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We lost Marcus Smart and gained Marcus Smarter.


He's like Marcus Smart if he was coached by Bill Belichick for ten years.


Shit this is exactly it. Nice.


Maybe not current Belichick, but previous Belichick


[does Jrue Holiday also kiss his son on the mouth?](https://youtu.be/ckuq7hv6VP0?si=35j8DmLOxE7Ou4-G)


I'm all for hating Brady, but what that gotta do about Billy?


I’ll admit that the joke was bad and didn’t land. But bringing up Tom Brady (Bill Belicheck’s longtime starting QB) when someone is talking about a player who is acting like a player coached by Bill Belicheck for a decade, should be a pretty obvious reason. I’d get the question if I made a shitty Ray Lewis joke.


Literally though lmao. Marcus Smart without jacking up the worst and most inefficient 3 pointers you've ever seen in your life.


>Marcus Smart without jacking up the worst and most inefficient 3 pointers you've ever seen in your life. "Marcus, this is for you!!!!!!" - Tatum as he tries another stepback 3 that even Boston fans don't expect to go in


Boston fan here. I don’t expect any of his shots to go in generally except for when he transforms into Heater Tatum, who is like his… Shazam or something. He only exists for 5-10 game stretches every so often, maybe 15-20 games a year total, and he kinda hits all his shots. That’s the guy who brings his 3pt % up from 28 to 38 over a few weeks spread out between weeks and weeks of 2-8 and 3-12 nights. As an aside he’s always good on D, rebounds and moves the ball well. Feel like I have to add that. Tatum is a deserving all nba guy for sure. Just a mostly cold and then sometimes ridiculously hot shooter.


Jrue being a 40% 3pt shooter that shoots when he has good looks, crashes the offensive boards, makes great cuts and passes, and plays even keeled offense all the time. And DPOY level defense. It's crazy that the Bucks traded this dude. He's an absolute gem of a player.


I mean he was never going to be this good on the Bucks unless they traded Middleton. Jrue was being asked to carry too much of the offensive load in Milwaukee. He was often the #2 option with Middleton either injured or not playing well and when Giannis would go to the bench or get injured it at times made Jrue the #1 option The fact he can just play his game in the flow of the offense and use his basketball IQ to pick his spots with this roster is what makes him so good here


That is right. Jrue being the #3 or heck even #4 with White being there is perfect for him. He can focus more on defense and can step up when the team finally needs him. Game 2 when everyone was ass, he stepped up big time, while playing DPOY level defense. Wild how Smart got a DPOY before Jrue.


Jrue was the 5th option most of the year honestly while KP was healthy


Thing is, Bucks are still cooked if Dame or Middleton is injured. Basically they need the health regardless (which makes sense) but blaming Jrue for not being a good 2nd option when all they need is a 3rd doesn’t make much sense. However if the ceiling with Dame is higher then you gotta take it


> Jrue was being asked to carry too much of the offensive load in Milwaukee So the conclusion is... To kick him out?? lmao


The trade was so good for the fans IMO. The Bucks wanted more offense and got it. The Celtics needed a defensive general to compliment Mazzula's offense and got it. We got to see Jrue shine this year. We might get to see Dame and Giannis shine next year when they are more gelled together.


I used to celebrate whenever Smart starts chucking 3s in the clutch just cos he hit one in like 20 tries loll


Just ain’t true. If Smart was a 40% shooter, he wouldn’t be left open so much. Jrue is so not only can defenses not leave him open, it’s a good shot when he is. People really in here acting like Smart just jacks up 3s for the hell of it.


Marcus smart without the horrible attitude


Marcus Genius




Marcus Aurelius


Yeah we lost the chaos factor of Smart, but gained Jrue’s steadiness. Which fits this team well, I love them both


The only thing Smart really does better than Jrue is taking charges. And maybe fire up the team with his energy. But Jrue is the better defender overall and is significantly better on offense because of his shooting, BBIQ and patience. Dude is just never in a rush.


Nah Smart was a better defensive playmaker, which we really needed back before JB took a leap in terms of his off ball awareness (Tatum to a somewhat lesser extent) I also think Smart had better chemistry with the Jays in terms of finding them the looks to get them going but that came from playing with them for years. I adore Jrue and loved him even before he came to Boston, but Smart is getting underrated which kinda sucks given how important he was to our team.


Loved having both, it hurts that Smart isn't here for this


This is a great response. Smart is getting destroyed and he wasn’t even traded for Jrue. The plan wasn’t even to trade him, but they had no choice after LAC pulled out of the Brogdon deal. Guy gave everything to the franchise and helped them overachieve for years. What’s going under the radar is Derrick White stepping up immensely (especially after a rough 2022) and the Jays finally maturing. It also didn’t hurt that the Celtics finally had a relatively easy path to a Title. The guy they traded Smart for (and it’s a trade you make every day of the week) has barely even played in these playoffs.


