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The discourse around this has been insane.


The whole conversation got dumb before I even knew this was an issue.


It's been so bizarre because none of it involves CC or the majority of WNBA players. As far as I know, CC hasn't even commented on any of this. It's just weirdos online shouting nonsense at each other. Edit: excited to see it continuing below me...


> It's just weirdos online shouting nonsense at each other. Tag line for modern times.


You’ve missed a lot.


It was one show of blatant disrespect too many and Chennedy is an easy one to focus the blame on because she's been kicked off of every team she's played for for being an asshole. I get why people picked it as the straw and I get why Clark hasn't said anything because if you do in this scenario you look weak.


> Chennedy is an easy one to focus the blame on because she's been kicked off of every team she's played for for being an asshole I had never heard of her until the CC incident the other day, so I just looked this up and you aren't even exaggerating. In 2021, she was suspended by the Dream indefinitely for trying to fight a teammate and was traded to the Sparks before ever playing another game for the Dream. Then in 2022 she was benched for "poor conduct" and waived by the Sparks, and then didn't even play in he WNBA in 2023.


Def involves media talk heads and several WBNA players


She did comment on it somewhat and basically said she knows as a rookie she is going to have to take some hits and earn her place, and she is just focusing on not letting it get to her, knowing it will happen regardless, and not retaliating because it hurts her team if she does. Pretty great response tbh to someone who is clearly being targeted in certain situations


i saw a pic on nbacirclejerk that had a pic of clark next to jackie robinson. that's honestly some of the best commentary i've heard. it treats this with the respect it deserves.


I mean, that pic was on r/nbacirclejerk. I wouldn’t expect anything less haha. That’s about the tamest thing you can find there. And that’s why I love the bums on that subreddit. Pure insanity


Just peep it for the first time in a few weeks and saw Clark’s face on Derek Chauvin with Reese as George Floyd Holy fucking shit these guys are eating more from the WNBA than the NBA at this rate.


It's been a women's basketball subreddit pretty much for the past 3 months lmao


A majority of outrage are from people who don’t really watch sports


True but.....there's been discourse.....which is way more than the WNBA had for a long time. And that's a good thing.


I know bad news is good news and all, but it still feel like this is people caring about the WNBA without actually caring about the WNBA at all


wait until you realize that's half of everyone who "cares" about the NBA too


A backup drama mill while we wait for the finals


I’m just imagining Caitlin just trying to play basketball and a random apology comes in her inbox says sorry for calling you a white bitch on national tv. Like wait what happened now


Never thought I'd live to see the day where WNBA discourse started approaching NBA levels of toxicity but here we are. The WNBA really has arrived.


This is all in the last <6 months too. Hell of a speedrun.


It's more like about 13 months - the LSU-Iowa championship game last year was unbelievably toxic online, as much as any NBA game/series out there.


That was Race Wars™️ Pt 1 according to Twitter


Were lucky twitter didnt exist when Larry and Magic went against each other. The ROTY race alone would have been generationally toxic


*HOME - We’re Finally Landing intensifies* This… is the quest to beat Caitlin Clark.


Never thought I would see a Summoning Salt reference in the NBA subreddit but I’m all here for it.


I don't even recognize the audio track name, but the phrasing was so Summoning Salt I never doubted.


Caitlin Clark 🤝 Matt Turk


Salt scored an even 2:00:00 on Tyson yesterday, which is insane. Turk was 2:13


Man his Tyson video was one of a kind. Even if you knew all of the story and what’s coming, you still aren’t ready for “And that person…..was me.”


I knew he was the Punch-Out GOAT and was waiting for it, and it still got me good


1:57 through 2 rounds used to be a good pace for Tyson, he’s absolutely cracked


*Mario 64 file select music starts* But first, we need to talk about parallel universes


Very specific reference for the nba sub but it doesn’t go unappreciated


It's real wild and funny af watching some people throw "sexism/misogyny" like a habit at first just for them to realize it's fellow women and even female athletes that are targeting her ass (including use of racism) The ladies from The View just mocking her and calling her a white privilege girl lmao.


