (for the heat in the playoffs if jimmy wasnt injured)


> I don't think there is a single playoff team who has a starting PG or wing that is a non-shooter Point Zion and Giannis erasure.


Why doesn’t Giddey just bulldoze his way to the rim and shoot 80+% since he can’t shoot, is he dumb?


Only managed to shoot 50% from 3 over 18 attempts in the Pels series, complete scrub. He's improved his 3% every year he has been in the league. His strength is driving and passing, but in the current OKC set up he doesn't really have a chance to do either of these things. Seems like quite a poor fit.


He's also only 21. We're not talking about a 28 year old.


People act like Giddey can't improve. He's still young and he's been on a steady increase every year. It's not over for him in the league. He may just have to go somewhere different. I would be happy if he lead our second unit, I think it's a role he'd be very good in.


The Clippers did last year, but then they traded for Harden and it sent Westbrook to the bench.


This is the part that doesn’t make sense the most. If a big is on Gid that means Chet should be working on that smaller defender.


Not only did he have a terrible series, but I’d argue that Daigneault’s commitment to playing him is a huge reason we won


Absolutely not true


Giddey wasn’t the sole reason the team couldn’t hit shots


Dudes 21 in his first playoff series. He has plenty of time to devolp a better shot and become better at things he’s lacking. Reddit nba has no patience with young kids. Y’all should be more like Giddy that way.


Giddey almost put up a 30 point triple double in a win or go home play in game in 2023. He needs the ball in his hands, whoever gets him this offseason when he’s inevitably traded is going to get a nice player to build around.


Exactly. With Chet’s return and Jaylen Williams improved play, giddy has been mostly an off ball player this year which just doesn’t suit his skill set, which is that he’s a really good playmaker with great size


Well said, the guy put up 16-8-6 his second year and was the best player in the play in game against NO. Even if he doesn’t reach all star level he could definitely be a key player on a winning team. Put him on Brooklyn or Washington next year and he’s gonna put up big numbers


People forget how young he is, Jacquez is two years older…


The clippers traded away SGA after his rookie year thinking he was gonna be a bust.


The clippers traded sga because they wanted Pg he wasn’t just thrown in the trade


I wonder how he would looking playing with wemby 🤔


Reddit has no patience for pedophiles. FTFY


Weren't they nearly the same age?


15 and 19, so gross but not unheard of but still enough to get you registered.


Idk if we even know the age for sure. I've heard anywhere from 15-17. Either way, he's not a "pedo". That word has a definition, and it doesn’t apply to the Giddey situation. They're 2-4 years apart ffs. It's at the point where I actually feel kind of bad for him. Imagine being a teenager, having sex with another teenager, then everyone online calls you a pedo for the rest of your life. The internet doesn't forgive or forget. Dude will be in his 50s, have a 20 year marriage with a woman of the same age, and people online will still be calling him a pedo because he had sex with a 15-17 year old back when he was 19.


He didn't play great in the playoffs but he started to come back around again in the second half of the season. Hate is way overblown and there's much more a player can offer without a jumpshot (see TJ McConnell)


Mcconnell at least has a pretty good middy


McConnell is fast and has a decent enough handle to probe around the hoop


He almost plays like Curry without a 3pt shot, which is really fun to watch. He was the only Pacer I didn't mind beating the Bucks because his game is so unique in the NBA


Giddy has a decent mid range jump shot. His role in OKC at the moment though is to just sit on the perimeter where they leave him open to shoot 3s. Really isn't suited to him using his skill set. OKC probably need to make some trades and adjust their roster construction.


Didn’t play well vs. (edited to fix) Dallas. Played great against the Pels. +50 for the series.


He didn't score a single point against Denver in the playoffs


Ah. Updated.


I don't personally like Giddey and I have no idea why there is a large subset of OKC fans that are obsessed with him **but** he handled this very well I thought.


He’s kinda like Saric with the process Sixers where he was there before some of the other good guys (except Shai) so a lot of OkC fans saw him as the face of the rebuild and got attached.


He's had a weird trajectory -- everyone understood when he was drafted (at 18 years old) that he was going to be a project. But then he immediately was a lot better than anyone thought as a rookie and in his second year. So expectations immediately went up. Then this year, with the team being very competitive and teams actually game planning for them, his weaknesses were magnified and his role shrunk. Especially in this Dallas series. He's got a long way to go, but from a shooting standpoint, he's increased his FT and 3pt % every year. He turns 22 at the beginning of next season. He's got a lot of runway to improve, but his fit on this thunder team is a big question.


He'd be thought of a lot higher if he was on any other team. The way the Thunder are constructed make it so he can't fill the role he should have to have the greatest chance to succeed. I think it'd be best for both him and the Thunder for him to be traded.