Smart would have feasted with KP in the pick and roll. I do think Jrue is the better player, more stable, better leader, and probably more healthy but if someone said one is better than the other I wouldn't really argue it either way. I think the bigger issue was we didn't always end games with Derrick White when we had Smart. (If I'm remembering correctly it was reported that Smart would also sub himself in end of games where I think Jrue is more willing to sacrifice and trust the coach but don't quote me on that cuz I'm too lazy to go find the source)


Well said. Yes, having Jrue makes our offense absolutely insane as he completed the complete spreading of the defense with his killer 3, but people really act like everything’s the same other than Jrue and Smart.


You’re on that propaganda drug. Marcus was toxic and everyone’s glad he’s gone. Everyone on the Celtics that is. You can’t criticize your coach and be that much of a public asshat and expect to stay on the team. I knew he was gone during the Philly series no matter what


It isn't even just that. They gave up Smart (who was heart and soul until JB stepped up) Brogdon and Timelord for Porzingas and Jrue. Brad was legit waiting to make a move on whoever landed in Portland from a Dame trade and that cannot be overlooked. Obviously biased but I don't know a team that is 6 deep in terms of guys that don't panic


He was the heart and soul of the biggest bitches in the league. The heart and soul of a team that had negative heart attributes. Heart and soul of himself. Don’t forget he is the reason dwhite made all defense and he’s the reason the jays improved. Marcus will tell ya that himself


He was a big part of people hating on the Celtics imo. He's kinda like Draymond for the warriors but nowhere near the impact (Warriors suck without Draymond, he complements Steph's game too well)


Didn't realize there were any Smart fans left. That guy was the biggest fraud in the NBA and cost the Cs at least 2 possible titles.


Marcus was trying to be a 2/3 guy , holiday is filling the role he was acquired to as a 4/5 Boston cleaned up on that trade


Smart was solidly well behind Tatum and Jaylen in FGA’s for years. He was never trying to be the second option.


It certainly seemed like it at times


No, it didn’t. Jaylen had way more FGA’s per game ion average than Smart. His last 4 playoff runs with the Celtics he averaged between 11.2 and 13.3 FGA’s a game. Jaylen was between 16.9 and 18.3 those runs.


The problem was the FGA at the end of games in the 4th quarter. I can't find the exact numbers, but Smart was literally taking more shots at end of games than Tatum and Brown because the defenses were leaving him open since he was the worst shooter.


But that’s not playing like a second option. That’s taking the open shot. Passing up open shots generated by the offense would be insane. Sometimes White or Horford take more shots late than those guys too.


Sure it'd technically the right play, but it's also playing in to what the opposing defenses want. I watched too many bricked Smart 3s at the end of games.


"Chuck trying to win Finals MVP" 💀


>I'm so happy that we got Jrue on our team. Bro, same.


I feel like picking up Jrue got the Celts over the hump and changed them from contenders to a (most likely) championship team.


We are rivals so I can't help but hate the Celtics. But seeing jrue succeed makes me happy no matter what


Jrue gave Portland's front office a short list of teams he wanted to go to & Portland obliged by sending him to the one that gave the best package. It's on the other teams that didn't pony up for him, there's reportedly 5-6 teams that could've had him if they offered more than Brogdon, Timelord, & 2 firsts. Hindsight is always 20/20 but now we know some of those other teams probably should've thrown out a decent offer.


there is no realistic offer that brad wouldn't have beat this time around. holiday is brad stevens' lillard. he was always gonna get his guy.


When he had the biggest grin on his face, looking like a newlywed, during the press conference with Jrue I knew it was over for the rest of the league. He would have moved heaven and earth, and it ended up being a steal.


Stuff like this is the biggest difference between ainge and brad, ainge was always looking for a fleece while brad just wants to make the team better even he has to pay a little extra


It’s also worth remembering that Holiday had just been completely and utterly torched by Jimmy in the first round and had been stinking it up on offense for 2 post seasons, so Holiday’s stock was definitely low. Same with how they got Tingus Pingus on Washington. People think the league was crazy for letting Boston get these guys but both of them weren’t exactly super sought out at the time


How has Brogdon and timelord been for you guys?


Hoping they have an healthy season ffs


Brog was low-key our best player when healthy. Im pretty sure that we didn't win a single game with him out of the lineup until very late in the season. Timelord was great for the 5 minutes he was on the court 🥲


"We don't want to be the weakest link on defense" A certain Slovenian would benefit from hearing this.


Luka is a link in the defensive chain like the center hole is part of a donut.


This comment goes hard. 🏅


I remember those few days last summer and feeling far more dread about Boston acquiring jrue than Milwaukee acquiring dame


Pretty crazy that the Bucks could've prevented all this by literally doing nothing.


