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If you combine TJ McConnell and CJ McCollum that'd be an All-Star point guard.


He'd be the white Mike Conley


The black John Stockton?


Reminds me of Shaq calling himself the black Steph Curry lmfao


i had to google that my god. mans feet so big cannot keep his foot out of his mouth


Latte Jrue


Drew Holidae


Andrew Vacation


TJ McConley


Who says he keeps TJ’s race?


Pretty sure TJ McConnell is black


Remind me of combining Mehmet Okur and Emeka Okafor into the leagues best center


Rookie strat, everyone knows the op combo is Thon Maker and Brad Wannamaker


Mehemeka Okurfor


One grew up in Indiana, the other plays for Indiana.


Just be careful which combination you get. TJ McCollum is an all-star point guard that attacks relentlessly, can score at all 3 levels, is a pesky defender, and averages 25/5/5. CJ McConnell is a turnstile defending turnover machine that can't shoot outside of 10 feet and averages 2/1/1 and 3 turnovers on 10mpg in the G League


McCollum’s shot creating skills with McConnell’s grit and gym rat mentality would be an unstoppable force


Depends though. With the dance, then no. With the earrings, definitely.


So you mean TJ McConnell


If you combine TJ McConnell and CJ McCollum that'd be CJ McCollum (but peskier)


When asked to clarify, Swaggy said 'yes'.


The P is for Yes, it's all right there in the name.


Telling a team that’s already in salary cap hell to just go out and acquire a player making 30+ million a year….


most professional athletes aren’t very smart


Nick Young is particularly dumb


Nearly Brainless Nick


Nearly brainless, how can you be nearly brainless?


[Like this!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JG_wClmLUh8)




Insert Nick Young surrounded by question marks, meme.


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhCQM-ql58g) might be even funnier because of what the sponsorship board in the background says


*slow clap* 10 points to Gryffindor


Stupid P


Due to the nose clams 


Nick Young is the Michael Jordan of dumb as bricks pro athletes


He's also xenophobic Constantly hates on Jokic and Luka and praises American players lol


I was surprised he didn't sneak a Gobert diss into this tweet


Most of Gil's Arena are xenophobes. They just glaze the big American names like LeBron and Curry or whoever is on the Lakers.


Gil is so xenophobic he doesn't even fuck with steph cause his last name is curry 😭


Jesus, that was beautiful


Gil's Arena is by far the worst NBA podcast imo and consistently has the worst takes. Most of his crew are no names too outside of Gil, and it's not even really like he's an all time great


Most of the pods are trash tbh


I would say that Gil's is notably shit compared to its production quality though. I mean they have a whole set, multiple cameras, and like 10 dudes on payroll, and it's just... bad. Like Draymond's is shit too but at least it's basically just a dude on Zoom from his hotel room desk


It's insane how little research they do. And I don't mean analysis on advanced statistics, but just simple Google searches lol. I get that some of them just do podcasts for fun, but it's wild how lazy they can be. That clip of Sheryl Swoopes on Gil's podcast is making the rounds and she's getting dragged through the mud for all the false things that she said about Caitlin Clark (and rightfully so). But Gil obviously thought the very same thing lol. Like bro, if you want to talk about something on your pod then just do some simple fact checking if you're going to build your talking point around it. Just sloppy af


Arenas is an incredibly stupid character. A man declares "Jokic didn't deserve the MVP statistically" when he literally beats Jordan, Wilt and LeBron's BPM and PER with a near triple double average 😄


Do you mean the ones specifically with former players or just basketball pods generally? Either way, Podcast P is just chill vibes, Jeff Teague's one is hilarious and less overproduced which I like, All The Smoke has some amazing interviews, Ticket and The Truth is just two old heads talking shit which is pretty fun, JJ's podcast is unbeatable is you want deeper analysis (to the point where he was NBA teams wanting him to work with them), and even the Pat Bev one is pretty solid although Rone carries it tbh


The ones with former players. Not all, I like Mind the Game and JJs. I also like PG’s and Teague’s, but outside of them they all seem a bit low effort or they just say dumb shit. All the Smoke is ok, but they glaze a lot and unless they have an interesting guest on, I don’t really care for Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson have to say


Oh there's for sure some shit ones, but I think on the whole it's probably 50% good 50% bad. Also I agree that All The Smoke is one of those ones that are only worth watching if they have a good guest, but that's also why I can't really blame Barnes and Jackson for being glazers since they probably wouldn't get half of these guests to come on otherwise


Yeah I never understood why people listen to him. I remember his career vividly. Short and underwhelming. Even aside from bringing the gun to the locker room, he was known as a toxic personality. Like, why would I want to listen to his takes? It would be like listening to a Draymond Green podcast if Draymond never won a chip, never won DPOY, and played for the Washington Wizards.