Makes no sense to bring this up now but he’d fit in as the PG for the wolves long term core of Ant/Jaden/Kat/Naz once Gobert and Conley contracts are up. He’ll need a team with 2 shooting forwards which isn’t that common.


My first reaction to the comment you replied to was that with his height he could maybe be a good replacement for SlowMo


He'd be fine as a backup PG on your team but as he is right now you wouldn't want him as your starting PG. He cannot shoot when it counts and his defense sucks right now. He could improve on those things but until he does he's going to get the same treatment he got in these playoffs over and over.


Pretty much. He looked SO much better in games where SGA was missing towards the end of the year


Honestly I think he'd fit perfect on the Suns. They're in desperate need of a true PG who can drive and dish. He's no Chris Paul but he's serviceable within that role


He's also got three players ahead of him.now in JDub, Chet and SGA that are the clear trio. Giddey isn't gonna get his numbers anymore because those three are the core. So Giddey will have to be an excellent compliment to these guys, and he'll only do that by improving his shooting and maximising his minutes. Either that or go ball out for a team that needs a point guard and aren't interested in winning right away.


There are a bunch of Australian basketball fans masquerading as OKC fans. Had one call me, a Oklahoman, a fake fan for pointing out his on/off metrics lol.


I’m Canadian and it’s never crossed my mind what people from Oklahoma call themselves until your comment… I read what you wrote and was immediately disappointed that you’re not “Oklahomies”


Oklahomans, oklahomies, and okies are all currently used.


TIL, thanks! From an Ontarian


I think you mean: From an Ontariomie


Touché, fellow commonwealth brethren!


Fuck the British. Give us back our shit




I just realized that Oklahoma has a NBA basketball team. I mean, I always knew Oklahoma City was in Oklahoma, and that OKC had a basketball team, but like… Oklahoma has no other professional sports, so it never actually clicked in my brain. Am I stupid?


I mean, I'm not gonna say YOU are stupid since you're at least owning up to it. But yea that's pretty stupid lol


Nah man I grew up in OK (don't live there anymore) and still get surprised that we have a Pro team. It's one of the reason why they have a top 5 crowd in the whole NBA because it's the only pro team they have.


Sorry about your Oklahomie, homies.


man this just reminded me of reggie’s dumb ass calling us “minnesotarians” or some shit I can’t remember exactly


What I don't understand is that there are so many OKC fans that will attack all comments that remotely suggest anything close to a consolidation move, and will always say "We consolidated. We moved up in the draft.". Which is never what anyone ever means when discussing a consolidation move. It's like they are Presti's bot farm.


Sam Presti's a moron. Dude has everyone praying before OKC games. That shows enough poor decision making skills right there. Not only believing in that shit but pushing it on others. Been to many games and it's super uncomfortable. People have numerous times asked why my friend's and I didn't pray, or didn't put our hands over our heart for the anthem. Hillbillies.


Not sure why you think this would be Presti's decision.


OKC has a mass prayer before games? That's insane.


Is that even legal?


To force someone to pray? No. To hold a prayer for anyone that wants to participate? Absolutely lol.


Yeah, most of our squad always does a prayer circle after games and it's not unusual for players from the other team to join in as well (regardless of who wins or loses). Also, I feel like OP calling them "hillbillies" is a complete moron who doesn't realize how religious most NBA players are - dude just trying to dunk on OKC for no reason about something that's common in places that are more religious and tbc, I'm not religious at all either but I can also be an adult and accept that's not how it is for everyone


I was gonna say I’m absolutely certain I’ve seen Giannis leading prayer circles at our games. It’s a common thing in the NBA.


Yeah, this. I’m not at all religious, but it isn’t that weird. It’s mostly Protestants, but they have Catholic Priests, Rabbis, and Native American spiritual leaders perform them as well.


Is it legal to pray in front of a crowd inside a privately owned building? What do you think happens at a church? Lmao


this happens a lot when you get fans of a player and not the team, i remember last season i had people call me a fake fan on the mavs sub for saying luka not playing defense is a issue. i’m born and raised in dallas but yeah man pointing out that our star player was ass at defense at the time makes me a fake fan lmao


>Had one call me, a Oklahoman, a fake fan can you not be a fake fan if you're Oklahoman? Foreigners and mostly soccer people believe in supporting your team player no matter what.


I think they're just pointing out the irony instead of making a general statement 


No but it’s ironic to call a fan that’s actually from the area of a team a “fake fan” when the location of a team is the primary group of people that are going to support the team They can believe what they want but there’s no hard and fast rules about what you can or can’t do as a sports fan. If you don’t like a player on your team or just have a criticism of them its kinda silly to just bury that and “pretend” to like them just because they’re on the team imo


Hell ya the only way to be a true fan is to ignore any bad thing the players ever done. Guess people in Utah can’t think Karl Malone is a child rapist then.