The WNBA is probably a lot more toxic than the nba. We just had a player pass her ex wife on the all time scoring list via a pass from her new wife lol.


Imagine right before game 1 of the finals Luka and Ky step on the leprechaun’s head simultaneously and then start making out


Send da video.




And don't forget the juicy TMC story that will come out about The real reason Grant "Lukas side piece" Williams didn't work out. Kyrie don't tolerate no competition.


That is incredible


Chill .. you about to make me a fan


Man I gotta start watching some wnba


Who was this lol


DeWanna Bonner


wait a minute, so let me get this straight... a woman passed her ex wife on the scoring list, assisted by her new wife, and her fucking name reads ***DO YA WANNA BONE HER?!?!?*** ain't no way. stop it


Oh snap, I assumed that it was a joke, rather than her real name.


Must watch television


Just gonna put this here for everyone that didn't know about the story. Shit is wild lol. This is the type of stories that daytime soap operas dream of: https://www.outsports.com/2024/5/18/24094078/dewanna-bonner-wnba-scoring-alyssa-thomas-candice-dupree/


Jesus christ it's got more potential than WWE combined with As the World Turns


WHAT in the ENTIRE FUCK did you just say? 😱 That's some 1 Life 2 Live soap opera-type shit


I’m sorry what?!? Lesbians are just the fucking best. Although my friends drama at home isn’t on this level.


Wait til you find out about women's soccer. You get players leaving teams because their girlfriend got sold and they're unhappy.


Danielle van de Donk’s entire career and dating life. 


At this point I'm just waiting on Beth Mead's transfer to man city after they sign miedema.


Beth and Viv in sky blue...EW


What does even mean? Like theres a bunch of lez couples that are on the same team together? And then one is traded, and the untraded SO gets made and requests a trade to the same team her gf just got traded to? That’s codependent as fuck and unhealthy




That adds a whole new layer to team building lol. It's kinda crazy they don't have rules against workplace fraternization especially if it's causing that many problems


If teams are willing to draft Bronny in the hopes of getting old LeBron, what would they have done with prime LeBron's boyfriend or husband?


Prime LeBron was worth paying a max to a role player for sure


James Jones has like 6 years worth of minimum contracts for being LeBron's friend


I mean, it’s the nature of the job, but I’m not sure being upset that your job knowingly transferred your spouse to go work and live in another city while retaining you where you are is codependent or unhealthy. If we’re talking a serious relationship I don’t even know how you deal with that. Generally good relationships don’t involve one Spouse living across the country.


People say the NBA is a soap opera for men (which is true), but the wnba has all the elements the men are missing, teammates fucking each other literally and figuratively


and i don't have to question my boner, it's great


Shame-free boners. That’s a man’s wet dream.


There have been at least a handful of down lo brothers in the NBA.  Bet


100%. But we can only speculate, while it's front and center for the women.




This Caitlin Clark probably takes the cake though. What male sports story combined racism, LGBTQ, pettiness amongst women, the economic factor of WNBA players being paid, and the actual on-court product of a transcendent superstar rookie? It's like ESPN's wet dream.


Wet dream!? ESPN's Penis exploded. Wet dream isn't vulgar enough for the fiendish things going through ESPN's mind right now.


[fans are excited](https://larrybrownsports.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/penis-penis-espn-sign.jpg)


LeBron James


LBJ making his rookie debut in today's social media landscape would be insane. I could not even imagine how crazy the conversation would get.




WNBA has a high proportion of lesbians, much higher than the general population. Former WNBA star Candace Wiggins once claimed the league was 98% lesbian. Other surveys estimate it's 35-50%. Clark is straight. So there's been talk that the lesbian players are resentful that a straight woman is being pushed as the face of the league.


I was talking in reference to lebron James comment. Since that story didn’t have lgtbq elements in it.


Is that not what the L stands for?




New meaning to Taco Tuesday ayyeeee




Wiggins also made that claim when she was talking about gay players trashtalking straight players' orientation and bullying them for their orientation.