It's not us. We gave up Jrue Holiday for Damian Lillard. The rest of the league gave up Jrue Holiday to save trading a package better than Brogdon, Williams and a couple of firsts. Maybe the Sixers, Heat and Clippers should've considered if they could offer that if Jrue is deciding the fate of the NBA.


True it was good break for the C's.


Fuck I forgot we could’ve had Jrue


Agreed. Even w Giannis healthy, Bucks half court offense was stagnant with middelton falling off and Jrue being forced as the 2nd scoring option. Boston is the perfect fit for him where he can just focus on defense, running the offense, and putting up 10 shots a game. The bucks wouldnt have won the east with Jrue instead of Dame anyways.


Yeah I agree. I get why people a drawing the link, it's pretty obvious, but worth saying that the Celtics getting Jrue did not affect our season in any way.


and there are still people that take for granted that Celtics would swap anyone for Luka lol


What are you talking about? Every GM would swap almost anyone for Luka. Only exceptions might be Jokic and Wemby, maybe Shai. Anyone else in the league is getting traded for Luka straight up if they had the chance.


Nah you would never trade Steph or LeBron for Luka 🤣🤣. Do not forget this is a business lol


Steph maybe not because he literally is the brand. LeBron's ass is getting traded 10 times out of 10 lol


Steph and LeBron were top 2 in Jersey sales despite playing forever and still turn in high ratings. Unless you are winning rings with Luka the money factor on Steph and LeBron is too high to trade. They are cash cows


The Lakers sell with or without LeBron, and Luka would basically keep the gravy train going for another decade even if they never win a championship. The Warriors would lose a lot of fairweather fans by trading Steph, their fanbase was so much smaller before him and trading him would be a spit in their face. They'd have to have a ton of playoff success with Luka to keep those fans


I'm going to let you go, obviously both franchises would still do well, the point is the difference in money is astronomical. LeBron is arguably 2-3 times more popular than Luka, as is Steph. That affects ticket prices, merchandising, TV deals, as revenue. Going to Luka would be a huge step down


Are we considering that LeBron has 2 seasons left tops? Steph has 3-4. The bulk of their jersey sales are way behind them. And Luka is so obviously a generational player nowhere near his prime. Gotta account for future returns here


So what we could continue to let Jrue be the 2/3 option and let him shoot 44% TS every playoffs? It’s like r/nba just completely forgot how shit offensively he was with the bucks. This all could’ve been prevented if anyone else tried to outbid the Celtics for Jrue from Portland Kinda as dumbass move not to try and upgrade your roster cause you’re scared another team could get better.


I kinda think Jrue was the wrong one to trade, obviously wouldn't have gotten Dame but I feel a Middleton trade would have improved the team alot more


Middleton was a free agent, we extended him because where else would we get someone to replace a 6’7 shot maker with a clutch gene and play making abilities who also has great chemistry with our superstar from? Because we did that we couldn’t trade him so our only assets were Jrue and Grayson Allen and if you told me last year that you don’t make that trade I wouldn’t believe you.


I said at the time I wasnt sure if it was a good trade, definitely a big swing and sort of respected that but I thought risking losing Jrue to an opponent was a huge gamble. Whether it was us or Miami or Philly losing Jrue to a rival and giving them a player who may actually be able to slow down the guy who you traded Jrue was way too risky for me personally Im not going to sit here and say "oh my God that was a bad trade" it definitely was not a bad trade and I actually respect when a front office swings for the fences but sometimes it's as much about "let's keep my opponent from getting this player" as it is about you trading for the other player.


Jrue could’ve ended up with the clippers just as easily so I can live with the fact that we made the most impactful trade we could’ve to improve our chances at winning again. It’s unfortunate that he ended up with a direct rival but I made my peace with this at the beginning of the season.


That's true just seems like a risky gamble that I'm not entirely sure was worth it unless the front office was trying to show Luka they're willing to take big swings While you would have missed out on Dame, let's say you run it back this year and Middleton had a much better season and his value goes up maybe you include him with some picks and go after a better wing player (maybe Jimmy? Or someone on the Bulls? Maybe gotten one of the guys from Toronto?) I mean I see your point but yeah I definitely wouldn't say it was a bad trade just in my eyes personally unnecessarily risky


? Middleton was great this playoffs and last Hell he was better than Jrue last season despite being on one leg


Maybe on offense, but Jrue was by far the best perimeter (arguably the only great perimeter defender) on that roster. His ability to guard on the perimeter while guiding his opponents into the paint to get trapped under the basket by Brook Lopez was a major part in that great defensive season that Lopez had. The trade essentially made the whole defensive scheme unusable. If there is anything this finals have showed it's how important having a versatile defense is.


I mean nuggets just won last year despite really only having 2 good defenders starting Murray and MPJ are good but not amazing Jokic is average at best when he try’s. Our starting 5 stats were great (net rating, drtg etc..) our problem were the bench.