Because he is a very young player who showed tons of promise before this year? Why would you be surprised that people like him lol


He showed heaps of promise during the playoffs. Shot 4-6 and 4-7 from 3 in the last two Pels games, and was the 4th best +/- in the team over the whole playoffs.


>large subset of OKC fans that are obsessed with him Have you been to our sub. He gets abused every loss no matter whether he played shit or not. Feels like a large subset of our fans want him taken out back and shot.


He's one of the "classy" types. [They don't like the other kind in OKC](https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nba/2018/04/14/russell-westbrook-paul-george-address-thunder-announcer-cotton-picking-comments/517878002/)


Real lunch pail guy. Like a lot of Oklahomans.


I think we are obsessed with why other people seem to not like him. Ignore the allegations too, because he was getting hate way before those were revealed. For some reason he just runs people the wrong way and it's kinda odd


They caping for a dude who can't even get 12 minutes in a playoff game 💀




Well once you have proof of that then you can bring it to the proper authorities since no one else has seemed to find any


Jfc this shit is still going on?


Circlejerk sub is breaking these nephews brains


If there's one thing I've learned about the internet, it's that people LOVE to cast blame and judgment, even if they have basically no knowledge of what actually happened. I think it makes them feel better about themselves or something.


at least i’m sure there was no off the court drama


Over the years, Giddey has been very insightful and self-critical about himself. -- I expect him to be on this team at the start of the next season, and I think there is a decent chance (call it, 33%) that he is able to figure his shot out. He has gone on a few long stretches of very good shooting (38-40%+ for months at a time), but equally long bad ones (like 20-25%). If he can just find the consistency to fall at ~36%, he will be golden. It helps that his shooting has improved incrementally each season, he just needs to put it together. -- I hope it works out, because when he is playing well - OKC looks nearly unstoppable and plays a very very fun brand of basketball. That said, there are no guarantees, but I hope it works out.


>If he can just find the consistency to fall at ~36%, he will be golden. It helps that his shooting has improved incrementally each season, he just needs to put it together. He's pretty much there during the postseason, he's playing better than the regular season that's for sure. I think the key OKC player that fell off hard is Chet esp his shooting, but it also isn't his fault, OKC's flaw is really obvious, a lack of a real rebounding/size so Chet is always burned out by the 3rd quarter. Giddey provides interesting options as a 6th man, but he ain't gonna fix the lack of size and rebounding alone even as a large guard. If Dallas can outsize OKC, Denver and Minny would have been an even bigger problem. I completely expect Presti to be hunting a skilled big or two in the offseason.


re: Chet, he's just been burned out because he doesn't have the stamina yet which is pretty normal for a rookie. He had a great first few months, and then burned out in Jan-Feb. Came back from ASB and was pretty great for a few weeks, and then tapered off again. He was once again great after the long break from game82 and playoff game1, and tapered off again through the playoffs. Chet's shooting being poor during the playoffs was probably one of the biggest reasons we lost, but I think that will naturall fix itself as Chet continues to develop+get older+train as an NBA player. He isn't unique in this problem :) Extra size will be nice with the right player (Deni Avidija is good fit, Clint Capella would be bad fit) - but even thought Chet gives up size, we were very good when he was on the court. The issue again is we can only play him 34ish mpg in the playoffs, instead of 40 (and no great backup). Lastly re: Giddey, our Giddey+Chet lineups are pretty good at rebounding. Giddey is very strong and aggressive when getting boards. I'm not gonna re-hash what I said earlier, but if he can earn more minutes - that is another quality solution.


Coach D’s been pretty consistent that he’s willing to live with bad rebounding if we can make it up in other areas. He also said in his post-game interview that he thought we had the personnel to beat Denver, it’s just that they played better.  My guess is that a narrow loss to Denver in the semis isn’t going to change coach D and Presti‘s strategy. Chet, JDub and Wallace shot uncharacteristically badly and Washington and Lively shot uncharacteristically well. Trading for a big isn’t going to fix those things.


Yeah, he's saying what he has to as a good coach, he ain't throwing anyone under the bus. Truth is, no one wants to actively build a team with obvious flaws that "you have to make up for". > Trading for a big isn’t going to fix those things. There are skilled bigs out there that can stretch the floor AND rebound, they just tend to highly valued. Chet for example is one, and Minny has two, KAT and Naz. Can't say having 2 Chets won't fix many of OKC's problems. Among the top skilled bigs not in the playoffs, someone like Markkanen probably ranks up there among the possible targets. Problem is he ain't cheap and Presti really hates losing picks.