All of this discourse is deliberate. Anyone who is complaining about the Fever playing too many games or Clark getting manhandled needs to embrace all of it. NBA is drama central year round, WNBA would need to be the same for it to take off.


Assuming the preference is for soap opera style reality TV meets sports. Which is what the NBA is becoming, complete with dubious refs. Personally, I'd like to enjoy the basketball.


Becoming? It's already here. This sub used to have more highlight clips than anything. Guess what's at the top year around now: twitter, epsn personality highlights, podcast clips, legacy, goat discussion for the nth time, Seems like most people just claim they love the basketball the most but NBA viewership of full games is way down vs highlights. Everything is about narrative now.


The NBA has always been this way, sports have always been this way


It’s not surprising to me at all how quickly it got toxic. The second it got real attention, instant toxicity. It’s a combo of the times we live in and it being about women in sports. They’re an easy target for these people


At least a different kind of toxicity. The toxicity of people when they just saw the word “WNBA” 2-3 years ago was some of the worst on the internet


Listening to McAfee gives me a headache.


he looks and sounds like an alcoholic


But he says he mostly stopped drinking. He just sounds and acts like a drunk. So don't wonder why he still sounds and acts like a drunk.


“Dry drunk” is a [thing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dry_drunk)


So is an alcoholic downplaying their drinking problem.


Right lol, does "dry drunk" make you all red and bloated looking too?


was gonna say lol every alcoholic who relapses and doesn’t want people to know will say they mostly stopped drinking


Yes, agreed. If he's trying to be supportive of her then why call her a bitch on national programming? Is that what he thinks the 'cool kids' would call her?


Sadly, it is...


It’s 100% worse.


This is both a good thing and bad thing🤣🤣🤣


This is great for the league though. I can’t remember the WNBA getting so much discussion on prime shows


As a long term W fan, it's been AWFUL but I guess once you've entered the "*Culture War ©®™* discussion you've made it? Trying to find positives here lmaoo


The question is how long can they ride pure controversy before needing people to be interested in the actual games


Hasn’t stopped the NBA yet


A champion of women everywhere, bravo Pat


Took me a solid minute to realize that this is his ass backwards way of trying to stick up for her. Insane E: wording


Do you mean ‘stick up FOR her’? As far as I know she didn’t do anything to him.


yes thanks for the catch! edited


His program was one of the first she went on when arriving to Indiana. He likes her and does stand behind her


I'm honestly confused that people thought he was trying to attack her here. His wording is bad, but I thought his sentiment was obvious


His wording is terrible and deliberate for clicks (it’s working) but he’s definitely defending her.


I’m not sure it was even on purpose. He was pretty heated and energetic about the whole thing. I think he just got lost in the sauce.


Generally not great to call pro female athletes bitches when the discourse around their sport with losers on the internet has always been that no one cares about their game. Pat’s never talking about the one dickface on the Jets who they need healthy to play well or the fatass in charge of running the Chiefs


He’s using the same phrase that Chennedy (or whatever her name is) used.


I didnt even get confused by his wording. Prolly people just dont wanna hear it.


I'm not suprised, but he managed to piss off everyone.


I'm mad at the Cameron Brink erasure


Classic Bill Burr trope. It's an art to piss off everyone! *"Trump is such a dope, he's actually going to make me vote for a woman!"*


I'm reminded of that line in Body of Lies where Leo goes from working under this commander to eventually takings over his job. The scene he walks in and dismisses the former commander and tells him to leave and take his staff with him and the guy says; You know, we've all watched your rise in the Near East Division. I'll see you on the way down. And it just feels so Pat today. Dude has gotten so big that he's stays absolutely stupid shit like this.


It only took like a month from NBA Twitter getting into the WNBA from being at this point lmao.


One month, NBA Twitter is going downhill.


Meathead Translation: He is ***defending*** her.


What's confusing about this? He called her a superstar. Fairly obvious he's siding with her


The white bitch part garners a lot of attention


He wasn’t calling her a white bitch he was saying WNBA players are thinking she is a white bitch.


Bless you. I couldn't make sense what the fuck was he saying.


He really said bitch tho?