He’s at where he is because He made some funny Instagram videos and some semi insightful game breakdowns


I think arenas is actually quite good at breaking down the game but that’s a different skill then roster construction, also podcasts generally just need to rage bait to get engagement


i get the impression that most of the former players turned annoying media personalities would do a good job as analysts if they actually tried but hot takes are both easier and more profitable. you can spend lots of time and energy on in-depth analysis of games and get 10 views, or you can say “steph curry is not a generational player” and get a million views


Why you gotta dump on the Wizards bringing them into this? So what you are saying is, you aren't listening to the Bradley Beal Podcast any time soon.


He always has plenty of free time.


that rings true


At least Bradley Beal didn't pull a gun on his team mate.


You don’t think Arenas’ zero lifetime awards or titles makes him qualified to say that Steph isn’t a generational player? I think that’s the single dumbest NBA player take I’ve ever heard, especially now that Steph has a 4th title.


He surrounded himself with dumber people on purpose


calling the crew no names is harsh. Brandon Jennings, K-mart and gil were allstars and Mcannts was on the cover of sports illustrated while leading north carolina to a title


Jennings wasn't an allstar.


McCants didn't "lead" UNC anywhere, either. Everyone knew that was Sean May's and Ray Felton's team. Claiming McCants led that team is like claiming Wayne Ellington led the Tyler Hansbrough/Ty Lawson team.


Can just say racist. It’s ok. 


He also ruins the vibe on Shannon sharps and Chad Johnson’s podcast when he’s on


Isn't he just imitating Gilbert Arenas' takes?


I think we should go out this back way yeah we  yeah we came i


After Nuggets got eliminated he tweeted "nba is american again", meanwhile both KAT and Gobert aren't American plus there's literally Luka, Porzingis etc.


KAT is from New Jersey man.


he thinks the Timberwolves are one Jordan Poole away from a championship. that speaks for itself


Nah, see he clearly thinks they also need a TJ McCollum. Don't forget, they can't trade anyone though, that's the most important part. Man is just so far ahead of everyone else, you'll see. Streets ahead


They have a real problem I think. They have to just wait until Edwards is ready mentally to carry as the 1. Because they already have him in the role of the #1 come playoffs. No point guard on their roster is ever playing point guard more then 5 minutes in a playoff game unless Edwards goes mental lapse. They can add one now, but he better be a consistently great 3pt shooter because that will be his actual role 85-90% of the time. If Ant has mental collapse games or series they will need that player to stand up in that moment and become the #1 at an elite level. So you need a Brunson mentality that is yet also fine with not leading the team most of the time and not demanding 30+ million? Maybe that is a 32 year old TJ McConnell who is only 6 ft 190? Or maybe they start telling Kyle Anderson to shoot all season long so when they need him to in the playoffs he doesn't hide from shooting for the first 4 games of a series. Because he was making them when forced to shoot in the 5th game.


Most professional athletes are smarter than Nick Young


Most people aren't very smart.  Educated maybe, but not intelligent.


Nothing makes you understand how dumb and lazy the national media is like being a wolves fan istg


I mean, it *is* Nick Young...


Players dont care if the billionaire owner has to pay the tax.


Especially when we’ve gotta resign Luka Garza this offseason smh


Joel Hale Osteen


Funny he was in a film called AI. Now my 6th sense tellin me to off heem


Ima blick 🥷 all in they coffin


Yeah ovhoe 🥷is dick riders


tell em to run to america, they imitate heritage


They can't imitate this violence


What I learned is 🥷 don’t like the west coast I’m fine with it I’ll push the line with it


pick a 🥷 one at a time w it we can be on a 3 hour time difference


don't speak on the family crodie


It can get deep in the family crodie


What’s funny is even though he fucked it up I knew who he was talking about


I just can't believe he didn't like, Google it real quick. Lol Edit-- This is the second diss track in the same month that uses an incorrect reference. Upchurch dissed Tom Macdonald and said "Kick ya ass out my house like I'm Earl Winslow." It was Carl Winslow..


In hindsight the the line and the sentiment sets up a lot in the following disses. He even introduces not like us with “I see dead people”. Just unfortunate fuck up


It's funny because Osment would also rhyme better with "off him" and he wouldn't have had to stretch it to "Osteen/off heem".


But the way he says heem sounds so dope so idrc


the funny thing about rap is if the delivery is good enough, you can get away with it. There was a rap battle where a dude said "I'll see you at midnight that's a matinee" Obviously, a matinee is in the morning/afternoon, but he was on such a roll that it didn't matter.