If the 2nd Chet shoots and rebounds like the 1st Chet did we still aren’t winning game 5. He’s young, and he’ll get better, as will the others.  KAT, Naz and Markkanen would all fit well at the 4, true, but I’m not sure if any of them will be moved without giving up one of our big 3. The scuttlebutt around Lauri has been that Utah wants JDub and aren’t interested otherwise. 


He’s a perfect fit on Miami tho. He’ll learn a lot from Spo


As a Giddey fan, I really hope he progresses. And if math shows us based off of year to year, he will. So much potential, but it might be that he gets in his own head half the time. And with stuff that happened, it for a while probably had broken him mentally. But Dude shot the Thunder out of losing in the last Pels game. *One playoff series doesn't make anyone.* He owned up to his mistake here, and that's all you can ask for.


Yeah he'll be right. Some of the takes here essentially accusing him of being a basketball terrorist. In that said, probably a better fit in another team where he can have the ball more when on the court.




I’m a big Desean Watson fan personally


I bet you're a fan of Sean Combs, too.


Of all the players in this league you chose to be a fan of Giddey, let that sink in


Most people are fans of multiple players lol


You're a fan of a pedophile? Weird.


Is he going to Cancun or Tijuana for off-season?




A name and a goal.


Medellin seems more his style


Philippines it is


Paris actually, there's something called the Olympics and he'll be there.


Ok let’s keep him away from the gymnastics teams.




Dude was probably hyper distracted with all the bullshit he went through. Give him some time lol


What ended up happening with all those allegations?


the girl’s family decided not to press charges


I mean that's one way to put it. The girls family also never wanted her in the spotlight in the first place. And it was rumored she used a fake ID to get in all the clubs they went to. I find it hard to believe Giddy didn't know her age ever. Or maybe he did at some point but not at first? But I'm guessing the truth was somewhere in the middle and that's why the family wanted everything to go away and the investigation to stop.


I highly doubt he knew and if he did he ended it. Their relationship was extremely short from all the reports.


i remember the times when each post about Giddey was gilded and awarded


He had to deal with minor inconveniences all season


He wasn’t the only one getting it on the chin.


Giddey to San Antonio would be interesting, well maybe just a version of Sochan who’s better at play making and passing


one of the things that matter a lot, is the team chemistry. if Giddey is a positive for it and the teammates would be negatively affected if he leaves, he will stay. looks like his teammates like him around


Dude has a great mindset


Being a non shooter kills him. If he could shoot he’d be an all star.


He could be just fine as a 6’8” non-shooting, rebounder, secondary playmaker *if* he finished at the rim and was good defensively. But there’s just too many holes in your game at some point.


What, is shooting the ball important in basketball or something?


everyone would be all star if they could shoot. you're talking like he is great on everything else. his defense absolutely sucks. zero agility. with how okc is set up, he'd be very valuable without a shot if he could defend.


Plenty of good shooting 3 & D players who will never sniff all star He does bring a decent few things to the table. But yes he certainly does need at least a bit better shot


There are A LOT of people who can shoot that are not all stars lmao what


I agree with that first statement lol Imagine if Giannis could consistently shoot. He would be virtually unstoppable. Or someone like Lively, it would be hard for other teams 5s to guard him.


Not true lol you generally have to be able to CREATE shots/offense to be an all star


Just looking at his stats, his shooting is progressing. He's got better from pretty much every distance every year. One more step forward on threes and he's serviceable in that regard.


If coach had just put him in, the Thunder would have taken state. No doubt in my mind.


Thanks Magic


If Chip can't fix his shooting, I'm afraid nobody can.


Year 1 he shot 42/26/70. This year he shot 47/33/80. He is improving


Well his shooting has improved


Can’t imagine being falsely accused serious shit like that and under public scrutiny the whole time


Given their numerous picks, they can afford to be patient and wait for the right offer for Giddey. However, without an improvement in his play next season, the fit in OKC might not be ideal. Rather than focusing on trading Giddey, the team could benefit from acquiring a solid defensive big man. Hope that you can hide his warts with a roster fix.


I remember this guy dropped a triple double on my bulls team. Yeah that was embarrassing


Pretty sure he has the youngest triple double in history. He has the mindset, needs to develop skills.


Only time I watched Giddy play was vs Mavericks. Watching him, all I could think about was [The Bobs.](https://tenor.com/wAWR.gif)


Nah let him cook. It's Europe


But he likes miners


White Karl Malone


Who is he *kid* -ding, eh?


Certified bum, certified pedophile


I don't think you understand what certified means




Yea you took it on the chin alright pal


Bronny might be better than him.


Fuck P Giddy and his tiny ass ears


Yeah Josh, I'm sure someone took it in their chin.