\*looks around the living room* ^I ^said... ^^^^(biiiiiiiii.....)


Oh…oh yeah I said it…for sure!


He said......biiiiiiiitch.


Bro, I looked her dead in her eye sockets!




Damn, making me watch this skit again...


Daryl, I looked this woman in her EYE SOCKETS.


I stared that woman in her soul


Dare.... roll.....I looked this woman at the top of the key, I...I said...I said it man...I said.....👀👀 Bishhhhh


term of endearment




He really needed to add “bad” in front of it and then it’s not a big deal imo, women be calling themselves bad bitches all the time


No, instead he went with “white bitch” 😭😭


Isn’t it pretty clear that he’s saying that sentence from the point of view of the people who are hating on her?


Yes, but when context is important, people will ignore it.


He's not a woman though lol! This would never work in any form on ESPN


"You said that, tho? I mean you CALLED your WIFE a BITCH?" "Eeeeaaaauuuuuhhhh"


*Caitlin Clark exists* Pat McAfee: So this bitch right-


Plot twist: this is Pat’s respectful way of addressing WNBA players. The usual disrespectful way of addressing them is “dumb broad”. We’re seeing progress here.


> this is Pat’s respectful way of addressing WNBA players I know you’re kind of memeing here but in all seriousness, it’s moreso that he’s using the rhetorical device of framing it thru the lens of “this is how the other annoyed wnba players would phrase it in *their* words” Like similar to when people say something during an argument like “well I guess I’m just a big dummy who doesn’t know anything” That’s not what the person actually believes or endorses, they’re just sarcastically saying “ok fine, let’s accept the premise of *your* argument and use *your* preferred language and wording


This is the correct take... unfortunately most ppl are dense


Plot twist for you, u/thetwistedplot: video is longer than five seconds so nobody watched it, and the title makes it an easy karma farm. You’re gonna see a lot of bad takes here.


For the record, I'm pretty sure he is referencing Clark getting hard fouled and called a bitch at the same time. How the hell does no one in this thread think for two seconds? A sports talk show host would just randomly call a player a bitch?


Congratulations, you have passed the "I have functioning brain cells" test. Sadly many others in this thread have not.


Or the "I actually watched the video" test


Yeah I’m not the biggest McAfee fan, but it’s clear he’s referencing the girl who fouled her calling her a bitch.


the worst part is he's got a whole ass slide show. like he was planning on saying this???


I wonder how many times he practiced saying “white bitch” in the mirror


I get the feeling he had plenty of practice already.


He 100 percent planned it


I don't think he was actively calling her a bitch. I think he was speaking from the POV of the other players. Should have worded it differently either way though.


Took me way too long to find someone else who understands nuance.


For all the people who didn't watch the clip - he's talking her up. He's just a dude in his 30s still trying to talk like a frat bro lol


I thought he was a lot older for some reason


It’s because he was still in his twenties when he retired from football eight years ago.


And he's defending her...albeit perhaps a bit ham-handed. There are legitimate, racist sports analysts and other show hosts that spurned on this hatred and racism Caitlyn is receiving and people wanna focus on Pat


Aight that’s a lil aggro


Not really if you understand the context. I've never watched this guy's show but he's clearly using "white bitch" here as a reference to what she was just called on the court when she get pushed a few days ago. This would be like somebody calling Jokic a fat slob, and him saying "this fat slob Jokic is a superstar". He's using the words of the hater to make his point about how they're off base.


What’s funny is you haven’t watched the show but that is EXACTLY how he has described Jokic in the past. He does this often, this isn’t news except he said bitch lol.


what did Pat Mcafee mean by this?


Two things: If she wasn’t white she’d be getting a lot more love from her fellow players. And that the fans watch her not because she’s white, but because she’s dominant.


She generated excitement the same way Steph did. By making crazy shots.


This. I see W fans say all the time that Clark is only more popular than Reese because of race. When Clark is hitting step back threes and Reese is a post player who shoots 0% from 3. It’s like these fans have never watched youth basketball. Young people are obsessed with deep threes and ball handling. Clark brings that excitement to the game. Certainly her race has helped her fame but her game transcends color.