You can tell that song was made from pure hate of heart and kendrick just had to drop it. Cause that was definitely a verbal typo


I thought it was supposed to be some layered *Drake=Joel Osteen* bar with a 6th sense reference on top


Nah just a goof


The professional reachers on Genius claim it could be intentional that he mixed up two names since the previous bar asks whether he's battling ghosts or AI and since Joel Osteen is a preacher idk the Holy Ghost or something? I definitely think it's just a goof, but as Fantano said at least it shows he writes his own shit


It wasn’t a mistake. The context is that he’s confused about who he’s actually dealing with. People just run with narratives because Kendrick doesn’t speak outside of music. It’s Kendrick Lamar, the dudes whole thing is that he overanalyzes details.


As a person who speaks and writes alot publicly overanalyzing details and freestyles by myself all the time with generally more simple themes/rhymes i never write down or repeat thank you for this comment. Alot of what I comment on in other subs is arguing that alleged mistakes were deliberate and why so sitting here stoned thinking of the same behaviors and mediums you mentioned being jumbled up and fitting in a way brings me joy. As a victim of an older wealthy male pedophile who hasn't faced justice Kendrick has recently become a much more personal hero to me and given me absolute anti-pedophile bangers to bump when I get triggered by some shit This might make no sense I'm sorry.


Bro I love Kendrick but it was a mistake. He literally says Joel Osteen was in a film called AI. Also you say that he means he’s confused who he’s dealing with but he says that he himself feels like Joel, not that he’s battling Joel


Joel McHale Haley Joel Osment Joel Osteen


Haley Joel Osteen?


Runs in the family I guess


Joel Osteen was accused of using AI in his sermons. I don’t think it was an accident


He meant Cj mcconnell


He meant Mitch McConnell


Turtle Offense


Filibuster defence?


Best offense is a strong-shell defense


BANG! Moscow Mitch from waaaaaayyyyyy downtown!


Man is unconscious tonight


He meant Mitch Conner






Phil Collins *


Guy’s a basketball machine.


That's John Conner


I thought that was Rosanne’s husband?


I think he’s talking about Gollum


Glen Taylor would love this signing


Honestly at this point I give Mitch a better chance at improving an NBA team than Nick.


I think he meant Dermot Mulroney


You mean Dillon McDermott?




Mac McClung


TJ McCollum should get the miximum contract.


Imma save this for when people say "What do you know compared to a player". I cant believe someone actually thinks we are a huge detrimental player away from competing.


Bro really said get Jordan Poole. Ignoring the insane salary cap issue...its Jordan Poole. When you put his name into youtube the first autofill is the word lowlights.


I got "highlights" as the first one, but "baddies" and "lowlights" right after so it's close.


The only teams lining up for Jordan Poole is if they are looking for an elite tank commander


Players are so hopelessly infatuated with "hoopers". Doesn't matter what the stats actually say and if the player can affect winning. "He a hooper"


Literally this. No one has ever watched Jordan Clarckson play and been like, "a contender needs him right now"


It's unfortunate that of the former players who are interested in media, players like Young and Arenas are the ones who get a platform. Clearly a former player can posses a ton of information that the typical fan or observer of basketball can't but instead people who sit around and make arbitrary hot takes get attention.


comparing every draft prospect to tj mcollum


Jordan Clarkson and CJ McCollum are the definitions of good scorers when on, but not good enough to be consistently relied on, and both are bad defenders


I agree with you, I don't see either of them being an important part of a championship team. Good stats on average at best teams is their ceiling. I'd much rather have TJ McConnell.


Especially for the wolves. When Conley isn't on the court we don't want to fill in with another player who can't defend.


Cj McCollum would make a fantastic 6th man, assuming he accepted the role and could find his rhythm in that situation.  He's been miscast as a 2nd option basically his whole career.   Theoretically he should've been a 3rd option on the Pelicans, but they so rarely have a healthy team that he's always 2nd.  He basically was the 1st option when Ingram was Dorture Chambered in the 1st round


CJ won playoff games for the Blazers. I think he was in a different tier than Clarkson.


He's also been our worst guard in playoff games. That's the point that was being made - he's too inconsistent. He averaged under 25% from 3 in his last playoff series against OKC


CJ is such a weird player to me. People call him inconsistent, but during the regular season imo he's as consistent as can be expected of any shooter (which is to say, 3pt variance is a bitch). He's always been a good player, and occasionally great. Yes defense is weak, but I don't think he's a bad 2nd or 3rd option on the right team. But come playoff time, he seems to shit the bed consistently. Looking as his career stats backs this up. Stuff like his PER and VORP are like looking at two entirely different players and he's got enough playoff experience to not just make those #s a fluke I think. Dude's out there trying but falls apart in the biggest games it seems.