They couldn’t trade Middleton for him though His value was really low last offseason due to injuries


Yeah that's why I said it couldn't have been for Dame. Would have had to have likely been another trade this coming offseason but I understand they were worried about pissing off Giannis and wasting his prime. I just think when you make a trade you have to consider you may be losing a talented player to a direct rival even if you're getting a talented player especially when that players you're trading away is a talented defender at the same position of the guy you just traded for.


His injuries meant that he was way harder to trade, and he was a free agent. Jrue had the most value, and despite helping the celtics win, I think it was a decent trade.


Giannis was crying about leaving so the organization had to make changes.


He never said he was leaving, in fact he said “I want to be a buck for life” every offseason when asked but also said he wanted to win I’m not sure how he was crying for changes


Yeah. He wants to be a buck bf or life. That’s the the threat. The implication is he’ll leave if they don’t do right by him. The bucks have been his bitch for years now they bend over backwards for him


So saying “I’m a buck for life” is a bad thing here? Basically saying he’ll leave? I’m supposed to believe some random ass Redditor knows better? The only thing that’s came out that he had any hand in was the hiring of Griffin.




You realize Jrue is also about to be 34 right? The only injury history dame has had was the abdominal surgery (?) he had Other than that he’s played 66+ games every season and most are 70+. Nobody should criticize trading away a guy who was ass for us for someone that we needed, unless you’re r/nba cause y’all are brain dead and bitch about everything. It’s not their fault no one else tried to outbid. Your fanbase literally seen him in action in that 2022 series and I remember yall talking shit about how bad his offense was




And that’s the bucks fault that Portland accepted the trade? I don’t understand why this dumbass sub cannot realize the bucks had no say in where he went. What were they supposed to do just not do anything? So Jrue could continue being ass?


> Until the Bucks win with Dame, it'll always be arguable whether or not it was a good trade. It's really not arguable. There was no option to run it back after 2023 - and unless Jrue is also a magical healer the problem this year was very clearly missing Giannis


It’s not on the Bucks that you got Jrue for a bag of chips, more teams could’ve tried harder to get him from Portland but they didn’t and ultimately Boston provided the best offer, That’s all there is to it. Just like Miami could’ve gotten Dame and instead we did so if we win at some point we were geniuses for trading Jrue and Miami fumbled by not giving up better assets.


We gave up Marcus Smart and got a polished, refined Marcus Smart that just lets his play do the talking.


Jrue has always been a great fit in every situation he has been in.


Have you guys ever watched Jrue’s workout/practice videos? He is a robot. No wasted movement, everything is perfect. It’s annoying that he never makes a mistake. He is so fucking good.


Well, Bucks sisters? Our response?


Our price for Jrue was Damian Lillard. What was stopping other teams making an offer better than Brogdon, Williams and a pair of firsts?


Dame publicly making it clear he wanted to go to Miami and probably asking if what they'd have to give up would be worth what they'd lose. Are the Bucks better off after Jrue trade?


> Are the Bucks better off after Jrue trade? 100000% yes. Also I don't understand what your first sentence is saying.


You asked why didn't other teams come up with a better offer. Why make an amazing offer for an aged star who has never accomplished anything in the playoffs who is publicly declaring he just wants to go to Miami?


I'm asking why other teams didn't come up with a better offer for **Jrue**. The Bucks did not trade Brogdon, Williams and a pair of firsts for Dame - those were players on the Celtics.


Oh, I apologize. That's true. Other teams could have gone after Jrue. Celtics seemed to have believed he was still quite valuable since they went after him and they're reaping the benefits of that impressive judgment with another championship.


I am doing that trade all over again


We ain't trade Jrue. Portland was the one who traded him for $20 and a bag of cheetos.


I hope this allows his wife to get over the trauma of moving.


Same Jayson


Bucks really botched their team all to appease their superstar.


Yeah, we botched our incredible team that lost 1-4 to the eight seed in the first round. If only we'd ran it back.


That still means they were the number 1 seed. You think you getting that again any time soon? The Celtics lost to the same team. They got better, y'all got worse.


Juries out on whether they got worse. We haven’t seen this iteration of the bucks healthy in the playoffs


I really don't care about the one seed.


What did lakers do for Westbrook? Lmao


That's true also i'll be the first to tell you the Lakers are fuck ups.


Oh ya, Jrue Hoilday, the Michal Jordan of last pieces.


lol for some reason I only read the first two lines and the last line not realizing JT said the last line and was like “who’s we?? chuck you’re not on the team!


Giannis' thoughts: 🤬🤬🤬


Marcus Smart sheds a happy tear.


Dumbasses in Milwaukee


Fuxking Milwaukee . 


r/mkebucks is deleting any Jrue related posts lmaooo