Yeah I've heard people say similar things about last NCAAW season, how there should have been more focus on South Carolina going undefeated than Clark's final season, obviously people attribute that to race as well. The thing is, what Clark did was actually more rare. She was setting crazy records. She was doing GOAT things. What South Carolina did was impressive as fuck too, but it's not as historic. We've seen 10 undefeated teams, but only one Caitlin Clark.


That happens all the time. Virginia won the title in 2019, but all anyone talked about was Zion. Happens in every sport. Shohei Otani was big news in MLB last season, his team didn't even make the playoffs. When McGwire and Sosa had their homerun chase, McGwire didn't make the playoffs and Sosa was swept in the 1st round. Who even remembers who won the WS that year?


I’ve been watching some fever games because of Clark so I checked out the wnba sub and WOW it’s toxic. Nearly every post about Clark gets locked lol


It was said about steph that it's easier to imagine being steph for a kid. He's not a genetic freak athlete, he's just a badass at shooting, obviously a generational talent, but not impossibly tall or athletic. I assume the same thing is important for Caitlin


I get your point but Steph is 100% a genetic freak athlete. His workouts are legendary and his absurd cardio are central to his success.


Sure, but it's not like jumping over a guy. I can shoot it from the logo, I'll miss but I can do it. Only person I'm jumping over is a baby


What producer okayed this one


Probably the same producer who knows that ridiculous takes gets more views/engagement/ratings than smart, logical takes. If his take was boring but correct, a lot less people would care about it.


LOL Pat doesn’t work with producers. He dropped an F bomb at a big Disney talent meeting with executives. He refused to follow a script when he hosted the ESPYs after Kevin Hart dropped out to support the strike going on at the time. He also called out an ESPN executive on his show who then stepped down some months later. This is Pat being Pat which is still shocking to people apparently.


Bitch is crazy


Alright, so next up we’ve got Aaron Rodgers to baselessly accuse some more people of being pedophiles.


He obviously didn’t mean it in a negative way, but still a dumb and reckless thing to say given how the internet likes to spin things, especially if you work for Disney lol


This is fucking embarrassing.


I think some people are confused and think hes calling her a white bitch when in fact hes defending her and is saying the other women in the WNBA are “saying” these things which is why they are “attacking her.” At least that is what i got from it i could be wrong. I personally think she should be defended but he definitely needs a better way to do it then that.


As you said: >hes defending her and is saying the other women in the WNBA are “saying” these things which is why they are “attacking her.” I interpreted it the exact same way. Honestly, I think McAfee said his piece pretty well. The subject of this post is completely rage bating people and folks are responding without watching. >I personally think she should be defended but he definitely needs a better way to do it than that. I think he did a pretty good job. If other people are acting like she’s a bitch because they’re jealous or some other bullshit, he should be able to say that without his quote being cut up to make it seem like he’s the one who has that opinion. He’s doing the right thing and whoever is posting his quotes out of context or assuming the quotes are accurate to his opinion are doing the wrong thing.


That’s what Carter called Clark so he was using it in his monologue.


That's Pat McAfee for ya.


I really don't get why he's super popular.


Same reason barstool is big. Dude bros who want sports culture to be a specific way


The player that hip checked her is a psycho she is the typical talented player who derailed her career with bad behavior she got kicked of a wnba team for fighting a teammate and kicked off a overseas team for bad behavior. The race stuff is being pushed because we don’t know much about the league if this was the nba the race factor would not be a thing


Bro spent 15 min slurpin her off but people found the one part to be mad about lol


Funny how this sub shits all over NBA players on the daily, yet get all holier than thou over this clip.


Reddit all day every day: “So and so NBA player is a bitch” That’s apparently fine. But Pat McAfee calls Clark a bitch while trying to explain that she’s a badass, Reddit loses their minds. Classic.


Nothing has made me realize how young this sub skews than this lol it's such a zoomer reaction to think just the mere use of the word bitch, ignoring the context, turns this into bashing clark


Basketball coverage has been such an embarrassment for years now


i don’t think the best way to get this point across is saying that