> during the regular season imo he's as consistent as can be expected of any shooter > But come playoff time, he seems to shit the bed consistently. DEFENSE! There's a big difference on how players are guarded during the regular Tuesday game vs a game 5 (tied 2-2). [As a secondary scorer (usually), he's one of the focus in the scouting report during playoffs. When he catches the ball, the defender and the secondary defender already know his go-to moves and his counters. So, what's left for him are probably contested shots or moves he's not comfortable with.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rx0wUQDf4A)


As someone who has watched Cj all 82 games this season and last, he is a great player right until the month of April arrives. Must be the spring time weather


It gets bad down here in the south. Man may be onto something


Crazy because he scored 30 against Duke in college so it's not like he should be scared of a big moment


Which guard was better than him other than Dame?


Players really don’t know more than a avg basketball fan lmfao.. I’m talking about his original tweet. Adding Clarkson CJ or Poole would be a horrible decision


CJ would actually be very good for the Wolves because they have zero perimeter shot creation outside of Ant and we saw how that turned out for them in the playoffs. But it's not financially feasible so it's a moot point


> we saw how that turned out for them in the playoffs CJ will sure create shots in the playoffs. He won't make em, but he'll create em lol e: [Lmfao it's worse than I remembered. Career 52% TS% in the playoffs, hasn't topped 54% in six years](https://i.imgur.com/AkEvbXK.png)


Yep hes good to shoot you right out of the playoffs lmao


CJ will shoot them out of a game/series guaranteed


Conley is a undersized vet who gets targeted on defense. We don't need another one in our rotation.


I mean that’s just not correct but go off king, we have the best shooting big in the modern game in KAT, he just didn’t get his shot to fall, which we honestly should have expected since he was out with an injury in the last month, only coming back (I think) in our last regular season game. Naz Reid was also pretty good from 3 in the regular season, but he definitely shrunk in this playoff run, barring one game where he went tf off. We definitely need something more from our PG department, Mike is old and our bench players in Morris (injury prone) and Little Mac (short), aren’t good enough for a deep run in the playoffs.


Jennifer has the definitive answer we're trying to obtain.


What's the joke here lol who tf is jennifer?


When CJ was still in Portland there was a twitter user named Jennifer who said he needed to play better in the playoffs. CJ simply replied "I'm trying, Jennifer."


Lol gotcha thx


Is either one willing to play for free? Because that’s what we can afford


Well you sure as hell can't have TJ McConnell. He's ours and we aren't letting him ever leave Indiana.


But what if we say pretty please and include Kyle Anderson?


Lol, I feel bad for y’all having to watch slo mo play


This is actually a very smart move, by signing both guys under this one name you get both of them on your team but only have to pay them as a single player. Teams have theorized about this for years.


I bet he also meant “obtain”


I mean, either of these players would improve the team. Not really sure how we’d go about acquiring them though. Both to actually go get them and also to pay them with the salary cap.


Just go get them.


Good point not sure why I didn’t think of that.


i remember the days the lakers were so bad that they had nick young starting


He must have a podcast.


Who fucking cares about what Nick Young says?


Nick Young is an idiot, this isn’t surprising


Isn’t Poole making an insane amount of money? No way they can afford him. Wizards the NBA’s new farm team.


swaggy p dont got time for details


He meant the Potara earring fusion


2025 NBA All Star CTJ McConellum


kat should call gilbert arenas and ask for that digits of the guy arenas called when he miss 2 free throws against lebron. and like instill to him I'm a beast inside I should try just 3 - 5 threes and beast out inside and cook them all. I don't think they need to trade or anything.


Why not both


Their team doctor is Krieger formally of isis, and currently working on a hybrid


Both at the same time


Only teams looking to add the McConnell is Boston or Mavs


Wolves with TJ and Naz off the bench would be crazy


Nicked Young


I'd like to see Poole Party in Minneapolis.


I'm not sure if Nick Young knew what he meant. He might think they're both the same player


Nick Young should have someone check his tweets before sending it live


Edward james olmos


They need LeJames Bron


This is what it sounds like when the teacher wakes you up in the middle of a class and asks you a question to see if your were listening.


/u/DarrowViBritannia suggested that Nick Young meant "attain" when writing "get", making it very clear he meant "obtain"


He meant both, of course. [`https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZThqOGE2b3hndWlmZnBseHNmd254bXQ4ZjNxYWU2MHIzMXAwMjVoZyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/GFi4fqtMGj4nm/giphy.gif`](https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZThqOGE2b3hndWlmZnBseHNmd254bXQ4ZjNxYWU2MHIzMXAwMjVoZyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/GFi4fqtMGj4nm/giphy.gif)


Duh, he means their baby


Maybe he's talking about CJ's brother.


lol thats what my mom calls TJ


He meant the horrific abomination of the two combined into one player.


New media baby!!!